Daisy's Daddies, Book 2

By BabyGurl5119

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This is a continuation of my first book 'Daisys Daddies'. For you to not be lost or confused, reading Daisy's... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1. Welcome Home
Chapter 2. The Lantern
Chapter 3. Bria
Chapter 4. House In The Tree
Chapter 5. Inklusive
Chapter 6. Panic
Chapter 7. Punished
Chapter 8. Secrets
Chapter 9. Rides
Chapter 10. Eating Contest
Chapter 11. Abandoned
Chapter 12. Fools Hope
Chapter 13. Booster
Chapter 14. Fantasy
Chapter 15. Food For The Soul
Chapter 16. Duh
Chapter 17. Bad Listener
Chapter 18. For Dad
Chapter 19. The Fight
Chapter 20. Airport
Chapter 21. At A Loss
Chapter 22. Layover
Chapter 23. Call Back
Chapter 24. Flight Two
Chapter 25. Anticipation
Chapter 26. Fantasy
Chapter 27. Rick
Chapter 28. Watch Her
Chapter 29. Realization
Chapter 30. Mermaids
Chapter 31. I'm Sorry
Chapter 32. Steak-Out
Chapter 33. Hidden Text
Chapter 34. Barbecue
Chapter 35. Unfortunate
Chapter 36. Hospital
Chapter 37. Sneaky
Chapter 38. Night Nurse
Chapter 39. Visit
Chapter 40. Picnic
Chapter 41. Tomorrow For Lunch
Chapter 42. Brownies


11K 239 79
By BabyGurl5119

Daisy's POV

Three Years Later

The past has always been hectic. I lost my parents, lost my best friend, was bullied in school, I was kidnapped and abused, and I lost who I was for a little bit. But I can't ignore how my life has gotten so much better. I have a mom who loves me, not only one but two best friends who love me, I'm not bullied anymore, instead I'm embraced for being who I am, and I'm me again.

My daddies bought Bria and her mom a new home last year. Not only did I not want the memories from that house, but my family didn't either. Bria's mom found out the truth about what happened after we made up. Just like Bria, her mom didn't want to accept that the love of her life was capable of such crimes and abuse but Bria showed her all of the evidence against him.

She never treated me differently though, she knew I could have never done anything to hurt anyone. But she didn't trust daddy James or daddy Asher for months. Once she got to know them, she warmed up and now we're a big family. We even have some new additions!

Bria started dating this man named Malik! They look so cute together too! Like they were made for each other. She looks at him in a way she's never looked at anyone before. She got pregnant with a baby girl last year and made me an auntie! I love my new job. She lets me babysit sometimes, knowing I love to play with her. She named her Sage and she looks just like her mommy! She doesn't talk yet but I'm trying to make sure her first word is Daisy.

My daddies and I have talked about having babies since I was a tad bit jealous when I found out Bria was having a baby. I never had a little brother or sister so I never even held a baby before I held Sage.

My daddies explained to me that I can't just have a baby because I want one. They are a big responsibility, the biggest responsibility. Daddy Asher offered happily to give me a baby until daddy James hit him in the back of the head and called him irresponsible for egging on a situation I fully didn't understand.

I want to be a mommy some day, just not yet. I'm happy with just being an auntie right now!

Carson and Drew have talked about babies one day too. Maybe I'll be a double auntie if they do have babies! I hope they get Carson's blond hair though, I think it's super pretty.

My daddies proposed to me a few months ago though! It was so beautiful! They took me to the beach, my favorite place in the world, and rented it out so it was only us. A large canopy with white and sparkly pink see through fabric was on top of it while the ends flowed loosely in the soft wind. I wore a pair of jean shorts with a white crop top and flip flops with a large sun hat to protect my skin from getting sunburned. To make a long story short, they proposed together as the sun was setting. Daddy James said they picked it out together and when I saw what they had engraved in it, I cried happy tears. Both of their names was on the inside of the ring in small print. They both wanted to do this and they both picked me above all others they could have.

The ring is beautiful too. The diamond was in the shape of a teardrop, I think daddy Asher said the shape was called dewdrop, but I always say teardrop. Smaller diamonds traced the outer edges of the main diamond, and two bands connected to make one band held the diamonds, with diamonds lining the band itself. It looks crazy expensive, but I love it so much that I didn't complain.

Bria and Carson were so happy for me! We all had a girls day when I told them. We got our nails done, we got yummy food and we went shopping for clothes. I had so much fun with the both of them. I was a little worried about Carson not liking Bria, but I think she gave her a second chance seeing how badly I love her.

It's a little nontraditional, well, the whole marriage with three people is nontraditional but I asked both Bria and Carson to be my Maid Of Honors. I couldn't just pick one or the other, it had to be both of them.

My daddies and I have talked a lot about what we want our wedding to be like, all I know as of now is that it'll be a beach wedding, shocker, and we will have a peach and green theme.

Right now, we are all gathered together picking out a movie for movie night. Bria and her mom both brought food while me, Carson, and daddy James made food and snacks here. We always have a huge buffet on movie nights! We made a bunch of roast beef with cheese sandwiches, a box of brownies, we cut up vegetables and put a dish filled with ranch next to it and we made a butt load of popcorn. Bria and her mom brought mac and cheese with bacon in it, buffalo chicken dip, and three different kinds of chips.

"What about this one angel?" Daddy Asher asks, holding up a movie.

"I'll let you pick it out this time daddy. I always pick the movie out so it's somebody elses turn." I giggle knowing I would've said no because it looks a little scary.

He smiles and butterflies draw smiley faces in my tummy. I like making him happy.

I help daddy James, Drew, and Carson bring the trays of food into the living room and almost trip over air and drop the popcorn all over the floor, luckily I caught myself before it had the chance to fall, that would've been a disaster!

Bria, Sage, Malik, and our mom walk through the front door, knowing we don't like when they knock since our home is also their home. They join us in the big living room and I receive hugs from them both.

Bria said our mom had go to somewhere for a long time, I don't know where she went, but I'm happy she's back now. I missed her a lot more than I thought I would.

"What're we watching DeeDee?" Bria asks as she sits on the couch to give Sage a bottle.

"Give me my niece!" I hold out my hands and grab the air. She laughs and pats next to her on the couch. When I sit down, she lays Sage in my arms and hands me the bottle.

"Halloween." Daddy Asher bounces his eyebrows. Bria looks between us with furrowed eyebrows.

"She said I could pick." He playfully sticks his tongue out at her, causing me to laugh while feeding Sage. I swear I love this baby.

Bria giggles while raising her hands defensibly.

"Hey dork." Malik says to me as he walks into the room. I don't know what I did to deserve that nickname, but I find it kind of funny. I gave him a goofy one too!

"Hi teeny!" I laugh referring to his size. Bria says that they go to the gym at least once a day, especially since she had Sage to lose the baby weight so I thought teeny would be a good way to make fun of his size. He's not small though, he got muscles like my daddies do, but its fun to watch him roll his eyes at the name.

"We're watching Halloween." Bria informs him. He looks at Carson and I with a slightly worried expression. So, it is scary then?

"They'll be okay," daddy Asher comforts, "hopefully." He adds with a small chuckle.

Hmm. Definitely something scary.

"Can I see the baby?" Carson asks, sitting in the spot next to me. I shimmy over so Carson can see her cute chubby face.

"When will she be able to play with us? Like go in the treehouse or play with dolls?" Carson asks Bria.

"She's still too small for all that. But by her second birthday, she'll be able to do all those things." Bria smiles.

Carson and I do a small victory dance. We obviously can't wait to really play with her.

A loud rumble comes out of Sage's butt, then an immediate stench coats the room. I quickly hold Sage out to Malik, silently begging him to take her. I want babies one day, but I'm not ready to change stinky diapers. He just laughs and takes her into his arms. "Lets get you all cleaned up before auntie Daisy throws up." He whispers to her.

I lean my head on Carson's shoulder as daddy James, Drew, and mom come into the room. "I think it's a scary movie. Can we hold hands so we can be stronger? Monsters can't get us if we are holding hands." I whisper to Carson.

Without a word, she takes my hand and holds it tight.

Daddy James takes a sandwich from the tray and winks at me, making me blush. After all this time, they still always find a way to make the butterflies that live in my tummy go crazy.

Once everyone is settled in, we start the move. I sit on daddy James' lap, sitting next to Carson on Drew's lap while holding Carson's hand. Bria is sitting next to Malik who is still holding Sage, our mom is sitting next to Drew, and daddy Asher is sitting on the floor in front of me while my free hand accepts the food he hands to me. Whoever made the buffalo dip, is an amazing chef.

Gloria even came down to join us, she's sitting on the other side of Bria.

Gloria is extra happy on the days she gets a little more free time, movie nights are one of the days she gets a lot of time to herself. Her hair has turned a little grey over the years, but she rocks the grey. I'm happy she doesn't dye it to make it black like her natural hair. That tells me she loves who she is and isn't worried about being older.

As the movie goes on, Carson never lets go of my hand. When super scary parts come, we squeeze each others hands. Daddy James plays with my hair, which relaxes me when things get scary.

When the movie is finally over, Carson is knocked out on Drew's lap and Sage is sleeping on Maliks chest. I don't know how anyone can sleep after seeing what we just saw. They're both crazy!

We say goodbye to everyone since movie night is drawing to an end. Next movie night, daddy Asher will not be picking out the movie.

I help Gloria clean the living room while she tries to convince me that Michel Myers isn't real and I don't need to be afraid of water.

"But how do you know? How can you be so sure?" I ask while putting popcorn bowls in the sink.

"Because if he were, then nobody would be alive to tell the tale. And even if he were real, nobody would let him touch you." She chuckles as she starts the water, letting it warm up before she washes the dishes.

I sigh. I know she's right.

"Go get ready for bed silly girl. I'll see you in the morning."

I give her a quick hug and race up the stairs. I've been doing better with sleeping, it used to be very hard. It was hard for at least two years. But now I actually fall asleep quite easily, especially when both of my daddies are with me.

"Did you have a good night princess?" Daddy James asks as I walk into my room to change into some pajamas.

"Tons of fun daddy. I'm not letting daddy Asher pick out the next movie though, next time it's your turn." I admit, shivering as the thought of Michel Myers pops back into my mind.

Daddy James kisses the top of my head and goes to my drawers.

He picks out a pink silk nightgown that ends just above my knees. I love this nightgown because its very comfortable.

I slip my clothes off my body then pull the silk nightgown over my naked body.

Daddy James hands me Mr.Purr and I follow him out of the room. We end up going to daddy Asher's room and he's already sitting shirtless on the right side, his side, of the bed. It's weird how daddy James always sleeps on the left side and daddy Asher always sleeps on the right. I guess my permanent spot is always and has always been in the middle, so it's not that weird, I guess.

I climb into the bed with daddy James following behind me.

I snuggle up to daddy Asher by laying my head on his chest while daddy James wraps his arm around my hip, softly rubbing circles into the fabric.

If I could go back, I wouldn't change a thing. If anything were changed, I might not have all that I have today.

And I love my life today.

Thank you all for reading! Please remember to vote, comment, and follow!

I'm sad to say this has officially come to an end. I loved writing this for you all so much!

Please check out my new book 'Touch In The Dark'. Although it's not DD/LG, it does have a daddy kink so maybe you'll like it just as much!

I do plan on making another DD/LG book eventually, and also more reverse harem/ harem books as well! 

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