Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Dick’s POV.

Maybe I hadn’t fallen asleep. Maybe I just imagined myself falling asleep and now I think that I have actually fallen asleep. Great, now I’m just confusing myself.  What was there to do now that I was stuck being Robin? I mean, there wasn’t really much to do besides go on patrol or go to the cave. Not that I hate being Robin or anything, it’s just that, right now, Robin didn’t have many friends, then again, neither did Dick Grayson. Maybe I should just leave the team. They seem to be doing fine without me, and besides, I wasn’t much use to the team either.

 Whatever, if I’m lucky, they will tell me that I will no longer be on the team. But maybe I should go to the cave, in case a mission is set for us, I mean it’s not like I will be of any use just sitting in Gotham. But wait, how was I supposed to get to get to the cave without a Zeta beam? The closest one was at least a whole 4 km away, but the Batcave was ½ a km away.

But what if Bruce was at the Batcave. Wait! No! He wouldn’t be! At least not at 9:00 in the morning. Because he always went to work. Great. But I don’t know what time it is. Maybe I should ask someone. Except, what would someone think if the boy wonder was going around asking for the time. You know what Bruce always says, the public eye is all that matters. That kind of is the reason as to why I like to keep things bottled up and why I rarely ever show or talk about feelings.

Anyway, back to my dilemma. I guess I should just take a chance. I began jumping from room to room and making my ways towards the secret entrance of the Batcave. But then I began to think about myself, wait, is that selfish of me? To think about myself? Is it wrong? Because I definitely don’t remember thinking about myself, cause all I ever thought about was what Bruce thought of me. I basically spent my whole life pleasing him.

Or maybe I spent my whole life hiding in fear from him? What was I thinking? What has happened? I’m Robin, the boy wonder. The boy who isn’t afraid of anything. The boy who fights crooks every night. The boy who had no friends. The boy who was homeless. The boy who spent most of his life living in fear. The boy who spent his whole life living under someone’s shadow and trying to impress someone. And worst of all. The boy who has no one who loves him.

I walked into the Batcave silently. I looked around and saw that Bruce wasn’t there. Oh sweet! Now I can go to the cave without having to worry about anyone catching me. I began typing in my co-ordinates to the cave, the machine lit up and I began my first step until I was stopped.

 “Master Dick? Is that you?” I turned around to see Alfred standing on the stairs of the Batcave.

“Um, A-Alfred, what are you doing here?” I questioned

 “Well, I do recall living here. But I think the real question here is, what are you doing here?” Alfred asked.

“Oh, the closest Zeta Tube was here and I felt as though I had to go to the cave.” I replied as I suddenly became interested in my shoes.

“Very well Maser Dick. It’s been awfully quiet around the manor…..have you found a place to stay yet?’

Great, now what was I going to say? Do I lie, or do I tell the truth? Well if I lie, then he will let me go, but if I tell the truth, he can’t do anything about it… lie it is.

“I’m staying at a friend’s house for the time being, you know, just until I find, my own place.” I lied. I could feel the sweat building up on my forehead.

“Very well Master Dick. It was nice to see you again.”

 And with that, Alfred walked back up the stairs into the manor that was once my home. I let out a sigh of relief. I punched in the buttons that would take me into the cave on the Zeta Tube and walked in. ‘Robin B01’ it called out. I was faced with the whole team staring at me. I felt self-conscious.

Was my mask not on?

I lifted my hand up and felt up face and feeling the all too familiar fabric of the mask. Yeah, I had my mask on so why was everyone looking at me?

 I tried to ignore there stares while I walked to the middle of the training space.  But I had had enough with all the crap everyone had given to me.

“What! What is it that you want with me?!” I yelled.

They each looked at each other almost as though they were having a physic conversation in their minds. Oh wait…..they can. M’gan probably linked them all up and purposely left me out. Nothing new.

“Well, Robin, have you eaten breakfast yet?” Aqualad asked.

Come to think of it, I actually hadn’t, I was starving, but not to the point that I was desperate for food. Remember what I said before?

Only buy it if you really need it.

 Well, I don’t really need breakfast, so I guess I just didn’t have any.

“No. I haven’t why?” I asked

 “Figures, you don’t need it anyway.” I heard Connor mumble, well, it wasn’t really a mumble if I heard it.

 Well, it looks like everyone else heard it as well because they all gave me nods, signalling that they agreed on what Connor said.

 “What do you mean?” I questioned.

Were they saying I was fat?

“Well, we were just saying that you didn’t need the extra weight.” M’gann said.

They were saying I was fat.

 But how does that work? I haven’t at for like a whole day, I would have thought that I would’ve lost weight, but I obviously haven’t. Then again, I needed to keep my body small because acrobats have small bodies.

“Oh, well-“I was cut off by the Zeta Tube calling out the people’s names.

‘Batman B02, Robin B012’ What? Robin? But I’m right here…. The whole team turned leaving there backs facing towards me, which in result, put at the very back which also meant I couldn’t see anything, I could only hear people talking.

“Team, I would like you to meet my newest protégée, Robin” Batman said.

 I could hear the proudness in his voice, almost as though he was happy with his newest Robin, rather than his old one.

 His old Robin that was standing in the same room. I couldn’t believe it, it had only been one day. No, scratch that. It had not even been one day.

“What about the old Robin” Wally said.

 I could hear murrs of ‘yeahs’ go around.

 “The old Robin is not here right now, when the time comes, I will tell him.” Batman replied.

I decided to step out from the ‘shadows’ and show him that it was too late and that I had heard the whole thing. I walked out from behind everyone and said

“The old Robin, is standing right here.” I made an emphasis on old.

 “Robin, even though there is another Robin, that does not mean you are no longer part of this team. The new Robin is here and he is staying here, for good.” Batman said.

I wanted to scream and cry, to yell out asking why he replaced me. But if I cried it would be a sign of weakness, so I didn’t cry. In return I just nodded my head and walked off to the gym to go workout so I could keep my body small. So from now on, I will no longer eat anything that will involve me putting on weight, which is like everything….So forget what I said before, let me start again. I will no longer eat any food,

I will get up at five in the morning to exercise until ten. I will then go back at three in the afternoon and I will then finish at nine at night.

I will practice everyday

And in the free time I have…..

I’ll patrol Gotham.

Shocking Love (Dick Grayson) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now