TASM1 Part 6 Lizard

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Part 6

The scene shows Gwen on her computer typing and then you see peter at her window he knocks on the window, "Hi. How did you get out there?"

"The fire escape." Peter then enters the room, "Your doorman's intimidating."

"It's 20 stories."

"Yeah. It's all right." Peter then looks around the room, "This is your room."

"Yes, this is my room."

"Bro you are making it so awkward." Harley says.

"Books. Shoes." Peter then remembers something, "Oh, hey... I got your mom... these." He pulls out crumpled up flowers, "Oh, lovely." "Beautiful, right?" "Beautiful." "They were nice." "No, they're beautiful." "I'm sorry." "No, it's impressive. They actually held together very well." Peter puts the flowers back into his bag, "I'm gonna keep these." "You have your suit in there?" Confused and a little scared that she knows asks, "My Suit?" "It's for dinner. Are you gonna...? Are you gonna wear that? That's..."

Captain Stacey walks in, "Hey, hon." He then sees Peter, "You must be Peter." "Dad, this is Peter." "Nice to meet you, sir."

"Nice to meet you. Dinner's ready. Hope you like branzino."

"Who doesn't?"

"How can you answer that you have never had branzino before." Gwen says while shaking her head laughing.

It now shows Conners on the phone, "Emma, it's Curt. Is he there?" "I'm afraid not, doctor. The car is taking him to the Veterans Hospital in Brooklyn."

"Oh my God he wasn't kidding about the veteran's hospital." Peggy says angered and outraged at how he is going to treat people who served and protected his country.

Now frantic, "No. He can't, Emma. You have to stop him. He..." "I would, but I always lose him on the bridge. I'll make sure Dr. Ratha returns your call as soon as possible." 

"she seriously can't just call him? unbelievable." Pepper says while rolling her eyes.  

He is now getting into a taxi, "I'm going to Holton Avenue, across the river. I'm in a hurry." The driver is unfazed, "You want me to take the tunnel or the bridge?" "Bridge! Take the bridge." "All right, we'll do that." Conners then starts holding his hand in pain and groaning in pain,

"I am going to guess he is not ok." Scott says while looking at on screen Conners and lizard Hope smacks

"Hey, you all right... back there? You tweaking... man?"

"Out of everything to say or ask he asks that?" Ben 3 asks and May 1, 2 and 3 all shake their heads.

"Just drive." "Okay."

It now shows Peter trying to eat branzino, "You're having trouble there? The head goes on the other... Help Gwen's friend with his fish." "Oh, I... I got no idea. First time. Branzino."

"You are making it so awkward." Peter 2 says while laughing.

Gwen's mom then looks at Captain Stacey, "George. Tell us about your day. Did you catch that spider guy yet?" "No, we didn't catch him yet. But we will. He's an amateur... who's assaulting civilians in the dead of night. He's clumsy, he leaves clues... but he's still dangerous."

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