with love, always, michael cl...

By darklvv

54.6K 1.2K 105

FORMERLY TITLED CHANGE. ❞Change can be a good thing.❞ ❞I don't want things to change, Dad.❞ Asteria Clifford... More

with love, always.
the goddess of the stars, asteria.
do as we say, not as we do.
the shaved ice shop
casper the not so friendly ghost.
yet, another fight.
a fine man.
apollo, the spy.
bloody idiot.
so you're a good girl?
ghost of you.
vacation with the faucheauxs.
a drive with casper and apollo.
stay with me.
another girl.
silver star necklace.
1+ 555-555-5555
playing with your necklace.
panic attack.
justine rothwell.
his oxygen underwater.
his confession.
the two.
grandpa and grandma.
invisible string theory.
luana evangelista
being home.
school shopping

going home.

723 25 2
By darklvv

Going home was bittersweet, but Asteria was so excited nonetheless.

"You almost done packing, baby?" Casper asked, watching his girlfriend pack her suitcase through the computer screen. "You look cute today."

Asteria grinned and folded her other t-shirt before coming over to her desk where her computer was propped on and sat down on the chair. "What are you up to?"

"Watching you and reading Pride and Prejudice, like you recommended." He hummed. "When you get home, the day after, I was thinking you and I could go watch the sunset? If you're up for it."

"It is the last week of summer." Asteria frowned, "And we go to different schools. It's going to be hard to see each other, Casper."

"I know." Casper said gently. "But we can do it."

"I would love to watch the sunset with you, Casper."

Asteria was a hopeless— well, now hopeful romantic. She always loved the thought of loving someone gently, loving someone in a way that was pure and kind to the soul. A love that made both parties at peace, in a way where they could be around each other and not say a word and still be comfortable.

Asteria hadn't been able to really love Casper yet. After they got together she immediately went to Australia, and when she got back to Hawai'i, they'd be going right back to school.

Packing and talking to Casper was so calm. She felt like it was a more mellow honeymoon phase, which she actually quite liked.

"I'm about to go out and get groceries." Casper said, putting a bookmark into his book. "I'm going to switch you to my phone and you can come along, yeah?"

"Sounds good to me, Casper." Asteria hummed as she pulled out her bag for makeup.

Casper switched the facetime from his computer to his phone and walked downstairs where he talked to his parents, who said hi to Asteria for one second and Casper left a moment later.

He got into his car and started down the street. Asteria watched him drive, and she felt a feeling in her stomach — butterflies.

"What are you picking up?" Asteria asked.

"I am," He paused for a moment to turn on his blinker and turn, "Picking up an assortment of things. Avocados, bananas, I need to get some chocolate too. I want some hershey kisses."

"Is that all?" Asteria asked.

"God, no," He chuckled. "But I listed the important parts." Casper flashed a cheeky smile at her.

"Avocados are not special." She rolled her eyes.

Casper scoffed. "You don't know what's good for you."

She fake gasped. "Excuse me? I know what's good on my tastebuds, Casper."

Casper laughed again, looking at his phone and shook his head. "You're a doofus."

The rest of the night, they talked. It was merely afternoon for Casper when it was nearly 9 PM for Asteria when they began talking, so it was well into the evening for Casper and basically the next morning for Asteria.

"I have to go," Asteria said with a sleepy voice. "We're getting everything loaded into the cars."

"Have a safe trip, love."

"Thank you."

Asteria had all of her bags in a row downstairs by 6 AM, and her dad and grandpa brought them out to her grandparents' car.

"I'm tired." Her grandma complained, "Your dad couldn't pick a nighttime flight?"

Asteria grinned. "No, he's a bit difficult. It's okay. I love him."

"Are you ready to go, sweetheart?" Michael asked his daughter, coming up to her and pulling her into a hug. "I know you're tired, I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Asteria hummed. "Don't worry."

The 5 of them piled into the car, Apollo sleeping away in the backseat with Michael and grandpa while grandma and Asteria were in the front seat.

"Are you ready to be home?" Grandma asked.

Asteria shrugged. "I'm excited to be in my own bed, that is for sure."

"I bet you're excited to see him," Grandma winked.

Asteria could only blush as they approached the airport.

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