
By xo_angels

265K 4.6K 1.8K

I don't remember what I wrote so... one day a man met a woman and they did stuff and stuff... Fuck it I can't... More

1st Day
She's a Virgin???
I'm blocked?
Losing it.
I'm coming home.
Meeting new people?
Waiting for her.
Back to the living.
Helping Children
No it's not okay
Family ties.
Yellow Ledbetter
The Call.
The Trade
Bring her Home.
Welcome to my home
All settled in.
Lei รจ con il bambino
The Ball
Two Steps at a Time
Unfolding Truths
Emmett and Amara
Night Changes
Night Changes II
Old friends & Back to Work
Bad Energy Rising
I came back with hell
Reigning Pain
We All Become Killers Sometimes
I Understand This Time
Un Altro Bambino in Arrivo
New Orleans
Peace Reigns in New Orleans
This Time It Will Be Me
This Time It Will Be Me II
This Time It Will Be Me III
It Is Done, No More.
Fidanzamento Tanto Atteso
This Is Our Happily Ever After
Last Note

Dangerous Liaisons.

3.5K 75 15
By xo_angels



Three Days After the Kidnap

After I was knocked out by those big strong guys. I remember nothing of how I got here. I was in a cold dark place. There was little to no light coming from the window to my left. My hands and feet were tied up. I tried to wiggle out of these ropes but they were tied really tight and I could feel the rope making small cuts on my wrist.

After multiple attempts to get out of these ropes I heard someone coming.

" Heyy!!! "

" Heyy!!! "

" Please help me I'm in here " I yelled then I heard the footsteps stop.

Then the door opened. I couldn't see who it was or what it was because the room is pitch black. I heard the footsteps walking closer to me and I have a feeling that this isn't going to end well.

The lights flicked on and I looked up at my possible attacker.

But to my surprise.

" Travis Suarez? " I said in a confused tone.

Travis is Irena's brother. I haven't seen him since we were kids and might I say he is quite handsome.

" Hi Val, you remember me? " he said with a smile.

" Ofcourse I remember you. How's it been going? " i asked him.

" I've been doing really well. How about you Lisa? " he asked me.

When we were younger he gave me the nickname Lisa.

" I've been doing well I guess " I said.

" Not for long " I heard a deep voice and I looked over to the door to see a masked man with two armed guys behind him. I watched as my possible killer walked up to me.

" Untie her " the man said and the two big guys walked over to me and began loosing the ropes around my ankles and my wrists.

" Get up " the masked man said again and I didn't move.

" See this is why your disobedient ass always end up in a fucking hospital. But your prince charming isn't here this time to save you so I suggest you do what I say and get the fuck up bitch " the man said to me.

And guess what?

I still didn't move.

The fuck he think he is?

I watched as he walked over to me and stoop down to my level. He grabbed my face roughly and I grabbed his hand and bit him.

Why the fuck did I do that?

I received a hard slap on my right cheek. I held my face trying to soothe the pain.

" Dad you didn't have to hit her so hard you know " Travis said while stooping down to help me get up.

" Travis what's the fucking point of being masked if you're gonna call me dad? " the man said as he took his mask off and threw it on the ground revealing Irena's dad.

" Mr. Suarez " I said in shock.

Mr. Suarez is Irena's dad. She hates him because he abandoned her and her mom when Irena was a baby, he then tried to come back into her life multiple times but she rejected him.

" Actually Valicity my name is Dale. Dale Gonzalez " he said and a woman walked into the room but she was masked.

" You've met my son Travis. Travis Gonzalez " he said and I looked at Travis with a confused face.

" And ofcourse the master mind behind all of this, the brilliant, thee back stabbing best friend " he said while walking around the room but my eyes were fixed on the woman.

" Irena would never ever do this. Plus she doesn't even like you, you abandoned her since the day she was born-

" Wait why did you kidnap me? " I cut myself off.

" Will answer that shortly " Dale said.

" But before I say anything else. I never ever abandoned my daughter. I'm not like your dad. " he said while being all up in my face and I looked down.

" Anyways not the point. Like I said I didn't abandoned my daughter. I just made her and her mom leave the country because I was once one of the biggest mafia in the world. So you know when you're the bad guy, bad guys are always after you and your family. So I made my little girl and her mom run off. " He said as he sat around a table and lit a cigar.

" Naomi you can take your mask of Val knows who you are now " Travis said and I looked at the woman or my bestfriend.

I watched the mask fall to the floor revealing my 'bestfriend ' and tears fell from my eyes.

" How long? " was all I managed to get out as a million thoughts raced through my mind.

" Since that day we were fighting those girls and I saw Ezio " Irena, I mean Naomi said.

" What does Ezio have to do with any of this? " I asked her.

" You don't know do you? " Travis said.

" Know what? " I asked him.

" Ezio Diaz is mafia leader " Travis said and I laughed.

" No he's not he's a successful business man. Who told you that? " I said while chuckling.

" Don't play fucking dumb. You mean to tell me you slept with the biggest fucking mafia boss in all of Italy and you didn't know he was in the mafia? " Dale yelled at me from where he was sitting.

Then I thought about it.

The SUVs.

The gun.

His name on almost every single place in the city.

The fear he strikes into others.

The money.

Oh my God I slept with a mafia boss.

" Correction you slept with a hot mafia boss " I heard Rena's voice in my head.

Oh Fuck you.

" You seriously didn't know Lisa? " Travis asked me.

" No I didn't " i answered truthfully.

" My question is what does any of this have to do with me? " I asked Dale.

" You remember that little boy, what's his name. Alistair. He is worth a fucking fortune and I want him. " Dale said.

" Still doesn't say why I'm here " I said.

" You're here because you were the one who rescued him from his abusive step father, which also means your the last one who saw his mother alive, which also means you're the one who she gave the black envelope too "

Black envelope?

I have the envelope.

" Actually she didn't give it to me. It must have burned with the rest of the house. The only thing I saved was his clothes and birth documents. " I lied.

I watched Dale get up from his seat and walked over to me. He looked me in the eye for awhile.

Before I could look away he punched me straight in the nose and I landed on the hard concrete floor.

" Dad you said you wouldn't hurt her " Travis said while jumping in front of his dad and I heard something click.

" You got 2 choices brother I put this bullet in your brain or you move " Naomi said to her brother as the looked at each other.

" Why must you do your friend like this. You guys have been together since birth and now you would let dad use her as his personal punch bag? " Travis said and I saw her eyes water.

" That's why I'm Dads favorite " she said with a wicked grin and Travis gleared at her while stepping aside.

" Travis leave. " Dale said and Travis left the room.

So you just gon leave my ass here with your psycho dad and your back stabbing sister?

Alright that's cool.

" I'm going to ask you one more time. Where's the fucking envelope? " Dale stoop down and yelled in my face.

" I said I don't have it you asshole " I said calmly, but I was shaking with fear on the inside.

" Wrong answer Val " Naomi said and I saw stars when I felt Dale's shoe connect to my stomach. I cried out in pain.

" I'm asking you one more time you stupid girl "

" Where's the fucking envelope? " Dale yelled so loud i think the whole Italy heard him.

" I said I don't have it you son of a bitc- " I got cut off by a punch in the face from Naomi and blood spewed from my lip.

They asked me the same question for minutes and I said the same thing receiving; punches, kicks and slaps from both Naomi and her Dad.

" Alright you stupid girl since you won't talk even though we've beaten you close to blocking out and you still won't tell us anything. We'll continue this tomorrow on the phone with prince charming. " Dale said.

" You and your slut of a daughter can go to hell " I said while getting up from the floor.

" I thought we were friends Val " Naomi said and I looked at her with disgust eyes.

" We were never friends and I hope you end up dead after this you back stabbing bitch " I said while staring into her emotionless face.

She looked at me for sec and brought her hand back and gave me a punch to my temple I fell to the ground and I lost consciousness.

End of Flashback☆☆☆☆☆☆

The next Day...

" Lisa "

" Lisa "

" Lisa get up " I heard a voice and I blinked a couple times before I opened my eyes.

" So this isn't a dream " I said and Travis  sighed.

" I'm so sorry all of this is happening to you. I wish I could help you get out but both of us would die. " he said and I looked down.

" But you're getting out of here tomorrow if everything goes smoothly " Travis said to me and my face lit up.

" Ezio requested a trade for you and we get the boy and also he requested to see you and speak to you before all this takes place. " Travis said.

" Which means I have to clean you up and feed you before you can go on camera and speak to Ezio if he requests that " he said and I felt a little spark in my heart.

" How long have I been here? " I asked him as he lifted me bridal style.

" 4 days " he said while walking out of the dark room that I was in.

" How long have I've been knocked out by my bestfriend? " I asked.

" Half an hour " he said while looking into my eyes and I quickly looked away.

" So um where are you taking me? " I asked him.

" I was suppose to take you to my father's prisoners bathroom, but it's gross as hell in their and i figured since you're a girl and I'm taking care of you so I'm taking you to a cleaner one I guess " he said and I smiled.

" Thank you " I said to him as he carried me.

We finally got to the bathroom and he opened the door and we went inside. He flicked the lights and put me down on the sink. I watched as he opened the cabinets and taking out a medical kit.

I then lifted up my shirt to see the marks from my previous beatening along with dried blood.

I looked up to see Travis staring at my bruises with curious eyes.

" Don't worry I'm actually a doctor I'll take care of them. " he said with a smile.

" A doctor? " I asked as he wet a cloth and began wiping away the dried blood.

" Yeah I became a doctor when Dad sent me and Naomi away. I always wish to see the day I could meet my baby sister again, but now she's a hard cold blooded killer. " he said with a sigh.

" No she's not a killer Rena, I mean Naomi never killed anyone " I said to him.

" That's what you think. Remember when Naomi and Valentino went away for 2 years? " Travis asked me and I nod.

" They actually went on a killing spree for Dad. Murdering women and men. Naomi killed 12 women and Valentino killed 14 men. " he said and I was in shock.

" Valentino is behind this also? " I asked him with my voice breaking.

" Valentino has been in this since he was 12 years old. Dale trained him until he became a living human torture machine " Travis said.

" Won't you get into trouble for telling me all this information? Isn't there cameras in here? " I asked him.

" No I won't. I can tell you more if you like " he said and I nod.

" Naomi always wanted to meet Dad. Dad did keep in touch with us over the phone but he couldn't meet us in person for obvious reasons. Naoimi also knew everything about who dad was so soon she found out about people who are in the mafia that's where Ezio comes in. She knew Ezio was apart of one of the biggest mafia in the world and she only told me about it. Naomi got a call from Dad 2 years ago saying that he lost everything and he need a lot of help and she left Italy and she came back to Puerto Rico. Naomi told dad about how her life and Ezio's name came up along with Alistair and Dad soon found out that Alistair was worth a lot, he could get back a mafia base, and a lot of money. So he linked with a small worth-less mafia base in Italy and brought the rest of his troop that he had left and he began training them until they eventually got good. " he said and I just sat there looking surprised.

" Okay I'm done with the bruises on your stomach " he said.

" Thank you " I said with a smile.

" You're welcome beautiful " he said and my cheeks flushed red.

" I haven't told you about Valentino yet. That's if you're still interested. " he said and I nod as he got to work on my face.

" Okay so Valentino. It was no accident that you met Valentino at rehab. All this had been planned out by my sister. Valentino was never an addict, it was all an act. Valentino's job was to protect you while he was there and also to update Naomi on how you were doing. So she knew when to pick you up, you noticed you didn't even tell her you were getting out that day but yet she was already half way there. Valentino was never a club owner. That guy Mason is actually Dale's nephew. The whole Cafe thing too was a lie. They wanted to wait for the right time for at least two Diaz were in there so the could open fire and start shooting. Valentino didn't even go to a different country he was here making sure everything went smooth with the new base. There's something else that's important but it's not my place to say " Travis said and I nod.

I looked at Travis in shock.

This was all a lie.

My life was all a lie.

My ' bestfriends ' were all a lie.

" Okay Lisa you have to take a shower and  you have less than 15 minutes to do so " Travis said and I nod.

" Could you help me take my dress off please my arms hurt a lot " I said.

" I- um- yeah sure " he said and he walked over to me as his body towered over mine.

Ezio was like 7 inches taller though.

" Girl shut the fuck up " i cussed my myself.

" Um you're not wearing a bra " Travis said with his eyes glued to my chest.

" Wow those are beautiful " he said and I looked down seeing my boobs sticking out. I quickly used my arms to cover myself.

He pulled the rest of my dress off my body along with my panties and I used my other hand to hide my body.

I watched Travis step back and as his eyes roamed all over my body.

Why was I turned on by this?

I looked down to see his erection already up.

" Lisa can I kiss you? " he asked and I nod.

I watched as Travis walked over to me and lifted me up on the sink. Then we began kissing. His hands traveled down my body touching my nipples and giving them a slightly pinch and I moaned against his lips. His hands slowly traveled down my sides and over my tummy making sure not to touch my bruises.

" Really Isabella " I thought I heard Ezio's voice but I didn't stop kissing Travis.

" Have your little fun for now princess " I heard his voice again and I broke the kiss.

" Is everything okay? " Travis asked me and I nod.

" Why did you stop? " he asked.

" I remembered I only had less than 15 minutes to take a shower like you said " I said then got down from the sink.

" Oh yeah give me a sec I'll leave to get you some clothes " he said.

" Okay thanks " I said and I heard the door close.

I stepped into the shower and turned the hot water on, then I drew the shower curtain. I found some body wash, and shampoo.

I heard the door open again.

" Lisa? "

" Yeah? " i answered Travis.

" Here's a loofah. It's really soft, I think it will help with the bruises and cuts " Travis said and I pulled the shower curtain back just a little bit, only showing my head and I took it.

" Thank you so much Travis " I said to him with a smile.

" You're welcome there's some clothes on the toilet seat " he said and I nod.

I didn't here the door open so I think he's still there.

I continued my business and gently washed my body. I washed my hair also.

I soon finished and I took up the towel Travis gave to me and I wrapped it around my wet body. I stepped out of the shower and stood on a mat making sure not to get the floor wet.

And I was right Travis didn't leave.

" Oh you're still here do you um mind turning around while i get dressed? " I asked him.

" Yeah sure even though I just saw you naked Lisa I'll give you some privacy " he laughed.

I dried my body quickly with the towel and put the clothes on that Travis brought back, which was an over size blue T- shirt and some white shorts.

" Wow Naomi hates me this much that she couldn't let me borrow her clothes " I chuckled.

" What? those are my clothes and I stole the shorts from Naomi. I think you look nice. You look good in my clothes " Travis said while folding his arms and I just smiled and shaked my head.

Damn no toothbrush?

My breath stinks.

" Could I possibly have a toothbrush? " I asked Travis.

" Yeah sure " he said then opened the cabinets and gave me a new toothbrush.

" You have to do this quickly you only have 2 minutes to get back. " he said and I quickly brushed my teeth.

I didn't even realize he gave me some flip flops. I quickly put them on and we left.

He took me back to the room and their was a food on the table waiting for me.

I haven't eaten at all since I was here I was starving.

There was some rice, steak, some orange juice and a slice of cake here.

" Naomi said you like cake, so she went out and got you some " Travis said and tears welled in my eyes.

" Are you okay? " he asked me.

" Yeah I'm fine " I lied.

" Okay I'll leave you until you're finish " Travis said and was walking away when I stopped him.

" Can you stay? " I asked him and he nod.

" So tell me about you. You didn't give me any dirt on you " I said while eating the food.

" Okay I'll spill but there isn't much, my life isn't really exciting " he said.

" After my Dad separated me and Naomi and my mom. He sent me to this private school in California. I was very very angry at my dad for splitting me up with my family. It took me 3 years to get in contact with my Dad. After I got in contact with my Dad I started taking school seriously. I eventually graduated and started college right after studying medicine. The 1st day of college I met my best friend, Emilio he was my only friend as a matter of fact. We both did medicine together and graduated at the top of our class. We were about to start our job at a hospital as make nurses but I couldn't " Travis said.

" Why Not? " I asked him.

" I got a call from Dad saying he needed help and Naomi and mom needed help too. Which was all a lie. " Travis said.

" Your family is pure evil and you deserve do much better " I said.

" Yeah I-

" Travis " I heard a voice and Travis sighed and pulled out a Walkie-talkie.

" Yeah " Travis said into the the Walkie-talkie.

" Bring the girl " the person said and Travis sighed.

" I'm sorry but you have to go now " He said and I nod.

Then we left the room.

Author's Note:

Hey y'all💜

Since y'all bitches wanna bully me for a new chapter here you go.

Xoxo love y'all💙

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