The Dark Hold And Scarlett Witch

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"I know i said we will react to something about the X-men i changed my mind X-Men will be next."

"Ok so then what will we watch now?" Peter asks (A/N: if i just put Peter it means maximoff Peter)

"Well first it will talk about her," flash of light a girl appears, "America Chavez, Dr. Strange and The Scarlett Witch Wanda."

"THE SCARLETT WITCH!?" Frigga, Loki, Strange and Wong all shout 

"Hold up what is 'The Scarlett Witch'?" Magneto asks

"She is told to either rule the universe or destroy it." Wong says 

Wanda is scared

"the clip will explain"

the clip starts

The clip opens to show Stange and Wanda talking in an apple tree orchard.  Strange in seen holding a little branch from one of the trees.

Wanda: I put the magic behind me. 

"Wait what happened? What did i do?" Wanda asked scared

"Um long story short grief and sadness took over making you create a whole new reality for yourself  in a city of West View where you controlled everything."

"Wait did i hurt people?" Wanda asks shakily, she doesn't get an answer

Strange: So I can see. 

Wanda: Well, I knew sooner or later you'd, show up, wanting to discuss what happened at WestView. I made mistakes, and people were hurt. 

"Well that answers you question." Logan says putting his hands behind his head

"Be nice Logan." Jean says calmly

Strange: But you put things right in the end and that was never in doubt. I'm not here to talk about WestView. 

Wanda: Then what are you here for? 

Strange: We need your help. 

[Wanda grabs the branch Strange is holding and picks up the other branches]

Wanda: With what?

Strange: What do you know about the Multiverse? 

"Huh?" everyone from X-Men say 

"Basically you but in another world such as Logan in another world he could be a normal person, no claws." Wong says, giving a basic summary of the multiverse

[They both start walking, Wanda picking up branches she's cut as they go]

"Something doesn't look right." Logan says 

"Indeed." says Charles looking closely at the screen

Wanda: The Multiverse. Vis had his theories. He believed it was real. And, dangerous. 

"Who's Vis?" Rouge asks 

"I believe that is me." says Vision

"Woah." Erik says, "You are pure metal."

"Yes i am." Vision says 

"Erik don't even think about it." Charles says looking at Victor.  

"What don't think about what?" Peter 3 asks

[Wanda drops the branches in a wooden crate]

Strange: Well, he was right about both. We found a girl who can somehow travel across it but she's being pursued.

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