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(here's the chapter yall! hope you enjoy!)

(making things a little more..exciting!)


𝐎𝐧𝐢𝐤𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐣



       I was back home at my dwelling, after an interesting experience with Beyonce.

I'm not quite sure how to feel about the whore now. After I became thoroughly upset with her at the family gathering, she came to my aid! I'm not quite sure what her motivations are. The fact that we are now going to considered family" is absolutely terrifying, and I can't help but feel worried.

   If the whore wants to have sexual relations with my nether regions, that could technically be considered as incestuous! I shouldn't be as bothered by this as I am, but I cannot help it! If I were to pursue a relationship with her, everything would go absolutely downhill!

   Not to mention that today is my date with Logan! i am invigorated, and I cannot wait to see what adventure he decides to take my mind off to. I have to admit, I have an inkling of an attraction to beyonce, but we were going to be family?! That could possibly be good? She also told me that everywhere I go with Logan, she would be there. 

      I'm not quite able to discern what that could possibly mean, but  I am noticing a certain pattern in her behavior, it is quite obsessive, and sometimes she can become quite unsettling, I heard "soon-to-be-father" mention something about Medication during our reservoir filling approximately 96 hours ago!

      If she has some type of mental illness, this could definitely explain her strange behavior! I'd have to ask her about this if we are able to be alone in another foreign space together! I did not attend the school building yesterday because Mother made me spend the day getting ready for the gathering, it was quite tiring, and even though I achieved sufficient amount of sleep, I still feel a sense of unrest!

       It was exactly 3;45 PM, and Logan would be picking me up at 4:30, I would have to apply rapid pressure to my body movements in able to be ready on time. I must say, I do feel a sense of foreboding, Beyonce stared at me throughout the whole school day! I could feel her eyes intensely trained on me when I ambled through the hallways, to my learning cubicles!

     At first, it was just minute things, like rubbing my back, or slight feels on my shoulder while walking past, but now i'm not sure what she is up to, while I was talking to Lauren in the school walking systems, she would come up behind me and wrap her arms around my waist, everyone was very concerned for me! But Beyonce would just play it off as an act of "sisterly love".

      I went to the shade room immediately on Wednesday and I was surprised to see that beyonce told them that we were now stepsisters, I though the revelation was quite idiotic, especially if she wants to have a relationship with me, everyone would no, and there could be multiple rumors spread around the learning centre!

Just having gotten out of the body washing parcel, I decided to put on my tresses for Logan and i's date! I suddenly got a call form one of my favorite comrades, Danielle! I started to set out my tresses as I accept her call. Putting her on Louder call setting, I place my phone on my resting station, and move elsewhere around the room.

"Hey, Oni?"

"Salutations Danielle! Comrade no.1!" I yell back to her.

"Hey! Are you getting ready for your date?"

"Yes, I am a little weary though, even though i should be excited!" I sighed as I struggled to put on my grey jeans. 

"Why're you feeling sad girl? Shouldn't this be something you want? to get your mind off of your "step sister"?" 

"Yes! But I cannot help but feel a little wary, she said that she would "be where ever i decided to venture" with Logan, I just am a little perturbed, i do not anything bad to conspire!"

"Ohhh, yeahh." 

     I put on my pink undershirt and by blue jean jacket. I wasn't quite sure, but Danielle was sounding a little strange over the cellular device!

Brushing my hair, I put on some black tennis shoes, and completed my look off with brushing my bangs out of my hair. Mother had taken me to get it dyed after I begged her profusely! 

"Hey.. Oni? Can I ask you something?"  

"Oh! Of course!" I was taken aback, my fellow comrade could contact me about any and everything!

"So uh.. You don't mind if I try to ask Beyonce out, do you?" 


"Of course not! Why do you ask?"

"Well I know that you guys are lowkey like siblings now, and I know she kinds likes you and I didn't know if you were cool with it or not, I mean-i don't have to!"

"No! No! Uh.. It-It's fine, We have no business being romantically correlated anyways!"

"Oh! Thanks so much Oni I've had  a bit of a crush on her for a while now, but Of course i'm always there to support you, so I never wanted to say anything!"

"Sure! Well- you know I have to go to my date with Logan, so-go "shoot your shot' as the children of our generation call it!"

She squealed on the other end of the phone. "Thanks Oni! you're the best friend ever! I'll tell you what she says!"

"A-Alright, I will talk to you later in the 24 timespan..."

"Bye!" Danielle hung up with a click. 

      Um.. I didn't know how to currently react to the news I just received. I felt a certain aching in my chest cavity that I wasn't fond of. Why hadn't she told me sooner, and why was I apprehensive of this Union? I am shocked. Now, I feel a certain type of unrest, It was annoyance. 

      I just couldn't imagine those two together, at all. I wouldn't allow myself to, and why was she so quick to ask me when she found out Beyonce and I would now be correlated as family? What if Beyonce just accepts it and moves on from me, her latest conquest? It shouldn't matter! I have a date with a nice boy, who is very sweet, and could provide me with anything I require.

      But why do I feel a sense of hurt? 

I at first wanted to go to the confessions page to cheer myself up a bit, I remembered that Logan would be arriving at my doorstep soon, this means that I have no time to dawdle!

      I decided to just shake these thoughts of betrayal and sadness off. I decided to take a nice picture of myself and post in on my sharing square on Instagram! I put on a smile, and posed for the camera. I finally learned the self timing mechanism on my camera! I was getting the hang of using cellular devices!

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onikamaraj: Date time, I am irrevocably a little nervous, but extremely excited! I'll see you on the other side of the southern hemisphere! We venture off into The comic book store today! Can't forget my spectacles!


beyonce: tell that nigga to watch his back.


      I sighed, I was not doing so swell today, I didn't even feel the invigorating rush of deciding to use a few emoticons! I turned around form my bed to see Beyonce leaning against the door frame of my room, watching me. I screamed  in astonishment!

     "Beyonce Knowles! Why're you at my dwelling- ARE YOU GOING TO ATTACK ME_ PLEASE SPARE ME! I BEG OF YOU!??"

      She continued to look me up and down , before fully walking into my room, circling around me, she examined my outfit. I had to admit, I was very proud of it, especially since I was able to formulate this all by myself! I was still scared nonetheless.

       Beyonce looked appealing as well. She had on a graphic T-shirt with some blue jeans. her hair was braided now, I had to admit, this was a very attractive specimen! She stopped in front of me and put her hands around my waist, boring into my eyes, she spoke. her deep voice invading my ears and clouding my senses. 

  I am ashamed to admit it, but I started to feel a tingling feeling in my nether regions.

"Carol let me in. You ready for your "date?"

She said with a disgusted tone of voice, glaring at me. I am not quite sure why but she seems to be very one edge. I have no idea why her anger is directed towards me, i was only asked on a simple date!

"Yes, I suppose, where are you going? and why're you in my bedding space? this is considered a lack of privacy!"

 Her larger hands squeeze my waist and she smiled, Oh! She had diamond caps situated on her teeth! "grills" I think they are called!

"I'm going with you. We have a date to attend don't we?" She tilted her head and I could feel my cerebral endoscopy drop to my phalanges. What?? 

"Excuse me? Please repeat your response to my previous inquiry???" I was on the verge of passing out! this couldn't be correct??

"You heard me. I'm driving an accompanying you on your "date" with white boy. I told you I'd be everywhere you go with him, You are mines, I hope you know that. When he's dealt with, there will be no walls in between us."

"BUT THE UNION BETWEE-" She picked me up.

"Baby I thought we've been over this. You aren't getting away from me, please stop believing that shit. You look beautiful by the way.."

"Oh! Thank you, I appreciate your compliment!" She licked her lips.


    In a way I couldn't help but feel a little special, I liked the way she was possessive over me, but what about my comrade Danielle!? She would be heartbroken! Is she even aware of this? and what does she mean in saying that she will "deal with" Logan? I hope she is not showing sighs of psychopathy??

     "What about my comrade Danielle-"

"Oh yeah, she texted. I don't give a fuck about her, lets go." I couldn't felt but feel warm at the mention of her rejection of Danielle, I hope she is fairing alright!


"Yeah." She said as she descended down the stairs, carrying me. She seems to not be in the best of moods, I just hope that she doesn't try to ruin the date. I sighed, and let her lead me to the car.


𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐬


      I had full intentions of ruining this date. 

   I don't give a fuck, I don't play about what's mines. Onika had no idea what was about to go down, she needs to stop playing with me and going on dates with this nigga Logan. He was in my way, and the moment he asked Onika on a date, In my eyes he was done for.

I don't care how long it take to get a opp back, he was gon' get what was coming to him. 

   I had a few connections and a few people I know that could get rid of his body once I killed him. I was gon' give him one more chance, but if he askes MY woman on another date, Betty and Paul were going to have to file a missing children's report. 

       Onika was mine, and i don't give a fuck about what anybody else says. I had taken my medication today, so i wasn't as unhinged, just annoyed. I know Onika is going to ask me about it sooner or later, but I'd tell her when the time permits, I was fully intending on being open and honest with her. 

      All my friends have been calling me crazy and shit, especially since we going to be "stepsisters" now. But I kinds didn't believe that shit. I know my father, and I know for a fact that he ain't move on that fast. he's involved in illegal activity, and I know for a fact, he must be after Carol's money. Onika never told anybody, but she was quite well-off. I don't know who dad thinks he's fucking with, but I'd do anything in the world to not see those women hurt.

I know that mom is dead, and I know why she died. Matthew is dead to me. 

    He thinks i'm putting on some fucking act, but I have no respect for him, after he started acting all distant and shit towards me. I did some investigating, after Onika and Carol left on Tuesday for dinner, and I did some digging, The shit he was involved in his made me hate him. Of course these are only just recent discoveries, I found out about all of this shit about two days ago. 

    At first it hurt to see him so sad, but Now I don't give a fuck. that man is a good ass actor. I just need to figure out his intentions with my future wife and her mother. I was driving and I glanced at Onika every once and a while, My obsession with her had turned into something more love based I'd do anything to see her smile.

     I also need to figure out whos behind all this Confessions and Shaderoom shit, especially because when i start getting into all of this shit, I don't need all of them in my business. I wouldn't care as much if the Shaderoom just stayed on school grounds, but they taking pictures of dates, and me at the mall and laundromat, I find that kinds weird and suspicious. 

And Danielle also texted me on Instagram asking me out. I said no of course, because I was fully devoted to Onika now, but I am still a little confused, isn't that her "number one comrade" or some shit?

There was a lot of shit that I needed to figure out, especially if I was going to finally have a peaceful life with Onika.

And I was going to get to the bottom of it.

     But first, I had to ruin this fucking date. I know Logan was supposed to pick her up, but aint no way I was letting her sit in that white boy's car. I was gon drive her, and if he gets there and we're already at the place, then.. 

Oh well!


(Here's the 12th chapter! hope you enjoyed!)

Making things a little more interesting!

DONT WORRY, this is still a very lighthearted book, and confessions and things will still play a major role in the storyline.





Is Beyonce like.. Alright?

Matthew and his illegal activities?

Theories about Tina?

Does Onika Like Beyonce?

Where will this go next?


𝐕𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭!

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐚𝐥𝐥,

𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐚 <𝟑!

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