comfort person // lesbian sto...

By born_confused76

1M 33.1K 7.1K

"She's fucking weird and different than us" she said laughing. It made me so angry. I wanted to punch her but... More



26.5K 1K 317
By born_confused76

Viviana's POV

I kept moving around on my bed and didn't sleep. I couldn't sleep, I felt so guilty for what I did to Katie.

I sat up and looked at the clock to see that it was 1:30 in the morning. I stood up and put some sweatpants and a shirt on. I sleep in my boxers and bra, it's comfortable.

I took my phone and left my room. I took my keys from the kitchen island then stopped in my tracks. I slowly turned to see Brianna on top of Lana looking at me and not moving, at all "hi" Brianna said. They weren't naked, thank god.

"It's not what it looks like" Lana said. Brianna looked at her "it's exactly what it looks like" Brianna said making me laugh. I shrugged my shoulders "it's fine guys, I honestly couldn't care less. Just don't have sex on my couch.." they nodded their heads "..or my bed, or the kitchen counter. You're not allowed to have sex in my apartment"

"We won't have sex" Lana said rubbing up and down Brianna's back who smiled and blushed slightly "Lana, I need to talk to you, outside" I'm already leaving so we'll just talk outside.

I left my apartment and waited for her to come. She left and closed the door behind her "what's up?" She said. I crossed my arms "if you're gonna play around and only have sex with Brianna then don't do anything. She's a girl that loves love especially for herself and she really likes you"

She smiled "you really think she likes me?" She asked. I smiled and nodded "she does but back to our point, Brianna is the most important person to me and I'm not gonna watch her get hurt again"

"I won't hurt her. I kinda want this to work out" she said. I shook my head "I don't want a 'kinda' it's either for sure or nothing. Don't play with her feelings" she nodded her head and let out a breathe she was holding "I won't. I really want this to work out" she said making me smile "good"

"God you're very intimidating" she said. I laughed and shrugged "only when I wanna be" she wanted to go back into the apartment but looked back at me "wait where are you going? It's late" she said.

"I'm gonna go make some things right"


I patiently waited and tried to calm myself down. I took deep slow breathes then I heard the door open. I looked up and saw Katie who had her eyes barely opened "Vivi?" She said. I nodded "yeah, I'm sorry for waking you up"

"It's okay. What are you doing here?" She asked rubbing her eyes. I smiled and lifted the bag up to show it to her "I bought some food. I couldn't sleep because I skipped dinner with you so I'm here to make it up for you"

She smiled cutely "you didn't have to make it up for me. I already told you that it's okay. I sent it to you on text" she said making me laugh a little "I know but I still wanted to make it up for you"

"Okay. Come in" she said. I walked in her apartment that was perfectly organized like not even a shirt on her couch or a drink out of her fridge or even any dishes in her sink. It was very clean.

"I'm not very hungry" she said. I looked at her and smiled "I know, that's why I bought you a burger and a salad. You can eat the salad, it's not very heavy and it's very healthy"

I sat down on the couch after she sat down and I took her food out for her then took mine "why did you not come to the dinner?" She asked me. I looked at her and stayed quiet, not knowing what to say exactly.

"I was- um you know the guy that works at the pizza place? His pants were on fire" wait what?

She frowned and looked down, putting her food on the coffee table in front of her and interlocking her fingers together "it's okay, I understand. You didn't want to hang out with me. No one likes to hang out with me anyways"

Her tone was emotionless but it broke my heart hearing her say that.

I fucked up already.

"No no, I really wanted to hang out with you but I just..I couldn't" I really want to tell her that I like her, i really do.

"It's okay, you don't have to explain yourself" I put my food on the table and took a deep breathe "the truth is, I couldn't hang out with you because of Jenny" she looked up at me "what do you mean? Did she say I can't hang out with you?"

"What no no, I just.." Explain how you couldn't hang out with her because it just made you fall more for her and you knew it would wreck her relationship. Do it.

I moved closer to her and kissed her. I seriously kissed her. I mean we didn't even move our mouths or like anything but our lips were touching, oh my god.

Wow her lips feel amazing. They're so soft- wait she has a girlfriend but I don't want to pull back.

But I had to.

I pulled back slowly and looked into her eyes as she looked away from mine "you kissed me" she said, I nodded and backed away slowly "I know, I'm sorry"

"No it's okay, I liked it" she said shyly "are you..for real? Like you're not joking?" She shook her head at what I asked "no. I like you but I don't know how to break up with someone"

Oh my heart just skipped a beat. In a good way.

"Just tell her you don't like her and you want to be with me" I said moving closer to her "I don't how to do that and I saw her kissing someone yesterday" my eyes widened at what she said "oh my god, why didn't you just confront her?"

"I don't know. I felt bad because I kept telling her that I don't want to have sex yet. At the end she might have needs" I laughed and sat back on the couch with my legs spread apart "her needs can fucking wait. You don't want to have sex then she respects it and waits for you to be ready"

She shrugged her shoulders "I'm bad at these things and now I feel guilty because I'm cheating on her too" I put my hand on her back and rubbed it gently "she's treating you badly, pretty girl. You deserve to be treated like the queen you are"

"Thank you but now I'm a cheater" I shouldn't have kissed her, it made her feel bad.

"She cheated on you and you wanted to break up with her for a while now, am I right?" She nodded her head and I looked down at her fingers, she started playing with them even more aggressively and faster than usual.

I put my hand over hers and rubbed my thumb lightly on her soft skin "stop stressing okay? We can forget I ever kissed you, I can fucking disappear if it makes you happy just please don't stress out over this"

I took her hand and kissed it "I can leave if you want me to" she shook her head "I don't want you to leave. I don't want to be with Jenny, I want to be with you. You make me happy and you understand me, you take time trying to know what I like and what I don't but in my relationship with Jenny it feels like it's one sided. She barely hangs out with me and she makes me really uncomfortable sometimes"

I sat up and kept holding her hand "how does she make you uncomfortable?" I was going to fuck that bitch up and I'm not joking this time. Just after Katie breaks up with her which she hopefully will, I'll give her a piece of my mind.

"She touches me.." she pulled her hand away from mine " and here a lot" she pointed to the inner of her thighs, very close to her center and at the side of her body that was very close to her breasts.

"Did you tell her that you didn't like it?" I asked her and she shook her head "I was scared that she'll get upset. It was very hard trying not to tell her the truth" I sighed and kissed the side of her head "you have to speak your mind darling, say what makes you happy and what doesn't"

"I try not to talk a lot. Jenny said it's annoying when I talk" I felt my whole body getting hotter as I got angry from what she said "it's not annoying, she's just afraid you'll say the truth and make her seem like an asshole which she is"

"Talk, I like when you talk" I said trying to make her feel better. She nodded "okay, thank you"

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