Chapter 6

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[3 days later]
   The boys were at a boba shop and they met some fans while getting boba. Ryan and Seb were visibly uncomfortable with talking to these fans because they wouldn't leave them alone and kept begging for pictures. Darren and Justin, both noticed their boyfriends away from the group, Ryan was hyperventilating, Justin walked over to him and grabbed his hands and stroked them while softly singing to him, which seemed to help Ryan calm down.

  Seb was bouncing his leg pretty harshly on the ground, Darren noticing he walked to Seb and pulled him to the bathroom and kissed his nose and spoke to him "baby it's gonna be okay, we'll find something else that will help you okay?" Darren did everything he could to help Seb, nothing seemed to help until Darren put his hand under Seb's shirt and rubbed his bare back, using his finger to draw small hearts and circles, which calmed Seb's breathing.

   The boys got home and Ryan immediately ran to his and Justin's room to be alone after the overwhelming state he was in. Justin followed behind him and shut their door letting Ryan have his space. All Justin did was keep an eye on Ryan making sure he was okay. "Ry, baby let's go take a bath it'll help you calm down and I'll be with you." Justin looks at an overwhelmed Ryan who just wanted to be alone and held by his boyfriend. Ryan then nods and goes to the bathroom with Justin to get the bath ready.

~Regie's POV~
   We got home from boba and I saw Justin and Ryan go to their room and seb and Darren went to the backyard to have alone time. Oli was on the couch holding his head sniffling. "Baby what's the matter?" I started to get worried about Oli since he's never sick.

   Oli looks at me and shakes his head. "My body aches really bad and I don't feel well." Oli said in a hoarse tone that made Regie alert and went and made Oli some tea and got him vitamins. He handed Oli the vitamins and held Oli after he took them. Oli and Regie stayed on the couch cuddling for hours. The boys were both worn out and wanted alone time. Regie drug his fingers through Oli's hair while ordering them food to eat.

~Oliver's POV~
     Regie was playing with my hair until I noticed him ordering us something to eat. I tap his shoulder and showed him I wanted ramen for lunch and went to the bathroom. I came back out of the bathroom and saw Regie on the bed covering his face. "Baby are you sure you don't medicine?" I asked him worried and kissed his forehead. He nodded and closed his eyes until the food got here.

~4 hours later~
     Darren, Seb, Oliver, Regie, Justin, and Ryan all went out to the mall and H mart to get some snacks and props for their future videos. The boys were wandering through the mall when Ryan noticed something off about Justin and nudged his side gently. "J-Justin, are you ok? You're too quiet." Ryan spoke really softly so only Justin could hear him. Justin knew Ryan was worried and didn't want to tell him he wasn't feeling well. "I'm okay sweetheart. Let's just worry about you getting through this trip with no complications, okay?" Justin grabbed Ryan's hand and stroked it with his thumb. Ryan nodded and didn't let go of Justin.

    Darren and Seb were slowly following behind, they were slower because Seb was struggling to keep his balance and sight straight. Darren obviously noticed his fragile boyfriend struggling with each step and called out to the boys. "Guys let's sit down and eat for a bit, Seb needs a break from walking." The other boys agreed and they all sat down while Justin, Darren, and Regie went to order something small to help the fragile boys. Whenever Justin and Ryan ate out Justin would only get 1 plate and they would share. Ryan had severe anxiety eating in front of strangers so he would hide in Justin's chest and eat, or if Justin wasn't with him he simply wouldn't eat until he was with Justin. Justin ordered a large plate of thai chicken, stir fry and 2 egg rolls.

    Regie, while waiting in line looked over at Oli and saw his head down on Regie's coat, Regie seeing this knew exactly what was wrong. "Hi can I have 2 orders of the warm chicken noodle soup, 1 beef dumpling, 1 order of general tso chicken, and 2 waters with no lemon and extra ice." Regie ordered Oli's comfort meal, which always helped when he had a migraine or headache. 

   Darren asked Seb if he wanted to try and eat a pretzel. Darren knew when Seb had his dizzy spells he wouldn't eat for hours due to feeling nauseous, so instead of a pretzel Darren got himself chicken and ramen and got Seb a Gatorade, water, and ramen. The boys went back to their table with the food and Ryan immediately helped Justin. "Baby it's okay, sit down." Justin and Ryan started eating.

  Darren kneeled by Seb and rubbed his back. "Here bubba try to eat. I got you stuff that will help with your episode, just take your time." Darren said lovingly to his pale boyfriend who started to slowly eat. Regie walked back to Oliver who smelt Regie's comforting scent and slowly sat up with, of course Regie's help. "Oli, I got you something small. I know you're not feeling well." Regie opened the packaging for Oli and rubbed his thigh while he ate the soup.

   After the mall and H mart, Seb and Oli were leaning on their boyfriends shoulders in the car. Darren glanced at Seb and rubbed his stomach, noticing he had clenched his hands around Darren's. "Guys pull over now" Darren shouted and helped Seb out, who then threw up violently on the ground and started crying. Ryan saw Seb puking and squeezed his eyes shut breathing hard while Oli and Regie were in the front. "Sebby don't cry, it's gonna be okay. I know your in pain."

   The boys got home and Seb ran to the bathroom and threw up some more which alarmed Tyler. "PLEASE TELL ME YOU DIDN'T FUCKING PUKE ON YOURSELF" Tyler yelled across the kitchen grabbing water, medicine, and crackers handing it to Darren while talking on the phone. "Mom I'll call you back, Seb got sick and needs out help." Tyler told his mom and hung up and ran to Seb who was still puking holding onto Darren.

   Oli and Regie went upstairs......well Regie carried Oli upstairs because he was too tired and nauseous from seeing his brother puke his guts out. Regie grabbed a cloth and wiped down Oli's body not wanting him to move too much. Ryan and Justin were obviously worried but Ryan had a weak stomach and couldn't watch anymore and went to lay down.

In The Closet ~OliverxRegie (NorthStarBoys)Where stories live. Discover now