reunion || heeseung

By yerinnnna

79.5K 1.8K 921

y/n have no choice to live with heeseung, the two hasn't met each after years and now would need to get along... More



2.2K 52 29
By yerinnnna


"thanks for lending me your garden, here's your pay" a mysterious women siting on the table said

the man that was sitting on the chair took the money and started counting it, "no problem…did she died…?"

"nope, I'm not that evil, I just wanted her out of my sight."



yeojin fluttered her eyes open as she woke up to an unfamiliar place. there were no one around her and the place was dark. she squinted her eyes and came to a conclusion that she's probably currently at the hospital. she sat up as she saw a mini light beside her and on the switch. beside were as sticky note and a phone. she picked up the note we she starts reading it.

dear yeojin,

the note you saw earlier wasn't from me, I would like to explain it to you face to face when you're better. there's a new phone on the table for you to use while your old one gets repaired. I've save my contact number, your friends and your parents contact inside. also, feel free to call me when you need me.


'was he the one that carried me here…' she thought as she eyed the empty room. "ahh I can't remember what happened…my head hurts" she felt a bit lonely in this dark room. 'silly me thought that he would stay…' she laid back down with her leg feeling numb and slept with the mini light on. she also hugged her favorite plushie that heeseung probably brought for her.


heeseung reached school alone as he sat down facing several stares from his front and back. "wha" "where's yeojin?" jayun asks "she…was sick" he didn't want to affect their mood as theyre going to exam in a few minutes. "really…I guess she can reexam when she's better…" jiwoo said as heeseung touches his nose.

yeojin woke up to see daylight, shinning through the window. she got up as a girl came helping her to sit up.

"madam seo?" it was the maid that always serves her

"yeojin! you're awake, how do you feel right now?"

"I'm fine, may I ask how did I got here?"

"oh yesterday heeseung suddenly rushed out…and then he called me to bring your things to the hospital immediately, especially this plushie, he said you cant sleep without that" she giggled "we also found a vip room for only one person and changed the bed sheets that were in heeseungs house so it is all clean and you don't have to worry."

'he came and saved me?' she felt a bit happy "I see, that you for your hard work" she smiles "oh it's my job my dear" she then came closer, "you know…yesterday heeseung kept staying beside you, no matter how much we told him he should get home and rest, he wouldn't move an inch. he was even drenched in rain water…" "aah really?" she felt her face redend "oh yes, god I missed my teen days" she smiled

"oh and my leg…" yeojin flipped off the blanket revealing her injured leg. "the doctor said it wasnt a small cut but luckily it wasn't a deep cut either. but due to the rain you got a high fever so the doctor advised to stay in the hospital for two days for check up. and also don't let the wound touches water."

"ahh I see…" she touches her forehead and it was really burning. she picked up the phone beside her as she look at the time it was already one in the afternoon. an hour until they finish school. "i want to brush my teeth"

"alright" madam seo took two cups and filled one with water and a toothbrush and toothpaste for yeojin. "I can't even go to the bathroom now?!"

"don't worry yeojin, the doctor said to not move your legs too much but it will be done soon" she said giggling as she treats her like her own daughter.

yeojin sat at her bed in boredom after doing her whole morning routine in bed including eating her breakfast in bed. she took the new phone and starts downloading random apps to play. she clicked in the gallery and saw some pictures of heeseung. she guess it's his old phone or spare phone something. she clicked the camera and start taking selcas of herself, she still look good anyways.

she logged in her Instagram spam account as she added to her story the pictures with the word 'hospital core' and posted it. she played with her phone until it was already 230. they already finished their school thirty minutes ago. madam seo were just sitting beside her crotching clothes for her cats at home. 'should I call heeseung?' she thought.


"first day over, freedom!" jayun hopped. they wer going out their school.

"we still have exams tomorrow sis" Jake replies

"the test were kinda hard" seeun said

"really, I think it's okay" said chaeyoung

"of course, your best subject" sunghoon said and chaeyoung just smiled

"we still have two days left thou" Jake reminded them again

"yeah yeah yeah whatever" "I can't wait for tomorrow physics test" "ew physics", while they were bickering, jiwoo frowned looking at her phone.

"heeseung, are you sure yeojin is just…sick?" she asks while heeseung stunned about by her sudden question. "yeah…why?"

they stopped bickering at looked at them. "well then explain this? why is she in hospital, what did you do to her?" jiwoo protective mode on as the rest gathered around him. "i-" "lee.hee.seung." jayun said as the girls glared at him.


yeojin pressed call to heeseungs phone as the hospital door opened revealing heeseung and their friends behind him with his phone ringing.

"ah, just in time I'm here" heeseung smiled as he walks in. "well they forced me to bring them here so-"

"yeojin! what in the world happened to my beauty beautiful yeojin?!" seeun cam rushing to her so are the other girls

"I accidentally fell from the hill yesterday, no worries I'm fine~" "I brought you you're favorite snack" "what do you need just tell me" "is there anything you crave for right now?" everyone started babying her as the boys stood on the other side.

"why are they acting like they're treating a baby?" sunghoon asks

"you would do that to chaeyoung too I know" heeseung defense as sunghoon playfully hit his shoulders

"did she really fell from a hill tho, what hill? is there a hill here?" Jake questioned

"I'm not sure…" heeseung hasn't ask her so he wasnt sure about it.


nearly an hour passes by, "you guys should go home first, y'all have test tomorrow" "aw what a pity, I would wanna stay here all day with you" jiwoo said "well then, we would after our exams finished" jayun said as they all nodded in agreement

"we'll get going then, yeojin rest well" chaeyoung said as sunghoon went to help her take her books. "recover soon~" they all left leaving heeseung with yeojin alone, madam seo went back to their house to continue her job.

"so…" he said as he sat beside her on her bed. "how did you ended up there?"

"I saw a note…a note that says you asks to meet me in the garden, but then you didn't show upnso I started wandering around the garden. I saw a role flowers and it caught my eyes so I walked towards them. then…then…" she tried to remember

"then?" a pair of soft eyes looked at her. "I think I got pushed" she said

"do you remember who?" "no, but I'm sure it's a girl, a women, I think I saw her before somewhere but I just don't remember…" she sighed

"it's fine," he patted her head. "the note wasn't me either, if I had anything I could've just tell you at home. I saw the letter, it has the same hand writing as me and the same sticky note that I uses." he said

"who would do that?"

"I'm not sure, but it must be someone that knows me well, too well…"


heeseung stepped in his class with yeojin behind him the next day. she walked in with a crutch helping her to walk. heeseung was carrying her bag as they went to their seats with yeojin smiling happily. soon two girls and two boys immediately walked over to them.

"yeojin?? aren't you suppose to be in the hospital?" jayun asks

"heeseung! didn't I told you to take care of yeojin until she's fully recovered??" jiwoo said sounding mad

"this girl wouldn't stop bugging me to let her go to school. I couldn't stop her." heeseung yawned after a whole night of helping yeojin revise in last minute.

"yeojinie you can just reexam when you're better, you should be resting right now"

"nah it's fine, imagine when y'all finished your finals and I couldn't celebrate with y'all, that just feels the worst." yeojin said

"so are you going to stay in school to reexam after this?" jake asks as yeojin nodded

"whAt?? you didn't told me that" heeseung looked at her in shocked

"why do I need to tell you" she frowns

"yeah" jiwoo agrees

"no no no, then I'll stay back to wait for you." "why" "I don't want you to go in the hospital again because of some stupid note" he shivers. "tch" yeojin rolled her eyes.

the teacher came in and they ran back to their seats since it were rearranged for the exam. "keep your things, we're going to start the exam in a few minutes." the teacher said

the students were now busy doing their test. yeojin and heeseung are just a role beside each other and heeseungs sit were more behind. yeojin palmed her head as she answers them. she wasnt feeling well too as she was still sick. she answered them with a jacket on her so she doesn't feel cold that heeseung forced her to wear. heeseung from behind, looked like he had finished his test as he eyed yeojin.

he can tell she was struggling as her brain couldn't really function really well right now. 'this girl, acting all strong' he thought as he starts erasing some of his answers

time flies as the final test of the day were already over. they walked out their classroom cheering as they grabbed their bags.

"yeojin should I help you carry?" Jake asks feeding to her bag "thankyou-" heeseung grabbed away her bag interrupting their conversation as the bag were between Jake and yeojin.

"no need, she still have test later so she can't go home with y'all" he said

"oh right I forgot" yeojin said "ah alright then"Jake smiled

"don't we have test tomorrow?" "it's just listening and speaking test"chaeyoung replied sunghoon

"this test are going to rearrange our classes too, we might not see each other again" seeun cried "but our level are mostly the same, well except jiwoo, chaeyoung and heeseung these smart cakes" jayun said as they started chatting. heeseung then walked to yeojin.

"right, I told the teacher to let you have the speaking and listening test today so you don't need to go school tomorrow" heeseung told yeojin as he slung her bag behind him

"wha whyy" "so you could stay in the hospital obediently. doctor already said to not move and yet you still insist to come to school." heeseung scolded

"yeah yeah whatever"

the both went to find the teacher in charged as he waited for her to finish her test. "lee heeseung? can you come here a while?" a teacher walked out of the office calling him. "yes ma'am"


"I can't believe I finished a three day test in a day" yeojin smiled proudly as they walked out the school gate

"congratulations, you can finally go back to your hospital" heeseung clapped his hands

"but I wanna go home, did you see my hair. it's already oily after not washing them"

"I can just asks the maids to help you. plus, it's a five star hospital. it's literally like a hotel!"

"you don't understand, our own house are always better. I miss our house now" she said as she get in the car with heeseung helping her about.

'our?' he smiled

they reached the hospital as heeseung went to take a wheelchair for this princess as he pushes her back her room.

"they're gonna do a checkup on you, I'll come back after I shower."

"I wanna shower too..." "just endure it for awhile…"

yeojin finished her check up as she sat on the bed in boredom. the door then opened revealing a nurse. "Jo yeojin?" the nurse asks "yes it's me" "here's your package" she handed yeojin a box and went out.

'i never order something tho' she opened it and it was a bottle that seemed like a perfume withe a note on it.

hi yeojin, please don't be shock at the sudden present. heeseung said you kept saying you wanted to shower but you can't, so I bought this perfume for you. do you know, in western countries they use perfumes when they couldn't shower? this perfume can actually kill bacterias on our body and even smell good after using it like you've just had a fresh shower. anyways I hope it helps :D


yeojin smiled as she took the perfume and sprayed it on her. it wasn't a heavy smell, it was like a faint vanilla smell. "it smells like heeseung tho" she sniffs

the door opened again revealing heeseung "oh? that's fast" "it's already 8 right now, I brought you food" he said as he went to her and put the foods on her small table at the bed.

"woahh" her eyes sparkled at the dishes. "two rice? for me?"

"no dumbass ones for me I haven't ate. it was jamming just now on the road."

"ouu" they started eating while she watches a kdrama with her phone. heeseung was bored so he just watched with her. 


heeseung looked at the time at it was already 9. "do you wanna wash your hair?" "yes"

"too late, I let them leave early today." "HUH" yeojin felt betrayed.

"im sorry I forgotted…so" he stood up as he went to take out something in the bag he brought earlier. "do u trust my skills?" he said holding a towel

"what? you're gonna wash my hair?" he just nodded.  yeojin hesitated, but at least she could wash her hair so she agreed.

they moved to the bathroom as yeojin sat on a chair with her back facing the sink with her head on it. heeseung rinses her hair as he starts to help her wash them. yeojin relaxed happily while heeseung were just to do all the job.

"done" he said as he wrapped a towel around her head and help her sit straight, now facing the mirror.

"I'm never washing a girls hair anymore" he massages his arms "now you feel our pain " she laughed.

she clapped her hands. "service please"

heeseung eye rolled as he went out and came back with a snack for her to eat while he blow dries her hair.

heeseung combed her hair through his fingers as he untangles her hair. yeojin felt his hand kept touching her head as she stares through the mirror. he was concentrating in doing her hair with his eyes fixed on her hair. she stared at the moment as she outs the snack in her mouth slowly, too inversely in admiring heeseung.

'I guess he's kinda handsome…'

she took a piece as she raised her hand up, significantly heeseung to eat. he smiled as he puts the dryer away and bent forward to eat it from her hand. his lips slightly touching her bare hands, as yeojin felt her heart beating and now a mess.

'i guess she's kinda cute…' he smiled eyeing her from the mirror as he continued his job as a hair salonist.



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