Shocking Love (Dick Grayson)...

By Ella_R_68

10.7K 583 132

Dick Grayson- The fun and loving boy, also know as Robin, the Boy Wonder. He loves the life he lives. The thr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Authors Note (Update Time)

Chapter 17

336 21 4
By Ella_R_68

Chapter 17

Dick’s POV.

‘C’ Mon Dick, just a hundred more push ups.’ I said to myself.

 I was currently training in the gym at the cave, and I was up to 400 push ups.

“Robin, Batman wants everyone in the cave, so we can do a training exercise.’ Atremis said.

‘Tell him I’ll be there in a minute’ I replied

 ‘Whatever’ and with that, she walked off to, I’m guessing back to the briefing room.

 I finished my hundred push ups and began to make my way towards the briefing room.

I walked in to see that if was covered in tables that everyone was sitting on, one table per person.

“Robin, sit down on a table and listen carefully.” Batman said.

 I went and sat down on the last empty table, ready to listen. I was positioned between Aqualad and SuperBoy.

 “This is a training exercise, lay down and let’s begin.” He said.

Whoa, what a great debrief……I laid down and closed my eyes as I began to feel something poking around in my mind.

I woke up and found myself standing in some sort of weird alien ship, except Aqualad, SuperBoy and Artemis weren’t with us, it was only M’gann, Kid Flash and me. “Guys, where’s the rest of the team?” I questioned.

“Robin! Do you NOT remember, Artemis died! She died and you don’t even realise it! Well if you haven’t notice we are about to destroy the mother ship! You just placed the bomb and we have 15 seconds to escape! NOW LET’S GO!” Kid Flash yelled.

 We were running towards the entrance until some weird aliens ran out, I gave a look to Wally as he nodded his head. This is it, I was going to risk everything for this mission, just to save the world. I don’t even know where these thoughts were coming from…..I don’t even know what I was doing, only acting what my mind was telling me. It’s like I wasn’t even controlling my mind or body.

“M’GANN! LEAVE, DON’T COME BACK FOR US!” I head Wally yell.

“No! I won’t leave without you guys!” she yelled back.


In all honesty, I was pretty sure I was going to die, but then again, dying would be better than living on this earth where everyone hates me.

With one last look, I began to march into battle.

 “Robin! Look out be-“I heard Wally yelling, I turned around to see a knife come flying towards my head.

And then I woke up. I could hear someone crying. I looked around to see everyone talking with their mentors each having a look of sorrow on their face. I looked around trying to find Batman. What? If everyone’s mentor was here, where else would Batman be? Actually, he was probably on some stupid mission. I quickly scanned my eyes over the room looking for him. And that was until I actually found him. He was across the other side of the room, with Robin. Of course he was with Robin. He was his new protégée, and I was his old protégée. I felt sad, sad because I had a feeling he no longer cared for me. I mean, he basically kicked me out of the house.

As Batman turned back around to see how the team was holding up, I could still see in his eyes that he had a slight hint of worry and had a frown on his face. I know, you’re probably thinking ‘how do you see all that when he is wearing his cowl?’ Well, I have been living with Batman for 7 years, of course I would know. Batman looked back to Robin, and I saw im mouth the words

‘I’m sorry you had to go through that. I hope you get better’

I don’t understand, he never said anything like that to me. Ever. I hardly ever got a word out of him when he was Batman, unless he was, I don’t know, I guess when he was debriefing us……

No one seemed to notice that I had no mentor to comfort me. Everyone had one! Even Connor! So I sat there. I wanted to wait until someone noticed that I had no one to talk to. I brought my legs up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them securely. Almost as though I was trying to hold myself together, like if I let go, I would just crumple. I guess in a way, I would crumble sooner or later.

“Team, I am so sorry you had to go through that, it’s just, M’gann’s mind just had such a strong grip on it, it made it seem like it was really happening. Once again, I am truly sorry.” Martian Man hunter said.

 Everyone began to clear out of the room, making me the only person left. I can’t believe it. They were walking out and yet they didn’t see me sitting on the table. Could they not see me! I bet Batman did see me, he was just so disappointed in me that he didn’t want to talk to me. I was so going to get it the next morning.

I moved myself and sat in the darkest corner in the room and laid down and crawled myself into a little ball.

What was happening?
Did no one like me?
Shoot! I forgot to exercise! Oh wait! No I did, when I finished doing the 500 push ups

I could really go for some food right now. I am starving. I thought to myself. No! What was I thinking? I couldn’t eat, everything makes you fat and I need to lose all that weight. There was no way I would be able to keep my body small like and acrobats if I kept on eating and didn’t burn it all off.

With that last thought, I closed my eyes and went into a dreamless sleep. Afraid of the events that would occur tomorrow.

I’m just joking, I can’t go to sleep.

So I just laid there, in my own darkness.

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