A Dance With The Fatui (Il Do...

By OpalescentFlower

133K 4.6K 9.7K

Prime was a lonely harbinger. He wanted someone to 'love' but never had the time to seek out or maintain a re... More

1: new beginnings
2: 'love'
3: strawberry french toast
5: tartaglia
6: jealousy
7: boundaries
8: feelings
9: unexpected confession
10: hostage
11: under the mask
12: first official date
13: mond?
14: dark night hero
15: truth
16: prime
17: new beginnings... again
18: Warm Winter Coat
19: Stranded
20: tour
21: Look-Alike
22: Quality Time
23: Heads of the Fatui
24: Eyes
25: Ring
26: Physical Touch
27: Sumeru
28: Ruin Golem
29: Home

4: doll

6.2K 231 470
By OpalescentFlower

Warnings: Cursing

        It has been some time since the fight between the two happened. They haven't talked to each other too much since then, but they hold no ill will towards one another. They have both been very busy with their work. That means, Y/N has been working very hard on Dottore's work, and he has been having fun with his little passion projects.

They do occasionally have meals together, requested by Dottore. Just like they are now, having breakfast before another day of work.

"I have to leave for another mission, requested by the Tsaritsa." Dottore broke the comfortable silence.

"Hm, nice" Y/N replied, not really up for a conversation today. She began to pick at her food, silently.

Dottore, not taking to her short reply, continued on. "Yeah! I'm going to be visiting another Harbinger in Liyue city. Should be pretty fun."

"Cool." She replied irritated, again, not wanting to talk to him this morning.

"Well you've been cooped up in this house and town for a while. So," He paused for a moment to look at her "...I was wondering if you would want to join me?"

There was a bit of silence before she sharply replied "No."

It's not that she doesn't want to go to Liyue. She just doesn't want to go to Liyue with Dottore. She knows that she'd become his little errand dog and he'd make her do all these things just because he doesn't want to. She wouldn't be able to go explore and enjoy Liyue like she would want to. So what's the point?

"Oh come on doll, don't be that way. It'll be fun!"

Her eyes shot up with an agitated look in them at the nickname. "Calling me that doesn't help your case, doll," She snapped, flashing another irritated look at him.

He smiled at her, liking how the nicknames have an effect on her. "It'll be fun being in the city. We could go to all the little shops around, try all the foods there, we can even go wine tasting while there, "He bargained, as he was trying anything to make her want to go.

"Answers still no, Dottore," She spoke coldly, turning her nose up at him. "You're going to force me to stay by your side the entire time while you do your 'Harbinger duties.'"

"Well I can't have you running off or getting hurt," He explained, like she'd understand and say yes. But of course that was far from what was going to happen.

"I can take care of myself, Dottore. I was chosen by the gods to get a vision, I'm worthy of it and I can use it to protect myself. I didn't need you before and I don't need you now." She took her vision off herself laying on the table just to make her point. "So unless you let me go wherever I want without you on my ass, it's still a no."

He sits back in his chair with his arms crossed mumbling. "Just because you have a vision doesn't mean anything. I've killed people, their little 'god sent vision' didn't save them"

But she couldn't hear his homicide confession. She started getting up from the table seeing as she's made her point and isn't going.

"Fine fine fine." He says in an annoyed tone. "If you come with me I won't 'be on your ass'," he says in her words, but with a grumble instead.

"Thank-" she was cut off.

"BUT" he announces, he curtly nods. "You're not allowed to leave the city without me, got it?"

She sat back down, knowing they'd be talking about their 'vacation' now. "Got it," She acknowledges with a slight nod of her head.

He huffed, still not being happy with her being able to wander around the city. He was wanting to see this more like a 'couples vacation' than a mission. Her being able to wander off without him wasn't very couple-like and he was upset about it.

"So when are we going to leave?" She questioned happily.

He lightens up at her facial expression, getting to see that beautiful smile of hers. "Early tomorrow morning. We need to leave the house before sunrise"

"Yikes, I better get packing soon then. What will you be doing there with the other Harbinger?" She questioned, her curiosity piqued.

"Just to make sure he's doing everything correctly." He paused to finish off his food before continuing "He's our newest member, so the Tsaritsa just wanted me to check up on him."

"Will I get to meet this young Harbinger?" She honestly just wanted to know if other Harbingers were as crazy as Dottore, or if they were actually sane.

He started seething at the idea of her meeting Tartaglia. Dottore knew how charming, kind, and funny he was. He didn't want the younger Harbinger flirting and laughing up a storm with his woman. But he knew that he had just promised her she'll have free range of doing what she wants to do while they're there.

"Only if you want," he stated in an obvious, upset tone

She caught this and questioned why, "Is he mean or something?"

He then got the devious idea to lie to her. How would she know if it's a lie or not? She'd want to not meet him. "Yes, he idiotic and reckless..." he starts trying to think of more ways to shine him in a bad light. "..He always talks about killing, he's very obnoxious and just outright annoying."

He wasn't necessarily lying per say. More like bending the truth for his and her benefits. And by her facial expression she was buying it.

Her face contorted in disgust at the thought of such an annoying person. "Yeah, maybe I won't go with you to see him."

He smiled brightly, "Yeah, you wouldn't like him at all." She got up collecting her plates "Well I'm going to get packed then get back to work"

"See you later, doll," He spoke with a smug look. He made sure to emphasize the nickname she hated 'oh so much'.

She only shot back a nasty glare before walking out of the dining room. She walked into her room, grabbing her trunk out from under the bed and placing it on it. She went to her drawer grabbing all the undies she would need for the time being there. She then walked over to her closet looking at all of her items of clothing. It was little, but she wanted to choose the best outfits for her vacation.

She was now getting very excited for this 'mission'. She gets to go to a country she's never been to, everything is all paid for, and the best by far, she gets to get away from Dottore for some time. The masked man can be very exhausting to deal with, and at some points she feels like a maid for a young obnoxious prince.

She pulled out her best outfits and carefully put them in the trunk. She then grabbed behind her neck and took her mothers necklace off. She walked over to her drawer and put it in "I'm sorry mom. I can't take any chances losing this in another country. I'd never find it again if it did."

She walked back over to her trunk, taking it off the bed and placed it next to the door, ready to go for tomorrow. She then walked out of the room heading back to her office to finish up some work before having the nice break.


A stream of loud knocks woke her up from her slumber. "Y/N~ we need to leave soon" Dottore's voice sang out, way too energetic to be so early in the morning.

Y/N hopped out of her bed and ran to the door, still in pajamas and messy hair "When-" She paused to yawn. "When do we leave?"

He smiled looking her up and down, never seeing her like this. "About twenty minutes. And might I say, you look... dashing" he spoke in a half joking half flirtatious tone.

She slammed the door on him, not being awake enough to deal with his flirtatious tendencies that seem to be getting bolder by the day. "I'll come back in twenty to get you," Dottore says from the other side of the door. She started to put on the clothes she laid out the previous night. Once she was done with her clothes, she brushed her hair out and finished up with her everyday look. She was still so tired, but the warm feeling of excitement was starting to grow all over.

Once she was done, she grabbed her trunk and opened the door. She went to walk out of her room but she was just met with Dottore. Crashing into him, she stumbled backwards. He held her waist to steady her. "Woah darling, if you wanted to be close to me so bad you could have just asked" He said slyly, his head tilting forward slightly.

'What's with him this morning?' She pondered, not knowing how to feel about these constant advances toward her. "Lets go, "She spoke, straightening herself as she pushed past him, walking down the hall heading to the entrance of the house.

"Let me take your bag for you," Dottore tried taking the trunk from her hand but she moved it before he could get a good grip on it.

"No," her voice was stern. 'Just a few more hours with this asshole and I'll be free' she kept telling herself to keep her sane.

"What's with you this morning?" He mumbled but she heard. She had no will to argue back with him.

They got to the cart and put their luggage in the back and got in. It would take some time for them to get to the docs from their home. Y/N had no trouble falling asleep in the bumpy cart. Dottore went to open his mouth to talk to her when he noticed her eyes closed and head leaning against the side of the cart. A small smile appeared on his lip as he watched her sleep peacefully.

Sadly this peaceful moment between the two was rudely interrupted by the cart stopping aggressively. This shook her away as she looked around disoriented before she realized where she was and what she was doing.

"We have arrived!" Hollard the coachman.

Dottore hopped out of the cart first, holding out his hand for Y/N to take. This time, surprisingly, she took his hand while exiting. As she went to go get their luggage he stood there looking at his hand with a big stupid smile on his face.

She pushed his luggage into his chest for him to grab it. "Lets go" she walked in front of the cart taking a refreshing breath of the morning ocean air.

Dottore started making long happy strides to the boat, like he just accomplished the impossible. Y/N had to speed walk to keep up with him. Once they got to the boat there were other Fatui agents waiting there for him. They all immediately bowed at the sight of them as they walked onto the boat. Dottore then showed Y/N to her room and told her that he has the room next to hers.

She entered her room putting her luggage on the bed and walking out again. The excitement of a vacation hitting her with full force as she got a burst of energy and ran up back to the deck. She saw all the crew running around getting everything ready to leave. She ran to the stern of the boat and watched all the city people now starting to get started with their day. Some just walked around and others looked up and waved at her. She, of course, waved back happily.

The boat started to take off as the city started to get farther and farther away. Dottore soon appeared beside her, also watching the city. She turned to him smiling and he returned the gesture. "You look so happy doll," he commented on her appearance

She groaned at the name he keeps calling her. "Again with that name?"

"Yeah," he paused for a moment before continuing. "Your beauty reminds me of a pretty doll you'd see in shop fronts."

She suddenly got flustered at his explanation of the name.

"Oh." That was all she said as she covered her mouth and looked away from him, not wanting him to see her ever growing red face.

He smiled in victory, knowing that she was blushing from his comment, which he meant every word of.


This chapter is more talking and I am happy to add more dialog between the two and make their relationship grow more. I'm SUPER excited for these next few chapters, there's a lot to come. But it defiantly will take me longer to write because they are going to be lengthy ( i hope at least)


<3 El

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