~•Chapter 18•~

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When Felix and Seungmin got back home, they observed everyone was sleeping while crying

"What the hell happened to them?" Asked Seungmin as he watched everyone's red puffy eyes

"If you look on the screen you'll find your answer. They watched banana fish. It explains it all"

"Oh wow, such crybabies"

"Don't tell me you never cried while watching an anime or a movie"

"I actually didn't."

"M8 how-"

"I actually never cried a lot while I was still alive. The only times when I cried were when my grandpa died and when the incident happened."


"Shut up before you say something you shouldn't."

"Alright mate, calm your tits"

"So what are we gonna do now since everyone is sleeping?"

"Let's have a concerr"


"Let's sing you dipshit"

"Oh hell no, no thanks, I don't like singing, especially when there are people around"

"Come onnn they're sleeping, they won't hear anything"

"Na-ah, not happening"

Felix pouted while making puppy eyes, staring intensively in Seungmin's eyes.

"Urghh fine, but just one song"



"Alright so which song do you want to sing?"

"Shoot me by Day6"


"Do you know the lyrics or do you want to read them first?"

"Oh I know the lyrics don't worry, but my voice doesn't really fit their songs-"

"It was your idea to sing, now do it"

"Fine Fine"

Shoot me by Day6 starts playing

( imagine they are singing and all I'm too lazy to write the lyrics )

"Woah. Who knew you have such angelic voice seung?

"Shut up"

"Can we sing another oneeee?? Pleaaaaaaase"

"No. I told you only one song, no more"

"Ugh fine"


"Is that Jisung?"

"Yeah I suppose so"

Felix sighed before answering with a shout "WHAT DO YOU WANT COCKHEAD"


"What? What for?"

"I'm going on a date with Minho-hyung you know"

"Ew, just get your wallet and leave"

"I hope you choke"

"Oh Changbin's dick I will for sure-"

"EW GROSS, I'm leaving"

"Bye Bye"


After a while, Changbin and Felix decided to go on a date too, along with Jeongin and Bang Chan, leaving Hyunjin and Seungmin all alone.


Aish why did they have to leave me alone with him?? It's gonna be awkward and weird and I hate it. Urgh

Now I'm thirsty too, awesome, reason to leave my room and meet with him.

God why did I choose to come back here

I keep complaining while making my way out to go to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water
As soon as I opened the door, I saw Hyunjin sitting on the floor, hugging his knees to his chest while resting his chin on them. He looked lost into whatever was playing on the tv so I took the opportunity to go there unnoticed by him, but of course god isn't with me today.

"Oh hi seungmin!"

"Hi." I answered dryly trying to avoid any sort of conversation with him, not because I won't like to talk to him, but because it would be awkward

"How are you?"

"I'm fine thanks" I said while drinking the water, as a reason to not talk to him.

"Why do you hate me so much?" Once he finished his sentence I almost choked on my water. I couldn't tell him the actual reason but I can't just tell him there is no reason at all.

"I don't hate you, what do you mean?" I said, trying to sound confused

"Stop playing dumb. I have been trying to be your friend for the past month and all you do is avoid me or act like I'm your biggest enemy. Why?" He said, while standing up.

"I... i Uh.. I don't hate you but you just act w-weird around me and it's awkward."

"What do you mean awkward?"

"When you try to have skinship with me, it's weird. And that's awkward. That's why I act like that"

"So, you don't like skinship?"

"No- I mean yes. I mean no- I mean i do like it but I don't- it's complicated-"

I was cut off by Hyunjin, who hugged me, this time a normal hug. I felt so safe and comfortable, but I couldn't let him know that

"So you don't like it if I do this?"

"No- I mean I do- I mean no I don't- I mean-"

He started chuckling, making me frown
"Why are you laughing?"

"You're so obvious Seungmin. I don't know why you just won't accept me. I know what you think of me but I can assure you, you're the first person I genuinely love. And I don't understand why you keep pushing me away, I told Felix and Jisung about what I feel and they told me to go for it but I don't know if it's such a good idea"

".. I- you told them about? You told my best friends- you did what and how and- why? Why would you talk to them about it and not your friends? Wait your friends know? Does everyone know about it?"

"Oi calm down. Yes I told your friends, and my friends. They all know how much I genuinely like you, but it kind of hurts knowing you still think I just want to play with your feelings."

He started to play with my hair, slowly caressing my cheek with the same hand he used to play with my hair.

"I genuinely like you, Kim seungmin"

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