~•Chapter 08•~

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9:00 am

I enter the class quietly, hoping nobody would observe me, but the teacher immediately grabbed my wrist and smiled towards the classroom

"Everyone! Pay attention please, we have a new student! Introduce yourself sweetie"

I looked around and saw everyone looking at me, I gulped in fear and started speaking

"H-hi, my name is Yang Jeongin, I'm 18 and I just moved here.. I also have 3 best friends who are one year older than me, they attend the same highschool.. I hope we could get along..?"

I heard some laughters and some people whispering about how cute I was. But as I started to approach the empty seat, I could hear everyone laughing at me. Was I that bad at introducing myself?..


After the class ended, I was about to leave when suddenly someone pulled me by my shirt and pinned me to the wall. I gulped in fear almost tearing up, since I'm familiar with this scenario.

"Is there something I can help you w-with?"

"Yeah, actually.. you know I've been searching for a new punching back for a while, and you seem just perfect~"

I gulped trying not to let my tears fall on the ground, but i failed when I felt a hard punch against my left cheek.

And then another one

And another one

And another one...

I felt myself falling down, slipping down against the wall.

"This will do for now. But just so you know, this is only the beginning." He said laughing before leaving.

I waited a while to make sure he wasn't there anymore and I went to the bathroom to wash my face.

As soon as I arrived into the bathroom I looked into the mirror and punched the wall beside it. I knew it. I shouldn't have returned on earth. I could have stayed in heaven and have a peaceful afterlife, but my dumb ass decided to return and for what.

I calmed down for a little bit and I took the necklace that was around my neck in my hands and sighed. "I wish I could go back.."

I put it back where it's supposed to stay and walked out of the bathroom, with now a purple cheek.


2 hours later at lunch


The three boys went to the cafeteria in hope of meeting Jeongin there. As soon as they saw the boy sitting alone in a corner they immediately approached him.

"Hey.." Seungmin greeted as he sat down beside Jeongin along with Felix and Jisung


"What happened? You seem off"

Jeongin was looking down avoiding eye contact

"Nothing happened."

"Jeongin look at me please"


"Look at me I said" seungmin said in a slightly mad tone, making Jeongin scared so he looked at him. The sight he was seeing was hurting Seungmin
His younger "brother" had a purple/red cheek while tears were coming out of his eyes

"Jeongin.. who the fuck did this?"

"A classmate.. I don't know his name but he was taller than me with black hair and blue eyes"

"We'll find out his name and we'll get him back, don't worry" seungmin said as he hugged Jeongin lightly

"Aw why don't we have this friendship too?"

"Because you're a prick. A dumb dickhead"

"Yah! Why do you always start fights you whore"

"Because I want to"

Jisung and Felix once again started fighting while Jeongin and seungmin watched them unsurprised.


A/N: it's 6:32am
I'm awake since 3:30am
I'm hungry
I don't have food </3

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