
By Minnsta

306K 8.7K 1.7K

"Oh, no," He sighed, cupping my tear stained face in his hands. "No, no. Don't cry." I was unable to tear my... More

Midnight Club
First Encounter
We Meet Again
Night Out (1)
Night Out (2)
My Capture
Beginning of Fear
The Very Beginning
In the Eyes of Kieran
I Can Be Bold Too
Search and No Rescue
Kieran's Fate
Uninvited Guests
Baby Steps
A Flash of Hope
A Change of Scenery
Nothing Lasts for Forever
The Bathroom (1)
The Bathroom (2)
Family Reunion
Is It Forgiveness?
A New Kind of Light
Blind Insight
The Main Event (Kieran)
The Main Event (Suriah)
Freed From the Devil
A Delusional Dream
Extra One
Extra Two

Night Out (3)

9.2K 257 53
By Minnsta

TW// Kidnapping

    "Noor," Someone said, their words barely making sense, "Noor,".

    What the hell? Who is bugging me right now?
    My eyes fluttered open and were met with the bright lights, I shut my eyes closed feeling my head throb aggressively at the brightness not only that but I felt sick. My head was groggy, my body was as weak as a twig and nothing was making sense. Whoever was talking to me repeatedly said my name until I realized it was Emanuel.

    "Noor," He said again. He moved closer and helped me sit up, "Drink some water,".

    I took the cup from him, my eyes still closed, and sipped on the water which tasted like water from the heavens god, it felt like I haven't drank water in years. I finally opened my eyes and noticed this wasn't my apartment. I paused and cautiously looked around.

    I was on the bed, in a room far more expensive than my lifestyle. Sitting in this bed made me look like a roach compared to everything else.

    I finally looked at Emanuel, "Where am I?".

    He sighed, "You don't remember anything?".

    I squinted at him, "No..?" I sighed and pushed my hair back, "I'm sorry what's going on?".

    He took the glass of water from me and filled it again, "Last night Meek and Camile were looking for you for hours because you went missing, turns out someone spiked your drinks,".

    My eyes widened, no wonder I was feeling like shit right now. Who would spike my drink though? And most of all how did I not notice it?

    "Luckily," Emanuel said, my attention going back to him, "A gentleman was nice enough to bring you here and call me. Noor, you're glad nothing happened to you,".

    I furrowed my eyebrows at him, "Wait, who brought me here?".

    And of course right as I said that the clack of the hotel room door opening grabbed our attention. I anxiously watched the him walk in. Wearing a dark gray suit, black dress shoes, his hair flawless as ever and a cup of coffee in his hand.
He brought me here? Did he do something? I don't trust him, I have to tell Emanuel.

    "Emanuel-," I was cut off.

    "Don't worry," Emanuel said, "He checked in 7 minuets before calling me. I already checked,".

    He set his coffee down on the coffee table, walked towards me and put his hands in his pockets, "How do you feel?".

    I pursed my lips, "I'm okay,".

    "When I found you, someone already had a dirty plan of their own. Thankfully I was in the right place at the right time," The man explained.

    My eyes looked away from him, Okay. I am kind of messed up for thinking he did something to me. I'm right to have me own suspicions, especially since I don't remember anything. At least I know he saved me from some creeps instead. I sighed and tightened my fist.

    "Thank you," I mumbled.


    I groaned, "Thank you, for looking after me,".

    He smiled, "No worries, it's the least I could do,".

    We sat there in silence, the man sat down on the couch in the room and drank his coffee meanwhile Emanuel was making me drink a whole ocean.

    "I'm fine," I chuckled, "I don't need more water,".

    He sighed then got up and walked over to the man, I couldn't hear what they were talking about and it was obvious they were talking quietly since I was awake. The only thing I could catch onto was the man stating his name. Kieran. So your name was Kieran. Huh, it suits him.

    Emanuel turned and walked back to me, "Are you feeling good enough to leave? I have to go somewhere but I can drop you off at your house before,".

    "Uh, yeah-," 

    "I can take her back," Kieran said interrupting me, "You seem to be busy and my schedule is cleared for this morning,".

    "I wouldn't want to bother you though," Emanuel said.

    "It's no bother at all, I'll take her,". He smiled, almost hypnotizingly.

    Emanuel looked back at me, "Is that alright?".

    "I don't even know him," I whispered.

    "I do," He stated, "He's okay,".

    Well if Emanuel said that I couldn't not trust Kieran considering his social circle was so small even hearing him say Kieran was okay was a lot. Truth is, if Emanuel trusted someone we all kind of did.

    I slowly nodded, "Okay,".

    Emanuel patted my shoulder, he got up and distantly said bye to Kieran before leaving. Now it was the two of us awkwardly sitting here in each other's presence, actually I was probably the only one who felt awkward. He was sitting on the couch as relaxed as can be sipping on his coffee and reading something on his phone. I watched him, he was calm and anyone would say he's handsome. Perfect in every way. I sipped my water and looked away.

    In my peripheral vision I saw him stand up, my eyes shifted onto him. He set his cup down and walked to the right side of the bed and stood there with his hands in his pockets.

    "Why don't you wash up before we leave?" He suggested, "The bathroom is there, I'll be in the lobby when you're ready,".

    He pointed to a door on my right, down a hallway, smiled at me and walked out of the room. When he left I sighed and let my body ease itself, he was so intimidating and irritating to me that being in a room with him was enough to knock me out, again. Though he didn't seem like the bad guy I painted him out to be, he saved me last night and I couldn't be more more grateful for that.

    I got out of the bed, set my cup down and walked to the bathroom he showed me. Similar to the luxury hotel room; the bathroom was overwhelming. It was probably bigger than my apartment living room.
    I shyly enter further; on the sink counter was a pile of clothes that had a note attached to it. A spare change of clothes.

    Holy shit, I knew he came from money but not this much. This man is crazy loaded.

    I showered peacefully in this high end designer bathroom, the water never got cold and the pressure felt like a massage. I honestly didn't want to get out but I did. The change of clothes were black jeans and a forest green hoodie that oddly enough fit me.
    I changed after brushing my hair and brushing my teeth. In the bathroom were a ton of selections of perfumes and lotions; the perfume I liked the most was the Vanilla Rose therefore I used some. Let's hope it's not too obvious.

    I walked out of the bathroom and to the front door where I had a change of shoes and a bag for my dirty clothes. I slipped the shoes on and stuffed my clothes in the bag before I left. I arrived in the elegant lobby with chandeliers, water fountains, couches, a curved staircase, and dining areas. It feels so wrong to be walking around here. I stiffly walked down the stairs trying to find Kieran, my eyes scanned the place but I couldn't find him.

    "Looking for me?" A voice whispered behind me. I jumped and spun around to see Kieran smiling mischievously at me.

    "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," He apologized.

    I didn't say anything.

    Kieran sighed, "Are you hungry at all?".

    "Uh-no. No I'm good, thank you,". I responded.

    "Let's get you home then" He smiled.

    Kieran and I walked outside of the hotel and a black car was already there waiting for us. He walked up to the driver and said something to them, the driver nodded and then walked into the hotel. Kieran opened my door and waited for me, I walked towards him and got into the car. Goddamnit, I really can't hold a grudge against him because of how nice is.

    Having never been so up close to him in proper lighting, his face was all so clear. I looked back at him only to see even more perfectness. Clear skin, long eyelashes, rosy lips, a birthmark by his jaw and some on his neck. He was handsome.

    "So your name is Kieran," I said.

    He looked at me with his cool eyes, "You heard that?".

    "I didn't mean to,"

    He chuckled, "That's fine. I was planning on telling you my name myself but I guess it didn't work out that way,".

    I smiled, "Sorry about that,".

    "And your name is Noor?" He asked, eyes on the road.

    "Uh, yeah," I hesitantly answered. A part of me refused to say my real name.

    "That's something I've never heard before," he raised his eyebrows.

    I couldn't help but chuckle, "It is different, I don't even know how I ended up with that name,".

    "Well it's a nice name, don't change it," he turned and winked.

    Undoubtedly, Kieran is a people person. Able to sway just about anyone with his charismatic and charming personality. He definitely has a way with words and people.
    He asked for my address and I hesitantly gave it to him. The rest of the car ride was silent as we both discovered, we're not fans of small talk.

  I turned to him, "Thank you so much, for the clothes and for making sure I was safe,".

    "No worries," Kieran answered.

    I smiled and exited the car but before I shut the door I turned back, "When can I give you these clothes back?".

    He waved his hand, "Keep them,".

    "Are you sure?" I asked.

    "I don't need clothes that I bought for you," He grinned.

    "Well," I sighed, "When can I repay you?".



    "Noor," He interrupted me, "It's my treat, you don't need to repay me,".

    I nodded my head and hesitantly closed the door, after standing there for a while I turned and walked away as I reached the third floor he finally drove off. I walked to my door and entered it quietly, I set my things down and walked to Camile's room. She had her phone right next to her face, smeared makeup and in her pajamas.

    I sat on the edge of her bed, "Camile,".

    She hummed, "Camile,".

    Her eyes slowly opened and when she saw me her eyes widened, she jumped up and wrapped me in her arms.

    "Oh my god! Where were you?! We were looking for you all night and then Emanuel texted us saying you were okay! What happened?" Camile frantically yelled.

    "Uh, why don't you wash up first," I said.

    Camile agreed and washed up, we sat in her room drinking tea as I explained to her what happened and where I was. I told her that Kieran took me to a hotel and then called Emanuel because my drink got spiked. She was crying telling me how bad she felt that she didn't look after me.

    "Camile, it's okay. It's not your fault, shit happens and there's nothing we can do about it okay?" I told her as I rubbed her back and because she was crying she just nodded her head.

    I pulled her into a hug. After she was done crying we hung out all day, cooking, baking, doing facials and listening to music after a very eventful weekend but as you know the weekend eventually came to an end. Emanuel had texted me later that night telling me to come in Thursday and rest during my days off.

    It was Wednesday night, I needed the car to go out and run some errands so I'd be taking Camile to Midnight. I ran her to work and came back to get ready. I had on a pleated black skirt, black over the knee socks, black platform boots that hugged my calves, and a brown oversized shirt over a mesh long sleeve top. I then went to the store to get some groceries and got fast food after since Camile would be coming home later tonight. When she texted me saying the club was ready to be closed I went to pick her up.

    "How was it tonight?" I asked.

    "It was actually pretty good, no problems and it went by fast tonight," She answered.

    "The day I'm not there," I groaned.

    "Girl, you'll be back tomorrow,".

    "I know," I laughed, "Do you want something to eat?".

    She hummed, "Let's get Mc. D's,".

    We went and got our dinner, ate together and soon enough Camile passed out on the couch with the T.V playing. I woke her up and helped her to her room. Before I went to my room I checked around to make sure everything was okay. Wait, where are my keys?

    I looked around everywhere, bathroom, kitchen, my room, living room and didn't find them. What the hell? After I looked around for the third time I finally remembered I left them in the car. I put my shoes back on and ran outside to the car. There were my keys, I opened the door and grabbed them and started to walk back to the building.

    Running footsteps behind me gradually getting closer grabbed my attention, I barely turned around when a hand holding a rag clasped onto my mouth, I grabbed their arms and moved frantically trying to scream but every time I tried I would lose air. I clawed at their arms and swung my legs back and forth trying to get them to let go. Oh shit! What do I do? Am I going to be killed? I need to escape but I can't! They won't let go! Fuck!
    Whoever it was dragged me to the side and stepped into a car with me still in their grip. I grabbed the edge of the door and pulled forward trying to keep myself from entering the car and managed to get their hand off my mouth.

    "CAMILE! HELP! PLEASE HELP! HELP ME-." I managed to scream at the top of my lungs, it hurt my throat but my adrenaline kept me from paying attention to it.

    Whoever this person was yanked my hair back and I fell into the car, their hand clasped onto my mouth again while I kicked and screamed in the back seat. I watched my apartment disappear as the car door was shut. How many people were in here? What's happening? Where are they taking me?
    My movements slowly stopped, my head became foggy, I looked around the car but couldn't make out anything because I couldn't focus. Please. Someone help me.

    All of these thoughts running inside my panicked head but before I couldn't think anymore, everything went dark.

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