Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Dick’s POV.

Once I had arrived home Bruce dragged me into an empty room that I didn’t even know we had in the mansion.

“Bruce, what are you doing?” I asked, he threw me into the room.

 I looked around and saw that it had no windows or anything else in it except for one light in the middle of the room.

 “What are you going to do to me?” I asked once more.

 For once, he actually replied to one of my questions.

 “You disobeyed my orders. I told you there would be consequences if you invited that stupid girl over and as you can see, a lot of things have gone wrong since you invited her over. So for the rest of the month, you will stay in here. I will do whatever I like with you, you will obey me and you will only get one meal a day.”

“No Bruce! You can’t do this!” I yelled

. “I can do whatever the hell I want”

 I can’t believe it.

I had to stay in here for the rest of the month and it’s only been one week since I’ve been ‘grounded’.

I could hear the door being closed tightly and being locked. I sat in the corner of the room with my knees bought up into my chest and began to sob.

 This has been the worst.

My whole team hates me for something I didn’t even do. Wally thinks all this money has gone to my head when he doesn’t even realise what Bruce has and is doing to me. My whole school thinks I’m lying about my past when really I’m not. And my girlfriend, ex-girlfriend only dated me because she would get $500 over some stupid bet. I thought that she actually liked me. I thought she actually loved me. I thought she dated me because she saw past my nerdiness and flaws and saw the true me. I thought that was the reason as to why she began to date me.

My whole social life, ruined to all one simple day at school. My whole team hates me thanks to one mission gone wrong.

 “Arrggg” I groaned, I was so caught up in my thoughts about my life that I didn’t feel the pain shooting through my neck.

 The pain intensified by two, Bruce must have increased the shocks on the remote. So this was his definition of following everything he says.

I held my collar trying to pull it off so that the pain would stop. I was clawing at my neck, rolling on the floor wanting to do anything other than this right now.

Bruce’s POV.                                                                         

I was watching in the Batcave through the security cameras in the room that Dick was in. I pressed the shock button, at first he wasn’t reacting, but after a couple minutes he started to react, I decided to increase the pain by two so I could see him suffer. I continued to watch through the cameras and saw that he rolling around on the ground, clawing at his neck trying to get the collar off.

*2 Weeks later*

I’ve been counting the days. I only have 1 more week of this hell hole and then I can go back to the cave and see the rest of my team. I’ve only been getting one meal a day, I’ve never felt so week before. I heard a knock on the door. I looked up from me area in the darkest corner of the room.

“Eat up” Bruce said.

He threw a bowl of noodles at me.

 I crawled over towards the bowl and slowly began to eat the noodles away. Once I had finished eating the bowl of noodles I crawled back to my area against the wall and rested my head against it and thought.

I haven’t had any training in a while. What would happen when I return back to the team? Do they still like me? Do they even remember me? What would they do if I don’t go back? All these questions were racing through my mind.

I heard the door open and footsteps.

“That’s odd, the door usually never opens unless food is given to me, but never have I heard footsteps come into the room. I looked up to see that it was Bruce…holding a belt?

“W-hat are-e you go-i-ng to do to m-e?” I stuttered.

 “I am going to punish you for telling everyone about your back story” Bruce replied.

 He suddenly dragged me into the middle of the room where the light was. He began to kick me in the stomach and punch me in the face. I tried to fight back but that only resulted in me getting kicked more in the stomach, which made me grunt more.

“Bruce, pl..ea..s..e. St-o-p.” I pleaded. After many more kicks and punches he finally stopped. This continued on for the next week. Punching and kicking me, even to the point of shocking me 5 times a day.

*1 week later*

“Get up!” Bruce demanded

“Your one month is over, you can return back to the team. Hurry up and don’t tell anyone anything”

I nodded my head and got up. I couldn’t believe it. Today was the day that I could finally go back to the rest of the team. I slowly got up and walked through the door. Oh my gosh, it was so bright. I haven’t seen this much light in ages. I went up to my room and went to shower. When I stared into the mirror, I was shocked. Instead of seeing a happy boy with not a care in the world with bright blue eyes, I saw…I saw a no one. Before, I use to be Robin, the Boy wonder. And now…I’m just…I’m just Dick Grayson. My body that used to be strongly built with muscles, was now scrawny and extremely skinny. My face was lifeless and looks as though I had lost weight. Which I had.

After I had showered I Zeta Beamed back into the cave. ‘Robin B01’ it read while I was still being teleported. Time to face the team. 

Shocking Love (Dick Grayson) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now