Chapter 14

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~Regie's POV~
I called Oli worried about him overworking himself again.

Oli: "He told you huh" I said while coughing hard struggling to calm down needing Regie's soothing voice.

Regie: "baby calm down. You're safe even if im not with you I need you to relax. Close your eyes and breathe. I know it hurts but just think about us ok just calm down." We were on facetime so I watched him struggle and loose a few tears.

Oli: I start to calm down and my chest started hurting like it always did after my episodes. "I wish you were here with me"

Regie: I look down and felt horrible. "I know baby just hang in there ok" what he didn't know was that I already back at the airport. "Go take a nap sweetheart. I love you so much."

~end call~

After our call I got on the plane back to Oli who at that moment needed me more than anything. I landed back in LA and went home. I saw the boys excited but held my finger to my lips seeing a sleeping Oliver. I walk over and rubbed his back and softly spoke. "I'm home baby boy" was all I said before he clung his shaking body onto me crying. "Hey hey alright you're ok you're ok"

~Olis POV~
       I saw regie and my whole world just disappeared and I cried into Regie finally letting him hold me and calm me down. "You're back you're  back" regie rubbed my back and calmed me down. "Shh shh you're ok. I'm right here baby." Regie sat down and immediately pulled oli onto his lap.

   I smiled at Regie and kissed him gently and noticed a couple bruises. "Regie you said you would be careful." I brush my fingers over the bruise sad because I know his family overworks him when he goes back. "Go lay down I'll make you something to eat." I kissed regies cheek and hugged him again.

~Justin's POV~
     We were at the hospital hoping Ryan was going to be ok. I held his hand as he layed his head on my thigh in a lot of pain. "Breathe baby you're gonna be ok." I tried to distract him while the doctor kept moving his foot but it made him scream in pain, which broke my heart.

   Ryan wouldn't let go of Justin not wanting to be alone and of course Justin stayed with Ryan and wiped his tears when his foot moved. "J it hurts so bad" Ryan squeezed Justin's hand pure tears of pain streaming down his face unable to bear the pain. "They're almost done baby boy just focus on me." Justin pulled Ryan's face towards him and rested his head on Ryan's with both their eyes closed.

   "You're doing great baby." I whispered to Ryan who just hugged me tight crying. "I'm always hurt. I always cost you money no matter what we're doing. I feel like I'm a failure because I can't ever do anything for myself." Ryan cries into Justin's neck. Which made Justin sad and just hold him. "I don't care how much money I spend on you! You're my boyfriend and I'll always make sure your healthy. I love you more than words."

   Ryan calmed down and let the doctor wrap his foot in a cast. "I don't want crutches, I wanna walk on my own with Justin's help." The doctor told me he's allowed but to have the crutches inside the house or whenever we weren't filming.

  The doctor said we could leave and I didn't wanna see Ryan in more pain so I carried him to the car. "How's your foot baby" I rubbed the side of his thigh. "I'm ok" Ryan told me while looking sad. "I'll let you walk when you're not in a lot of pain" I kissed his head then drove us home.

~Ryan's POV~
     Justin took us home and helped me walk in the house since I had to use my crutches. Using the crutches was difficult and hurt a little bit but I pushed through for Justin. "Ryan baby let's stay downstairs ok" Justin said as he propped my foot up noticing how much pain I was in and hissed as pain shot up my leg. "AGH FUCKING HELL!" I yelled gripping Justin's hand. After I calmed down Justin placed an ice pack on my ankle to help the swelling and pain. "J-Justin I want cuddles" I whined almost crying because I was in so much pain I couldn't take it.

~Oli's POV~
      It was around 5pm when Regie and I heard Ryan with Justin. Regie and I were in our room cuddling since Regie had a headache and just wanted to rest which I didn't blame him. While we were cuddling Justin came in our room. "Hey guys, sorry to bother but um Oli do you still have that ankle wrap that's like an ice pack? Ryan's been crying from the pain and I don't like seeing him in pain." Justin asked out of breath and worried so I tossed the ice pack to him.

   Justin left our room and Regie scooted closer to my chest holding his head. "Baby let me go get you some medicine okay?" Regie just nodded. I came back to our room with the medicine and water and helped regie open the bottle and take the medicine. Once he was situated I laid back down and let him fall asleep on my chest.

  About 3 hours later Regie woke up and looked a lot better. "How are you feeling love?" I asked Regie as he sat up. "I'm feeling a lot better." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

~4 weeks later Ryan's POV~
     It finally passed 4 weeks which meant I was finally able to get my cast off and use just an ankle brace when needed. Justin and I went to the doctor and got my x-rays done. The doctor confirmed my ankle was ok again and I could walk without crutches and took the cast off. Justin held my hand throughout because I didn't like the blade near my leg, it scared me a little. After my appointment we went out to get dinner and I just hugged Justin. "You know you don't have to keep spoiling me?" Justin just nodded and we ate at our favorite ramen shop.

In The Closet ~OliverxRegie (NorthStarBoys)Where stories live. Discover now