The Duchess of Two Dukedoms o...

Par Ladybythelake54

465 633 157

Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell was just an ordinary girl from Post World War III Planet Earth when she first a... Plus

World War III
April 29, 2153
False Prophets and Teachers
The First Duke of Norfolk Territory
The First Newborn Sons of Star Base 12
The Two French Beauties From The House of Capet
Lady Jeanette Virginia Beaufort and Lady Elizabeth Drummond
Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard and Lord William Philip Carey
Lord Charles Andrew Howard and Lady Alexandra Elizabeth Churchill
The Girl That Sits on Top of The Hill
The Request
The Three Rivals of Lord Andrew Charles Howard
Requested Granted
The Weekend at Balmoral Manor
Return To Madame's Boarding House
I Want To Go Out Dancing
The Bells Ring Throughout Norfolk Territory
The Wedding of Lord Andrew Charles Howard and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell
The Birth of Lady Elizabeth.
The New Duke and Duchess of Norfolk Territory
The Birth of The Duchess of Clarence Territory
The Duke of Lancaster Territory Part I
Pembroke Territory Part I
Pembroke Territory Part II
The Duke of Lancaster Territory Part Two
Lady Caroline Matilda Carey, Future Duchess of Bedford Territory
Lord Albert Edward Howard, Duke of Kent
Lady Anastasia Christina Howard, Duchess of Northampton Territory
Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey, Duke of Langley Territory
The Duke of St. Albans and The Duke of Richmond Territory
Lady Sophia Dorothea Howard, Duchess of Gloucester Territory
Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard, future Duchess of Sussex Territory
The Duchess of Bedford Territory- June of 2300
How Could I Ever Know?

111 Years Later

19 21 7
Par Ladybythelake54

It is 111 years later after World War III on Post World War III Planet Earth and the world is still trying to recover from the devastating side effects left by the radiation poisoning but no one really knows the long term side effects of it and what it would do.

The year is 2270, a young 15 year old girl watches her entire family succumb to the long term side effects of radiation poisoning along with her beloved fiance.

Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell is 15 years old in 2270, and she goes to live with relatives, but in 2271 they can no longer take care of her as they have their own children and food is being rationed out by food coupons.

The Lewis drive Karissa to San Francisco Star-Fleet Command where she will be placed into a relocation program for war orphans.

In the waiting room at Star-Fleet Command are 499 other war orphans between 15-18 years old waiting to be transported to either Star Base 10 or Star Base 12.

All 500 young people board the USS Republic with Captain Archer at the helm and one by one they are shown their quarters and they are told that there is a library, music room, recreational hall, mess hall that serves three meals a day, a commissary and a garden board the USS Republic for them to use during their five year long journey.

Captain Archer tells them " We have a short stop over at Talos IV and then we are headed for Star Base 10 and we will arrive there on April 1, 2274, and finally orbit around Star Base 12 on May 1, 2274."

"I am not sure why Star-Fleet Command wants us to orbit around Talos IV but it is a command." Captain Archer explains.

Star-Fleet Command was secretive about Talos IV and it had a dark secret that not even The United Federation of Planets wanted to tell.

All of the young people gather in the mess hall for their first meal with the rest of the crew and Karissa sits at a table by herself until a young officer named Lt. Decker walks up to her "May I join you. I don't like sitting with crowds and listening to them jam their jaws." Lt Decker states.

"No. I am myself the same way." Karissa tells him.

"I am Lt. Matthew Decker." Lt Decker tells her " My dad was once a Star Fleet Commander on the USS Constitution."

"I am Karissa." Karissa tells him " I am headed for Star Base 12."

"Why Star Base 12 and why not Star Base 10?" Lt. Decker asks.

"It wasn't my choice, believe me." Karissa answers.

"I was left a war orphan and the relatives who were taking care of me could no longer afford to do so." Karissa states, "By the time I arrive on Star Base 12 I will be close to 19 years old."

"You are very young to be traveling by yourself as are the rest of the young people." Lt. Decker tells her.

"I am afraid none of us had a choice in the matter as we are war orphans." Karissa tells him.

"I am afraid that the United Federation of Planets miscalculated the long term side effects of radiation." Lt. Decker explains.

"They knew the short term side effects but not the lingering long term side effects that might take place years later." Lt. Decker admits.

"I was not affected and thanks to Odin it didn't affect my ability to have children." Karissa tells him.

"One day I hope to find the right young man if I ever do one again and marry and start a family ." Karissa confesses.

"What do you to one the USS Republic?" Karissa asks.

"I am a navigator on the deck." Lt. Decker states, "I work every day but on the weekends I am off."

"I understand we are stopping by a Federation colony called Talos IV." Karissa asks.

"Oh yes. I am sure it is just to pick up passengers heading for Star Base 10 and Star Base '12." Lt. Decker states.

"It won't be sometime." Lt Decker tells her. " Listen Karissa. I have to go back to work. I will have breakfast, lunch and dinner with you."

"I would like that very much." Karissa tells Lt. Matthew Decker.

During the five year journey to Star Base 12, Lt. Matthew Decker and Karissa become good friends and they eat meals together, and on weekends they spend time in the garden, talking about music, literature, and art.

Lt Matthew Decker is still trying to get over the suicide-death of his father, Commander Decker on the USS Constitution.

From time to time Karissa and a group of other young people use the garden to find peace and solace.

The same group of young people and Karissa sit in the theater and listen to music and think back of what they lost and what they might have to gain on either Star Base 10 and Star Base 12.

All these young people have is their memories of a family they once had and some pictures they brought with them.


Finally, The USS Republic orbits around Talos IV and they only pick up one passenger, a grieving Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley who lost his entire family to Kudos the Executioner.

Lt Kevin Thomas Riley is 20 years old, and he was raised on Talos IV and he thought once he signed up for Star-Fleet Academy on Star Base 12 that his family would be safe.

All of a sudden he receives the news from Star-Fleet Command that his entire family has been executed by Kodos and they were dragged up and executed and it is all because of famine.

Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley received the news that they took out his father first and shot him, and then they took his mother and sister out second and where his late father was murdered. His mother and sister clung to each other as they were brutally murdered and they fell to the ground clinging to each other.

Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley was called back to Talos IV to see to his family funeral and burial and to take care of family business.

While he was there he under covered a letter written to him by his late father and it read " My dear son, Kevin. I received a notice from the government of Talos IV that all non-essential people on Talos IV are going to be executed as there is potential famine on Talos IV. I am afraid your mother, sister and I will be executed.

My dear Kevin, please bury your mother, sister and I together and take care of family business. I have left a trust fund for you. Your mother, sister and I love you. Love your father, Thomas Riley."

The letter brought tears to Kevin eye's and he places the letter in his father's family Bible and took family pictures in his suitcase and dispenses with the rest of what his murdered family had left behind.

One day he decided to find solace and peace within the garden and he didn't notice Karissa sitting there, but all of a sudden he saw her and he said. " I am sorry I didn't see you sitting there."

"It is alright." Karissa tells him " I come here to find peace and solace."

"I come here for the same reason and reflect." Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley tells her.

"I am Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley." Kevin tells her.

"You are who?" Lt Kevin Thomas Riley asks her.

"I am Karissa." Karissa answers him.

"Karissa who?" Kevin asks.

"Oh! I see you want my full name?' Karissa answers.

"It is Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell." Karissa answers.

"What a pretty name and what is your destination?" Kevin asks.

"Star Base 12 and yours?" Karissa asks.

"I am headed back for Star Base 12 where I attend Star Fleet Academy." Kevin tells her.

"Would you like to know about your new home?" Kevin asks.

"Tell me whatever you think I need to know?" Karissa tells him.

"Star Base 12 is occupied by aristocrats from Pre-World War Three Earth that left Europe in 2153 and some people who fled Pre-World War Three Earth in 2150 from The United States." Kevin explains

"Star Base 12 is divided into territories and the two largest territories are Norfolk and Bedford Territory followed by Essex, Somerset , Lennox, and Suffolk." Kevin explains.

"Every territory has a Duke to govern it." Kevin tells her.

"Norfolk is governed by The Howard's, Bedford is governed by The Carey's, The Devereux govern Essex Territory, Somerset is governed by The Beaufort's, Lennox is governed by The Stuarts, and Suffolk is governed by The Grey's." Kevin explains.

"They all intermarried with each other." Kevin states "Lord Patrick William Howard who was the 1st Duke of Norfolk Territory son, Lord Frederick William married Lady Jeanette Virginia Beaufort and their sons married into the Churchill family, Bourbon family and Percy family and the Carey family." Kevin explains.

"Lord Frederick William's grandson married into the Stuart family, and one married into the Beck family while his granddaughters married into the Neville and Stafford family on Star Base 10." Kevin tells her.

"There is one son left who hasn't married and he is looking for his wife and his name is Lord Andrew Charles Howard." Kevin tells her.

"Lord Charles Andrew III married into the Stanhope family and Lord Patrick William II married into the Stafford family." Kevin tells her.

"To this very day neither of the sons have any children but his daughters." Kevin confesses.

"Lord Richard William Carey is his second once removed and he is Duke of Bedford Territory and he is my personal friend." Kevin admits.

Kevin and Karissa become very close during the rest of their journey towards Star Base 12 and finally on May 1, 2274, 111 years to the very day that destroyed Planet Earth the USS Republic orbits around Star Base 12.

The USS Republic transports the remainder of the passengers to Star Base 12 and Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley with Karissa are the last ones to be transported and Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley escorts Karissa to where both Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR and Lord Richard William Carey are standing and with them is Lord Andrew Charles Howard.

Later on Lady Karissa would declare that both Lord Andrew Charles and Lord Richard William were two of the most handsome men on Star Base 12 but she didn't fail to include Lord Andrew Charles Howard's eldest brother, Lord Charles Andrew Howard III.

Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley walks up with Karissa on his arm " Lord Howard and Lord Richard William Carey. May I present Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell. She has recently arrived from Post World War Three Planet Earth from the United States." Lt. Kevin Riley tells them.

Karissa knows something about protocol and she gives a curtsy to Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR and Lord Richard William Carey and Lord Charles Andrew JR smiles and he offers in his hand and he helps to rise to her feet.

Lord Andrew Charles nudges his father and Lord Charles Andrew JR tells Karissa " This is my youngest son, Lord Andrew Charles Howard and this is my second cousin once removed, Lord Richard William Carey." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"What territory will you be presiding in?" Lord Charles Andrew JR asks.

"I am not sure but I will be living out at Madame's Boarding House." Karissa explains.

Lord Richard William Carey smiles " I am happy you have chosen my territory to live in Mademoiselle Karissa." Lord Richard William Carey tells her.

"I know Madame Valois personally. My late great-grandfather and grandfather were good friends with the Valois. Monsieur Charles Valois and Madame Isabella Valois were very good friends." Lord Richard William Carey tells her.

"Chateau de Ville is a small replica of The Palace of Versailles." Lord Richard William states.

"Monsieur and Madame for all the years they were married never had any children, so they turned it into a boarding house for young women." Lord Richard William explains.

"Lord Richard William Carey. Would you please see Karissa safely to Madame's Boarding House. I need to start walking back to Star-Fleet Academy?" Kevin asks.

"It will be my pleasure." Lord Richard William Carey tells his good friend.

"I will see you later, Karissa, and I will travel out to Madame's." Kevin tells her and with that Lord Richard William carries Karissa luggage and suitcases to his carriage and he helps her to step into his carriage and the carriage starts on its way to Madame's Boarding House.

Karissa is very quiet during the journey and Lord Richard William decides to initiate a conversation with her " My territory is very quiet. It is low crime, my people are into agriculture, and they work with their hands." Lord Richard William explains.

"My great-great-great-grandfather settled here with Lord Patrick William Howard in 2159 and in fact my great-great-grandfather and Lord Frederick William were the first two children to be born here." Lord Richard William states.

"My great-grandmother is Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard who was Lord Patrick William Howard's only granddaughter and she married my great-grandfather and they had my grandfather, Lord George." Lord Richard William explains.

"My father never became Duke as he died before my grandfather so at the age of 20 years I became Duke of Bedford Territory." Lord Richard William states.

"I am the great-great-grandson of Lord Patrick William Howard through his granddaughter, Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard and my grand-uncle was Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior." Lord Richard William explains.

"I was raised until I was ten by my late father and mother and when I was ten and my sister was five years old we arrived on Star Base 12 from Rigel Seven." Lord Richard William explains.

"My father and mother relocated from famine stricken Rigel Seven to Star Base 10." Lord Richard William explains.

"My second cousin once removed didn't want us to become victims to the another madman like Kudos and what he did by murdering people on Talos IV." Lord Richard William tells her.

Karissa just listens to Lord Richard William Carey and finally they arrive at Madame Boarding House and Lord Richard William Carey carries Karissa luggage and suitcases to the door and he knocks on the door and a kindly French woman answers it " Bonjour Lord Carey." Madame Valois tells him.

"Good Day Madame Valois. I have brought Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell to you." Lord Richard William Carey tells her.

"Oui, we have been expecting her arrival." Madame tells him.

"Welcome Mademoiselle Karissa. I have your suite ready." Madame tells her "You are the only one here for now. The rest of my young ladies are finishing school.'

"Madame should Mademoiselle Karissa ever need anything please let me know." Lord Richard William Carey asks her.

"Of course Lord Carey." Madame tells him and with that Madame helps Karissa with her luggage and suitcases and helps her to settle into her new suite Chateau de Ville. 

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