Adopted By Demi Lovato

By laryssaosyka

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Demi Lovato is three years clean from self harm, purging and drug use. Lately she has been feeling a little l... More

Adopted By Demi Lovato
Chapter 2: Can I call this home and you mom?
Chapter 3: Adventures before the Mall
Chapter 4: Fun at the mall...until I run
Chapter 5: Safe at home with my baby girl safe and sound
Authors Note- Not an Update, But Please Read
Chapter 6: Katie? Where are you?
Chapter 7- Room Day
Chapter 7 Part 2: Paint Time
Chapter 8: Katie Goes Live (almost)
Chapter 9: Katie Goes Live On Ellen (Part 1)
Chapter 9: Katie Goes Live on Ellen (Part 2)
Chapter 10- Ellen from Demi's POV
Chapter 11- Naptime and Dinner
Chapter 12- T-Minus One Day Until Surprise
Chapter 13- Surprise Day Part 1
Chapter 13 - Surprise Day Part 2- The Hints
Chapter 13- Surprise Day Part 3- The Hints from Demi's and Selena's POVs
Ch. 14~ All Fun and Games until someone gets sick
Ch. 15~ Doctors, Oh Joy.
Authors Note
Ch 16~ On The Mend
Ch17~ Relapsing
Ch18~ Old Habits Die Hard
Ch19~ The Talk
Ch20~ Restarting The Road To My Recovery
Chapter 21~ Telling Aunt Selena
Chapter 22~ Bonfire, Talks and Cuddles
Chapter 23~ Katie's Day With Nick
Chapter 24~ Planning a Birthday Party
Chapter 25~ A Birthday for Katie
Ch 26~ A Day at the Studio
Ch 27~ Letting You In
Ch~ 28 Lazy Day, Date Night and an Emergency
Ch 29~ Surgery, Recovery, Disney Land Fun and Packing
Chapter 30 ~ A Day Out with Family on the World Tour
Chapter 31~ A Surprise for Both Demi and Katie
Chapter 32~ A Mini Set, A Record Contract? Are you Serious?!? Yes Please!!!
Chapter 33- My Family is becoming Complete
Chapter 34~ Daddy Nick
Chapter 35~ And So It Begins
Chapter 36~ Will You?
Chapter 37~ Sunday Dinner Drama
Chapter 38~ It's My Time To Shine
Chapter 39~ Dirty Rotten Cheater
Not A Chapter~ But do READ and COMMENT
Chapter 40- Acting Happy for the Camera
Chapter 41~ The Baby Name Game
Chapter 42~ Album Release and Promotion
Chapter 43- #tourlifeforlife
Chapter 44~ It's a Family Day
Baby Daddy Knows
Grandma Demi? Grandpa Nick?
Will You?
Welcoming Baby Mendes
The Sound of Baby Steps and Laughter
Clock Don't Stop
Authors Note

Brighter Days and Lighters

733 24 2
By laryssaosyka

Katie's POV

@kdlovato: Tomorrow celebrates 5 years since my days became brighter. IN honor of that the first single from album 3 comes out at midnight. Let's get it to number 1! #album3 #BrighterDays

I sent out the tweet and sat on the stool in the kitchen and pondered the last 5 years of my life. They were something else. I ended up graduating high school at 16 years old, my hockey and soccer teams went to become the national champions and my dance team was top competitor at conferences. For the most part I turned out pretty normal despite being famous and all. All of a sudden, I was brought back to earth and out of my thoughts by the shifting of the dishes in the sink. I looked at my phone and panicked slightly at the time. I rushed to the stairs of my house and called for Maddie and Bea. 

"Maddie, Bea, hurry your asses up! We will have to pick up Shawn from the airport, get the cake and then go to my parent's house for the quad's 4th birthday!" I yelled up

"Calm down Katie! We have some time, just give us another minute!" Bea yelled back 

I sighed and sat on the stair case and waited patiently for Bea and Maddie to come down. They soon graced me with their presences and I told them to go out to my truck while I locked up the house. They walked outside and I grabbed my keys and soon followed them, allowing the door to close before locking it up. I walked away from the door with a smile on my face. Still amused that my parents allowed me to buy a house and move out on my own at only 18 years old and that my grandma allowed Maddie to move in with me just six months later. Lastly, Bea joined us by moving in only a few months after Maddie did because at 20 years old she didn't want to live on her own.

I got into the drivers side of the car and started it up while the gate opened behind us. Soon we were off to the airport. Maddie was playing around with the music on my phone, not being able to keep to one song and allow it to play to its completion this was annoying Bea.

Finally, after an hour of drive and dealing with Bea being annoyed at Maddie and shouting at her to pick a stupid song, we arrived at the airport. I parked the car in the car garage and together the three of us got out to greet Shawn.

I probably should have brought Max or Charlie but I didn't even think about it because I was excited to see Shawn after not seeing him for 3 weeks due to him finishing the last week of his tour along with him going to see his family. So together, the three us of walked into the airport and were greeted with fans who we gladly stopped at took pictures with and signed some stuff while we waited for Shawn.

I soon saw Shawn walking towards us and broke off running towards him. He set down his guitar case and dropped his bag on the ground. I jumped into his arms and gave him a big hug. He spun us around in a circle before he set me back onto my feet. We shared a quick kiss before I picked up his guitar case and he picked up his bag and we walked back towards Maddie and Bea who were looking at the both of us with smiles on their faces.

When we got back to Maddie and Bea, they each gave Shawn a hug before they both made comment's that made me blush. I hid my face into Shawn's chest and died internally. Finally we all made our way back to my car but not before several of fans noticed that Shawn joined us and yelled out that "Shawtie" is too cute and asked if they could have pictures with the both of us.

When we got back into the car, Shawn was sitting next to me and he played DJ and unlike Maddie allowed the music to play to its completion. He insisted on playing songs from my first and second albums. I groaned and decided to give him pay back by playing songs from his first album. He groaned out but stopped once we both called truce. 

We stopped off and I picked up the cake for the quad's fourth birthday and then we made our way to my parents house. It didn't take long for us to arrive and I called my dad and told him that we were here and he met us on the drive way to grab the cake.

After getting our gifts from the trunk, the four of us went around and grabbed our presents to my younger brothers and sisters. One by one we went inside while laughing at something Bea had said.

With Shawn's hand in my own hand, I stepped into my parents new home. They moved from the one that Demi had owned when she adopted me because they were quickly running out of room between 5 children that live with them and them wanting more. We each put our gifts onto the pile and went to head out back to the party but as I turned around I felt a small force run straight into my lower legs. I looked down and saw my baby brother Jaxon Baylor Jonas smiling up at me. With his arms reaching up to me, I knew the two year old wanted to be picked up.

"Katieeeee," He squealed as he gave me a sloppy kiss

"Jaxxxonnn," I mocked while giving him several sloppy kisses

Jaxon was wiggling in my arms, squealing. He soon noticed Shawn and immediately wanted to be held by him. Shawn took my brother from my arms and together the three of us walked out back. The second oldest child of my parents, my adopted brother Alex was standing next to our Uncles Kevin and Joe and our Aunts Dani, Blanda and Dallas. He smiled when he saw me. He walked towards me and I brought him into a hug.

Rocking us back and forth, I gave him a squeeze before pulling away. I took a look at him and his unruly black curls and his light blue eyes. His hair fell into his eyes and he had a lopsided smile on his face.

"I missed you Alex," I said

"I missed you to Katie," Alex replied leaning into me

"How's school going?"

"It's fine, same old same old. Hockey is where its at! We need one more point until we secure our playoff slot!"

"That's what I'm talking about! Congrats little brother! When is your next game? I want to be there!"

"This Friday night."

"I'll be there, I wouldn't miss it for the world baby brother"

Alex gave me a simple smile but had a twinkle in his eyes that made my heart swell. Alena walked over and started talking to Alex about something to do with school since they were enrolled at the same school and were in the same grade.

At that moment, our younger siblings ran up to me and demanded me attention. Storm and Nick started to pull my arms while Daniella and Aria continuously said my name. I gave Alex a smile and went to go play with the birthday boys and girls. 

Not long after I began to play with my younger siblings, my mom asked me to take Jaxon inside and put him down for a nap. I stood up and took Jaxon into my arms and went up to his room, I laid him into his tiny race car bed and sat on the chair watching him sleep. Thinking about my secret. 

Jaxon's nap only lasted 20 minutes and as soon as he woke up there was no stopping him until later tonight. I brought him back downstairs to the party and he soon tore off to play with Shawn and his two older brothers and older sisters. I soon heard Harry walk up from behind me.

"You know, you could be watching me interact with your siblings and be in love," Harry said

"Harold you still act like child yourself and it would have never worked between us. You're better as my brother then you were as my boyfriend," I said with a goofy grin on my face

"I know I was, I just like teasing you about it."

"I know you are, I still don't understand how you got me to say yes to dating you."

"You know, I still wonder that myself."

Silence fell between us and I leaned against Harry.

"Have you told him yet?"

"No I haven't, I'm scared Harry."

"You have nothing to be afraid of love. Shawn Mendes is in love with you and if he leaves after he finds out then your dad, me and the rest of your uncles and I will break him."

I broke into a small fit of laughter and smiled up at the tall English man.

"I'll tell him tonight Harry, I promise."


With that, Harry ran off towards my boyfriend and siblings and began to act like the child that he still was. I watched with a smile on my face. I soon heard my baby cousin Mia's laughter and turned around to see her slowly taughtering my way. My Aunt Selena and Uncle Niall not far behind her, watching her with a smile on their faces.

I was so happy that they ended up back together and for good this time. They had a rough patch or two and broke up, saw different people but woke up and realized that they were each others soul mates. They were married three and a half years ago and had Mia just over a year ago and are now expecting child number two. I smiled at the sight and hoped that Shawn and I would end up like them minus the rough patches.

My eyes met Aunt Selena's eyes and she brought me into a tight hug which I returned. She was still one of my favorites out there.

"I saw the tweet. Does Demi know that you are releasing the song tomorrow?" She asked

"I doubt it, I think she was a bit busy with setting up the party that she didn't see it," I replied as Mia reached for me

I bent down and picked up the baby girl and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Mia cuddled into my neck and hid. Aunt Selena laughed a little bit while my Uncle took a picture of the scene.

"Well, I think she will love the song."

"Thanks Aunt Selena, I hope she does love the song."

After talking to them for a while, I also chatted with Uncle Louis and his wife along with Uncle Liam and his wife. The only One Direction member that wasn't there was Uncle Zayn...but then again he wasn't around so much after he decided to leave the band in the middle of the 'One the Road Again 2015 World Tour', he really hurt the lads and they tried to put on brave faces but their friendship with him was never the same again.

Aunt Marissa soon walked in with Uncle Cody and their sons and daughter, Cody Jr or as we all called him CJ and Marcus were 3 years old while Taylor was just 6 months old. CJ and Marcus tore off running to playing with Jaxon and the others.

I greeted them both and sat down next to Aunt Marissa and talked to her for sometime. She and Aunt Selena ended up getting over their differences just for my mom and I. After talking to her for a little bit, my eyes drifted up to meet those of my ex-boyfriends eyes, Luke Hemmings. Despite what he did to me, we ended up becoming good friends. 5 Seconds of Summer is still recording music and doing well. Luke smiled at me and I returned a smile to him and gave him a hug and talked to him for a bit before Shawn came and pulled me onto his lap.

I cuddled into Shawn and laid my cheek against his head. He kissed my hand and ran his hand up and down my back.

Despite all the celebrities around, the 'normal' people that my parents invited to the party treated everyone normally and enjoyed their time here. It was nothing but smiles and laughter around us.

It soon came time to eat dinner and then cake as well as open the presents. I swear these kids are super spoiled by everyone around them but our parents.

After the kids open their presents, they were able to choose one to play with while everyone was still there. Storm and Nick each choose their reote controlled cars while Daniella choose a new doll and Aria choose her new plastic kids four wheeler. After they ran off to play with everything, I decided to make my announcement. 

"Can I have everyones attention?" I asked

Everyone quickly quieted down and turned towards me. I suddenly grew a little nervous. 

"I know the party is for the kids but I have a small announcement to make. So tomorrow celebrates 5 years since Demi adopted me and my days became brighter and about a month and a half ago my mom and I got back into the studio together to record a song called Brighter Days. I am happy to announce that in honor of my days being so bright over the last 5 years that first single of my third album will be Brighter Days and it becomes available at midnight."

Everyone clapped and my mom wiped tears from her eyes but had a smile on her face.

"The next single after Brighter Days will be dropping May 15 and will be called Lighters and thats for everyone who inspired me to fill the sky with my dreams and light them all up on fight to make them come true."

Once again everyone clapped for me.

The party went on for a few more hours and when it ended everyone of my siblings including Alex were passed out on the couches. Shawn, Bea, Maddie and I along the rest of my family said and helped my parents clean up before we headed to our homes.

When we got to our house, Maddie and Bea went up to their rooms while I went into my room. Shawn needed a glass of water and wanted to eat something small real fast before he joined me.

I quickly got dressed into a pair of his old basketball shorts and one of my t-shirts and sat on the bed with my legs crossed. Shawn soon came up and got ready into his own sleep wear which was a basic pair of basketball shorts. I took a deep breath and spoke.

"Shawn?" I asked

"Yeah baby?" Shawn asked, standing up straight looking at me

"We.....We need to talk."

"Okay you're starting to scare me baby.....what do we need to talk about...?"



So I would like to say I am so sorry for the wait of this chapter! I have been extremely stressed out and sick but am slowly getting better. Hopefully nobody deleted this from their libraries.

I decided to be evil and leave you guys with a cliffhanger! Sorry....not sorry! So the next chapter will be a quick small one and then there will be a two part epilogue and then the book is over. *que the tears*

Stay Strong my loves!

Peace Out!

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