~•Chapter 05•~

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Seungmin groaned as his alarm went off, making him wake up from the sweet sleep he was having. Annoyed of the loud sound, he decided to turn off the alarm and get ready since today is a big day.

He got up from his bed and headed towards the bathroom, in order to shower and brush his teeth.

Once he was done he went back into his room to get some clothes to change. He got something simple, a white, large tee shirt with a per of black jeans and a dark blue jacket to prevent the cold.

As he finished doing his morning routine and everything that had to be done, he got his phone and headed towards the address the principal has sent him yesterday.



"I'm bored" Jisung said while standing with his head on the floor and his legs on the couch.

"Cool didn't ask" Felix said without even looking at the boy who's practically standing upside down beside him.

"Felix-hyung? Jisung-hyung? Do you know where Seungmin-hyung went? I can't find him anywhere and I'm worried" Jeongin said with a little fear in his voice. Even if he met with these three boys just a few days ago, he feels like he's known them since ever.

"Oh hi Jeongin!" Felix greeted the younger with a kind smile on his face. He got up and went to Jeongin "don't worry, Seungmin went to talk with the principal today, you didn't forget, right?"

Jeongin's mouth formed an "O" shape as he remembered about what Seungmin's plans were for today. "Oh yeah, I forgot about that, oops"

"I'm still bored~" Jisung sang while looking out the window still staying upside down.

"Hey, why don't we watch a movie on our phones, hm?" Felix suggested catching the other two boys' attention

"Which movie?" Jisung asked as he approached the other two boys

"Well I was thinking of a sad one.. a sad anime perhaps? Let's watch silent voice, hm?"

"But that movie is really sad we'll end up crying blood" Jeongin said, looking at Felix

"Yes exactly that's the point. Good way to traumatize ourselves before attending to highschool, right? Right. Okay let's watch the movie now~"


The door opened as the three boys stood on the couch, spacing out while crying because of the anime they've just watched.

"Alright I'm hom-" Seungmin cut off his own sentence after seeing the three boys' state

"... and what the hell happened to you three?"

"We watched a silent voice... I'm never gonna smile again." Said Felix in between his sobs

"... well- anyway, you three, go wash your faces and come here to talk, Alright?" Seungmin asked as he looked at the three boys in front of him

They nodded and headed towards the bathroom to wash their faces.


"So. I talked to the principal today, and.. we will start our highschool days tomorrow, on Monday. He told me to stay out of problems and bla bla all the things you usually do in school and all. We also have uniforms, the principal gave them to me, they're in my bag. I'll take them out tonight and I'll leave them on the couch."

"Hmm Alright. Well I can't wait to go back to highschool, I've been waiting for so long to annoy people with my presence" Jisung said while daydreaming about how he is gonna annoy everyone in the jyp highschool

"Uh.. Seungmin-hyung, what hour do we have to get there at?"

"Classes start at 9 am, but it would be better to get there 1 hour earlier to have time to look around the building and get familiar with the halls and classrooms and all"

"Oh alright" that's all Jeongin said before changing the topic into some other useless subjects.

"We should go to sleep, tomorrow is our first day of highschool and i don't want to look like a zombie on my first day"

"Yeah Alright goodnight to everyone, except for Felix, I hope you have nightmares"

"Yah! I hope a spider sucks you in your sleep"

"Stop talking about spiders in this household!!"

"Can you two stop arguing for at least one night?"

"No" they both said in unison

Seungmin sighed deeply as he entered his room and changed into his pjs.

Not long after, Jisung joined him and sat on the bed, laying down

"Hey Jisung"


"How did you and Felix end up in the forest in that night?"


After 1 minute of pure silence, Jisung decided to come up with a lie so he won't tell the younger the truth about him being dead.

"Oh.. alright"

"How about you? How did you and Jeongin end up there?"

"W-well it's kinda similar with what happened to you, you know.. I went for a walk, got lost, fainted then woke up here and when I turned around I saw Jeongin standing there"

"Oh, nice.. anyway we should head to sleep now"

"Yeah, goodnight"


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