Changes, Teen wolf

By thiams_heart

69.6K 1K 218

{Teen wolf Season 1 - Season 6} High school was hard enough but one night the rest of their teenage years wer... More

~ They Only Found Half ~
~ There Isn't Wolves In California ~
~ It's gonna be a lot more violent if you end up killing someone on the field ~
~ Dreams aren't memories ~
~ Are you dying ~
~ She's like an anchor ~
~ What should we do about the 20 foot wall of windows ~
~ Call me biles or I swear to god I'll kill you ~
~ I don't think your grasping the idea of the car chase ~
~ Any more lethal weapons you wanna try out ~
~ He sounds pretty dead ~
~ I'm the alpha now ~
~ They're reinforcements ~
~ It means they're gonna kill him ~
~ Stiles wants to have a good time ~
~ Nobody trusts anyone ~
~ I taped myself ~
~ I have a tail ~
~ I'm the worst child ever ~
~ Force of will ~
~ We can't save Jackson ~
~ It's like a frickin' halloween party every full moon ~
~ Because i trust you ~
~ I said no wolf powers ~
~ Everything just changes so fast ~
~ Its called the threefold death ~
~ We can take them ~
~ I can't believe he's dead ~
~ A lot can happen in one night ~
~ You were on watch last ~
~ Taking a innocent life takes something from you as well ~
~ I found the dead body ~
~ We always have a plan B ~
~ We hunt those who hunt us ~
~ It wasn't your fault ~
~ You knew ~
~ anything could've happened ~
~ Mischief night ~
~ That Riley sucked ~
~ You're a gene donor ~
~ What's wrong with Stiles ~
~ Things are getting too quiet ~
~ It's only 72 hours ~
~ We're all trying to outfox the fox ~
~ You're not my son ~
~ I love you ~
~ Between life and death ~
~ Rules of the animal kingdom dont apply to friends ~
~ He's my cousin, Miguel ~
~ Who the hell is that ~
~ I feel like im surrounded by a bunch of psychotic nut jobs ~
~ Who's been out taking a supernatural census anyway ~
~ Professional killers were using us ~
~ We can survive three hours ~
~ You sure you can pull the trigger fast enough ~
~ What happened to the gun ~
~ One day I'll kill you ~
~ He made you a werewolf ~
~ We would be out of this life ~
~ It was one slip up ~
~ Someones not someone ~
~ Then who crawled out of this one ~
~ Please tell me you're seeing this too ~
~ They all die ~
~ Isn't everyone a little weird in high school ~
~ You're not dying ~
~ Rileys dead ~
~ We can't kill people ~
~ That's impossible ~
~ Collateral damage ~
~ I don't want to feel again ~
~ I'm so much more powerful than you ~
~ It's me ~
~ It was a life or death situation ~
~ The hellhound ~
~ No one said it was that big ~
~ You're in too deep this time ~
~ Back to a semi-normal life ~
~ People don't just disappear ~
~ They don't need us anymore ~
~ What the hell is a Stiles ~
~ They're all gonna be taken ~
~ We can't keep chasing someone who isn't real ~
~ I've never been in this Jeep before ~
~ When I thought today couldn't get any worse ~
~ Just the usual negativity ~
~ If you run you get caught ~
~ Find him in any memory ~
~ They'll always need us ~
~ I'm going to scream again ~
~ What's it gonna take for you to explode? ~
~ You're not a careful person ~
~ He knows they'll end up dead ~
~ I thought you were dead ~
~ I'm not bounded to a pack ~
~ He talks, I listen ~
~ So the Anuk-ite is like Medusa ~
~ They're coming for us ~
~ You're a trickster Riley McCall ~

~ Find something real ~

537 5 0
By thiams_heart

Season 3, episode 2

"I don't see anything" Derek tells Lydia and Allison. They both have bruises on their arms and think it means something.

I stand up and walk beside him, I examine the two bruises on both of their wrists and it's just marks from someone's hand, they obviously grabbed them too hard, "there is literally nothing there."

"Look again" Scott grunts.

"How is a bruise gonna tell us where Boyd and Erica are?" Derek asks? I can clearly tell by the look on his face he's obviously fed up with Scott and wants to go out and continue searching for Boyd and Erica.

"It's the same on both sides" Scott points out, "Exactly the same."

"It's nothing" I tell Scott.

"Pareidolia" Lydia states, English Lydia, "seeing patterns that aren't there" me Derek and Scott all look at each other, "it's a subset of apophenia."

"Lydia, what have I told you about long words?" I sigh "don't use them!"

"They're trying to help" Scott tells Derek.

"These two?" Derek questions, "this one" he points to Lydia, "who used me to resurrect my psychotic uncle. Thank you. And this one" he points at Allison, "who shot about 30 arrows into me and my pack."

"They hurt by the way" I state as I jump to sit on a table.

"Come on" stiles sighs "no one died. Look there may have been a little maiming, a little mangling, but no death. That's what I call an important distinction."

"But there was lots of near death experiences" I remind him.

"My mother died" Allison reminds us.

"Your family's little honour code killed your mother" Derek rephrases "not us."

"That girl was looking for Scott. I'm here to help him, not you" Allison tells us.

"You Wanna help? Find something real" i scoff, I go to walk out, Derek follows me and Scott follows behind us, "don't follow us" I turn around at Scott.

"Give her a chance" Scott begs "They're on our side now."

"Well then maybe you should tell her what her mother was actually trying to do that night" Derek snaps.

Coach slams his book on his desk, "the stock market is based on two principles" coach states "what are they?" Scott raises his hand, "yes McCall you can go to the bathroom."

"No coach I know the answer" Scott tells him.

Coach laughs, "oh your serious. Wow! Who are you? And what have you don to McCall? Don't answer that. I I like you better. Does anybody have a quarter?" Stiles goes to grab a quarter but a condom flies out, I snort behind him, Since when was stiles having sex? "Stilinski I think you dropped this. And congratulations."

Me and Scott look at each other then at stiles, "since when did you lose your virginity?" I whisper, "welcome to the club."

"Risk and reward" coach starts "put the quarter in the mug, win the reward. Okay watch" coach throws the quarter and it lands in the mug on the ground, "that's how you do it. Okay Danny. Risk, reward?"

"What's the reward?" Danny asks.

"You don't have to take the pop quiz tomorrow" coach suggests.

"Coach it's not a pop quiz if you tell us about it" Danny tells him.

"Danny, I really expect more from you at this point. McCall. Risk reward?" He places the quarter down in front of me, "the risk, if you don't put that quarter in the mug, you have to take the quiz and you have to write an essay. Risk, more work. Reward, no work at all. Or choose not to play."

"But isn't this just chance?" I question.

"You know your abilities, your coordination, your focus. Past experience" coach blabs, "all factors affecting the outcome. So what's it gonna be McCall? More work, no work, or choose not to play?"

"I'm good. I won't play" I choose.

"No play, who's next?" Who wants the quarter?" Coach asks, Stiles slaps the table for a little drumroll, "there you go! There's a gambling man. Come on. Step up, step up. All right stilinski."

Stiles is at the front of the class about to take his shot when his father walks into the classroom, "stiles." Stiles looks over at his dad with confusedness spread across his face.

"So you think they kidnapped heather to turn her?" Scott asks stiles. Heather is the name of the girl that the boys went to the party's of last night and she's disappeared.

"Derek says it's easier to turn teenagers" stiles reminds us.

"But what would a pack of alphas need with a beta?" I question.

"Riley, I don't know. I don't care" stiles states "this girl. Our moms we're best friends before mine died, we used to take freaking bubble baths together when we were three. I gotta find her."

"Then we need Isaac to remember" Scott plans. Remember what? The girl the everything from before he ended up in the hospital.

"How?" I question "Peter and Derek couldn't go it."

"You know any other werewolves with a better trick?" Stiles asks Scott.

"Maybe not a werewolf" Scott tells us, "but someone who knows a lot about them." Deaton.

Me, Scott and Derek pour bags of ice into the bath tub that's in the clinic, "like being hypnotised" Isaac guesses as he and deaton walk in the room.

"Exactly. You'll be half transformed" deaton tells him, "it'll let us access your subconscious mind."

"How slow does his heart rate need to be?" I ask.

"Very slow" Deaton answers.

"Well how slow is very slow?" Derek questions.

"Nearly dead" deaton tells us. Oh lovely.

Isaac put his hand in the ice water and quickly pulls out, "it's safe, right?"

"Do you want me to answer honestly?" Deaton asks.

"No not really" Isaac sighs.

A rubber glove snaps from behind us, we all turn and see stiles there with a yellow glove on, "what?" He takes off the glove.

Isaac stands back up, "look if it feels to risky you don't have to do this" Derek tells him.

Isaac pulls off his top, let's get this started, Isaac puts his feet in and gets in slowly, Derek and Scott grab his shoulders and push him under. Isaac comes out of the water fangs out and eyes glowing, me and stiles grab onto him and try to push him under, "get him back under" deaton orders.

"Dude we are trying" I snap.

Isaac tries to wriggle free, he grabs onto the sides of the tub, "hold him" deaton demands.

"We're trying" Derek yells.

We push him under, he stops resisting, we let go of him and he floats up to the surface. "Now remember only I talk to him" deaton states,  "too many voices will confuse him and draw him out. Isaac? Can you hear me?"

"Yes" Isaac stutters "I can hear you."

"This is dr deaton. I'd like to ask you a few questions is that all right?"

"Yes" Isaac answers.

"I wanna ask you about the night you found Erica and Boyd. I want you to remember it for me in as vivid detail as possible, like you're actually there again."

"I don't wanna do that. I don't want to do that."

"Isaac it's all right. Just relax. They're just memories. You can't be hurt by a memory."

"I don't wanna do that. I don't wanna do that."

"Relax. Now let's go back to that night. To the place you found Erica and Boyd. Can you tell me what you see? Is there some kind of building? A house?"

"It's not a house. It's stone. I think marble."

"That's perfect. Can you give me any other descriptors?"

"It's dusty, so empty."

"Like an abandoned building? Isaac?" The light around us begin to twitch, "Isaac?"

"Someone's here" Isaac grips onto my arm, "someone's here."

"Isaac relax."

"No they see me, they see me!" He screams.

"Just memories. You won't be hurt by your memories. Just relax. Relax." He let's go off me, "now tell us what you see. Tell us everything."

"I hear him. He's talking about the full moon, about being out of control when the moon rises."

"Is he talking to Erica?"

"I think so. I can't see her" I get chills down my spine when Isaac says that, "I can't see either of them."

"Can you hear anything else?"

"They're worried, worried what they'll do during the moon. They're worried that they're gonna hurt each other."

"If they're locked in together on the full moon" Derek starts.

"They're gonna tear each other apart" I realise.

"Isaac we need to find them right now. Can you see them?"


"Do you know what kind of room it is? Is there any kind of a marker? A number on a door? A sign?"

Isaac jolts up gaping, "they're here. They're here."

"It's alright. Just tell us."

"They see me. They found me. They're here!"

"This isn't working" Derek hisses "Isaac where are you?"

"I can't see them, it's too dark."

"Tell me where you are" Derek yells.

"I can't see!"

"Isaac where are you? Just tell me where you are"  Derek begs.

"His heart rate. He could go into shock" deaton worries.

"Derek let him go!" Scott yells.

"Isaac where are you? What did you see?"

"A vault! It's a bank vault!" He wakes up, "I saw it. I saw the name" he gets out of the tub, "it's beacon hills First National bank. It's a abandoned bank and they're keeping them locked inside the vault" We all look at each other, "what?"

"You don't remember what you said right before you came out of it, do you?" Stiles asks.

"No" Isaac answers.

"You said when they captured you that they dragged you into a room and that there was a body in it" stiles tells him.

"What body?" Isaac questions.

"Erica" i panic "you said it was Erica."

"She's not dead" i argue as I pace back a forth the width of the room in the clinic we're all stood in.

"Riley he said there's a dead body. It's Erica. Doesn't exactly leave us much room for interpretation" stiles snaps.

"Then who was in the vault with Boyd?" Derek questions.

"Someone else, obviously" stiles sighs.

"Maybe it was the girl on the motorcycle" Scott guesses, he looks at Isaac, "the one who saved you?"

"No she wasn't like us" Isaac answers, "and whoever was in the vault with Boyd was."

"What if that's how Erica died?" Stiles questions, "they put them against each other during the full moons and see which one survives. It's like werewolf thunderdome."

"She's not dead" i yell.

"We get them out tonight" Derek orders.

"Be smart about this Derek" deaton advises "you can't just go storming in."

"If Isaac got in so can we" Derek states.

"But he didn't get through a vault door did he?" Deaton reminds him.

I walk over to my bag and grab my sneakers, I take off my heels and swap my shoes, "what the hell are you doing?" Scott asks me.

"Going to get them. I don't give a shit if there is a vault door in my way I will find a way in" I answer.

"Do you have a suicide wish" stiles yells.

"Maybe. But I'm gonna go save Erica and Boyd if I do that's just the risk" I argue "I'm not forgetting it until I know she is alive."

"Do you even have a plan?" Scott questions, "a clue where your going?"

"No. But I'll figure it out" I tell him.

"We need a plan" Scott states.

"How are we gonna come up with a plan to break into a bank vault in less than 24 hours?" Derek asks.

"I think someone already did" stiles informs us "beacon hills first national bank closes its doors three months after vault robbery. Doesn't say here how it was robbed, but it probably won't take long to find out."

"How long?" Derek asks.

"It's the internet Derek" stiles tells him, "minutes."

"You see this" stiles spreads out a blue print of the bank over Derek's table, "This is how they got in. It's a rooftop air conditioning vent. Leads down inside into the wall of the vault, which is here" he circles the spot, "on of the robbers was lowered into this shaft. Now that space is so small, it took him about 12 hours to drill into that wall, which is stone by the way. Then through the rest of the night, the siphoned the cash up to the guys back on the roof through thy one little shaft in the wall. Boom."

"Can we fit in there?" Scott asks.

"Yes we can, but very very barely" Stiles states, "and they also patched the wall, obviously, so we're gonna need a drill do some kind. I'm thinking maybe a diamond bit."

"Look forget the drill" Derek cuts in.

"Sorry?" Stiles asks.

"If I go in first, how much space do I have?" Derek questions.

"What do you think you're gonna do derek?" Stiles asks "You gonna punch through the wall?"

"Yes stiles I'm gonna punch through the wall" Derek announces.

"Okay big guy. Let's see it. Let's see that fist. Big old fist" stiles blabbers, "Make it, come on. Get it out there. Don't be scared. Big, bad wolf" Derek holds up his fist, "look at that. Okay see this?" He puts his hand about 3cm away from Derek's fist, "that's maybe three inches of room to gather enough force to punch through solid" Derek punches stiles' hand. Stiles grabs his hand and grunts, "he can do it."

"I'll get through the wall. Who's following me down?" Derek asks.

"Dont look at me" Peter tells him, I let out a little scream cause I didn't know Peter was behind us, "I'm not up to fighting speed yet, and honestly with Isaac out of commission, you're not looking at very good odds for yourself."

"So we're supposed to just let them die?" Derek asks Peter.

"One of them is already dead" Peter snaps back.

"We don't know that" I yell.

"Do I have to remind you what we're up against here?" Peter questions, "a pack of alphas, all of them killers. And if that's not enough to scare your testicles back into your stomach, try to remember that two of them combine bodies to form one giant alpha. I'm sure Erica and Boyd were sweet kids. They're gonna be missed."

"And Erica was good a other things too" I mutter, I notice Scott giving me a death stare, "oh grow up, it wasn't my first time."

"Can someone kill him again please?" Stiles asks.

"Derek seriously, not worth the risk" Peter tells him.

"What about you two?" Derek asks.

"Yeah if you want me to come" stiles answers.

"Not you" Derek cuts in.

"The twins" stiles realises.

"I don't know about Erica. But if Boyd is still alive, we have to do something" Scott says.

"We have to try" I tell them.

"But?" Derek asks noticing I have something else on my mind.

"Who's the other girl?" I question "the one locked in there with Boyd?"

Me Derek and Scott are outside the bank, "what?" Derek asks Scott.

"There's just something I can't get out of my head" Scott tells him.

"The moons rising Scott. What is it?" Derek questions.

"Risk and reward" Scott answers.

"Which means what?" Derek asks.

"We're not measuring the risk with enough information" Scott states "we don't know enough."

"We know times running out" I remind him.

"But think about it. They put the triskele on your door four months ago" Scott reminds "what have they been doing all this time! Why wait until now?"

"We don't have the time to figure out every little detail" Derek snaps.

"But what if this detail, the reason why they waited, what if it's the most important one?" Scott asks.

"Then we do nothing" Derek answers.

"And Boyd and Erica are dead" I add.

"I know what I'm risking" Derek tells us "my life for theirs" he jumps up and climbs up the building, "and I won't blame you if you don't follow me." I look at Scott and follow after derek and Scott follows after me.

Derek punches the wall and a big hole opens, we climb out into the vault. "Boyd" derek calls out. We see a figure in the corner of the room, the figure looks like Boyd, a low growl comes from the figure and begins to walk towards us. "Boyd" derek calls "it's me. It's derek."

"Stiles now is not the best time" Scott whispers, I turn my head to him and he's on the phone, "what does that mean?"

"We're here to get you out" I tell Boyd.

"Derek Riley" Scott whispers "we got a problem, a really big problem."

A female figure comes from behind Boyd, and she doesn't look like Erica. "Cora?" Derek questions. Who's Cora?

"Who?" I whisper.

"Cora" derek realises.

"Derek" the female hisses "get out. Get out now!" How do they know each other?

The vault door opens, a woman lays down the finished part of mountain ash on the floor to complete the barrier that surrounds the room, "wait" Scott yells running towards her but gets thrown back by the mountain ash barrier.

Boyd and the girl roar at me and Derek. "I really didn't feel like getting bloody today" I sigh getting my claws out, and charging at the two of them.

Scott gets thrown against a wall by Boyd and Derek grabs him. The girl grabs me and I kick her in the stomach, I push her across the room. She gets up and charges at me slashing my chest. I groan on the floor, she charges at Derek but Scott pushes her down.

I get up off the floor and charge back at her, I slash her in the knees and she falls onto the floor, I slash her stomach, and arms. I get on top of her and raise my clawed hand at her neck, about to kill her, when I get pulled off her by Scott.

"Look out" Allison's voice yells. What the fuck is she doing here?

The girl grabs me and throws me across the room, "should've killed her" I grunt standing back up and charging back at her. I shove her into the metal wall, I grab her hands and push her on the ground, she quickly flips me over so she is on top of me.

She slashes my chest repeatedly until I practically can't move and blood is spilling out of my mouth, she raises her clawed hand at my neck and is about to kill me, but let's go of me and runs out of the vault along with Boyd.

Allison broke the barrier, "you twat" I yell, grabbing onto the handle of a cupboard to help me off the floor.

Derek walks over to Allison and grabs her wrist, "don't touch her" Scott yells.

"What were you thinking?" Derek shouts.

"I had to do something" Allison pleads.

"She saved our lives" Scott tells us.

"And what do you think they're gonna do out there?" I yell.

"Do you have any idea what we just set free?" Derek asks.

"You want to blame me?" Allison shouts.

"That's pretty much what we're doing" i snarl.

"I am not the one turning teenagers into killers" Allison yells at derek.

"No just the rest of your family" derek reminds her.

"I've made mistakes" Allison admits "Gerard is not my fault."

"And what about your mother?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" Allison questions.

I turn to Scott, "tell her Scott."

"What does she mean Scott?" Allison asks Scott "what does she mean?"

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