TASM1 Part 7 'The City Does Need You...'

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The scene shows Captain Stacey at a podium, "Settle down, guys. Settle down, boys. Settle down. Come on. Listen. At approximately... 9 p.m. last night, an incident took place on the Williamsburg Bridge. Much of what occurred is speculation... at this point. However, several eyewitnesses... to the crime, as well as our own preliminary findings, have... positively placed... one individual at the scene. Which is why, this morning... I am issuing a warrant... for the masked vigilante known as Spider-Man. And lastly, city council members met with homeowners and airport officials... in the first of four meetings..."

"They are placing a warrant on you?!?!" Kate says

The scene the shows Peter and Gwen on school bleachers, Gwen is looking at the spider that bit Peter, "It's so beautiful." Peter smiles and says, "Knows how to bite though." Gwen gives him the spider and looks at him, "Who else knows about this?" "Just you."

"Oooooo." All the immature children in the theater shout while Peter 3 tries to sink into his seat, Gwen just laughs.

"Really?" Peter nods and the looks down then back at Gwen, "Hey, you don't... You don't believe what the police are saying, do you?" Without hesitation she answers, "Of course not."

The Peters smile when she doesn't hesitate to answer.

She then looks at him, "Does it scare you? What you can do?" Peter shakes his head, "No. No." What did that thing on the bridge look like?" Peter looks thoughtful, "It was real big. Too big to be human."

"Yeah, because a giant green lizard is a human." Peter 1 says sarcastically, "The lizard was human." Peter 3 says defending himself, "You do know I can hear you right." Lizard says annoyed at them. The Peters just shrug

"You gotta lay low." Peter shakes his head, "No, can't do that." Gwen insists, "You've got to. I mean, why...?" Peter cuts her off, "Because of last night. Those people on the bridge. Whatever was attacking them would have killed them. So... I gotta go after it."

"Peter that it noble but it is also stupid." Nat says and everyone nods in agreement.

"That's not your job." "Maybe it is." They are silent for a moment, "I really liked kissing you. You're an amazing kisser."

"Dude that is gross." Flash 1 says making a gagging face. While the Peters 2 and 1 say, "How come you have the charm with the girls we can't even talk to one besides may." Peter 3 shrugs and Peters 2 and 1 laugh while others look at them weirdly.

"Well, you know, it was... It was good for me too." "Yeah?" They then kiss and then a football heads their way, Peter catches it and throws it without looking it bends one of the posts of the felid goal,

Everyone is laughing at that, "Wait so you dented it?" Flash 3 asks Peter 3 he nods sheepishly.

they stop kissing and look Peters face reads oops, "Who did that?"

"Your face literally reads 'oh shit'!" Clint says laughing so hard he fell off his chair.

It now shows Peter in Oscorp, "Hello!" it is quiet,

"It is now a horror movie." Sam says while Bucky looks at him weird. "What?! Have any of you seen where when someone goes somewhere, and it is quiet and abandoned a killer comes out and kills them!"

He then looks around Conners office, "It's not nice to snoop." Peter jumps a little,

"I thought you had spidey sense?" Melina asks, "I do but I didn't see Dr. Conners as a threat til I found out he was lizard." Peter 3 says, explaining his sense.

Peter 1, 2, and 3's worlds reactingWhere stories live. Discover now