29: Home

481 28 11

Warnings: A rollercoaster of emotions

It was time for them to leave Sumeru. The sun had barely risen, and Y/N was trying to make sure that they didn't leave anything behind. "I think that's everything." She said to Zandik, closing her luggage case.

Zandik was already near the door. He had been ready to go for quite some time already. Y/N walked out of the bedroom, ready to get on the boat so she could go back to sleep. She knew that Zandik would've gotten her another potion to help with her motion sickness.

He opened the door for her, letting her walk out of their temporary home first. She was shocked to see a carriage sitting in front of the house, Fatui soldiers were stationed around it. "Zandik, we do not need a carriage to get to the docks." Y/N told him, thinking it was ridiculous.

"We are not headed to the docks." He walked past her, putting his stuff on the back of the carriage.

"Where are we headed then?" She stood still questioningly. She was completely confused as to what was going on, and slightly upset that she had been left out of these plans.

"Home." He stated simply, walking back to her, grabbing her luggage from her as she still stood in front of the house.

"But the boat would be much faster." She was still utterly confused by his vagueness.

"It would be," He agreed. Now with everything packed he walked back towards her. "On the other hand." He continued. "If we travel by carriage, there is a particular village we would pass by on the way."

Her eyes widened when she realized where he was going with this. "Are you being serious?" She asked, wanting to confirm that he really was taking her back to her village.

"I would not have gotten a carriage only to lie to you." He deadpanned, not understanding why she would think he was messing around.

Y/N threw her arms around his neck, a few tears of happiness pricking her eyes. "Thank you!" She happily cried into his shoulder. She planted a kiss on his cheek, not wanting to be too vulgar with so many guards around.

He hugged her back lightly, not wanting all of the Fatuus around to see into their relationship. When Y/N let go, she practically jumped into the carriage, wanting to get there as soon as possible. He entered the carriage after her, and they were off.

The trip back to Snezhnaya now would take almost a week and a half to get back, instead of a few days at sea. But it was worth it for her, even if she would only get to visit home for two days.


It took many days to even get close to Y/N's village. The days were long and boring. They would wake up early, eat what the inns would have to offer, spend the whole day in the cramped carriage, and stop at another inn and eat dinner there as well.

They both purchased books to read along the way and to pass the time. Y/N picked up the first three volumes of The Princess of Mina of the Fallen Nation; While Zandik had been reading The History of the Decline and Fall of Remuria.

The night before they were supposed to arrive at the village, Y/N could barely sleep. Zandik woke up to her side of the bed being vacant, which was a first. On the carriage ride over to the village, she couldn't focus on her book either. She could only look out the window in anticipation.

"I don't want to ride into the village with the carriage." She told Zandik. He looked up from his book, confused about what she was talking about. "I want the carriage to stop outside of the village and I want to walk. So no one sees me coming!"

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