One Perfect Day

By palmtreeisland

283K 5.2K 1.5K

Cancer. It's a curse. It turns people's lives upside down and ruins their relationships. Brynne Foster is a... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 | Cinnamon Muffins
Chapter 2 | Crack of Dawn
Chapter 3 | Breathe
Chapter 4 | Snowflake
Chapter 5 | Heartbeat
Chapter 6 | Starry Night
Chapter 7 | City
Chapter 8 | Sanity
Chapter 9 | Dandelion
Chapter 10 | Butterflies
Chapter 11 | Fights
Chapter 12 | Winter Naps
Chapter 13 | Reputation - (Blake's POV)
Chapter 14 | Whisper
Chapter 15 | Escape
Chapter 16 | Threats - (Blake's POV)
Chapter 17 | Parachute
Chapter 19 | Intruders
Chapter 20 | Sleep
Chapter 21 | Truth - (Blake's POV)
Chapter 22 | Nightmare
Chapter 23 | Existing
Chapter 24 | Influence - (Blake's POV)
Chapter 25 | One Last Kiss
Chapter 26 | Calm Down
Chapter 27 | Prayer
Chapter 28 | Revenge - (Blake's POV)
Chapter 29 | Love
Chapter 30 | Reveal
Chapter 31 | Roses
Chapter 32 | Ruin - (Blake's POV)
Chapter 33 | Promise
Chapter 34 | Eleven
Chapter 35 | Butterflies and Sunrises
Chapter 36 | Scared
Chapter 37 | Unrecognizable
Chapter 38 | Regret - (Blake's POV)
Chapter 39 | Never Leave
Chapter 40 | Age and Affection
Chapter 41 | Deep End
Chapter 42 | Risen
Chapter 43 | Fateful Return - (Blake's POV)
Chapter 44 | Dream
Chapter 45 | Shatter
Chapter 46 | Mercy - (Blake's POV)
Chapter 47 | Stunning
Chapter 48 | Power
Chapter 49 | Dance
Chapter 50 | Gentle - (Blake's POV)
Chapter 51 | Brother
Chapter 52 | Weak - (Blake's POV)
Chapter 53 | Belongs
Chapter 54 | Perfection
Chapter 55 | Unconditional Love
Chapter 56 | Fate - (Grant's POV)
Chapter 57 | Big Question
Chapter 58 | Bride and Groom
Chapter 59 | "I Do"
Chapter 60 | Epitome - (Blake's POV)

Chapter 18 | Lust

5.4K 114 112
By palmtreeisland

I didn't know how hard I was falling for him until he kissed me.

Every part of my body was on fire. My lips were burning from the touch of his against mine. My heart was beating a mile a minute, and my stomach was all in knots. It was a feeling that sparked something inside of me. Something that I didn't know was there.

He now has me under his spell, and I've failed at the one thing I was responsible for. The one thing that I was supposed to avoid at all costs. I'm beginning to fall in love.

I'm such an idiot.

I know that this is not going to end well.

But I can't stop myself.

I am removed from my thoughts by his deep voice, "Where to next?"

He backs out of the parking lot.

I quickly pull out the list in my pocket and attempt to read number 2, which is difficult because the pink ink has smudged from my sweat.

2. See a Galapagos turtle

"Are there any aquariums around here?" I directly question.

He looks at me confusedly, and raises his full black eyebrows.

"What kind of school field trip is this?"

"Don't question it," I try to ease his apprehension, "Just trust me."

I think back to earlier today when he asked me to trust him before we jumped out of the window. Right now, I need some of the same faith from him.

He sighs and reluctantly puts in the nearest aquarium on his GPS. Luckily, it's connected to a zoo, so we can go ahead and knock out number 9 (hugging a sloth), as well.

"It's two hours away," Blake remarks, "I don't think the aquarium is even going to be open by the time we get there."

A frown replaces my once bright smile.

Sadly, I look over at the clock on his dashboard, and unfortunately, it reads nine-fifteen p.m.

What now?

"Would you like to stop somewhere and sleep? Or will that mess up your project?" He asks in a sarcastic tone.

My stomach turns at the thought of sleeping in the same room as Blake.

I uneasily glance at him before checking my phone. Twenty missed calls, sixteen voicemails, and almost one hundred messages.

My eyes widen.

None from Grant.

Most are from my mom and dad. There is the occasional voicemail from Dr. Khan, but that's typical. There is not one day that goes by where he doesn't call me and beg me to come to the hospital.

A guilty feeling overwhelms me. I feel bad for leaving my family in the dark. What if they notified the police?

I should at least give them a call to let them know I'm okay.

Blake seems to notice my distress and asks, "Is everything okay?"

I catch a glimpse of the same sympathy Grant once used to give me.

"Yeah, my family is just worried about me," I confess.

He nods understandingly.

"Are you hungry?"

My stomach immediately grumbles at the sound of possible food. That's weird. I can't remember the last time I was hungry.

"Yes, starving," I recognize.

I instantly remember number 6 (eat a whole deep dish pizza by myself) on the list.

"What about Italian?" I suggest.

Blake chuckles while typing 'Italian food near me' on his phone.

"What's so funny?"

I remind myself that Blake is Italian.

His dad used to run an Italian real estate business, for God's sake.

"Oh shoot, I'm sorry, I forgot," I apologize, "We don't have to go if you don't want to."

He laughs as an embarrassed expression takes over my face.

"I'm perfectly okay with Italian," He reassures me, "I could use some gnocchi after that insane experience."

I smile. My face is still hot from the confusion.

"Okay, Maggiano's it is," Blake says.

As we drive to the restaurant, I examine Blake's battered face. Those 'guys' must have really roughed him up, but from the looks of his fists, they got the worse end of it. Oddly, the bruises make him more alluring. They give him a bad boy look that I usually wouldn't go for.

He's a big guy.

He can take it.

He can take me.


It only takes us twenty minutes to get there, and once we do, I feel like I may faint from hunger.

Blake parks the car as close as he can to the restaurant, and we both swiftly walk to the seating area.

Although to others, it may have looked like a jog.

Once we enter, I am stunned by the elegance and immediately feel underdressed in my sweatpants and sweatshirt.

The red carpeting and high ceilings make the place look like something out of a fancy perfume commercial. As I look around, I smell grilled meats and garlic bread.

I almost start to drool.

Blake doesn't even wait to be escorted by a waiter. He walks straight into the dining room and looks for a table himself.

Reluctantly, I follow him and let him choose our spot.

He weaves us through the restaurant until we reach a grand staircase leading to a second floor that seems hidden.

He holds out his hand and directs,

"Vieni mio amore."

I smile and hold his hand as he leads me up the stairs, not at all knowing what in the world he just said.

As we walk up, the hustle and bustle die down.

After some searching, we find a table on the balcony.

Blake pulls out my chair and gestures for me to sit down.

I notice the charming ambiance of the spot after I take a seat.

There is a candle and a red rose in the middle of the table.

What a romantic scene.

I look out over the railing and admire the view.

The valleys and mountains surround us, making it seem like we are the only two people in the world, secluded from the rest.

I close my eyes and breathe in the fresh air. It's like medicine for my lungs. Who cares about pills when you have nature.

"What are you thinking?" Blake interrupts my trance.

I blush. The heat of the candle is making me hot.

"I want to say thank you," I start, "Thank you for taking me everywhere with no questions asked. I have been needing a break from everything, and this has given me some time to think about things."

His face looks calm as I begin to twiddle my fingers. Maybe I shouldn't have shared so much with him. It may have scared him off.

"I understand what you mean. And the trip is not over yet, Brynne. How many things are on this list of yours?" He asks softly.

I feel calmer after he reassures me, and I pull out the crumpled piece of paper to count.

"Eleven left."

"Perfect. We have the whole weekend to complete it," He continues,

"But I'm going to have to know what I'm getting myself into."

My eyes widen.

He clasps his hands together and lays his chin on them.

I clear my throat, "Well, the next thing on the list is to see a Galapagos turtle. That's why I wanted to go to the aquarium. They live a long time, and I did a project on them a couple of years ago. They are beautiful creatures."

He nods, expecting me to continue.

"Also, I've always wanted to eat an entire deep-dish pizza by myself," I giggle.

He smiles and opens his mouth to say something but is interrupted by our waiter.

"Good evening, my name is Jake, and I'll be your server today," He looks me up and down and winks at me,

"Is there anything I can get you guys to drink?"

Blake notices the small interaction and gives him a death stare.

"Bring me a glass of Château Margaux," He snarls.

I don't even know what that is, and I don't think the waiter does either.

I shift uncomfortably.

"And for you, ma'am?"

I glance down at the drinks menu. There are so many options.

"I'll just have a water, please," I reply.

Blake gives me a confused look.

"Are you sure you don't want something else?"

I nod, "I'm not that thirsty."

"Alright, are you both ready to order?" He asks.

Blake looks at the menu and grunts, "I'll have the pesto gnocchi."

"And I'll have a deep dish cheese pizza," I stammer.

The waiter scrunches his eyebrows. He picks up the menu from the table and looks it over carefully.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think we ha...."

Blake pulls him by the arm and whispers something in his ear.

I sit there awkwardly and look at the candle flickering.

After a minute or so of Blake holding him, the waiter leaves. Before leaving, he promises to bring us our food as soon as possible.

He almost seemed scared of us.

A breeze blows, and the candle flickers.

I cross my legs and rub my arms, cold from the frigid wind.

Blake takes off his sweatshirt and hands it to me, leaving him in a tight black t-shirt revealing his every muscle.

"No, that's okay," I refuse.

"Take it," He demands.

"Okay, thank you," I say under my breath.

The smell of parsley and garlic finds its way to my nose. I see the waiter in the corner of my eye.

Well, that was quick.

He comes carrying Blake's pasta and my pizza. The food looks scrumptious. I almost cry at the sight of the melted cheese. And the best part is that I don't even feel nauseous.

It's like cancer has given me a break. A much-needed break.

I immediately dive in and cut a large slice of the pizza.

Blake watches me as I stuff it down, and I feel embarrassed.

"For such a small girl, you know how to pack it down," He laughs.

I smile with my mouth full and finish the slice.

After a couple of bites, I remark, "I don't know how I am going to finish this whole thing."

"Your teacher won't know if you had some help," He says while cutting himself a slice from the pizza.

"Is it good?" I chime, "your pasta?"

"Eh, my family makes better," He sighs as he looks out into the distance.

He makes me think about my family. I need to call them, but I don't want them to be upset with me. I know that they won't understand why I had to leave. I feel guilty for leaving Grant at a time when he needs me most.


I wish I could enjoy this mini-vacation without thinking about all my problems.

Out of nowhere, Blake grabs my hand,

"Come on," he says as he drags me into the ballroom.

I marvel at its beauty, tall golden arches, and bronze wooded floors. Three crystal chandeliers are hanging from the ceiling, and they reflect the light of candles on the walls.

He pulls me to the middle of the room.

"What are you doing?" I giggle while looking around to see if we will get caught.

"Dance with me," He whispers in my ear.

My limbs go weak at the feeling of his body close to mine.

He grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him.

"But we don't have any music," I respond hastily.

"We don't need music," He breathes down my neck.

I shudder.

This can't be happening.

I can't give in.

I can't let him fall for me.

I can't.

I can't.

He starts to move my hips with his hands. I grab onto his shoulder and close my eyes.

"Did you have fun today?" He asks as we sway side to side.

"Yes," I gasp as he softly kisses my shoulder.


"Our food must be getting cold," I stress.

"Don't worry about the food Brynne," He alludes,

"Don't worry about anything."

He bites my ear, "Just let go."

I smile and press my head against his chest.

"I can't," I whisper.


"I don't know," I caution, "I just can't."

He pecks the top of my head and pulls me in closer.

"Do you want to get out of here? I can help you forget about everything."

I slowly nod as he pulls himself away from me.

With that, I feel like something ripped away from me, and I am left naked.

As he walks, I see his chest move up and down quickly. He's out of breath. Honestly, I am too.

Thirteen-year-old me is out of her mind right now.

He leads me out to the parking lot and opens the car door for me.

I get in and settle into the seat.

He quickly follows and does not waste time pulling out of the parking lot.

Once we reach the main road, he notices that I do not have my seatbelt on and reaches over to grab it. He drapes the fabric across my body, and it clicks into place. While moving his hand back to the steering wheel, he stops at my thigh and begins massaging me. I bite the inside of my mouth and look out the window, trying to hide my heated cheeks.

His hand slowly works its way to a spot where no one has ever touched me before.

"Does it feel good?" He questions seductively.

I nod once more, and squeeze my eyes shut as he removes his hand and steps hard on the gas.

We arrive at a hotel quickly, and at this point, it's becoming a challenge for me to keep my hands off him.

As we walk into the lobby, he grabs my butt, and I giggle. An older couple sitting at the bar gives us a dirty look.

Blake meets eyes with mine, and we both start laughing as we make our way to the elevators.

"Don't we need to sign in?" I question.

"I already have a room," He explains, "Sometimes I need to come out here to clear my mind."

He presses the button that sends us to the top floor.

Once the elevator doors close, I grab a fistful of his hair and bring his head closer to mine.

What has gotten into me?

Our lips clash, and we both begin to breathe heavily.

After the elevator dings, Blake picks me up and carries me to the end of the hallway. He opens the door with one hand, revealing a huge penthouse.

It has all black furniture, similar to Blake's room. He grabs the remote on the counter and turns the LED lights to red.

After putting me down, I immediately take off his shirt.

I have never been more hungry in my life. 

My jaw drops.

His abs are rock solid, and his arms are huge.

What does this man do in his free time?

He picks me up effortlessly and throws me onto the bed.

His chains dangle onto my neck as he kisses my chest.

Holy shit.

I grab his waist and turn him over so that I'm on top of him.

He rips off my sweatshirt and throws it across the room.

His body pauses, and he looks at me with lust.

The corners of his mouth lift, and he closes his eyes in pleasure.

Falling onto my body, he places his head right beside mine.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting to do this, Brynne."

I breathe heavily, preparing for what's about to happen.

"I'm going to ruin you tonight."

That sentence changes everything.

If we do this, I am going to become attached.

There will be no turning back after this point.

But right now, all I can think about is his body against mine.

My lips against his.

"Are you a screamer," He whispers.


"You're about to become one."

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