Celestial Hero: Azazel

By JoelTheFolf

28.3K 690 229

Izuku has an angle/demon quirk and two other. He was abandoned in a city that suffered a devastating earthqua... More



895 27 18
By JoelTheFolf


I'm currently in the meeting about Bakugou being kidnapped. I was only listening to the conversation.

"We don't have a definite location on Bakugou Katsuki." The detective said.

"It's a run down bar in Kimino ward. Right here." I said showing where it is on the map.

"How do you know?" Nezu asked.

"In the back of every person I'm close to there's a microscopic seal on the back of their necks it allows me to track them when needed. Bakugou is one of these people." I said.

"Wait really?" Dad asked.

"Yes. You and Papa has one as well." I said.

"Well then we have his location. We also have the location of the nomu that Momo put a tracker on." The detective said.

"I'll be joining the group that go's after the nomu." I said.

"Alright." Nezu said.

After the plans are complete we all make our way to prepare for the upcoming fight.

"Azazel a moment please." Nezu said. I could hear the suspension in his voice. I stayed behind to hear what he had to say.

"Yes principle?" I asked.

"You seemed eager to go to the warehouse. Why is that?" Nezu asked.

"Because that's the most likely place for All For One will be." I said.

"What makes you think that?" Nezu asked.

"Well the obvious is that, that's where the nomus are made and the other fact is that the nomu took Ragdoll." I said.

"And why did you share your theory with everyone else?" Nezu asked.

"Because then All Might would've wanted to go there instead of the bar." I said.

"I see. And you want to be the one to take down All For One correct?" Nezu asked.

"Yes. You can say it's for revenge or to protect the people doesn't really matter I'll end the rein of terror that All For One has brought with him." I said.

"What has All For One done to make you hate him so much?" Nezu asked.

"He did nothing but be my father." I said making my way to the door.

"Wait what do you mean by he's your father?" Nezu asked.

"Just that. Do you know that I have one additional quirk? It's similar to his quirk, but the difference is that I can copy in addition to steal someone's quirk. And that's what I plan on doing. I'm going to take away his quirk so that he can never steal another person's quirk." I said leaving the room.

A few hours later the operation began. I stayed back waiting to see if he was here. And as fate would have it I didn't have to wait long because a high wind pressure strike took out a few blocks.

I turn to see him floating. I can practically feel how smug he is. Just then Bakugou and the rest of the league appears. Immediately I envelope Bakugou and send him to Nezu.

"All For One." I said landing in front of him.

"Ah if it isn't All Mights successor. The 9th user. Now I can end that quirk once and for all." He after letting the league escape.

I make a spear of light and throw it at him. He dodges it. But I make it come back. It too his leg.

"Damn you." He said. He charged up his quirks. He launched an attack on me but I blocked it with my wings. They took some damage but I'll live.

We traded blows. I decided to end this. When I was close enough I made a light spear and it shot through his abdomen. He coughed blood and fell to the ground. I walked up to him.

"It's time. I'll be taking All For One now father." I said and shock was evident on his eyeless face. I placed my hand on his forehead and I felt All For One so I took it from him. I took a few other including Ragdolls quirk search. Just then All Might arrived but was too late. All For One layed there unmoving.

"Is he dead?" All Might asked.

"Not as far as I know." I said.

"If I'm going down I'll take the 9th with me!" All For One said and opened a portal behind me. I could feel it pulling me in. All Might came to help me but I used the air to force him away.

"I almost never use this quirk because the objects we throw into the portal are never to be seen again. So I thought that you can be the first living test subject." All For One laughed.


Izuku looks at All Might.

"Tell dad and papa I love them. And tell Eiji and kacchan they were the best little brothers I could've asked for." Izuku said tears running down from underneath his mask.

"Azazel!" All Might yelled out but Izuku was sucked into the portal. Nevere to be seen again.


There it is my little monsters....

What not satisfied? Well neither am I. If you want a sequel do tell me. Mind you I'll write one anyway. Just won't post it if you don't say so my dear monstrosities.

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