Jade (LOK) (Book 2 of My Sist...

By Califoryoux

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Book 1; My Sister's Keeper (LOK) (Completed) Book 2 ; Jade (LOK) Before she met the love of her life, Kitty... More



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By Califoryoux

Present Day

It's been three years since Zaheer was taken down, three years since I left Zaofu, and three years since I left Suyin and her family utterly heartbroken. I'm not going to lie, it's been hard, especially for Kitty. I'm use to not having a family. My parents were never there for me, and my grandfather, the only one who cared about me, died years ago... But Kitty was only use to her family. Her and her sister were inseparable, and now they don't even talk.

The Avatar is still missing in action and has completely abandoned her sister after everything she's done for her. I respect the Avatar. They're the bridge between the physical and spirit world, and they keep us in balance. The Avatar has unbelievable power that I can only dream of. So yes, I respect the Avatar, but I do not respect Korra as a person. I don't doubt that she loves her sister, but she's selfish. She used Kitty their entire life and treated her like her maid, and now Kitty is stuck doing her job
and she can't even talk to her? It's not fair, and yet Kitty does it without complaint. Korra doesn't deserve her, no one does.

I wish Kitty would talk to me. I wish she'd be honest and just tell me how she's feeling. I know she's hurting. She doesn't even talk to Bolin about it! Excuse me as I speak freely, but what really pisses me off is that no one has appreciated her, ever. Her life is like some overdramatic plot of a book, it's unbelievable! She's nice and cares about everyone, yet they push her to the side and use her as their punching bag. Her sister, her father, Bolin's brother, everyone! The only people who have ever treated her with dignity and respect and doesn't utterly annoy me, is her mother and Bolin. I just don't understand how she can stay so dedicated to these jerks who don't value her as she deserves.

She means a lot to me, if you couldn't tell. And though he annoys me a lot, so does Bolin. I have never let myself get to attached to people, but with them... I want this to last forever, and it's driving me mad. It's rare that I feel this strongly about someone. Us traveling with Kuvira won't last forever, but I just don't want them to leave me. And the crazy part is, I know they won't. It's hard for me to vocalize my feelings sometimes. I bend rock because I am rock, hard to break and stubborn, but I hope they know I've got their backs... Even though sometimes they annoy me to the point where I want to pull my hair out.

"We just got some good news," Bolin starts as him and Kitty.

"Two more Earth Kingdom states have agreed to join us," Kitty finishes.

"Excellent! Thank you, Bolin and Kitty," Baatar Jr. thanks them politely.

I hate Baatar Jr. We grew up together, but I've never considered him like my family... Maybe I did for some time, but not like I did Huan, Opal, or the twins. The older we got, the more detached he seemed, but I never thought he'd betray his family like this. Suyin and Baatar Sr. gave him the world, and that still wasn't enough for him.

I watch carefully as Kitty hands him a folder. He turns to Kuvira who is looking at a map that hangs on the wall.

"We're ninety percent there, Kuvira."

"That's great!" Varrick exclaims happily. "Zhu Li, dish out some of that special celebration tea!"

Zhu Li salutes Varrick and goes off to get the tea as Kitty and I watch Kuvira closely as she metalbends two cutouts of states onto the map to which she faces. Zhu Li comes back, and we all accept the tea... except for Kuvira.

"None for me," she says. "I won't celebrate until the Earth Kingdom is one hundred percent reunited."

Kuvira is smart, and that's the problem. When you're faced with a person who is intelligent and has a superiority complex, it shouldn't be all that surprising that Kuvira would do this... Only it is because no one in a million years would've thought that Suyin's well trained and disciplined guard who she raised would have ever betray Suyin or her family, but she did, and that's a major problem. Especially when has Baatar Jr. is on her side.


Moments ago we made it to another Earth Kingdom village. Since the death of the Earth Queen, the Earth Kingdom has been in chaos. I would say Kuvira has helped, but she's only made it worse in my opinion. Making their governors pledge their loyalty to her and turning their towns people into slave laborers is far from great. It's cruel, and her and Baatar Jr. will pay for what they are doing. No one is safe. And the places Kuvira hasn't gotten to yet is riddled with crimes; stealing, killing, and violence. It's like a war zone out there. The neighborhood I grew up in in Ba Sing was overran by bandits, and my parents and Bolin's family had to flee the state.

I know, I haven't been in touch with my parents for three years. I'm sure they have other worries, but apart of me still wonders about them. Are they ok? Are they scared? I know I shouldn't care, as if they care themselves. It's just... Human curiosity, perfectly normal.

A lot of the villages, especially the smaller ones, have fallen victim to the madness. I've been to many of these towns, and it's heart wrenching. A lot of their leaders don't want to pledge their loyalty to Kuvira, but she manages to 'convince' them otherwise.

"Bolin! Kitty!" I hear someone call.

I look over and spot a young airbender rushing over to Kitty and Bolin. Hm... he's tall, slender, a bit younger than us, and he has spikey hair. He definitely looks like an airbender. I just hope he isn't some jerk like the others.

"Kai!" Bolin shouts happily,
and runs over to the boy, taking him in his arms.

"What's up with your new hair? You look like a stiff," Kai asks.

"Hey, Kuvira says it makes me look intelligent and professional."

"I let Bolin borrow my hair gel," Kitty says with a laugh. "Hi, Kai."

"Kitty," he says happily, and they embrace each other.

It's nice to see Kitty smile. It's genuine, I can tell. Maybe this one isn't a jerk. Maybe he's one of the few who treat her as she deserves.

Opal walks over and ruffles Bolin's hair back to its original state.

"Don't believe everything she says," she says with a smile.

I've missed her. Out of everyone, she's the only one who didn't completely shut me or Kitty out when she found out about Kuvira. I wish I could tell her. I wish I didn't have to lie to her or to her family, but I have to! The only reason why we couldn't tell Suyin about Kitty and I going undercover is because she wouldn't allow it. She would never send me or Kitty with Kuvira and risk us getting caught. Of course we won't get caught, we were trained for this, and she knows that, but she loves us like her own kids. I know right now she's hurt and feels betrayed, but what choice did we have?

"Opal, I've missed you!" Kitty tells her.

They both squeeze each other in a tight hug, and I join suit.

"Whoa, Jade. You're hugging me," she says half jokingly.

"I'm sorry," I say, realizing I've let my guard down. "I just- I miss you."

She gives me a genuine smile.

"I've missed you-" she starts, but is cut off by Bolin.

"Opal, I can't believe you're here, too! I missed you so much."

I hate to admit it, but they're really cute. And I know Bolin would never do anything to hurt her. He's like a puppy. He may mess up sometimes, but it's never on purpose.

"I've missed you, too!" Opal says as the two embrace.

"Kai, this is Jade," Bolin introduces us. "Jade, meet Kai, one of our bestest friends! And you know Opal."

"Hi!" Kai says nicely. "So nice to meet you!"

"Of course I do! Nice to see you again," Opal says kindly.

"It's a pleasure," I respond to Kai with a respectful bow.

I respect the airbenders. It was shocking to see them show up all over the Earth Kingdom. I didn't believe it until I saw it myself. It's been 170 years, it's fascinating really. Now that, I can give my respect to Korra for. And now Opal is one of them. She didn't get earthbending like her brothers or her mother. She was a non bender like her father and Baatar Jr, and now look at her. The little girl who use to pout about not being able to bend an element is an airbender. I'm happy for her. And don't tell her I told you this, but I think it's so incredibly cool.

"Look who it is. It's good to see you again, little sister," Baatar jr. says while him and Kuvira walk over to our group.

On our off days, Kitty and I like to talk about how awful Baatar Jr and Kuvira are. A gossip session is what I think it's called, that's what Kitty says. You can say we're being immature, but have you seen Baatar's hair. Everyday his hair gets greasier and greasier, and we think it's incredibly weird that he's practically marrying his sister considering Suyin raised Kuvira.

"What a wonderful surprise. A happy reunion for my favorite couple," Kuvira says.

"How's mom doing?" Baatar asks Opal.

He doesn't care.

"Like you care. She still hasn't forgiven you."

"You know," he starts. "For someone who claims to be so enlightened, mom can really hold a grudge."

"I guess when her son betrays her ..." Opal sasses.

"Please, Opal, we're not here to bicker with you about something that happened three years ago. We're here to help this town, just like you," Kuvira explains.

"I've heard how you help towns, by conquering them."

She's right.

"I know the rumors about me can be pretty nasty, but I am giving everyone in this nation a better future. And with Bolin, Kitty, and Jade's help, and my fiancé's ideas, we're laying the ground work for the people to achieve their own greatness."

"Your fiancé?" Opal asks confused.

"You haven't heard? Your brother and I are getting married."


"I know things got heated with your family when Baatar and I left Zaofu, but don't you think it's time to forgive and forget?"

Opal was about to answer when the governor stomps over and angrily interrupts them.

"What are you doing here?" He asks Kuvira.

"Hello, governor. I was wondering if you and I could talk privately."


I quickly rush over to Kuvira and I join her and the governor inside the train.

"Ah, Jade, nice of you to join us. Hands on training is always good," Kuvira tells me proudly.

"Of course," I reply.

She believes me. Good, that's what we want. It's been a long three years, but I truly feel like we are so close to being added into the inner circle.

"So, have you had time to rethink my generous offer?" Kuvira asks the governor.

"Generous?" He scoffs. "You want to take everything. How is that generous?"

"Governor, your state has been overrun by bandits. They have you outnumbered and outsupplied. The question's not if they'll take over; it's when. Unless you sign our deal. Agree to the terms, and you'll have the full force of my army backing you. You will remain in charge, just under my supervision. I will save your life, and the lives of your citizens. I think that's pretty generous."

He angrily slams the contract and the jar of ink on the table before standing up.

Stand your ground.

"I know how you manipulate states and force them to join up under you. I know the only reason you want this region is because it is rich in ore. They might call you 'The Great Uniter,' but you're destroying everything! I'll never turn the great state of Yi over to you!"

I straighten up and watch closely as Kuvira angrily advances toward the governor. Typical, she gets angry when they don't agree to her terms. Only lately she's been more impatient, angry... Irrational. She's going crazy with power.

"You have a lot of pride, but it cannot protect your people."

The governor sinks into his chair while Kuvira stands over him, an arm on his chair, berating him.

Come on, stand your ground. Don't let her do this to you and your people!

"Your pride will not stop the hordes as your city crumbles to the ground," Kuvira continues. "And your pride will certainly not feed your hungry when all that is left is rubble!"

"Leave! Get out of my state!" He yells at her.


"You will perish, unless you take my generous offer."

She leaves the train. I look at the governor. I wish I could give him a 'good job,' I wish I could help him and his town, but I can't... And it sucks. He looks at me, eyes wide. I leave before he says anything. I know I'm doing my job to help people, but it just doesn't feel like I'm doing any of that.


I go outside to find Kitty. Oh no, what happened? I know that face. She's not happy.

"Are you ok?" I ask her.

"Oh... um, it's nothing. It's stupid, really. Just something Opal told me about Wing."

God, give it a rest! He's a jerk, a brat! He doesn't deserve her, and I wish she could see that. I would never ever hurt her like he did her. Why can't she see there is life outside of these guys who are nothing but self centered and shallow?

"It's time to go. We're not wanted here," Kuvira says as she walks back over to our group.

"What happened?" Bolin asks.

"It appears we can't make a deal right now."

Kitty looks at me and frowns, but I shake my head and we return our attention back to the matter at hand. I'm glad the governor didn't take Kuvira's offer, but sadly, it probably won't last. It's nice to finally see someone say no, to stand up for what's right... But Kuvira is angry. She's not just going to leave this alone, she is coming for vengeance.

"Wait!" Kai says after Kuvira tries to walk away. "Aren't you guys going to stick around and help?"

Kuvira turns around and hands him the contract.

"Here's the contract. We'll wait at the border for one day. You get the governor to sign it, and you'll have all the help you need," she tells him and goes back inside the train, followed by her lap dog of a man.

"I guess ... We have to go," Bolin says sadly.

"Don't! Please, you can't turn your back on these people!" Opal pleads.

I wish I could tell her. I don't like lying to her, but this is a dangerous situation. I can't just admit everything to her because of emotion. It hurts, but I can't. Kuvira could kill us, she could start a war. I just can't risk that.

"I'm not!" Bolin shouts. "I wanna help, but if the governor wants us gone, there's ... there's nothing I can do. I'm sorry."

He tries to hug her, but she angrily pushes him away.

"Hey ... Opal, please."

"Leave, All of you! If that's what you're going to do."

She turns her back to us, and Bolin walks away sadly.

"Opal," Kitty says quietly. "I know it doesn't feel like it right now, but I promise this will be over soon. You're just going to have to trust me.. Us."

She doesn't say anything, or even turn around. Kitty is right. She just needs to be patient. Just a little while longer, that's all we ask.

"Come on, Kitty," I tell her gently.

She looks at me with those big blue eyes that have tears threatening to spill over. I hope she knows I know how she feels. She says goodbye to Kai, I look at Opal one last time, and with a heavy heart we make our way back on the train.


"I don't know how long I can do this, Jade!" Kitty whispers in a panice.

"I know it's hard, Kitty, but we have to," I tell her.

We've been here for three years. If we leave now, it's not going to end well. Kuvira will go crazy and probably attack Republic City considering we're here because of President Raiko. I want nothing more than to leave, but we have to much riding on this.

"Why?! It's been three years, Jade, and we barely have anything. I just- I want to go home, to Republic City. The plan didn't work!"

"Come on, Kitty. You know why we can't do that. And we're so close to being put in the inner circle. Please, Kitty. For me?" I try to convince her.

"...Fine! But the clock is ticking... And if Kuvira finds out-"

"She won't! Just trust me, ok?


"Come on, you two are needed for unloading," Baatar Jr. says to Kitty and I.

We look at each other confusingly and immediately head to the window to see what's going on.

I knew it.

We're back at the village, and we watch as Kuvira's forces pass out food and supplies to the towns people. They all look so happy, so relieved... Which would be great if Kuvira didn't force the governor to surrender. Kuvira likes to act like the Earth Kingdom would be nothing without her, but that's not true. I may not be in the inner circle yet, but it's clear that she runs this whole show. I know Kuvira hires bandits to rob these towns so they'll be forced to pledge their allegiance. I hate to say it, though it may be completely horrible... It's genius.

We make it outside and stand in the front of the crowd that's gathering before Kuvira.

"The State of Yi is now under the full protection of my army," she begins and the crowd cheers, she then turns her attention to the governor.

This is just terrible. Look at him. He doesn't want to do this, and I don't blame him. It's not fair. It's not fair that Kuvira is taking over the Earth Kingdom and no one is stopping her. She's just as bad as the Earth Queen.

"Proclaim your loyalty, if you wish to keep your post," she commands the governor .

"I pledge my loyalty to you, oh Great Uniter," he says through gritted teeth.

A banner drops from the gate in front of the town, revealing the logo of Kuvira's army. Kitty looks like she's going to throw up, and I try to hold it together as well. We've witnessed this far to many times, and yet it never gets easier. I wish I could put an end to this. I wish I could've told the governor and all those people not to do it. And I wish I could take on Kuvira and Baatar myself. For all of the hurt and anguish they've caused Opal and her family, and kitty and Bolin... especially Kitty, but I can't, and it feels awful.

"Uh!" I hear Kitty gasp suddenly.

I rush over to her as she grasps her head. She almost falls to the ground, but I catch her. She tries to stand but she's just so week. What in the world is going on?

"Kitty, what's wrong?" I ask her.

"I- I don't know," she answers.

"Come on, you don't look so good. Let's get you to the train and into bed."

I lead her away. Bolin looks over to us worried. I nod letting him know I've got this handled. Bolin knows that she means a lot to me. I would do anything for her. I didn't mean to tell him, it kinda sorta just came out. I'm really surprised that he's kept it in for so long, let's just hope he can keep it that way.


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