Reborn as a hero's daughter...

By saki-san2

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Raid, one of the six heroes, was forced to fight the demon god alone and ended up fighting him. When he awoke... More

Chapter I. Near Death.
Chapter 2 Encounter with a (self-proclaimed) god
Chapter III: The Legend.
Chapter IV: Resuming life.
Chapter V. Shocking revelations.
Chapter VI: Infant Girl, Standing on the Earth (Bed).
Chapter VII: The First Time ......
Chapter VIII - God's Blessing.
Chapter IX - First outing.
Chapter X. Climbing trees with friends.
Chapter XI - Attack of the Monsters.
Chapter XII: Endurance war for life.
Chapter XIII - The heroic figure.
Chapter XIV - The consequences of begging.
Chapter XV - God's Gift.
Chapter XVI - Five years old, long-awaited training in swordsmanship.
Chapter XVII - Finia's past.
Chapter XVIII - The King's marriage proposal.
Chapter XIX - Study abroad in Raum.
Chapter XX: Prospects for the future.
Chapter 21 - The True Value of Interference Magic
Chapter 22 - Age 7, First Hunting.
Chapter 23 - Results of the examinations
Chapter 24: The morning of departure
Chapter 26 - Attacks in the streets.
Chapter 27: Surprise attack
Chapter 28: Her decision.
Chapter 29 Arrivals
Chapter 30: The Fourth Hero.
Chapter 31 - Residency.
Chapter 32: Maxwell, Dean of the Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Chapter 33 - Measuring Magic
Chapter 34 - Discomfort in the City
Chapter 35: The identity of sound.
Chapter 36: Sabotage.
Chapter 37: Brawl.
Chapter 38: Struggles
Chapter 39: White Helping Hands.
Chapter 40 - The Rigid Bow
Chapter 41 - Cleaning up afterwards
Chapter 42: The Struggle
Chapter 43 - First time in Raum: ......
Chapter 44: Defeating the Evil Dragon
Chapter 45 - The Legend.
Chapter 46 - Reid's Decision.
Chapter 47: The Parker.
Chapter 48 - Orphanage comfort.
Chapter 49: Late Night.
Chapter 50: Summoning the Demon Gods
Chapter 51: The end of a previous life
Chapter 52: Morning routines
Chapter 53: Morning as a child
Chapter 54 - Let's go and see the academy.
Chapter 55-Authoritarianism
Chapter 56 - First time at school
Chapter 57: Entrance ceremony intrigues.
Chapter 58: Preparing for the new class
Chapter 59: Physical insecurity.
Chapter 60-The Mystery of the Music Room
Chapter 61: Late-night training

Chapter 25 - Itinerary.

48 3 0
By saki-san2

We were hurried on our journey to Raum, rocking in the wagon.

 The journey was smooth, and there were no attacks to worry ...... about. ...... upp.

'Finia, I'm sick'.

'Not again, Lady Nicole'!

 For the second time today, Finia was startled by the declaration of carriage sickness.

 The carriage journey itself was going well, but my condition was not. I am afraid of Maria's keen eye, which had anticipated this situation and given me the anti-sickness potion ahead of time.

 However, that, too, seemed to be nothing more than a mantis axe in front of my frail constitution. It didn't work at all.

 As expected, even my best friend, Michelle-chan, was laughing in disgust at my ugliness.

 However, stopping the carriage to suit my physical condition would delay the itinerary.

 So Finia took out from her pocket the potpourri of scents she always wears and put me on her knees.

 The carriage is not a passenger carriage with seats, but a wagon with only a top to protect it from the wind and rain, and you sit directly on the back of the wagon.

 The ride is near the worst, but it is an advantage to be able to lie down and stretch out at times like this.

 With my head resting on Finia's soft lap, I bring a potpourri of fresh fragrance to my nose and immerse myself in its scent.

 Her potpourri contains lavender as well as mint leaves, which gives it a cool, refreshing scent.

 The invigorating aroma soothes the exhausted semicircular canal.


'Cousin Nicole, you're just like a kitten.'

'Yes, Nicole, you look like a cat.'


 Michelle laughs at my ugliness with Finia, while her mother scolds her in a flustered manner.

 I may look like this, but I'm the daughter of a hero, so I get more respect than a lowly aristocrat.

 Her mother must be trembling with fear, lest she and Maria be displeased with her.

 She is also supported in Raum, so she is not worried about it.

'That's fine, not really. It's true that my body is weak - that's a fact.'

 I still feel uncomfortable with feminine language.

 I've managed to get used to calling myself 'I'.

 In addition to us and Michel and her parents, there are also several merchants and other people on this carriage heading to Raum.

 The merchants are returning to the town of Raum with the proceeds from their sales in the village.

 Because they are carrying large sums of money, they are accompanied by three guards.

 They also seemed a little nervous about having me as their companion.

'Oh, yes, my adventurer brother. What can you tell me?"

'Dear Nicole, ...... that's ......'

 They are also on guard duty.

 They don't need to listen to the child's demands and they don't have time for that.

 Being on the lookout without a break is more mentally draining than it needs to be.

 I've been through it myself a lot when I was an adventurer.

'Don't worry, there are no monsters or anything around.'

'Oh, you can tell?'

''Sort of.''

 This is a sensing ability due to a pre-birth skill, but it is a range that does not involve physical ability, so I have the same sensing ability now as I did before.

 The presence of enemies is not caught in that sensing range.

 Even for them, since they are marching with the wagons, they may need to take such a breather.

 They could have taken it in turns to be on guard, but they are all on guard. If they are so tense, they will eventually fray and make a mistake.

' Is it ...... true?"

'There certainly doesn't seem to be any enemies in our watch area, but ......' ......

 In response to my words, Finia asked one of the adventurers and received a similar answer.

 Of course, I'm not the one who can get ahead of these fledglings.

'Right? I have a pretty good ear.

'Well, then - may I speak?

 Thus, the adventurers were able to tell us stories of their adventures so far.

 They were tales of adventures that could not be experienced in a small village.

 Everyone listened to them with great interest. Except me.

 From my point of view, their adventure stories sounded like the result of a sloppy adventure with many holes.

 Still, they were interesting enough to relieve the ennui of travelling.

 Sitting in silence, not speaking, is also a tiring activity.

''Then suddenly a troll jumps out from the shadows...''


' 'But there wasn't room for a troll in there, was there?'

 Trolls are a type of giant up to five metres tall. Their previous story was that the ceiling was only about three metres high.

'Ugh ...... that, that's .......'

'Oh God, I'm making up stories ...... and it was goblins that came out of there.'

 The three adventurers are two men and a woman. The female adventurer explained the contradiction of the men.

 Well, it's not hard to understand why they would want to get the general public talking, but since we are listening to them to relieve ourselves, we would like to be forgiven for at least making a quip.

 And when I make a quip like that, the other passengers laugh out loud. In a way, it can be said that our friendship is deepening.

 From past experience, people who are too skilled and skilful tend to be feared for that alone.

 By presenting the appearance of an adventurer who is a bit off the beaten track in this way, the general public can become familiar with them.

 After Maria and the others retired, we couldn't do that.

 We continued our journey, remembering this when we saw the adventurers smiling with the passengers.

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