Chapter 7

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 ~Justin's POV~
Justin finally got Ryan comfortable and to sleep and went to check on Seb and Darren. When he went in the bathroom Seb was passed out on Darren who was cleaning him up. "How is he doing?" Justin whispered and helped Darren get Seb off the puke covered floor. "After puking, he seems better but he doesn't wanna stand or walk his body in his words feels like someone is beating him with a spiked baseball bat." Darren looked sad while explaining Seb's pain. "Its ok Dar take him to your guys room I'll clean the bathroom he just needs you right now." Justin told Darren and started cleaning the bathroom for him.  As he was cleaning the bathroom he felt a head on his back and instantly knew it was Ryan. "What's the matter baby boy?" Justin asked and turned around to hold Ryan in his arms. Ryan looked at Justin and whispered "my head hurts and you're the only one who helps it feel better." Justin looked at his boyfriend who was in pain and instantly knew what to do. Justin finished cleaning the bathroom so it looked like nothing happened and drew a bath for him and Ryan. Ryan sat on the toilet his head hanging on Justin's shoulder. "Ry, baby take your medicine." Justin carefully put the syringe of medicine in Ryan's mouth, the syringe was the only way Ryan was able to take medicine without gagging.

   Ryan had always taken medications in liquid form because it was too hard for him to take physical medication. Justin being the supportive boyfriend he is made sure he always bought a new pill grinder to help Ryan if he couldn't find a liquid version. Ryan grabbed Justin's hand and squeezed it taking the medicine. "I know it's gross baby, I'm sorry it's all we have right now." Justin kissed Ryan's head and helped him in the tub.

~Oliver's POV~
    Regie walked up to me knowing my head was still hurting me and snaked his hand under my shirt and rubbed my side while holding me close to him. "Ols you have to see a doctor or at least take medicine. I don't wanna see you suffer anymore." Regie pushed my hair away from my eyes, seeing how sad I looked. I nodded in response to Regie, not wanting to talk since it would make my head worse. Regie understood I was in pain and helped me lay down on his chest. We layed on our bed for hours, Regie just playing with my hair. I close my eyes feeling warm and protected in Regie's hold.

   After a few hours we hear a knock on our door. "Come in!" Regie raised his voice a little but not too much. Darren walks in with a sleepy seb, who seemed to be doing a lot better after eating a little. "Hey sebby, how are you feeling?" Oli asked Seb. Seb spoke quietly since he knew Oli wasn't feeling well. "I feel a lot better. Darren helped me through the episode, but I'm ok." Seb spoke as he leaned into Darren, happy he had someone like Darren to help him through his dizzy spells. Darren just smiled and held Seb.

~Regie's POV~
    After Seb and Darren left our room I checked on Oli to see if his head was feeling any better. "Baby how are you feeling?" I asked him while kissing his cheek. "I'm ok baby don't worry." Oli reassured me he was ok and just cuddled into me. After a while we decided to go outside since it was nice out. We saw Justin and Ryan in the pool. Justin had Ryan in his arms while they were spending time with each other.

  Justin and Ryan were in the pool, Justin had his hands on Ryan's bare sides gently kissing his neck. Ryan held himself close to Justin while smiling and they played around for 2 hours in the pool. Once they were done in the pool Ryan and Justin went inside. Justin made Ryan milk and soup, Ryan's favorite thing after swimming no matter what time of year it was.

~Justin's POV~
    Ryan and I finished eating our soup and laying in our bed when Ryan asked me if we could go to the store. "J I wanna go to the store. We never go anymore." Ryan complained to me. We never went because I was and still am scared of Ryan getting hurt, it's my worst fear. "I guess we can go to the store." We both got ready and started walking to the store. We walked because it was really close to the house and I didn't want to waste gas. We were close to the store when we heard a horn and loud screeching of tires. We went to the cross walk to cross the street, that's when I saw the car speeding towards Ryan. I ran to grab Ryan, but I was too late, Ryan got hit. His fragile body hit my body then we both fell to the ground hard. Ryan was covered in blood and couldn't move his body. "RYAN!" I screamed, my worst fear was coming true. I couldn't help but cry and struggled to grab my phone and called 911. "911 what's your emergency?" The lady asked for our location and what happened. "M-my b-boyfriend was run over by a car and can't move." I screamed into the phone crying.

  I called manager Ty, he obviously was pissed off but came to the hospital. "Ryan baby keep your eyes open." I tried everything to keep him comfortable while waiting for the ambulance. The ambulance soon arrived and put tubes and stickers on Ryan's broken body.

~Ryan's POV~
   I got hit by a speeding's my fault for not paying attention, was all that ran through my head while worrying about Justin. Justin was holding onto my body, it felt like I was being stabbed and stung by a million bees.

~at the hospital Justin's pov~
     We got to the hospital and they rushed Ryan to the ER. I was in the waiting room and all the boys came, Tyler looked furious and worried and pulled me aside. "Justin breathe, he's gonna be ok. You have to stay strong for him. I would yell at you but theres no point, you know what you did wrong." Tyler said to Justin scolding him, making Justin feel like it was his fault Ryan was hit.
   Justin cried and cried waiting for his boyfriend to hopefully be okay. The other boys came running through the doors and oli engulfed justin in a hug who started crying hard. Justin was hugging the members and telling them what happened. Justin then hears his name. Justin Phan for Ryan Nguyen, Justin shot up from his chair and went to the doctor. " is he?" Justin was too antsy and terrified about his boyfriend. The doctor answered "well Justin he's........"

In The Closet ~OliverxRegie (NorthStarBoys)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu