
By Minnsta

306K 8.7K 1.7K

"Oh, no," He sighed, cupping my tear stained face in his hands. "No, no. Don't cry." I was unable to tear my... More

Midnight Club
First Encounter
We Meet Again
Night Out (1)
Night Out (2)
Night Out (3)
Beginning of Fear
The Very Beginning
In the Eyes of Kieran
I Can Be Bold Too
Search and No Rescue
Kieran's Fate
Uninvited Guests
Baby Steps
A Flash of Hope
A Change of Scenery
Nothing Lasts for Forever
The Bathroom (1)
The Bathroom (2)
Family Reunion
Is It Forgiveness?
A New Kind of Light
Blind Insight
The Main Event (Kieran)
The Main Event (Suriah)
Freed From the Devil
A Delusional Dream
Extra One
Extra Two

My Capture

10K 288 31
By Minnsta

TW// Abduction, kidnapping

It's cold, the floor is cold. Where am I? What's going on? How long was I unconscious for? I wiggled around on the floor as much as I could since my body was so numb that I could barely move. Wait, I don't have my shirt on, where did it go? What happened to me? Did someone touch me? My hands are tied together but my feet aren't. Fuck, it's too dark I can't see anything,

From what I can tell, well actually feel, I was lying on a marble or tile floor in an extremely dark room to the point where I couldn't even see my feet. My body was starting to wake up and my adrenaline had gone through the roof, my heart was beating as fast as a cheetah runs, my head had thoughts running through it at 100 miles per hour and all my senses were alerted.

I scooted myself up and sat there thinking of which way to move, I slid back until I hit something. My fingers ran over whatever it was, was it a bathtub? I used it to help myself stand up and wander the room, it was actually a bathroom. I was in a bathroom. I wandered around more until I felt the edge of a cabinet, this should work. I pressed my foot on the cabinet door and pulled back on the plastic cable tie as hard as I could. It didn't work the first time but after a couple tries it did. Once I freed my hands I felt around until my hands stopped on a door handle.

Is this it? What if it's not unlocked? And if it is? What do I do when I open the door?

I shut my eyes while holding my breath and pulled the handle down and the sound of it clicking open made my heart drop. The light outside blinded my eyes but I pushed past that and quietly looked through the crack of the door, no one was out there. It's quiet.

I opened the door all the way and shut it behind me and stopped out front looking both ways. A long hallway with only one way out. The walls were dark gray, the wooden floors were the same dark gray and thin dangling lights dimly shining up the hallway.

My wobbly legs stepped forward and walked down the hall in silence, now that I wasn't in the dark I realized the only shirt I had was my black mesh top that still exposed my cleavage. Gross, I don't even want to picture what someone could've done.

Out in front I could see glass railing and when I set foot outside the hallway I walked to the edge of the rail and looked down into the living room. It was huge but most of all dark. Gray curtains drooping down the wall windows alongside the back of the living room. It looked more than my whole life's worth. Glass chandeliers were hung around the living room and to the far right I could see another room.

Where the hell am I?

I hesitantly walked down the curved stairs and into the living room which was oddly quiet. No one seemed to be here and this place looked like it was rarely even used. I wandered around the living room first only to find nothing useful, I then walked down another hall into the kitchen, modernized and elegant. Still, no one was here. I walked back to the living room and pushed the curtain aside staring down at the city, this massive place was an apartment. Apartment. I sighed and let my head drop.

How am I going to get out of here? There's bound to be people in the lobby and maybe even outside the front door. My head snapped up. The front door!

I ran past the kitchen and down another hallway desperately looking for the front door but there was nothing, where is it?! I couldn't find any door and ran in circles for what seemed like an eternity and after 30 minutes of looking I fell to the floor and yelped out.
Why isn't there a door here? How am I going to get out? Am I ever going to get out?! I looked up at the ceiling staring into an endless abyss as my thoughts took over my head and left me on the floor lifelessly.

Time went by, I don't know how much time went by and after it felt like forever I heard a sound vibrate followed by a click, similar to when I opened the bathroom door. I snapped my head to the noise and panicked, oh fuck. I have to hide. I quickly scattered to my feet and back up the stairs quietly as whoever it was finally entered the apartment. I ran down the hall and back into the dark bathroom listening to their footsteps. I curled up into a ball in the corner with my hands anxiously holding my knees.

My body was shaking and my breathing was quivering, no thoughts were processing clearly, every step they took echoed in my head getting louder each time, my heart felt like it was about to burst and I was frozen in place. I shut my eyes and scooted into the corner more.

"Noor?" I heard them say. No, please, no.

"Noor," They called from downstairs. I couldn't hear them clearly since they were far away but it was definitely a man.

I waited for them to stop saying my name and a brief moment of silence sat between us until he spoke again inaudibly. First of all I didn't even want to know what he was saying, I only cared about getting out of here and going straight for help.

"Noor. Are you awake now?" He asked, "You probably are,".

I stayed quiet.

Their footsteps gradually got closer but he stayed downstairs, "I know you're confused but we can talk about this if you come out,".

He waited for an answer, "No? Do you just want me to tell you why you're here instead?".
I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Well you can thank your mom actually, she's the reason you're here," He started, "You see, she was heavily in debt and sought out my business to help her out but she didn't want to pay us back,". He was now walking up the stairs.

"We looked for her everywhere only to find out she died a while ago. Did you know that?" He stated with almost a laugh hidden in his words.
Stop. Stop talking. I shut my eyes again and covered my ears.

"Your father also passed away and so the debt now falls onto you," He said and his voice passed by the bathroom nearly making my heart drop.

"I thought I would force you to pay and threaten you but I changed my mind," My eyes opened and looked at the door following his voice walking back and forth every now and then.

What the hell is he talking about? My mom's debt has nothing to do with me, I didn't even talk to her before she passed. And what does he mean he changed his mind?

"I've been watching you for a good while actually," he admitted and suddenly his voice sounded familiar. Where have I heard his voice?

He went back downstairs, "You're quite fun to watch for someone who doesn't do a whole lot,". He laughed.

Suddenly his voice was right outside of the door, "So now that you're here, let's talk about your debt,".

I locked the door. Did I lock the door? He's so close but he sounded just like someone I knew. I couldn't put my tongue on it. Mentally I was too busy freaking out about being stuck in a corner while he was standing outside the door.
I flinched at the click of the door opening, my eyes were wide and my heart was beating so fast I felt it in my throat. I scooted back desperately wanting to cry and scream out but I was frozen and unable to react. The light from the hall filled the bathroom and when he opened the door I wasn't able to make out his face right away.

A tall figure stood in the frame of the door looking down at me and when it became clear I saw his all black suit, polished shoes, sparkling watch, a perfect perfectly styled hair, a wicked smirk and those daring mischievous eyes. No. No it couldn't be. My already wide eyes widened even more.
My heart finally dropped like a punch to the gut. His lips moved into a grin.

"You're quite hard to find, aren't you? Suriah," Kieran said in a lower tone.

So, it was him.

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