piece by piece | a. adams²

baxteravenue द्वारा

87.5K 2.1K 156

After a whirlwind summer of traveling the world with her mother. Evelyn hopes to return home to her boyfriend... अधिक

cast list
the return
senior year
unexpected friendships
sweet gestures
teenage fever
drunken outbursts
date night
out of the loop
unacceptable behavior
girl's night in
a trip down the aisle
a case of bad luck
season four
back to reality
not so happy birthday
bits of inspiration
secret affairs
senior ditch day
prom night disasters
hero complex
faux influencers
the dropout
in memoriam
one last hurrah

heart to heart

2.1K 62 3
baxteravenue द्वारा

The last couple of days had been so repetitive for Evelyn Hernandez. She would wake up at what seemed to be the crack of dawn, get semi-ready and then leave the beach house with all of her practice gear. Catching a ride with Destiny who didn't live too far from them as they made their way to Coastal and began the start of their very hectic schedules.

Their days ranged anywhere from 5 in the morning to 8 at night, or sometimes they lasted even longer. She barely had any time to see Asher and only saw the rest of the boys in the house when they also woke up for their training camps. Jordan and Spencer woke up around the same time as she did but usually left in the opposite direction as they headed for Golden Angeles occasionally telling her how they were doing at camp and how Enrique was doing since he was staying at the Hernandez residence rather than the beach house.

On the off chance that their schedule allowed them to wake up even a little later, Evelyn took every opportunity. Basking in the comfort of her bed, and enjoying the feeling of her boyfriend's arms wrapped around her. But her moments of bliss shortly ended when she heard the blares of her alarm, causing her to groan entirely too loud for Asher's liking.

"Time for practice?" Asher's voice was hoarse as he shifted behind her, stirring awake.

"Yeah, sorry," she apologized as she rolled out of the bed. "I didn't mean to wake you. Again."

He simply waved her off as he rolled onto his back, propping his hands behind his head as he watched her race from the bedroom to the bathroom, preparing to get ready for her volleyball practice.

"Kay, I gotta go," she picked up her duffle bag, swinging it over her shoulder, and gave him a quick peck. "I'll see you at like 8 or 10. Who knows?"

Asher called out, "Love you!"

As she raced down the steps in a rushed manner, she halted in her tracks at the sight of JJ in the kitchen. Unlike Spencer and Jordan, he wasn't completely immersed in the training and practices for football, and she knew that because he never took her up on the offer to carpool in the mornings.

"Cereal?" he offered her a bowl of cereal.

"Some of us have practice, JJ," Evelyn raised her eyebrow at him. "You should be coming with me. We go to the same school."

"Eh, I'm ripped. I don't really need to keep hitting the gym," he declined.

"Alright, well, I'll see you when I get home," Evelyn hummed. "If you're not going to school then you might as well have dinner ready when I get back."

JJ tilted his glass of what seemed to be whiskey in her direction and grinned. "We'll see."


A loud array of rap music blared through Evelyn's headphones as she beat at the punching bag in the gym. On certain days their schedules consisted less of volleyball drills and more of strengthening and conditioning in the school's gym as they prepared for their upcoming season.

So far the college athlete experience wasn't all it was cracked up to be, she realized that she had a lot in common with Spencer. They weren't the best players on their team anymore and that meant there were far more other athletes on the team that were willing and able to take her spot.

She didn't know how it just came to her that she was on a D-1 team which meant that she wasn't the only good player and that others on the team came from schools across the country just to attend Coastal for their volleyball program.

A tap she received on the shoulder shook her out of her trance, removing her headphones as she stared at the culprit. "What's up?"

"Snack break," Destiny chuckled, tossing a water bottle at her. "We only get two and I didn't want you to miss it. Again."

"What would I do if you didn't come to Coastal?" she sighed.

Destiny sheepishly smiled as they made their way out of the gym and headed toward the football field and to the bleachers. It had become a routine that they came up with during their snack breaks, fleeing their teammates and sticking by each other's sides as they watched the guys training for football.

"Is it bad that I...regret coming here?" Evelyn finally spoke after a brief moment of silence.

"What do you mean?" Destiny glanced at her. "Like, you chose the wrong school or..."

"Or the wrong path," she sighed. "I love volleyball, been playing since I could throw a ball. But, now...it just doesn't feel as exciting as it should. I thought playing for a D-1 school would make me feel like...incredible. But, I don't."

"Maybe it's just first week jitters," she suggested. Destiny took a look at the football field and frowned. "We went from being Beverly's best to Coastal's...second. Maybe even third best. But I know you, we've been playing volleyball since our club days in middle school. This is where we belong."

"I guess you're right," Evelyn agreed. "This has always been my dream."

But deep inside, she knew dreams were bound to change.


The following day was no different as she woke up extremely early, also waking up her boyfriend in the process as her alarm blared its annoying sound. Then off to Coastal and to the very strenuous schedule that they had to follow, running, strengthening, and an assortment of volleyball drills.

Evelyn tried to keep the mantra in her head that this is where she belonged and that she was choosing the right thing. However, regret loomed over her head the entire day as she remained in the gym, running up and down the court and going over drills.

And all she wanted to do as she entered the front door of the beach house was go straight to her and Asher's room and wrap herself under the covers but JJ's loud voice and the rest of the boys grabbed her attention as she tried to pass them.

"Ah, our favorite lady friend and roommate," JJ cheered. "Join us, Evie."

"What exactly am I joining?"

"I have a toast to the beach house," JJ announced. He was surrounded by what seemed to be a homemade whiskey maker that caused her face to scrunch up as the boys all held shot glasses in their hands. "And as an honorary member, you must join us."

She eyed him with caution before nodding. "I could use a drink."

"Since our lease is up in a few days, I thought we should have a toast to the best summer ever. I think we should keep it going. Alright? I say we extend our lease for a year. Like, keep the brotherhood together? You're included in that, too, Evie."

"I'll drink to that," Jordan agreed.

"Me too," Asher said. "I'm in. Spence? Evie?"

"I'm in," Spencer grinned.

"I don't know about the entire year with you guys," Evelyn hesitated. "But I'll still drink."

"Yo," JJ brought his cup to the air. "To never leaving the beach house."


"Too Far!"

"That taste like death," Evelyn professed, cringing at the taste of the alcohol. "I need fresh air."

With that, she swiftly exited the house through the back door, making her way toward the beach. Inhaling the fresh salt sea and dropping down on the sand, she threw her head back in frustration as everything felt like it was just coming down on her.

"Now, how did I know I'd find you here."

She turned her head to the sound of the voice, softly smiling. "Because I come out here whenever I want to get away from you guys."

He dropped down beside her and raised his eyebrow at her. "Not feeling the beach house anymore?"

"It's a little more complicated than that."

"How so?"

"Do you ever feel like everything you're doing is...wrong?" she asked. Switching her position, she laid down on her back, staring up at the stars and the constellations. "Like you're constantly fucking up."

"For most of high school," Jordan answered truthfully. "Probably stopped feeling that way senior year, maybe." He followed her actions, letting out a small grunt as he laid on his back. "What's goin' on?"

"I'm not a good person, Jordan."

He couldn't help but chuckle at her statement. "Yes, you are. You're probably one of the best people I know." Then his lips pursed together in realization. "But you haven't been the Evelyn I know these past few months. Snapping on everyone, putting everyone's business on blast, and ignoring your family."

"It's my grandma. She's...sick. And it's really bad," she finally admitted. "Pancreatic cancer. She's been sick for a couple of years and she never told anyone. Not until it got really bad which wasn't until—"

"A couple of months ago," he put together, staring sympathetically at her. "Evie..."

"It has the lowest survival rate. I know...I know I should be at home with her and everyone else, spending these last few moments with her but it's so hard," her eyes brimmed with tears as she stared up at the sky. "Seeing her so...weak and vulnerable. I couldn't do it so when Asher brought up the beach house and how it would be the perfect opportunity for us to strengthen our relationship, I said yes. And now I feel so riddled with guilt and everything feels like it's slowly crumbling. I-I..."

"I know," Jordan reached out for her hand, giving it a soft squeeze. "I know. I-I just don't get it. You came with me to see my grandpa. Why?"

"I thought seeing yours would help me get over my fear of seeing mine," she confessed. "But I think it made it worst, I saw his limitations but I also saw how he was able to recover. And I realized that my grandma...wouldn't."

"Right. If I would've known then I wouldn't have let you come."

"But you didn't know. No one does. Enrique hates talking about his feelings so he didn't tell anyone and I don't know how to deal with this stuff."

"So, you haven't spoken to your family?" he curiously pried.

"Eh," she winced. "The occasional text message here and there. But, I kinda snapped at them and told them to stop worrying about me. I messed up."

"And you know what you have to do now, right?"

"Go home."


Evelyn sat up, eyeing their hands that had yet to pull apart, and was quick to remove her hand from his grip. She flashed him a tight-lipped smile as she wiped the tears from her eyes, "Thanks, Jordan. You always know the right thing to say."

"It was nothing," he sincerely told her as they made their way back to the house.

Entering the back door, everyone's eyes had fallen upon them, landing right on the five-foot girl wiping tears from her face.

"What's going on?" Asher was quick to ask.

"I'm going home," Evelyn announced. "I...It's been a hell of a summer and I really appreciate the way you guys let me stay here for the summer. But, I'm going to leave tomorrow morning...I've got things to figure out and...people who need me right now."

A/N: I'm ending this story in the next few chapters. Asher's storyline is honestly garbage and as much as I was hoping it would improve this season, I doubt that will happen.

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