Chapter 17

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(3 more chapters left)

~Oli's POV~
    At dinner the seating order was Mom, Dad, Tyler, Kane, Ryan, Justin, Me, Regie, Seb, and Darren. Dad looked at all of us and looked at me and Seb specifically. "So boys I've been thinking a lot and I would like to throw this out there, that I want you to break up because I found you beautiful girls to marry." My heart drops and both Regie and Darren walk away.

    I ran after Regie who ran to the park. "BABE STOP." I yelled and Regie just kept walking hurt and angry. "BABY PLEASE." I yelled and ran after him and grabbed his arm tightly. Regie turned towards me crying and red. I couldn't speak all I could do was hold him. "Shhh I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry. You're perfect to me nothing he says will ever change how amazing you are Regie. He's always been like this." I tried to comfort Regie but all he did was shrug me off of him.

~Seb's POV~
      Hearing what me and olis dad said to Regie and Darren made me angry, but seeing Darren storm off pissed scared me. I ran after him hoping he would have a better reaction than Regie. "Dar?" I called out to him, he never replied back so I checked my room and there he was pissed off.

     Darren knew I never liked being yelled or screamed at but he tried his best to stay calm. "Dar I'm really sorry for what he said. Anything he said is not true." I tried to comfort him but all he did was nod. When he nodded I knew he was ok just shocked.

~Darren's POV~
       Hearing Seb's soft scared voice made me realize that he didn't know anything that was going to happen. I was truly scared for Seb. It always worried me seeing him like that.

    I hug him tightly knowing he's having a hard time. "Hey I'm ok his words mean nothing to me ok? You're my baby and always will be." I wiped his tears he had from all the stress.

~Regie's POV~
   I was angry and hurt by what Oli's dad said to me and I tried to walk away from Oliver but all he did was pull me back. "Oliver let me go!" I saw the look of shock on Oli's face since I never call him Oliver I always use pet names with him. I sighed heavily and grab his hands. "Baby I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt your feelings I just, what he said broke me. You mean so much to me and him being racist towards me it just hurts." I tried to explain but choked up and Oli just held me.

     A few hours after what happened at dinner I fell asleep and Oli decided to outside in the rain and play basketball to take out his anger. I woke up from it being cold and noticed he was gone and went to seb and Darren. I knock on their door and hear them tell me to come in. "Two questions. One how are you guys holding up after that disaster and two have you seen Oli? I fell asleep and haven't seen him."

  Seb looked drained buried himself into Darren before answering. "One I'm annoyed and hurt and two he's at the basketball court." I nod and go outside and hear Oli screaming his lungs out. "OLI??" I yelled trying to get his attention but he didn't hear me. "BABY!" Oli suddenly stopped screaming and throwing the basketball. "Regie I-" I interrupted him before he could say anything. "Oli no. Shut up and listen to me. Why are you out here screaming your lungs out? It's cold, rainy, and you told me you had a sore throat and migraine."

   I grabbed the basketball from Oli and put it away. "Listen to me! I don't care what he said about us, you're my boyfriend and you always will be. You have no fucking clue how much I love you, how worried you make me, and how protective I am of you. You being out here in the cold rain is hurting yourself and I don't like it." I explained to Oli before seeing his tears.

~Oli's POV~
    Regie explained everything to me and I couldn't help but feel terrible. Regie has always been there for me no matter what. I was mad at myself for letting my dad's words get to me. I hugged Regie. "Oli no with me, but take your ass in the house and shower while I make you some tea." Regie scolded me and all I did was nod and listen.

~Regie's POV~
      A week after our flight back to LA Oli got really sick. He was throwing up, unable to eat, feverish, and nonstop coughing. The boys told me to stay away from him but I refused to let him suffer alone, so I made him soup and got him essentials and went to our room and knocked before going in.

   I went in our room and saw Oli looking miserable and in severe pain. I rushed to his side and set down the food and grabbed him water. "Hey deep breaths. You're okay. I'm right here baby boy." I rubbed his back while he threw up in a bucket. When he was done he laid his head down on my thigh and shook.

~Oliver's POV~
      While I was sick for a week all Regie did was stay with me and took care of me. Regie was always there for me, even when we were suffering together he always made sure he was with me. I love Regie with my whole heart.

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