The Pedro Pascal Files

By pedropascalstattoos

69K 944 113

• "F" stands for FLUFFY [don't forget that] • Feel free to put in requests, I don't bite • I'll do every sing... More

Author's Message
Morning Sugar // Francisco Morales
Not Feeling Too Good // Dave York
The Littlest Vampire // Max Phillips
A Dance Around The Fire // Jack Daniels
Sand Snakes // Oberyn Martell
Tired Bones // Max Lord
Messy // Javier Peña
Kisses // Dave York
Spankings // Marcus Pike
A Mandalorian Type Dare // Pedro Pascal
Daddy Duties // Francisco "Catfish" Morales
Cuddles // Dave York
Yeah, My Dad's A Vampire // Max Phillips
Confessions // Max Lord
Swift Sword // Pero Tovar
Coffee // Pedro Pascal
Baby Sitting Responsibilities // Javier Peña
In The Mandalorian's Bed // Din Djarin
Pieces of Me // Joel Miller
Grogu // Din Djarin
In The Garden // Oberyn Martell
A Statesman's Flight // Jack Daniels
Pages of a Good Book // Steve [Hermanas]

I Wanna Make You Scream // Pedro Pascal

3.5K 43 25
By pedropascalstattoos

(Ghostface!Pedro Pascal x F!Reader)

"It's just another stupid party, Carmen. The same thing always happens: copious amounts of drinking, unwanted advances, drug use. It's just not my scene." I say, swiping the eraser over the page to get rid of the mark. "Yeah, but it's Halloween." Carmen said. "Not interested." I repeated. "Do you ladies have the answer? You're doing an awful lot of chit chat back here, Ms. Lopez." Carmen's face turned beet red. My eyes shifted up to meet Mr. Pascal's piercing stare. His knuckles were resting on the desk as his right hand was positioned just above his hip.

I just looked away. "Let's save the meaningless chatter for lunch time, shall we?" He asked, turning back around and continuing talking. The lesson was on microbials. As the bell rang, I closed my notebook. Carmen didn't wait for me, but hurried to get out of the classroom. I slipped my journal into my bag and got up. "Miss Y/N, if you could hang back a moment." He said. I sighed, stopping by the edge of his desk.

"Sir?" I asked, turning to face him. "When you're in my class, I expect you to pay attention. Your grades are not going to fix themselves. Now, if you can't control your conversation, I can have you and Ms. Lopez separated from each other." "Mr. Pascal, I wasn't—" He held up his finger. "Who started the conversation, I don't care. What I do care about..." " my grades." I finished the sentence. He leaned back in the chair. "Unless you'd be willing to attend after school tutoring." He said, folding his hands together and pushing his fingers against his lips. I sighed. "I can inform your mother about it this afternoon. You can be waiting outside the classroom after the final bell rings." He said. "Exactly how bad are my grades?" I asked. "Well, you will fail this quarter if you don't do something soon." Just great...although, it would prevent me from having to go to that win-win really. "Alright. Just make sure you call my mom on her lunch break or you won't get her on the phone." I suggested. He smiled. "I'm so glad we could come to an agreement." He said.

I left the classroom and headed to the cafeteria for lunch.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Pascal." Wynona said. She was manning the front desk of the office while the regular lady was out sick. She batted her eyes at him. "Good afternoon, Wynona. Do you think you could look up a phone number for me?" He said. "Sure, what number?" She asked, fingers skimming over the keys on the computer. "Y/N's mother. I need to inform her that she's staying with me after school for tutoring." She worked the keyboard and found the phone number. She scribbled it on a piece of paper and then handed it to him. "Anything else?" She asked. "Maybe later." He said, taking the sticky note and winking at her.

He walked out of the office and poised himself against the wall in the hallway. He called the number from his personal phone. "Good afternoon, Mrs. L/N. I'm so sorry to call on your lunch break. I'm Mr. Pascal, Y/N's science teacher. I'm good, thank you. I was actually calling because Y/N is in danger of failing this quarter and it will heavily affect her overall semester average. I've spoken to her about staying after school for tutoring and I just wanted to contact you to make sure that's alright." Her mother could be heard on the other end of the phone, speaking. "Uh-huh. I see. Well, I can assure you that a week's worth of tutoring will definitely change her GPA." He said. "Tutoring normally lasts for an hour. So 4:30 is when we'll be done." He said. "That's great. Have a good day." He hung up the phone and walked back to the classroom.

"Is he really making you stay?" Carmen asked me. We were sitting together at the lunch table. "Yes..." I said, rolling my eyes. "I don't really have a choice and if he calls my mother, I'm fucked too. She's been on my ass about my grades for a while now, so you might say I've got it coming." I said. "Well, your loss on the party." "Yeah...big loss." I grumbled, going back to the salad I was eating.

After lunch, I had two more classes before the day was over. About 3 hours before I had to do the walk of shame back to Mr. Pascal's class.

Three-thirty came and the bell rang. I found myself scraping my feet against the dirty tile floor as I headed back to the science class. I hated this. Carmen had already taken off. I approached the oak colored classroom door and knocked once. I looked at the clock on my phone. It was 3:34. I knocked again before testing the handle. The door was open, so I walked into the room and just sat down at my usual desk. I pulled out my class notebook and my pen. About 10 minutes later, Mr. Pascal was still not there. I sighed.

I got up from the desk and headed over to the whiteboard. Where the hell is he? He asked me to come to tutoring and then just flaked on me? Totally not cool. Just then, he walked through the door. "Sorry for being late. I got held up in the office." He said. "That's fine." I said, using the eraser to get rid of the marks on the board. "Just take a seat, in the front so we don't have to scream at each other from across the room." He said. I went to the back of the room to get my stuff before heading up to the front. "You're not mad about having tutoring on Halloween right?" He asked, attempting to add humor to the situation. "Not really. I wasn't planning on doing anything. I mean, Carmen wanted me to attend this party...but I doubt I'll go if you told my mom I'm damn near failing." I said, laughing. "Really? Where is the party going to be?" "I think it's at Sean Ray's house. I'm not sure though." I said.

We started tutoring with the refreshing microbials since he seems to think I've been having a lot of trouble with them lately. The lesson itself was difficult as hell, but I finally started understanding it better. "Does that make more sense?" He asked. "It does." I said, finishing taking the notes. "Well, tomorrow, we'll have a test before we start the tutoring lesson to see what you need work on." He said. "Alright, that sounds good. And thanks for this. I do think this will be worth it." I said.

I walked out of the school building to find my mother's Lexus waiting in the parking lot of me. I sighed, heading for it. At this point, I didn't even want to speak about what's going on because I know she's gonna be pissed. I tossed my backpack in the backseat and climbed into the passenger seat. "I told you, Y/N." She said, putting the car in reverse and backing out of the parking spot. "I don't need to hear it right now." I said. "You're grounded. Don't ask me to go out for Halloween. I know that's what you're thinking because Carmen's mother already called me." She said. "I don't want to go out with Carmen. I just wanted to spend a quiet evening at home." I said. "You better hope that you'll be satisfied with that." She muttered.

As we drove back home, I couldn't stop thinking about how good this tutoring was going to be for me. I think I might actually start to like it.

As the afternoon transformed into the evening, I was sitting in my bedroom at the desk, reading. You could hear the sound of children chattering in the street as they walked from house to house asking for candy. I put the book down as my phone started to vibrate. I answered it. "Hello?" I said. "Are you ready yet? I'm on the way over there." Carmen lived half-way across town from where I am so it would take her a while to get there. "I can't go. I'm grounded." She laughed. "When has being grounded ever stopped you for doing the things you wanted to do?" She questioned. "Okay, first of all, I told you that I didn't even wanna go to this party." I said, getting up and walking over to the bed. I sat down. "Secondly, you're referring to a time when we barely got by on dumb luck." I said. "Well, whatever. You better be ready by the time I get there." She said, hanging up the phone.

I went back to reading as the sun was starting to set in the distance. I looked over at the costume that was hanging on my closet door. I would be lying if I said that I hadn't been a bit disappointed about not getting to at least go out for Halloween. I grumbled softly, getting up and walking over to the closet. I grabbed the costume and headed into the bathroom. Several minutes later, I heard the sound of small pebbles being thrown against the bathroom window above the bathtub. I walked over to the window and looked out to see Carmen standing under the window. "Come on!" She said, softly.

I turned back to look over my shoulder. It's too late now to call it quits. I might as well just go. I grabbed my bag and put it around my shoulders before jumping out the window. "I thought you were grounded." Carmen said, sarcastically. "Shut up and let's just go." I said, getting to my feet and wiping myself off. We headed over to her car and I got inside. We drove to Sean's house. I was almost certain that my mother was going to kill me when she found out I had left after she had said not to.

At the party, the music was loud and nearly everyone was already drunk. Carmen and I got inside and we were provided with drinks. I didn't take a sip out of mine; I simply handed it off to the next person with a drink missing from their hand. I wandered into the kitchen and found myself something to eat. Carmen was off with her boyfriend.

As the party continued on, I found myself in the living room with several others. "So, you guys hear about all those killings that are happening all over the town?" Jonah asked. Carmen was already drunker than a nine eyed dog. She was sitting on her boyfriend's lap and he didn't seem to care about everyone sitting around as he proceeded to get handsy with her. Carmen let out a laugh. "Don't be stupid, Jonah..." She slurred. "I'm serious." He said. "Where did you hear that from, Joe?" I asked. "It's all over the news. Do you not watch it?" He asked. "I tend to avoid things like the news." "Check your phone. I wish I could lie about shit like this." Jonah said. I pulled out my phone to Google search the information. Several news articles popped up, boasting titles like "Serial Killer Strikes Again in Eastside State" and "Latest Vermont Slasher Targets High School Students"

After clicking on some of them, I started to freak myself out even. I put my phone in my pocket. Carmen was getting all giggly on her boyfriend's lap. "I need to use the toilet." I said, getting up from my seat. "Good luck. Mike Henderson locked himself in the one down here. I think you could go upstairs and use that one though." Jonah pointed out. Upstairs? The staircase itself was already dark and menacing. I sighed. "I'll go with you if you're scared." Jonah said. "Thanks, but I'm not that scared." I said. I stepped between his bent legs and the coffee table. I headed towards the stairs. I tried to play it off, but I was literally so scared I thought I might faint. I started my ascent up the stairs. It seemed to get even darker on the landing. I pushed forward and there was a faint glow of a wall sconce that was just in the middle of the hallway.

Once I was at the top of the stairs, and out of sight, I sprinted across the hallway to the door at the end, where the bathroom was. I opened it and rushed inside. Slamming and locking the door behind me, I leaned against it to catch my breath. I flicked the switch and the light came on followed by an annoying buzzing sound. At least there was some noise. I finished up what I was doing and started to wash my hands. When I shut the water off, there was a clattering noise out in the hallway. I dried my hands off and unlocked the door to take a peek out. The hallway was still dark and the sconce flickered. I shut off the bathroom light and stepped out. I swallowed thickly as it seemed the noise downstairs had ceased. Everything seemed too quiet.

"Carmen? Jonah?" I choked on their names as I ventured out into the hallway. Near the landing, there seemed to be a shadow that moved against the wallside. I squinted my eyes to try and get a better look. Suddenly, a noise came from behind me. I whipped around and a hand landed against my mouth, dragging me into a bedroom. I was screaming behind their hand. The door slammed shut and they engaged the lock.

They kept me backed against the door. I whimpered softly. "Oh please. Please don't do this." I begged. A voice uttered from under the mask. "You don't have to be scared. I'm not gonna hurt you." The voice said. I could feel tears streaming down my face. A gloved hand moved into view, brushing against my cheeks. I gave a quivering sigh. "There you go..." He said, softly. "What would you have done to me if I had screamed?" I asked. I swallowed the sinus pressure that was building in my throat. He chuckled. "You wanna see?" He asked. "You promise you won't kill me?" I asked. "I promise." He said. "Like I's not you I'm after."

He pushed his hips against me. I gasped when I realized that he had a massive erection. "Turn around..." He urged. I was frozen there for a second. "Go on..." he pushed, grabbing me by the shoulders and turning me to face the door. "I like this little costume." He said. I could hear the fabric sliding against his skin and a pair of warm hands reaching up under the skirt that I was wearing. My fingernails pressed against the wood of the door as his fingers slipped around the waistband of the thong and pulled it down to my thighs. "You know...this is a bit of slutty behavior...I didn't take you for the type." "You're not anyone I know..." I said, nervously.

He leaned forward against my ear. He dipped his hand between my legs. "You'd be surprised to find out who I am." He said. His fingers dipped between my folds, sliding the pad of his index finger against my clit. I hissed softly. "How could this make you wet? That's a fucking want the big bad serial killer to fuck you?" "I—" "Don't lie to me." He snapped. I was trying to fight this, but my body wanted me succumb to it. "Would it be so bad if I said yes?" I asked. He chuckled. "Of course not." I could hear the clinking of his belt buckle, followed by the purring sound of the zipper sliding down.

His fingers twisted into my hair, pulling me back against his shoulder. His other hand remained on my hip as he forced his hips forward. "You're so fucking tight and pretty. I knew you'd be this fucking tight." He snarled. I was desperate to know who was under the mask. I reached up, slipping my hand under it before he stopped me. "No..." he panted. "Why not?" I whined. "Its not a good idea." He moaned, pumping his hips forward.

"Oh my god, don't stop..." I moaned softly. His hand moved from my hair and formed around my throat. "You're fucking squeezing me so tight. Are you gonna cum on me, pretty little thing?" He drew his hips back, slamming them against my backside even harder. It was difficult to be quiet. "I can't wait anymore." I sobbed softly. "I know baby, just give me a moment...I'm almost there." He muttered. I could feel the inside of my womb burning so brightly as I tried to hold my composure. He shoved me against the door with a loud thud, I was certain it would be heard from downstairs. His hips stopped their long drawn out strokes, pinning me to the wood and dumping himself into me.

At the same time, I could feel myself spazzing around his cock. His hand moved up around my mouth as I felt like I was melting into a puddle. He continued to push his hips forward. "No, no stop please..." I begged. He pulled himself out of me and stepped away to get himself cleaned up. I sighed, reaching down and pulling up my panties. "Well, I'm so glad you chose not to kill me." I turned around and there was this blackness that moved forward, enveloping me. I didn't remember much after that.

Jonah was sitting downstairs alone. Carmen and Kevin had snuck into one of the bedrooms downstairs. Jonah thought it was interesting that it was taking Y/N so long to use the bathroom. She might've locked herself in. He sighed, placing the beer on the coffee table and getting up. As he was heading for the staircase, there was a clatter and the sound of breaking glass coming from the kitchen. "Goddamnit." He grumbled as he walked back into the kitchen.

He walked into the kitchen and flicked the light switch, but the light didn't come on. "Son of a bitch, what now?" He muttered. He stood there for a second, looking out into the dark. He could've sworn he saw someone standing there. "Is someone there?" Jonah said, aloud. The attack came from behind and the person drove the kitchen knife right into Jonah's backside, piercing his lung and causing him to drown in his own blood.

Then he ventured into the guest bedroom where Kevin was laying in the bed, smoking a cigarette. It was obvious that he was a little cross-faded from drinking and smoking the tobacco. "Nice costume, Jonah...are you bored or just looking to make this a threeway?" Kevin asked. The person stood there with the knife dripping blood all over the floor. He didn't make a move or say a word. "Jonah, seriously, dude. This is weird." Kevin said, sitting up.

"Where is Y/N? I'm sure she'd love this costume." Kevin said as he turned away from the doorway. The person rushed in, driving the knife into Kevin's chest and leaving it there. Carmen was in the bathroom connected to the bedroom. He walked into the bathroom and pulled the shower curtain back, leaving bloodied smears on the frosted curtain. Carmen jumped and turned around just in time to see the person as he ripped the curtain down and proceeded to suffocate her. 

When I woke up, I was back at home with a terrible headache. I sat up in bed. Had it all been a dream? Did I hallucinate the whole thing? I got up out of bed and walked into my bathroom. I got some Advil and took a drink of water. I walked out of the bathroom and headed out into the living room.

"Thank goodness you're awake. Carmen's mother came by because she wanted to know if you—" "Have you seen Carmen?! She's missing and she didn't come home last night!" Yolanda shouted, moving over to me. Her face was streaked with tears. "I uh...I didn't see Carmen last night. She was going to a Halloween party at Sean's house." I said. She started to sob uncontrollably. "Yolanda, I think you should go home." My mother said, stopping her. She walked her to the door. "You should go upstairs and get ready for school."

While at school, I was sitting alone in Mr. Pascal's class. "Did you hear about what happened last night?" Eric asked me. "No, what happened? My mom grounded me." I said. "Carmen, Kevin and Jonah are all dead. Their bodies were discovered this morning when Sean Ray's parents came home." "What?" I asked. "Yeah, apparently slaughtered by that serial killer."

"Alright, alright, quiet down class." Mr. Pascal said, coming in. "I know that you guys are all concerned about what's been going on with some of your classmates, but let's try and focus." He said. I sat there a little stunned. I was so concerned that I didn't remember getting home. And of course, I had been conspiring with the serial killer before they slaughtered all of my friends. I couldn't come forward and talk about it. I wasn't supposed to be at the party in the first place, but I also didn't want to be accused of being the serial killer myself. I must've let my thoughts get away from myself because soon class was over.

"Miss Y/N?" Mr. Pascal's voice echoed through my ears as I sat there zoning out. "Huh?" "Thoughts get away from you? You won't pass if you can't pay attention." He said. "I know, I was just thinking about some things." I said. "Well...if you come by for tutoring we might be able to talk about it." He said. I nodded my head. "And by the way...thanks for such a wonderful time last night." He said, getting up and turning around to walk away.

I didn't say anything more. I couldn't. I was really caught between a rock and a hard place with multiple things. This didn't look good at all.

**[divider creds to: @/lovedy on Tumblr]

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