Peter 1, 2, and 3's worlds re...

By Wlid4life

144K 2.4K 1K

so this story was on my old account @fussrocks but i will be continuing it here so if you have not read the o... More

Cast and where they are from
when they get to my theater
TASM1 Part 1 Life of Peter 3
TASM Part 2 Secrets Uncovered
TASM1 Part 3 Spider Bite
TASM Part 4 Arguments
New Story!!!
TASM1 Part 6 Lizard
TASM1 Part 7 'The City Does Need You...'
Authors note important-ish
Another Authors note Sorry!!
Spider Gwen
Shang Chi and Another Natasha
Peter 1's Breakdown
4 Peters
Family Dead and Sad Backstories
"A Couple of Guys"
The Dark Hold And Scarlett Witch
An Awesome Save By Peter Maximoff
A/N not really important
Logan and Rouge's Father Daughter bond
"I Just Wanted A Sister!!"

TASM1 Part 5 Spiderman

7.5K 136 105
By Wlid4life

(A/N Thank you guys so much for the reads and support sorry this was late i have to type everything and do work for school but enjoy the story)

Shows Peter at the store, "It's $2.07. It's $2.07." The cashier says.

"Yeah. No, I know." Peter nods his head.

"Yeah, you're holding up the line." The cashier says getting impatient.

Peter grabs 2 pennies from the take a penny leave a penny jar, "No. You can leave a penny, you can't take a penny."

"Really? Even I am a bad guy and I don't steal that obvious. And I run around with a damn laser blaster/gun." Rumlow says.

Peter gives him a look and explains, "You can leave a penny anytime, you have to spend 10 dollars to take a penny. It's store policy. You're holding up my line."

"That makes no sense." Rhodey says rolling his eyes.

"I don't have 2 cents."

"Then you can't afford the milk, now step aside. What's the matter daddy didn't give you enough milk money today?" The cashier exclaims angerly and impatiently.

"Now that is just cold." Karli says glaring at the guy on screen.

"We're talking about 2 cents."

"It is just 2 cents can't the kid get milk!" Bucky exclaims angrily.

"Just step aside, kid." Peter takes his money and is about to walk out the door when the guy behind him knocks something over, "Really?" He bends down to pick up the stuff the guy grabs the cash from the register and takes the beer and tosses Peter the milk, he catches it, the guy then walks off.

"Well, that was kind of nice. At least he gave Peter the milk." Pietro says earning a few looks from people which he brushes off.

The cashier realizes, "Yo, not cool, bro." and runs outside to see the guy running a "Hey, man, stop! Somebody stop that guy!" Turns and sees Peter, "Hey, kid, little help?

Peter looks at him and says, "Not my policy." While shrugging.

"Why didn't you help?" Wanda asks. "Because I was angry at myself from what happened with me and Ben and angry at his comment about the milk." Peter says looking down knowing that the next parts aren't his final moments.

The cashier continues shouting "Somebody stop that dude! Hey! Hey, stop! Somebody stop that dude!" The shoplifter bumps into people and then trips and out slides a gun Ben right there sees the gun. The shoplifter and Ben fight for the gun the shoplifter then pulls the trigger. Ben freezes and drops the shoplifter looks around and runs away.

"I die." Ben says, may looks at him in tears. I nod sadly. Peter 3 looks down and Nat, Yelena, Clint all look at the heart broken boy with pity in their eyes

Then it shows Peter he hears the gunshot and then walks over to the person laying on the floor only to realize that it was his uncle, "Hey! Oh, God, oh, God. Uncle Ben, Uncle Ben. Call an ambulance! Someone call an ambulance! Uncle Ben, Uncle Ben. Oh, God, oh, my God. Oh, God. No." Peter starts putting pressure on the wound getting blood all over his hands.

Everyone in the theater, including the trained assassins all have tears in their eyes. The villains are feeling some pain and pity but not much then they hear a broken voice say, "I'm sorry uncle Ben... I-I'm s-sorry that I couldn't save you." Peter 3 then starts sobbing Peters 2 and 1 give him a big hug Shuri and Yelena go over and join the hug. They hug until Peter 3's breathing evens out. All the Flashes start feeling guilty. Especially Flash 3.

Now shows police in Peter's house talking to May and Peter standing there listening with a sad face, "Witnesses gave a description to the sketch artist. I need you to take a look." The police shows May a picture of the shoplifter, "No, I don't know him."

"I didn't expect you would, ma'am. Homicide detectives are on it. We'll see what they turn up." May nods shakily and says, "Okay." As the officer is about to leave Peter asks, "Can I have that?" The officer gives if to Peter and says, "Sure. There's one other thing. He has a star tattooed on his left hand."


Shows the shoplifters hand when he was grabbing the money.

Peter then looks at May and sees that she is very upset.

"Please don't do what I think you are about to do Peter." Peter 2 says shaking his head. Peter 3 looks down.

Then the scene changes to Peter in his room listening to the message Ben left for him, "Peter, I know things have been difficult lately and I'm sorry about that. I think I know what you're feeling." Peter looks down ready to cry but holds it in.

"It's ok to cry sometimes you know." Bucky says knowing what he is feeling.

The next day in school everybody is whispering and looking at Peter with pity. It then shows Peter at his locker and Flash comes around the corner, "Hey, Parker." Peter doesn't look at him and just says, "Not today, Flash." "Come on, I just want to talk."

"Bad idea he will probably do something rational out of anger sadness and grief." Coulson says Fury nodding in agreement.

Peter then spins around grabs Flash and slams him into the lockers everyone stops what they are doing and look at them.

"Called it." Coulson says. Carol then says, "Peter its ok you feel upset just talk to someone you trust so you don't do anything you'll regret." Peter looks down already knowing what it is going to show.

Flash looks at him with fear but also sadness, "It feels better, right? Look, your uncle died. I'm sorry. I get it. I'm sorry. Okay?" Peter puts his head down and then slowly lowers Flash he quickly closes his locker and walks away Gwen spots him, "Peter." He looks at her with a sad face Gwen just gives him a hug, but Peter just walks off.

'Poor Peter' is the only thought in everyone's head. Peter 1 looks at him knowing what it is like to lose a father figure because he has lost 3. Peter 3 lost 2, Peter 1 gives him a hug and says, "I know what it is like you're not alone."

It then shows Peter get home and he sees may on the couch and he puts a blanket on her. He goes to his room and looks at the picture of the guy that killed his uncle.

"Peter don't tell me you went looking for him?" Peter 3 just once again looks down and Ben just looks down sadly.

It then shows Peter walking down a street at night. It then shows a few people in an alley.

"Stay away from him. You understand? Stay away from Joey."

Then you hear, "Hey!" it then it shows a silhouette of a man, you like beating on girls? You like beating on old men?"

"Peter, remember you have super strength." Gamora says. "Control your temper." Nebula says. Peter just sighs remembering what happens.

"Hey, pal... keep walking. You're in the wrong place."

"When were you in Queens?" the shadow appears to be Peter, "I asked you a question." Peter then slams him into the wall then the floor the guy gets back up and pulls out a gun, "Nicky, no!"

Peter sees and asks, "That the gun? You gonna kill me too?"

"oooo I like you any chance you are willing to swap places with Quill." Rocket says while smirking. While Quill lets out an offended hey.

Peter then grabs his wrist and twists his wrist the guy in pain then says, "Hey! Stop it! Hey. Get off!" He drops the gun unable to hold it with the pain.

"I am Groot.(Lets take him and leave Quill here.)" "Yeah, let's do it Groot." Rocket says earning smack on the head from Gamora.

"Wait, oh, don't hit Nicky! Back up! This guy is crazy!" The lady screams and a bunch of guys come out, "Get him!" They charge at Peter, but he does some parkour and kicks some of them,

"Nice form." Sylvie says. "Nice moves you have to teach me that flip kick though." Yelena begs.

"Get back here, man!" Peter then jumps a gate, "Get him! Follow him!" "Go around, man! I'll follow you!" Peter then grabs onto a fire escape railing one of the guys almost grabbing his foot.

"Run small child." Drax exclaims.

He then climbs all the way up to, "Go, go, go! There he is! Can't get away!" He then realizes he is at the edge of a building. He takes a few steps back and then runs and jumps all the way to the other building. Then a guy enters the roof from the door with a crowbar in hand. Peter and the guy fight the guy then falls off the roof.

"Finally! Some death and not just some sappy crap." Hela says and the other villains or bad people agree.


He has a star tattooed on his left wrist.

Peter checks the guy's wrist it doesn't have the star he then pulls him up far enough just so he can hold on to the edge of the building.

"Oh man." The villains say while everyone else sighs in relief that he didn't just kill a random person.

The guys chasing Peter then see him in the other roof. They then start yelling at Peter as he walks away but the falls through the ceiling,

Even through the tension people laughed at that.

"Ch, yeah? Come on! I know what you look like! You hear me? I've seen your face!" Peter then sees a poster and it shows some wrestler's mask.

"Did that inspire your mask?" Peter 2 asked Peter 3 "Sort of."

The scene then changes to Peter in his room making a mask and him watching a video, "Engineered from genetically enhanced spiders... Oscorp's BioCable tensile strength is unparalleled. We're just beginning... to understand all the potential industrial applications. A single pellet can safely store several hundred meters of the lightweight cable."

"Wow that is strong and can hold a lot." Tony, Shuri and Bruce are already thinking on how to make it.

It then shows Peter take out one pellet. It then shows him experimenting with it. It explodes onto his face and his room.

Peters 2 and 1 laugh at his misfortune. While everyone is confused on why the mask looks familiar and the webs.

He then makes some calibrations and then it shoots a perfect line of web. His face showing his proudness and excitement.

"Kid your face is priceless." Captain Stacey says giving out a little chuckle. Gwen chuckling on how funny he looked.

Peter then listens to a police scanner, "Attention, all units in the confines of Precinct 13, receiving a 10-30... on West 19th Street and Broadway. Assailant is Caucasian male, mid-30s... 170 to 180 pounds... shoulder-length blond hair. Last seen on foot heading eastbound on 19th Street."

"Really another Peter with a police scanner." Tony says exasperated.

It now shows Captain Stacey talking to another officer, "Hey. You got a description?

"Well, no, he wears a mask."

"A mask?"

"Most of his victims... are suspects with serious rap sheets. They're calling him a vigilante." They walk out of the station.

"Why whenever someone does something the city can't do, they immediately think that they are either a bad guy or vigilante." Peter 3 says while most people agree.

"Okay, he's not a vigilante, he's an anarchist." As soon as the words leave his mouth a guy that they were chasing was then dangling in front of them wrapped up in a web, the guy then starts screaming, "Help me, somebody! Arrest me! Get me out of here."

"Damn whatever that vigilante did must have scared him enough to say, 'Arrest me' and not something like 'he attacked me' or some shit." Whiplash says.

Someone in the crowd then says, "Hey. Look!" it then shows Peter or the vigilante swing away.

People looked confused but a look of remembrance like 'why does that look so familiar.'

It now shows Peter in his room looking online, "Spandex. Spandex. Everything... spandex." It then shows what he is looking at.

"That is similar to what I said when trying to find/make my suit." Peter 2 says. Both Peters interested on how his first suit turns out.

Now at school it shows students talking about the vigilante, "Extraordinary velocity vector is a function... of both mass and acceleration." "Come on, you know better than anyone the weight on any pendulum has no effect on speed. It doesn't affect frequency, but it's totally a factor in momentum."

"One day and already got fame. Damn." Electro says

It then shows Peter working on his suit then it shows Peter in his suit then he he jumps off the building and starts free falling. 

"Are you insane Peter you could die?!?!" May shouts angry and scared for the safety of her nephew.  Yelena looks at Peter 3 and knows that he will be ok.   People were so worried about Peter that they didn't realize his suit. 

then he shoots a web and land on a building that had a lot of windows and acted like a mirror, and it showed his new suit.

Drop dead silence you could hear a feather drop. Then...............................................Chaos.

"YOU'RE SPIDERMAN!!" "A KID IS FIGHTING CRIME!" "MY NEPHEW IS RISKING HIS LIFE TO FIGHT AND GET REVENGE!!" "THERE ARE MORE SPIDERMANS!!" As everyone is screaming, they fail to notice the Peters covering their ears about to have sensory overloads until you here, "SHUT THE FUCKING HELL UP!!!!" everyone turns to see who yelled and to everyone's shock it was Natasha, Yelena and........................Bucky? No one questioned why Nat screamed Peter 1 was her baby spider but why the other 2 yelled confused everyone until Nat went to comfort Peter 1, Bucky went to comfort Peter 2, and Yelena went to comfort Peter 3(I had no clue where I was going with this but anywhooo...)

Once the Peters were out of the sensory overload Peter 2 and 1 congragulated him on his first suit and how cool it looked then the movie continued.  

Peter is now on top of the roof and his phone rings, "Hey, Aunt May. Yeah. Eggs? Organic, got it."

"How you answer that question so causally while on top of a building is so funny." Kate says while laughing a little.

It is now nighttime, and it shows a guy parking his car and another guy unlock it and get into it. In the back you see Peter aka Spiderman, but the car thief does not notice him.

"How does he not notice you? I mean there is something called a rear-view mirror." Darren Cross says while shaking his head but Hank, Hope and Scott all glare at him.

Peter/Spiderman clears his throat scaring the car thief.

"Dude, I did something similar to that but when people with alien were robbing an ATM." Peter 1 says earning confused looks from some people.

"In the future, if you're gonna steal cars... don't dress like a car thief, man."

"Ah the wit." Shuri says enjoying the jokes that Peter 3 makes while in the middle of a fight.

The thief looks at him then asks, "What are you? You a cop?"

People look at the guy on the screen as if he was crazy. "Seriously?" Mary Jane, Gwen and MJ all ask.

Peters body language and tone sound like seriously, "Really? You seriously think I'm a cop? Cop in a skin-tight red-and-blue suit?"

"Some people make people like us look bad." Red Skull says, earning glares from S.S.R, Steve, and Bucky.

The guy then tries getting out but Peter webs the door and pulls it shut, "You know, you're..." The thief tries again but Peter pulls it back, "You've got a mind..." Thief tries again same outcome, "of the true scholar, sir. I was going more for the guys who do the luge."

"Some people just can't take a hint." Clint says shaking his head after the thief tries the same thing over and over.

The thief then lowers down the window and starts climbing out, "Good thinking. Get out the window. There you go. You got it."

People laugh at how he is encouraging him to escape.

The thief turns around and Peter/Spiderman isn't there anymore he gives a confused face. The thief then turns around to come face to face with Spiderman. The thief then pulls out a knife, "Just let me go."

"Ok how the hell did you get out so fast?" Grandmaster asks.

In a fake scared voice, "Is that a real knife?"

The thief confused says, "Yes, it's a real knife."

Peter/Spiderman is now on the floor covering his face saying, "My weakness, it's small knives."

People burst out laughing at this scene. Some are on the floor clutching their stomach others have tears in their eyes and a few of them are on the floor and have tears in their eyes.

The car thief then says, "Just let me go."

Spiderman still on the floor in fake fear says, "Anything but... knives!" he then webs the thief's hand with the knife to the wall, "Oh, it's so simple. Pretending to start a conversation "That was cool. What is this? Webbing I developed. I don't think you want to know."

"Starting a conversation, I see." Dr. Strange says exasperated at Peter 3's doings.

The thief then just begs, "Let me go!"

Peter then says, "Okay, one second. Hold on, one second." Peter then looks like he needs to sneeze. He fake sneezes and the web hits the thief in the 'funny part'(A/N: I actually have a friend who calls it that when he first called it that everyone started laughing at it especially me my sister and friend)

All the boys wince once again knowing the pain especially when something hits it directly.

In pain while Peter laughs, "Knock it off, man. No! Come on, let me go. Stop it! That isn't funny."

Still laughing, "It is kind of funny."

The thief then screams, "Help!" Peter then webs his mouth shut and the music becomes tense

"Roses are red violets are blue it might just be me but that escalated quickly." Shuri says earning a little chuckle from the Peters and some awkwardly chuckle, but Ramonda just pinches her again. Getting a shout of protest from Shuri.

the thief's face shows nothing but terror, he then checks the guys left wrist and there is no star, "This could've gone a lot worse. Now hold still." Peter cuts holes in the web so the guy can breathe. Then you hear police sirens a cop on a motorcycle is seen Peter then shouts, "Heeeyy!! Boys in blue here. Yo, I got him." Peter says gesturing behind him.

"I love what you call the cops! Can I steal it?" Yelena, Peters 1 and 2 ask with excitement in their eyes.

The cop then pulls out a gun, "Freeze!"

"No offence Captain Stacey but some cops can be idiots." Peter 3 says. Others nodding in agreement

Ignoring him thinking he is talking about the thief, "He's not going anywhere."

"Don't move."

Peter realizing, he is talking to him, puts his hands up his posture and voice sound disbelieving, "You serious?"

"Who are you?" Peter turns around and looks at the thief, "No one grasps the concept of the mask."

"Why can't anyone understand that wearing a flipping mask means that they don't want their identity known?!?!" Ava Starr says while exasperated but then calms down when she feels the pain Bill Foster notices this and gives her a little hug which she returns.

"Freeze!" The cop then starts shooting. Peter dodges them all.

"Nice reflexes young man." T'Challa says. Peter 3 nods in thanks.

By his stance you can tell he is angry he then takes the gun and says, "I just did 80 percent of your job. And that? That's how you repay me?" Peter throws the gun away.

"Yeah, and some cops can be arrogant." Peter 3 says. Once again others nod in agreement including Captain Stacey.

"Hold it right there!" Cop cars then start pulling in and Peter flees the scene. The cops still follow him, but he then swings off a bridge and says, "Well, that was fun." He nearly crashes into a bus, "Bus!" He then starts saying hi to everyone, "Hey there, everybody. What are you doing? Hey, watch out. I'm swinging here."

It now shows captain Stacey where the cops had stop chasing Peter, "So, 38 of New York's finest... versus one guy in a unitard. Am I correct?"

"It is not a unitard!" Peter 3 exclaims. "Ehhh" rings throughout the theater.

It now shows Peter sneaking into his house with his hoodie and hood up but then he sees may, "You don't have to wait up for me." As he walks into the kitchen.

Following Peter, "Yes, I do."

Peter angry and not facing May, "No, you don't."

May also angry, "Yes, I do. Okay. Where were you?"

Peter replies, "I was out." Like it was nothing.

Everyone feels the tense situation and May and Peter look down, May looks down knowing she is going to say something about Ben, Peter looking down because he knows what happens next.

May then asks, "Did you get the eggs?" Peter freezes and then remembers, "Nope. Forgot the eggs. I'm gonna get them now." He then starts walking towards the door, but May then says, "No, you most certainly will not. Not at this hour." She says firmly and obviously saying 'I am not changing my mind', "Look at me, Peter." Peter then slightly "Take off the damn hood and look at me."

"You better do what she says May only curses if she is really angry." Tony says Peter 2 and 1 nodding in agreement.

Peter takes off the hood and slowly looks at May, "Peter." She covers her mouth looking at Pater's bruised and bleeding face, "Where do you go? Who does this to you?"

Pater turns around completely, and we see Peter's completely scratched and bruised face, "Please go to sleep, Aunt May."

May does not back down, "Please tell me."

Peter almost begging, "Aunt May, please... please, please go to sleep."

Angry and fed up with Peters secrets, "I can't sleep. Don't you understand? I can't sleep. Peter, listen to me. Secrets have a cost. They're not for free. Not now, not ever." Peter then looks down thinking about what she just said.

"What she said is true secrets do have a cost." Loki says looking down Sylvie gives him a hug along with kid Loki. Frigga smiles seeing Loki happy while Odin does not care.(A/N I was so close to putting Odin with the villains but my sister told me not to)

The scene changes to in Dr. Conners office talking with the one guy that bumped into Peter, "Cross-species genetics is finally working. I've used the lizard DNA to help Freddy regrow that limb." Dr. Conners says while showing him Freddy.

The guy in an almost unbelievable voice, "It's a miracle.

Dr. Conners gets up and says, "No, it's hard work and promise. It's a step closer to the primate lab." The guy then cuts him off, "He doesn't have time for every little step." Dr. Conners looks at him a little weird, "Little?" The guy then looks at him annoyed, "I just mean he can't wait." Dr. Conners finally fed up with what he is hearing, "Well, he'll have to. Unless he wants to be a lab rat."

People can tell this argument is tense, so they don't say anything.

"That's not what I'm saying." The guy says rolling his eyes. Confused Dr. Conners asks, "So, what are you saying?"

"You have to start human trials. Now."

Dr. Conners answers almost immediately, "No, I don't, and no, I won't."

"Wait what happened to the nice friendly doctor, why is he a giant lizard?" Valkyrie asks. "It's a loooooooong story." Peter 3 says.

"Well, then he's going to die."

"People die. Even Norman Osborn." Dr. Conners is about to walk out.

"We are not finished."

Dr. Conners turns around and asks, "Human trials? Where are you going to find the people to volunteer?" The guy picks up a vile of the formula, "As far as anyone's concerned, it's for a flu shot. I might think the Veterans Hospital is a place to start."

"This guy is insane! Using people who helped defend our country on tests that aren't even safe." Sharon says her face turning red from anger.

Dr. conners looks at him in disbelief and as if he is crazy, "You've gotta be kidding me."

"I don't think I am. It's a little late for shock and indignation. About 15 years late."

Pretending to not know what he is talking about, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Richard Parker wore it well. On you, it's a cheap suit, as it was then."

Peter 3 glares at the screen angry at the man who is disrespecting his father.

"I had nothing to do with that."

"Is that what you told his son?"

"I don't know what you're saying."

"You don't know, or you don't wanna know? I'll remind you what happened. Richard Parker said just about the same thing then that you are saying now. The clock is ticking, Dr. Connors."

Looking at his arm reminding him of what could happen, "L... I won't."

"Fine. The formula is ours now anyway. Say goodbye to that arm you have dreamed of. I'm shutting you down. Have your office cleared out by the morning. Your toys can be taken away too, you know. Right, Freddy?" the guy says while walking off and out of the room. Dr. Connors grabs one of the viles and the ejects into himself.  

People feel anger rising about how he lost his job just because he wouldn't put innocent lives in danger.

The scene now shows Peter at school he sees Gwen and says, "Hey."


"How's it going?"

"Good. Where you headed?

"Monday, B track."

Gwen gives him a look and says, "It's Thursday."

"Wow you must have been really out of it to think it was Monday and not Thursday."

Peter looks at her confused and asks, "It's Thursday?"

Gwen nods but then notices a bruise on Peters cheek close to his eye, "What happened?

Forgot about his injuries, "What?" He looks at her with a tilted head, "Your eye, it looks bruised."

Remembering his wounds, he turns away from her and answers a little sheepishly, "Oh, yeah, no, I don't... Maybe I got a rash or..."

"That is the lamest excuse ever." Dr. Oct says.

Gwen reaches up to touch it but he turns away, "It's bad. Have you gone to the nurse?" Peter nods his face showing that he wants to change the subject, "Do you like branzino?" Peter gives her a confused face, "Like, a fish."

"No, no. I know. I know."

"You had no idea what is was did you?" Peter 1 asks, "Nope not a single clue what it was." Peter 3 says.

"Well, if you want..." She starts writing something down, "you can come to this address at 8:00 tonight. My mom's making branzino. So... It's apartment... 2016. I didn't write that part down. I don't know why I..." She starts walking away.

"I'll remember it."

"Oh, okay."

"2016." Gwen then walks completely away Peter looks at the not fondly.

People look interested to see what is going to happen next. 

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