Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Dick’s POV.

I woke up in a dark room. This is it. I’m officially dead. That’s why my whole world is black. Wait, why is there a light over their? Why is there a computer there? Wait is that Batman sitting on a chair? Is he dead too? I quickly scanned over my surroundings once more and realised that I was in the Batcave. Wait! In the Batcave!

And Bruce was here!

Oh man, I’m probably going to get a beating for not coming home in time for curfew. How did I even get here?

Bruce still didn’t even notice that I hate woken up yet. If he did, I would for sure get a beating, or a shocking…..I figured my best shot was to make it seem as though, I was really traumatized he would let it go after he had seen me in a state like that. So I put my acting skills to the test.

I sat up gasping for air and holding my hand against my wound. I looked around ‘panicked’ “where am I?” I said while adding fake worry into my voice. “You’re in the Batcave. You got stabbed and weren’t home by curfew” Batman said with no emotion.

Please God! I really need this plan to work. I’ve had enough beatings for today.

“Yeah, I’m sorry about that. I couldn’t stop what happened” I said while rubbing the back of my neck.

 “Dick, you are Robin. The Boy Wonder. Trained by Batman himself. You should be more aware of your surroundings. You shouldn’t have let anyone sneak up on you.” He said.

 “Listen, I said, I’m sorry. And I understand that I didn’t get home before curfew, but please just let me go.” I pleaded.

 I tried to reason with him so that I could just go back to my room peacefully without any more bruises.

 “Dick, I trained you to be the best you can be. And obviously you aren’t the best yet. So once your wound heals I will continue to train you, harder, faster and better. In the meantime, you will be grounded from being Robin. You will also be grounded while you are being Dick Grayson. You can no longer go out to the movies with your friends.” He said.

“That’s not going to be a problem.” I replied back smartly.

I hopped off the bed and retreated back to my room. Being grounded wasn’t going to be that hard. The team never liked me anyway. I don’t have any friends at school.

 What could I get grounded from? I don’t have a laptop, I have a phone, but I guess Bruce already took that away.  I decided to go to sleep.

 Well more like tried to go to sleep.

Once again, I couldn’t go to sleep. I know I’ve mentioned it a lot of times, but every time I close my eyes, I picture the same thing over and over again. The night that Bruce first shocked me, how much I pain I could get from just one collar. The beatings Bruce would give me the first time I was grounded from being Robin for a month, and the time when I couldn’t go to sleep, so I asked to sleep with him.

I jolted awake from my ‘sleep’ and just sat up and stared at my wall.

Why can’t I get to sleep? Am I getting sick or something?

I kept on trying to get to sleep but the same thing kept on happening. So I had no other choice but to stay awake until it was time for school to start.

Once my alarm went off, I decided it was time to get ready for school.

I put on my uniform and looked in the mirror. You could still see the scars and bruises on my face. You couldn’t really do much about the scars cause they could get infect or something like that if I put a band aid on top of it, but the bruises….I found some foundation in my drawer and decided to put some on to cover it up. Bruce taught me the different ways to cover up bruises on my face cayse he didn’t want anyone to know my identity, so don’t ask why I have foundation, but just keep in mind, this isn’t the first time I had been punched in the face and had to go to school the next day.

I arrived at school and walked through the school gate. People were pointing and looking at me. I guess, after Charlie made the announcement, people realised who I truly was.

A little wimp.

A boy who had nightmares.

 A boy who used to have nightmares. Remember, I can’t sleep, cause every time I close my eyes, the same images appear in my head.

“Hey Dick!” one of the kids in my grade yelled.

 I turned and looked at him while undoing my locker combo as he continued talking. “Where’s the remote to this stupid shock collar that you’ve been talking about. I want to see you suffer in pain, nightmare boy. You know what?! How come, I don’t see this stupid shock collar? You were probably just lying so that we could all pity you. Well obviously lying got you nowhere. Everyone in this school despises you. They hate you.”

Tears brimmed my eyes. If I told him the truth,

1.       He wouldn’t believe me

2.       I would be putting the team in danger, because it’s been charmed…

3.       Why even bother, he hates me anyway, so he would probably go spread some sort or rumour right after I tell him.

I don’t understand, what could I do to make everyone like me? What could I do to make Bruce like me?

*After school finishes*

The bell had rung for everybody to go home. Most students would be happy to go home so they could relax, but me, I was less than excited to go home. I had lots of homework to do and yet I still decided that I wanted to go to the cave, even though I couldn’t do any training or anything like that. Because my wound still wasn’t closed up yet.

So I proceeded to make my way to a Zeta Tube.

Shocking Love (Dick Grayson) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now