Our Secret

By MochiiMoshi

5.2K 197 60

Ink, just being a 19 year old, needing to pay for his debt and end the cruelty that he doesn't deserve from s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 9

243 7 0
By MochiiMoshi

Ink was woken up by a few knocks on the door. He groaned as he shifted, his face facing to the window that the sun light peeked in. Another knock was heard, Ink finally sat up from the soft bed, rubbing his eye sockets. "I'm sorry to bother but uh, I made breakfast." Error came into the room with a tray of steaming hot food.

"I can set it up for you if you want to." Ink was half awake so he just nodded, letting Error set up a small plastic table on the bed and placed the tray of food on top. Ink finally could see clearly, the aroma of the food hit him. "You...did all these?" Ink looked at Error shocked. "Well uhhh, yeah. Just wondering to save up some money for dinner. Anyways, the Uni is gonna start in about 2 hours." Error looked at his watch.

Ink looked at Error that was just wearing a robe with his shorts, his chest not fully covered, resulting a 'v' shape that revealed his ecto chest. Ink had a faint blush, quickly distracting his thoughts by looking at the food and start eating it. The taste was just right for him, everything was perfect to his taste. He was pretty impressed. "I'm gonna go change, I'll wait for you in the living room." And that Error left the room, leaving Ink alone to finish up his food. He wondered if Error cooked for himself.

'Probably did-'

Time passes and Ink for ready is casual clothes, a white crop top with jeans, he liked these clothes but since he had to do his 'job' he couldn't wear it. It was from ex-girlfriend as a part away gift. He then took his phone and bag, putting his knife as a backup when he gets the chance to strike. He walked of from the room, heading to the living room to meet with Error that was waiting for him.

Error smiled while holding two box like stuff. "What is that?" Ink asked when Error handed one to him, "It's a bento, I made it for lunch." "Oh, thanks." Ink held the bento box, looking at the outer design of the cover, it was a carved out shakura tree filled with gold linings.

"It's time we head out, I need to arrive early since they needed a meeting last minute." Error said. Ink looked at his phone, it's was only 7:00am, the Uni was supposedly starting at 8:30am. Ink followed Error to his car, sitting in the front seat, Error started the car engine, driving off the his Uni.

They arrived at the Uni, stepping foot out from the car, Ink looked around. Students were already walking places to places with their friends. To be honest, Ink hadn't went to any school after his second year of primary, he couldn't control his temper, that effected him in dropping out form any school since he started fights frequently. But after he went to therapy, he had complete control over his anger. He walked into the Uni beside Error, he noticed that people were whispering things.

"Just ignore them, they like to judge." Error spoke while walking to one of the classes. "Here, you can stay in this class for a while, I would guide you after the bell rings." Error settled Ink into one of the art/design course classes. The students in the class all noticed Ink, they too started their gossips. Ink just nodded to Error and rolled his eye lights at the others after sitting down on of the the tabled-chairs.

After a few minutes, a shadow casted over Ink while he was scrolling through his socials. "Hey new guy, mind if you sit at the other table?" Ink groaned, looking up, he wasn't fond of interacting with other people. "Well, if I were you, I would just go to the other tables." Ink motioned with hsi hands, looking around at the empty chairs. "Well, this is mine." Ink looked at the human with a glare or disgust. "I don't see your name carved on it."

"Well, I don't see YOUR name carved on it too." The human spoke back, not letting Ink have his personal time until he got his seat back. The others were just watching. Ink didn't responded this time, he didn't want his anger to go out of control today, but he wanted to see how long can that human hold their anger instead. It was a fun way to calm Ink down knowing that the other can't handle him, he silently smirked. "Are you mocking me?" The human asked.

"What do you think, smarty?" Ink returned. That made the human's face redder. Knowing what he was about to do the second he reached hsi hand out, Ink took his phone away, he the grinned. "Too slow." The human had enough and so he wanted to try snatching Ink's phone again. Ink reached his hand up to stretch as the other missed his phone once more. "Oops, got tired so gonna stretch." He mocked the human.

The human gave up and sat far at the other side of the class. Ink could finally relax knowing that he won this conversation without putting up a fight. He reflects were quick enough to let him know what he should so next. Came in a tutor after several minutes of waiting and scrolling through his phone, they didn't even mind looking at the students and started teaching.

'What a great day to start of Uni-'

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