In The Closet ~OliverxRegie (...

By nsbswriter

42.4K 931 527

A story about 2 boys who have been together and hiding their relationship from their 5 best friends and manag... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chaprer 11
Chapter 12
authors note
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 Finale
New Stories

Chapter 5

2.6K 60 33
By nsbswriter

TW: Mentions of Self harm suicide and some 18+ content viewer discretion is advised please do not read if ur experiencing traumatizing thoughts please

~Oliver's POV~
   Regie and I decided to just go home and sleep since we both started to not feel well. We went to our room and Regie coughed a little which made me worry. "Reg you ok?" I rubbed his back soothingly to hopefully help his coughing. "I'm ok Oli don't worry" Regie told me knowing I was scared. I kissed regies head and go check on Seb and Darren.

~Darren's POV~
   Sebby and I were laying in bed while I play with his hair holding him carefully and see Oli walk in. "Hey how's Seb doing?" Oli asked me looking worried at his younger brother who had been cutting but we never knew until we took him to the hospital and the doctor said the cuts looked more like self harm wounds than scrape wounds. "He's not much better. He won't leave our room, I got him to eat a little bit which just made him gag." I told Oli while rubbing Seb's stomach.

   Oli left Seb and I's room and I went to the livingroom to talk to Manager Ty. "Hey Ty can I talk to you about Seb, I'm worried about him?" I asked Ty who nodded knowing what happened. "Darren look I know you love Sebastian but he needs medical help. I know it's hard to accept but you can't always take the blame he needs to learn he's hurting all of us." Manager Ty sounded like he was scolding Darren which made him sad.

  "Ty I know but I can't leave him alone he's my whole life and I can't lose him." I told Ty making sure he knew I was in love with Seb and can't lose someone who means the world to me. "Darren I know it's hard but he needs medical help if he's harming himself. How about this I'll give him a month or 2 and if he has fresh cuts then he has to go to a specialist, remember Darren he's only 18, he can't do this to himself or us." Tyler calmly explained to me which helped me feel a little better and I agreed.

~Justin's POV~
   We all got back from the hospital and Ryan and I just went to our room. "Bubs, are you okay?" I asked Ryan noticing he was shivering. "Yeah, I'm just cold and my head hurts." Ryan said quietly, he wasn't a loud talker whether it was with strangers or just us. Ryan liked to be quiet and close to me. I never minded it after all he is my boyfriend. I decided to sit on the floor with him and rub his thigh gently snaking my hand in his shorts giving him skin to skin warmth which was always his favorite.

   I carried Ryan to our bed and cuddled up with him kissing his cheek carefully. I started to notice he stopped shaking and seemed calm. "Ryan do you wanna talk about it?" I asked him knowing something was wrong because he liked talking to me he would never stop talking when it was just us.

~Ryan's POV~
   Justin asked me if I wanted to talk about what was wrong but I didn't wanna tell him I cut my legs up because I would feel like I let him down and hurt him. "No, but if I dont tell you, you'll hate me." I said quietly to Justin and pulled up the legs to my shorts and showed him the cuts. "Ryan, baby why would you cut yourself? Just because Seb did it does not mean its ok." Justin started to shout it scared me but I knew why, I was worrying him and hurting him. I've never thought of harming myself but all these bad thoughts and the hate kept flowing through my head and it kept hurting.

    About 4 hours later I was laying in Justin's chest coughing from the hot noodles he made and laughed to myself because I always cough when I eat these noodles and Justin always comforts me or gets milk. Justin has been by my side since we were kids. I've always loved Justin, ever since we met I felt a special spark I've never felt with anyone else. Justin made me feel safe, happy, and protected, he did anything he could to help me no matter what it was. Justin was the one who asked me out, I've never been confident enough to ask someone out.

~Regie's POV~
   Oli and I were in our room cuddling while watching TV, when we heard a knock on the door and Tyler came in. "Oliver can I talk to you both?" Tyler asked us in a serious tone which was never good. Oliver got scared but nodded because he could never tell Tyler no. "You two are aware that there was a video leaked of the couples of this group kissing at the boba shop right?" Oli immediately looked down and started shaking. "We're sorry-" Tyler cut Oliver off which made me angry, but I didn't speak and just held Oli's hand. "I don't fucking care if you're sorry, I told ALL of you no kissing in public, and you all disobeyed me!" Tyler was screaming at this point while the other boys were standing at the door listening and Ryan had tears in his eyes, kissing Justin's hand, cheek, or neck helped him calm down in public when he was too anxious or couldn't focus on one thing.

  ~Oliver's POV~
    Tyler was screaming at all of us about kissing our partners in public, I could see the discomfort in Ryan and Seb's faces. I eventually got too upset to argue with Tyler anymore and apologized and asked him to leave. Tyler just scoffed and left the room.

   Ryan fell into Justin's arms crying thinking it was his fault we got yelled at by Tyler. Justin bent down on the floor and held Ryan for as long as he needed. "Ryan......I'm so sorry baby, it's not your fault okay? We just have to be careful, we're not in trouble, Tyler is just an asshole.

   Seb left the room with Darren and just sat on their bed thinking. "I can't not kiss you it's how you comfort me Dar." Seb was anxious and couldn't stop until Darren kissed him softly making seb slightly moan and just hug him. "I'll figure something out, just like Justin will do for Ryan, I promise you baby."

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