The Duchess of Two Dukedoms o...

Door Ladybythelake54

465 633 157

Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell was just an ordinary girl from Post World War III Planet Earth when she first a... Meer

World War III
April 29, 2153
False Prophets and Teachers
The First Duke of Norfolk Territory
The First Newborn Sons of Star Base 12
The Two French Beauties From The House of Capet
Lady Jeanette Virginia Beaufort and Lady Elizabeth Drummond
Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard and Lord William Philip Carey
Lord Charles Andrew Howard and Lady Alexandra Elizabeth Churchill
111 Years Later
The Request
The Three Rivals of Lord Andrew Charles Howard
Requested Granted
The Weekend at Balmoral Manor
Return To Madame's Boarding House
I Want To Go Out Dancing
The Bells Ring Throughout Norfolk Territory
The Wedding of Lord Andrew Charles Howard and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell
The Birth of Lady Elizabeth.
The New Duke and Duchess of Norfolk Territory
The Birth of The Duchess of Clarence Territory
The Duke of Lancaster Territory Part I
Pembroke Territory Part I
Pembroke Territory Part II
The Duke of Lancaster Territory Part Two
Lady Caroline Matilda Carey, Future Duchess of Bedford Territory
Lord Albert Edward Howard, Duke of Kent
Lady Anastasia Christina Howard, Duchess of Northampton Territory
Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey, Duke of Langley Territory
The Duke of St. Albans and The Duke of Richmond Territory
Lady Sophia Dorothea Howard, Duchess of Gloucester Territory
Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard, future Duchess of Sussex Territory
The Duchess of Bedford Territory- June of 2300
How Could I Ever Know?

The Girl That Sits on Top of The Hill

16 21 2
Door Ladybythelake54

The Girl That Sits On Top of The Hill Overlooks Star-Fleet Academy

Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell decided to take her chances by enrolling as a student at Star-Fleet Academy and she decided to study medical science and pediatric medicine as she loved children and she couldn't bear to see them suffer.

Karissa Elizabeth Ann dresses in a blue Star-Fleet Academy dress that she designed in the regency style and she grabs her laptop computer, books, radio, picnic basket and blanket.

Karissa Elizabeth Ann is given the rank of Cadet at Star-Fleet Academy and she has enrolled in Medical terminology 100, Pediatrics 100 and Pharmacy 100 and she decides to join the Literature club and debate club.

Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell starts to walk from Madame's Boarding House as she's walking towards Star-Fleet Academy.

Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell is met on the way by Lt. Commander David William Beck stops in his carriage and asks, "Cadet may I offer you a ride to Star-Fleet Academy. It is an awfully long walk to Star-Fleet Academy."

Cadet Karissa Lowell looks up and she answers, "Thank you Sir. I would appreciate it." and Lt. Commander David William Beck helps Cadet Karissa Lowell to climb into his carriage and the carriage drives onto Star-Fleet Academy."

"I haven't introduced myself. I am Lt. Commander David William Beck. I am the senior medical officer on Star-Base 12." Lt. Commander David William Beck explains.

"I am Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell." Karissa answers , "I am a freshman at Star-Fleet Academy."

"I am going to be studying pediatric medicine and help the children here on Star Base 12 as I hate to see children suffer." Cadet Karissa explains.

"I tell you what Cadet. When you are ready to take your internship. Come and see me and I will allow you to take your internship with me." Lt. Commander David William Beck tells her.

"Thank you Sir. I have four years and I don't think my internship is available until I reach my junior and senior year." Cadet Lowell explains.

"I tell you what Cadet. I could use some help after classes and if you like you can be my assistant. I will see that you are paid for your time." Lt. Commander David William Beck tells her.

"I will be glad to help you, Sir. " Cadet Lowell tells him " I have three classes and I have joined the literature and debate clubs as well."

"I must admit I joined the literature club and debate club myself when I was a freshman." Lt. Commander David William Beck tells her.

"I have a good friend here named Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley and I believe he is a junior." Cadet Lowell explains.

"I know Lt. Commander Riley. He lost his family to Kudos the executioner last year. " Lt. Commander David Beck explains.

"Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley is a very studious young officer and he keeps to himself." Lt. Commander David Beck.

"I also met a Lt. Matthew Decker." Cadet Lowell tells Lt. Commander David Beck.

"Oh yes. Lt. Matthew Decker's father Commander Mat Decker committed suicide when he was commanding The USS Constitution and he took his starship and blew up a asteroid that would have destroyed other planets." Lt. Commander David William Beck explains

"Lt Matthew Decker and Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley are two very tragic officers here at Star-Fleet Academy." Lt. Commander Beck tells her.

"Where do you reside, Cadet?" Lt. Commander Beck asks.

"I live out at Madame's Boarding House in Bedford Territory." Cadet Lowell tells him.

"Bedford Territory. My second cousin once removed, Lord Richard William Carey is Duke there. One of my favorite cousins.' Lt. Commander Beck tells her.

Cadet Lowell looks at Lt. Commander Beck " Sir. I didn't know you were related to Lord Richard William Carey?" Cadet Lowell asks.

"Lord Richard William Carey is the great-grandson of Lady Charlotte Sophia Howard who is my grand-Aunt as my father was her nephew and I am her grand-nephew ." Lt. Commander David William Beck explains.

"My late mother was her great-niece, Lady Eliza Katherine Howard." Lt. Commander David Beck explains.

"My. The Howard family is large, sir. "Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell tells Lt Commander Beck.

"It is indeed large, Cadet Lowell. My great-great-grandfather, Lord Frederick had four children and three were sons and my great-grandfather was Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior his second son and my father was his third son, Lord Edwin William Howard." Lt. Commander David William Beck explains.

"My late father was Lord William Beck and my late mother was Lady Eliza Katherine Howard, the only daughter and child of Lord Edwin William Howard." Lt. Commander David Beck explains.

"My father was born into a minor aristocratic family that married into some of the most prominent families on Star Base 12 by marrying their daughters." Lt Commander William Beck explains.

"My paternal great-grandfather, Lord Edward Christopher Beck built Elmhurst Estate with his own hands without any help from Lord Frederick William Howard." Lt. Commander David Beck explains.

"The Becks didn't arrive here from Post World War Three Planet Earth until 2165." Lt. Commander David William Beck explains.

"They left during World World Three Earth until 2154 on the USS Excelsior from London, England with some other families that took refuge in a manor that was untouched in the country of England." Lt. Commander Beck explains.

"My great-grandfather stated in his journal that my great-grandmother, Lady Marjorie Bruce and four couples came with him." Lt Commander Beck explains.

"He didn't mention their names but they were all minor aristocrats or from good gentry families.' Lt. Commander Beck states, "He did mention The Campbell's, The Gordon's, and The Bruce's came with him."

"I hope to see you again in one of my classes, Cadet Lowell." Lt. Commander Beck tells her and helps her to climb out of his carriage.

"Thank you for the ride Sir." Cadet Lowell tells him.

"My pleasure Cadet. " Lt. Commander Beck tells her and he watches Cadet Lowell walk away and all of sudden Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley sees Cadet Lowell and he walks towards her and he smiles " Hello Karissa."

"Hi Kevin. I am a Cadet and I am a freshman." Karissa tells him.

"I think you will like Star-Fleet Academy. It has a lot to offer students. " Kevin tells her.

"Hey Kevin. Aren't you going to introduce me?" Lt. Richard William asks.

"I am sorry Richard. This is Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Lowell." Kevin tells his friend.

"I am Lt. Richard Williams.' Richard tells Karissa.

"Nice to meet you Richard." Karissa tells him.

"Richard and I are roomies." Kevin explains.

"Shall we escort Karissa to her first class old buddy." Kevin asks Richard and Richard walk on Karissa 's right side and Kevin walks on Karissa's left side and they escort her to her first class.

"Let's all have lunch together." Richard asks them.

"Why don't you two meet me on top of the hill that overlooks Star-Fleet Academy and we can share my picnic lunch and listen to my music?" Karissa asks.

"Sounds great. We will meet you at 11:55 AM as we have lunch from 12 PM to 1 PM." Kevin tells her and they watch Karissa walk into her first class and head off for their first class.


At Norfolk Estate a 24 year old young man named Lord Andrew Charles Howard is sitting in the library at Norfolk Estate.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR walks into the library and he looks at his youngest son, Lord Andrew Charles Howard and asks " What is the matter my son?"

"Dad. I am in love with the new girl." Lord Andrew Charles states, " I can't get her out of my mind."

"Lord Andrew Charles. You can't make a young woman love you. Either she will or she won't, it is as simple as that." Lord Charles explains.

"I don't have any authority in Bedford Territory and it belongs to Lord Richard Willlam Carey as his great-great-great-grandfather, Lord John Carey claimed that territory when he arrived in 2159." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"My authority is over the Dukedom of Norfolk." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"You do realize that Norfolk and Bedford are the two biggest territories on Star Base 12 and they border every other territory from every direction." Lord Charles states.

"What lies in between Norfolk and Bedford Territories have their Dukes and we don't cross over our territories." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"We don't want The United Federation of Planets to come into it or Star-Fleet Command." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"You could always ask Lord Richard William Carey to formally introduce me to Karissa." Lord Andrew Charles asks his father.

"I tell you what son. Next time I see your second cousin once removed I will ask him to ask her if she will grant you an interview." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

Little does Lord Andrew Charles Howard know that Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell has enrolled at Star-Fleet Academy and she has formed strong friendships with both Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley and Lt Richard Williams and his first cousin once removed, Lt. Commander David Beck has given Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell a ride to Star-Fleet Academy.

Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell walks up on the top of the hill that overlooks Star-Fleet Academy and she spreads her blanket on the ground and she turns on her radio and all of a sudden when one of her old favorite songs comes on the radio and she stands up and she starts to slap her hands and dance around in the bright sunlight that overlooks Star-Base 12.

Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley and Lt. Richard Williams is walking up the hill and a group of students are watching Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell dancing and Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley nudges his best friend , Lt Richard Williams and he points " Look Richard."

Lt. Richard Williams looks up and he sees Karissa dancing on top of the hill and they smile but from a distance also watching also is Lt. Commander David Beck.

Lt. Commander David Beck is watching from his door and he smiles as he watches Cadet Karissa, but he knows that he has to see her off Star-Fleet Academy due to their difference in rank.

Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell is a non commissioned officer and he is a commissioner officer.

Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell has many admirers and Lord Andrew Charles Howard doesn't realize that two are his own cousins, Lord Richard William Carey, and the other is Lt. Commander David Beck.

Kevin and Richard walk up the hill and they call out " Karissa. We are here."

"I am glad that you have joined me." Karissa tells Kevin and Richard.

"You have many admirers on Star-Fleet Academy Karissa." Kevin tells her.

"I have not come to be admired, Kevin." Karissa explains.

"Did you know that Star-Fleet Academy holds three dinner dances a year here Karissa?" Kevin asks.

"No. I just enrolled here and I don't know anything about the social life here." Karissa tells him.

"The next dinner dance is the home-coming dinner dance and why don't we make it a threesome with Richard, you and me?" Kevin asks.

Karissa smiles " I would love to go with Richard and you. I think it would be so fun to dance and mingle with the other students." Karissa states.

"It's a date Karissa." Kevin tells her and they all sit down on her blanket and start to eat the lunch that Madame Valois prepared in the basket.

"What is your next class Karissa?" Kevin asks.

"I have Pediatrics 100 at 1 until 2 PM." Karissa answers, and "What is your next class?"

"Officers training class." Kevin states, "It is boring but mandatory."

"My next class is engineering.' Richard states.

Finally Karissa picks up her blanket, folds it up, turns off her radio and places it back into her basket and they walk down the hill together and Kevin on her right side, Richard on her left side and she is in between them.

Kevin and Richard walk Karissa to her next class and they walk to their next class and her instructor is Lt. Commander David Beck and he smiles as she enters the room.

Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell sits in the front desk and she takes out her laptop computer and she starts to take notes.

When the bell rings and all of the students leave the room Lt. Commander David Beck walks up to her and asks " Do you need a ride home?"

"Why yes. Lt. Commander. Beck." Cadet Karissa Lowell answers, "But I have one more class to take before I am finished for the day."

"I have to go back to the office and I will be off at 3 PM." Lt. Commander David Beck tells her.

"I will meet you in the front and I will take you back to Madame." Lt. Commander Beck tells her.

Lt. Commander David Beck waits for Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell in front of the campus with his carriage and he smiles as he sees her walk out of the hall and he helps her to climb into his carriage and they drive off the campus.

While Lt Commander David Beck is driving Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell back to Madame's Boarding House they run into Lord Richard William Carey's carriage.

Lord Richard William Carey's carriage stops his carriage and he steps out of his carriage and he walks over to where his first cousin first removed is sitting in his carriage with Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell.

"Hello Lord David." Lord Richard William Carey tells his cousin.

"Good Afternoon Lord Richard William Carey. I am taking Cadet Lowell back to Madame's." Lt. Commander Beck tells him.

"I didn't know that Mademoiselle Karissa was a student at Star-Fleet Academy?" Lord Richard William tells him.

"Cadet Lowell just started today and she is studying pediatric medicine at Star-Fleet Academy." Lt.Commander Beck explains.

Lord Richard William Carey looks at Cadet Lowell and Lord David William Beck and they start on their way to Madame's Boarding House.

Lt. Commander Beck pulls up at Madame's Boarding House and he tells Cadet Lowell " I hope to see you soon at Star-Fleet Academy."

Lt. Commander Beck walks Cadet Lowell to the door and he watches her enter the door and walks down the stairs and back into his carriage.

Madame Valois greets Karissa as she walks in and asks her how the first day went at Star-Fleet Academy and she answers "It went very well."

"I am glad to hear it." Madame tells her.

"I made two new friends, Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley and Lt. Richard Williams." Karissa answers.

"Mademoiselle Karissa. You have a visitor today. I told him you weren't here." Madame tells her.

"Oh! A visitor. Madame. Who was it?" Karissa answers.

"Lord Andrew Charles Howard." Madame tells her.

"Lord Andrew Charles Howard. Oh! The youngest son of The Duke of Norfolk Territory. Are the children of Dukes allowed to travel to other territories?" Karissa asks.

"I don't believe they have any restrictions on them traveling into other territories." Madame tells her.

"You do have a recourse to you. You can petition Lord Richard William Carey who is the Duke of this territory as I do believe that there is a formal way for a son of a presiding duke to meet anyone." Madame states.

"I will ask Lord Richard William Carey to come over to Manor and you may talk to him." Madame tells her.

Karissa looks at Madame " No. It won't be necessary as I will take care of this matter myself." Karissa answers.

"May I use your carriage?" Karissa asks.

"Yes of course." Madame tells her and with that Karissa walks out of the front door, and she gets into the carriage and she asks the driver to take her to Norfolk Estate.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR is standing outside of Norfolk Estate and Karissa is still dressed in her uniform and she walks up to Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR and she curtsy to him " Excuse me Lord Howard. Is your son in?" Karissa asks.

"Yes Mademoiselle Karissa. Lord Andrew Charles inside the library." Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR states.

"Do you want me to call outside or would you rather go inside?" Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR asks.

"It doesn't matter." Karissa answers, "I just need to talk to him."

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR calls for his son to come outside and Lord Andrew Charles walks outside and he sees Karissa standing in her uniform and she looks at him " I understand you came by to see me."

"Why yes. I did. You weren't there." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"I was in class at Star-Fleet Academy." Karissa tells him " I am studying pediatric medicine."

"I don't accept unannounced visitors by the way. If you want to see me please petition Lord Richard William Carey, the Duke of Bedford Territory." Karissa asks.

"I am not an aristocrat and I don't want to be one." Karissa explains.

"Excuse Sir. Isn't there a formal way if a son wants to see someone in another territory?" Karissa asks.

"Why yes. The request must go through the presiding Duke of the territory." Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR explains.

"Sir. Your youngest son seems to flaunt all the protocol." Karissa tells him.

"I just started Star-Fleet Academy and I don't want to lose track of my goal." Karissa explains.

"I have met people of my own kind and they aren't aristocrats." Karissa tells Lord Charles Andrew JR.

Lord Andrew Charles looks at his father and Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR tells his son " Next time you want to see Mademoiselle Karissa. You go through Lord Richard William Carey."

"I will father. " Lord Andrew Charles tells his father.

Karissa looks at Lord Andrew Charles and she tells him " Listen to me Lord Andrew Charles Howard. I am not an aristocrat and I don't care to be one. I am a commoner. "

"I have no royal blood or noble blood running through my veins." Karissa explains " It is not that I don't find you handsome because you are. "

"I also think Lord Richard William Carey is handsome too, along with Lt. Commander David Beck along with Lt.Kevin Thomas Riley." Karissa explains.

"I am not looking for marriage by the way." Karissa tells him but I am only looking for a man who will give me my daughter in my good time."

Lord Andrew Charles looks at Karissa " Oh! You want a man to give you a daughter but you don't want to marry?"

"Precisely, Lord Andrew Charles Howard." Karissa tells him " I will raise my daughter the way I see fit without any man."

"What about the father. Won't he have any rights?" Lord Andrew Charles asks.

"If he wants rights I will give it to them." Karissa tells him, "He may visit his daughter and have a relationship with her."

Lord Andrew Charles looks at Karissa and he tells her " My child must be legitimate for me to become Duke of Norfolk and she will be my successor."

"I am sorry Lord Andrew Charles Howard. I don't care for my daughter to become Duchess unless the divine providence of Odin deems it." Karissa explains.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR listens to Lord Andrew Charles and Karissa talk between each other and he tells Lord Andrew Charles " Listen son. Mademoiselle Karissa has already told you her condition." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells his son.

"Please excuse Lord Howard and Lord Andrew Charles . I must travel back to Bedford Territory. I have classes to attend at Star-Fleet Academy tomorrow." Karissa tells them and she curtsy to them and she walks back toward the carriage and she heads back to Bedford Territory.

Lord Andrew Charles tells his father " I am not giving up that easy father."

"You have a fight on your hands son. " Lord Charles Andrew JR states. " You go through the proper channels to see Mademoiselle Karissa from now on."

Lord Andrew Charles has no other recourse but to go through his second cousin, Lord Richard William Carey, Duke of Bedford Territory to see Karissa.

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