My Beautiful queen

Por kk123230

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"My beautiful Queen." He whispered the last part against my lips. My glare never faltered as he let go of my... Más

The letter
Diagon Alley
First day
I'm better.
End of year
The Return
The blood stained walls
Flipped switch
Sudden death?
The plan
Back again
The Hippogriff
Standing shot

The start

30 0 0
Por kk123230

The argument started off as something small and stupid. At this point, the thing it started off as was long forgotten. We were in a screaming match now and I'm sure my mum could hear it back from our castle. "Why the bloody hell do you have to do it around me!" "Because the whole point was to fucking annoy you!" "Yeah it worked and now we have a mudblood following us around thinking she has the fucking means to pick fights with me!" "Good! You can rip her to shreds so I'm doing you a favor!" I started laughing at this man's audacity. "A favor? I can't even walk through the halls without her trying to hex me because she thinks I'm trying to steal you from her!" "Why are you complaining it's not as if she could land a jinx on you! Plus why wouldn't she think that everyone wants me!" "I fucking don't. You're not that desirable and I'd rather Avada myself than be with you, because at least I have some class and brains!" "You have brains?" I roll my eyes my anger boiling by this point and I could tell his was too. He walked forwards with a scowl on his face. He put his face directly in front of mine his silver eyes piercing mine with his glare. I glared right back. "Yes, brains!" I yell in his face. "Well, at least I don't have a dad that abuses me for getting a test answer wrong! You don't have the fucking brains to get out of your own abuse!" The second he said that I slapped him. The sound echoed through the empty hall we were in. He almost fell to the side once I did. He realized what he said too because his face softened just a bit but mine was as hard as stone. "Fuck you, Maven." My voice shook as I said it and I just walked away. I was clenching my fist trying to keep myself calm so I wouldn't do anything too rash because if one more thing was said to me I'd kill someone. What was it that I did that pissed him off so bloody much? Most of the time it's him picking fights with me. I wanted him dead and it was really hard to keep myself from making that a reality.

Maven POV
My cheek stung but I knew I deserved it. Even I knew what I said was too far. I knew I should apologize but I don't know how to go about doing that with her. Plus she was too pissed off right now for anything so there's no point worrying about that now. I walk down the empty corridor that we were screaming in heading for the dungeons while holding my cheek. The second I walked in Draco looks up and sees my very red cheek. "Did Nyx,-" "Do this, yes," I reply. He stared at me for a few more seconds and I sighed. "It was my fault." Every time me and Nisha would have a fight Draco would ask who's fault it was so he could give advice on the situation. "What did you do?" "Something that would earn me a slap in the face from you too," I tell him taking a seat across from his by the fire. "Then you need to apologize." "I know I do but I can't do that now. She almost killed me over ice water you think I'm trying to get disintegrated?" Draco scoffs at that. "All right but mate you need to because if it's that bad you might finally become dead to her." I knew what he meant. Nisha cared about me. Even though it's a very small amount she cares enough to pay attention to what I do. If I become dead to her then there's no more playing around with us she'll be as cold as ice towards me. She won't care about Granger or anything at all. She won't even look my way.

The first time I tried to apologize in a corridor she spelled me against the wall and walked past like I was a common Gryffindor. That went on for the rest of the day. When Granger came to the Slytherin table I shooed her away almost instantly. Granger must have noticed me trying to talk to Nisha who acted like I didn't exist. I hated it and it was driving me insane. All the making fun of things, the whole dating a Gryffindor wasn't fun without her reactions or smart comments. One day about a week later I had tried to talk to her about five times and she either ditched me, jinxed me, or started acting childish. I was making my way through the dungeons to see Nisha walking the same way. This was my chance. If she doesn't listen to me I'm giving up. Walking forwards I grab her and shove her against the wall grabbing both her hands and pushing them by her sides. She was looking at me like I was crazy. "Listen to me, ok?" "No thank you last time I did I had to physically restrain myself from finishing what I started last year." She sneered at me trying to shove me off. "Alright I get it you hate me, likewise by the way, but I just want to apologize. I know I took it too far and I'm..sorry." She stared at me few seconds as if waiting for me to tell her that I was joking. Her brown eyes were searching mine for any trace of a lie. When she didn't find one she rolled her eyes. "Then get on your knees and beg for my forgiveness. Also, get off me." "See now you're getting too big-headed. Plus I quite like this position." "The only big-headed person here is you, now get on your bloody knees and beg for my forgiveness," I swear this girl is going to make me strangle her one day. I still had her pushed against the wall. "I'm not going to wait around all day." She glares. I move away from her and slowly start bending my knees placing both on the ground until finally there I was sitting on my knees looking up at her smirking face. I bloody hate this. "See now this is a position I quite like." She smugly said tapping my nose. I just glare at her. "Now come on Emrys." She taunts in a sing-song voice. I let out a long sigh. I knew she was never going to let me forget this. "I'm very sorry for what I said will you please forgive me?" She was still smirking as she moved to walk past me. "I accept your apology but I still hate you." She sasses strutting away while lightly swinging her hips. I caught myself looking and quickly look away.

It had been a few weeks since we had won our Quidditch match. It was near yule and everyone was making their way home. Once I had reached the platform no time was wasted before I was whisked home. My father had some very important meetings lined up and only had enough time to pick me up. Once I got home I decided to go straight into swords training as I hadn't done it for a few months. I loved it. It made me feel powerful, in control, and free. After a little while, my father walks out onto the grounds. By then it had been about an hour and I was drenched in sweat. "Want to go a few rounds?" My father asks to hold merlin's sword. It was silver with a gold handle and charmed sapphires lined the hilt. "Sure you can keep up old man?" I taunt with a smirk. My dad returns it and just goes to swing his sword which I block. I meet his strikes blow for blow, as by now I was skilled enough to actually spar with him. Training every day every time I was home helped quite a lot. At one point I tried a trick going to sweep his legs but he jumped. He goes to hit me but I jump out of the way quickly getting to my feet. This went on for quite sometime before my father used a move I'd never seen before. I'm knocked down and a sword is placed to my neck. Me and my father both chuckle before he helps me up. I always appreciated how much time my father gave me and how much affection after seeing what happened to Nisha it made me a bit more grateful. So I hugged him. Sure he was taken aback at first but he hugged me back and gave my head a kiss. "Love you son." "Love you too, Dad."

The Yule ball was today held at Blaise's Manor. I arrived about an hour prior dressed in a black suit. My hair was fluffed up and I had my cologne sprayed on. Before we left my parents pulled me aside to tell me I was at the age where I had to have a date to these balls for the family image. They picked someone for me to accompany telling me that I would find out who when she got there. I walked into Blaise's room to find everyone already inside. "Mate." Blaise greets giving me a hug. I then give Matteo and Draco one as well. "Heard you're gonna be having a Date." Matteo comments. "I was just told about that how did you find out?" I question taking a seat on one of the couches in the room. "Mums talking about it. Plus your parents put work out you would be having a date so every noble family is quite intrigued on who the Prince will be accompanying." I roll my eyes. I was curious as to who it would be. After a while longer of talking we head down to the entrance doors. Families were beginning to arrive and I was still waiting to discover my date. My parents finally showed up bringing me into a room where Nisha was sitting with her family. The second we saw each other we both began yelling. "Him?" "Her?" "Mother please I'd go with anyone else! That gaunt kid that's in my year would be better, just please not him." I hear her plead. She was dressed in a floor-length red dress with a slit on one side. Her black hair was curled and in a half up half down do. Her brown skin was glowing and honestly, I felt like I was in a trance as I took in her features. I watched her as she furrowed her eyebrows while talking to her mother and how she made hand gestures. She was gorgeous and there was no denying it even if I wanted to. She was more mature now. I noticed it the day I saw her on the train but I denied it till now. I was now met with her glare and I seemed to break out of my trance. I turn to my parents. "No. Not her. Never her." "Alright well, you both need to deal with it because you don't have a choice." My mother snaps. "It's for the family and it's for one night." Nisha's father states glaring at her. She was still pissed but she seemed to shut up and I knew why. I didn't like that. Nisha was one of the most bitchy people I know and I never thought I'd see her cower before anyone it wasn't fitting for her. She would have thrown a curse my way or maybe even a knife by now. "Alright fine, but the dance is starting Nisha let's go," I say loudly before anything could happen between her and her father. She rolls her eyes at me but reluctantly walks towards me roughly bumping my shoulder on her way out. I shake my head but follow her walking beside her down the hall. That is before I'm pushed against the wall. "Was this your idea? You barely said two words to get out of it." She sneered at me. "Would you stop jumping to conclusions? First off I would never volunteer to be your date, second, if I didn't go along with it your father would have gotten madder than he already was." "Oh please don't pretend to care for me enough to not want my father to curse me when I get home." "Despite what you might think I'm not cruel Nisha I wouldn't want you to go through that." It was true. "Doesn't mean I don't hate you." She scoffs but slowly lets me go. "Either way I'm probably gonna get punished anyway, talking back like that pissed him off." She looked anxious, she began biting her lip and playing with her fingers. "Well then maybe I can annoy you enough to take your mind off your inevitable doom." She gives me an amused look as I hold out my arm to her. She takes it and we begin walking. "I swear tho Maven you drop me again when we dance and I will stab my heel through your pathetic arms, maybe it'll motivate you to hold on next time." "First of all, you act like that's gonna change my mind, second how dare you my arms are gorgeous and strong and full of muscle." She rolls her eyes the corner of her lips up in a smile. "Whatever helps you sleep at night." We make it to the entrance doors and while we begin to walk down the steps our presence gets announced to the whole room by a house-elf. "Prince Maven Emrys with Princess Nisha Faye Pendragon." The ballroom quieted real quick and everyone stars at the two of us. A picture gets taken by one of the select reporters we allow into the balls and we both force smiles. After a few minutes everything dies down and she drags me over to our friends by the drinks table. "Well, well, well if it isn't the wizarding world's hottest couple." Draco taunts smirking at his little cousin. "Draco I will drop a punch bowl on you and dye your hair green." She responds her arms still in mine. She was still fidgeting with her fingers and I could tell that it was still on her mind. I grab a glass of water and hand it to her before starting a conversation with Matteo about his new starting relationship with daphne. After 20 minutes of talking the dances were about to start and it goes without saying I needed to dance with Nisha for it. So I nudged her while she was talking to Daphne. "What?" She muttered glaring at me for the nudge. "First dance." I mutter back. She signs and gives me a nod. I take her hand and bring her to the center of it gaining many looks from a lot of people mostly girls in our year. It was a short song and when I went to dip her I see Nisha screw her eyes shut getting ready for me to drop her but I let her down slowly making her open her eyes with a confused expression on her face. "You didn't drop me?" "Really?" I question with an amused smirk. She rolls her eyes at me amusement evident on her face. I lift her back up and walk with her back towards the drinks table. We both stand and start people-watching while drinking sparkling cider. "Ugh and I swear I was eight and she started criticizing me on my dress on how much I ate and everything. She was a bitch." Nisha tells me about an old lady who harassed her as a kid. "Oh my god. You were eight?" She chuckles, "Yeah it's why I don't eat much at these parties, or when I go out." I stared at her and start thinking back to all the parties we've been to. I remember her barely picking up an appetizer. "That's bullshit." "I know but it's a habit." "Queenie, I thought you hated this guy what's going on?" Marcus loudly states walking over and putting his arm around her shoulder. "Oh, I still do this is just for the family." She retorts. "Ah, I see. I was worried you would stop making this one train as hard at practice you're the main reason he tries as hard as he does when it's not a game." "I know his spiteful ass wants to hit me he just can't." I glare down at her. "Excuse me I can and I have." "You did once, in quidditch training first year, and never again." "That's-," "Yet to be determined, I know!" She mocks getting irritated with me. "Careful Maven she might just put you on your ass." I scoff. "Like she can." Her head snaps to look at me and she glares at me. "You know what Emrys, fuck this party I'm gonna put you on your ass and bring your ego a little bit more down to earth." She grabs my wrist and begins dragging me out of the room and into an open corridor that was quite wide with dim lighting and bodies of armor lining the walls. She grabs two swords from them and tosses one my way. I had taken my blazer off so I was just in a black button-up shirt. "You sure you wanna continue? You're in heels." "I learned to do everything in heels when I was a little girl trust me these aren't stopping anything." I nod as we both stand at the ready. She goes to hit first and I block as she pushes against me. "What did I do to deserve this aggression? I was even nice enough not to drop you when we danced, you're making me regret that." "You're cocky attitude." She responds by trying to hit me from a different angle. I block again and this time push against her. I was stronger so I made her stumble a bit. That's when I start to find a way to knock her off balance because she sure as hell isn't going down for stumbling in her heels. We keep hitting each other blow for blow since we were equally matched. It was like a dance, we went back and forth in a deadly, graceful dance. "Hey, do you think I should bring up us being each other's dates to Granger?" She glares at me. "I swear Maven I will curse your little girl toy to be more ugly than she already is if she tries to curse me again in the halls, and when I get detention I will make you serve it." I roll my eyes and go for a hard hit with all my strength behind it. She stumbled and I quickly hook my foot behind her heel and pull making her fall. I quickly put my sword to her neck as I get on top of her and pin her arms so she couldn't move. "You're really stupid." She says making me confused. "What person in their right mind ever says that to someone who has a sword to their neck." "Honey whatever made you think I was ever in my right mind?" She counters with a smirk before lifting her knee and kneeing me somewhere I wouldn't think she would. I let out a loud groan and fell onto my side my knees going towards my chest as my face scrunched up. She has the audacity to let out a chuckle as she makes me lay on my back and pins me down, especially my legs. She somehow got a dagger into her hands and was holding the blade against my throat. She had a gorgeous smile on her lips as she looked down at me with her eyes full of excitement amusement and childishness, something I'd never seen from her around just me. I felt my heart beating loudly and I felt myself grin at her. "What?" She giggles and for some reason, at this moment I felt myself hate her just a little less. "Nothing I'm just surprised you could do that in heels it's like you came out of the womb wearing them you never lost your balance." She outright laughs her brown eyes squinted as she does. "Maybe I did." I roll my eyes. "Oh, this is the most fun I've had at a ball ever." She grins. "Way more fun than putting on fake smiles and mingling with old people." "Right?" She responds and gets off me. I stand up too and smile down at her. I didn't notice that both of us began getting closer until Blaise walks over and we jump apart. "Right now that you two lovebirds are done with that can you get your arses back to the party? Mum's asking for you." Blaise yells from down the hall. Nisha then takes the blade in her hand and chucks it at Blaise who sprints to the side to dodge it. "Shut it, Blaise." She yells as she begins to walk down the hall. Did we just almost kiss? Did I just almost kiss Nisha? Nisha? I find myself playing tonight's events in my head and I take note that she wasn't fidgeting with her fingers anymore. I felt better knowing that at least she didn't have anything weighing her night down for a little bit, and the feeling scared me.

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