The necklace | seungjin

By hyynjio

2.1K 37 45

In which Seungmin, Felix, Jisung and Jeongin are dead and end up back on earth, with the condition of always... More

~•Chapter 01•~
~•Chapter 02•~
~•Chapter 03•~
~•Chapter 04•~
~•Chapter 05•~
~•Chapter 06•~
~•Chapter 07•~
~•Chapter 08•~
~•Chapter 09•~
~•Chapter 10•~
~•Chapter 11•~
~•Chapter 12•~
~•Chapter 13•~
~•Chapter 14•~
~•Chapter 16•~
~•Chapter 17•~
~•Chapter 18•~
~•Chapter 19•~

~•Chapter 15•~

87 2 1
By hyynjio

"Earth to seungmin

I was lost in my thoughts, not even realizing my friends have been calling my name for 5 minutes so far. I was thinking about how Hyunjin and his group of friends know about our secret. I keep thinking about what's going to happen, if he is gonna tell the whole school and make our lives a living hell. While deeply thinking about everything, I got distracted by a really loud shout coming from beside me


I woke up from my daydreaming and realized the whole cafeteria was looking towards our direction. I sighed and looked at Felix who was worriedly looking at me "what do you want"

"M8 I've been calling your name for 5 minutes and you weren't answering. What's on your mind?"

"I keep thinking about how those 4 dorks know we are dead. What if they tell the whole school? What if everyone will think we are some freaks? I'm so stressed about this whole situation"

"Listen I know it's hard dealing with the thought of them knowing about this but you can't really do anything now that they found out."

I sighed deeply and then groaned loudly. "I guess you're right-"

We were interrupted by Jeongin who started to choke and breathe heavily. We looked at him in shock until we saw a tall dude with black hair and blue eyes. I guess this is the dude that beat Jeongin up on his first day.
He was pulling Jeongin by his necklace, choking him and almost breaking it.
As he threw Jeongin on the ground, many students started to form a crowd around them.

"Well well, I told you that was only the beginning~ oh and what do we have here, a necklace. So pretty, it would look prettier on me tho.." he said as he started to take the necklace off of Jeongin's neck, but what happened next shocked everyone.

Jeongin threw a punch in the dude's face, making him fall on the ground.
"Never and I mean NEVER touch this necklace."


As soon as Jeongin threw a punch at me and made me fall on the ground, I tried to get up and beat him up, but something stopped me. It was Jeongin who got on top of me. He leaned in and whispered into my ear "I may seem innocent, but I can assure you I'm way more than that. Dare to touch my necklace one more time and you can say bye to your friends and family" as he finished telling me that, he got off of me, leaving me dumbfounded

I got up and ran away, not daring to ever mess with him again.


"Dude.. what the hell did you tell him?? He ran away like there is no tomorrow"

"Let's just say I made some things clear, Jisung Hyung"

"I'm so glad he didn't take off your necklace or it would have been over for all of us."

"That's why I keep worrying too, Felix. Now that those 4 assholes know about us I'm afraid they will try to expose us."

"Well.. we have to be careful then."


"Ah shit, speaking of the devil, they're coming towards us"

"What do you m-" I was interrupted when I felt a pair of arms around my waist and someone's head resting on my shoulder. I almost gasped, but i managed to hold it in, instead my jaw slightly dropped. 

Felix, Jisung and Jeongin were looking at us with big eyes and slightly smirking. That's when I realized who the misterios person was.

"Hwang, what the hell are you doing, let go of me"

"Awh but why, I'm comfortable staying like this, are you not?"

Even tho I actually kinda enjoyed it, I had to seem mad so I won't show any sign of weakness

"No, I'm not, it's making me very uncomfortable, now could you please take your friends with you and leave us alone?"

"But whyy~ your friends seem to enjoy my friends' company, so why would we leave"

"Because," I turned around and faced him with a serious expression on my face, taking his arms off me "I said so. Now leave."

"Playing hard to get, I see"

"Hwang if you don't shut up, my fist will meet your face in no time"

He sighed in defeat and groaned, making me know I won. "Changbin, Minho, Chan, move your asses here and leave your boyfriends alone"

"Yah! They're not our boyfriends"

I heard the midget sized guy yelling at Hyunjin, while the other two were behind them slightly red

"So~ Seungmin, i see you got yourself a boyfriend, huh?"

"What the fuck Felix. Do I have to remind you that I hate him because he knows our secret?"

"We both know you have a crush on him, why is it so hard for you to just accept it?"

"Because he is annoying and even if I do have a crush on him I am 100% sure he will never like someone like me. He has every girl wrapped around his finger, why would he choose someone like me when he has so many other people to choose from"

".. you're dumber than Jisung istg"

"Yah! I heard that"

"Good, at least now I know you're not deaf"

"Fuck You, useless cumshot"

"Shut it squirrel. So continuing our discussion.. that dude is whipped for you, even Jeongin can see it, right innie?"

"Mhm! I could see the hearts in his eyes when he was back hugging you just now"

"Whatever, it's not like I want a relationship anyway, I have better things to do than having lovey doves moments with someone I know I'm gonna break up with not even a month later"

"Seungmin, you're hopeless"



A/N: another short chapter because why not lmao
I'm deciding if I should post these or not
Like I'm literally prewritting all these

Sorry if this story is boring but
Ok in my head this was more exciting

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