Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Dick’s POV.

 “What are you doing on the ground?” He questioned.

 “Well, I guess I just fell asleep here…” I replied.

“Listen Dick, I have a couple things to talk to you about, so sit down.”

I sat up and leaned up against the walls of the cave.

“Listen, yesterday’s stimulation…I am so disappointed in you. There were a million ways that you could have saved the planet, but you chose to sacrifice yourself and your teammates when it wasn’t necessary. If you died a heroic way,  I would accept that, but sacrificing the whole team….that was just plain stupid.” Batman said.

 What was he talking about?

He always told me to do anything to make a mission successful, and I did, and now he is blaming me because there was a million ways to save the planet? Does he not realise that just yesterday, he told us, that no matter what we did, it was designed to fail? Obviously not.

“But you always told me to do anything to make the mission successful.” I replied.

“Don’t talk back to me!” he yelled.

I cowered back in fear, afraid of what he might do. He reached behind his back and pulled out…..a key?

 “What are you going to do with that?” I questioned.

“Since, you are no longer living in Wayne Manor, you are no longer in my ward, so I’m setting you free”

Bruce reached up behind my neck and took the shock collar off my neck. I gently raised my hand up to feel the soft skin on my neck, making sure I wasn’t just imagining it.

“You will no longer have any contact with me unless it involves Justice League work.” And with that, he walked off.

No. Something isn’t right, it would never be this easy, I have asked him so many times to remove it, but he never did. Not until he kicked me out, into my other…house. My house! I left my backpack under some leaves with $50 dollars in it! Oh, that’s okay, I won’t be needing the civilian clothes and the $50 dollars because I will no longer be eating. I was knocked out of my thoughts due to an announcement being made over the speakers

“Everyone to the debriefing room, I have a mission for you all”

I stood up and made my way to the middle of the room while all the others piled in, even Robin.

“Team, you have a mission. A truck full of Joker Gas is being escorted to Gotham. Your job is to stop that gas from getting there. Artemis will wait here, and once she sees the truck she will shoot an arrow towards Robin, Robin will then through a Bata rang towards the new Robin who will then give the signal to Aqualad and the rest of the team, so you can ambush the truck and destroy the gas.  May I remind you, everyone has an important part in this mission, so please, follow it and do not mess up, or the whole mission could be a failure. You are to leave at this moment.”

 And with that Batman walked off into the Zeta Tube while we hurried off into the Bioship.

*Once there in their positions*

I was walking around in the snow, yeah snow.

 Batman never mentioned anything about the truck driving through a mountain full of snow. I leaned up against the tree waiting for Artemis’ arrow to hit something. We discussed that once she gave the signal, she would return to the Bioship so she could help the others ambush the truck. I could hear a woosh go past me and something stick into the tree next to me. I looked over and saw that it was Artemis’ arrow. I managed to get out a Bata rang, I was throwing my hand back to throw it, when I heard a bang making me drop the sharp piece of object, sending pain into my hand. I brought my hand down to examine it, blood was gushing everywhere and a small visible hole could be seen in my hand.

 Someone just shot me. I looked around desperately trying to ignore the pain coming from my hand.

I heard a twig snap, I turned towards where the noise was coming from.

“Who’s there!” I yelled out.

“Why, it’s me of course. Dark Shadow”

 He walked out of the trees and stood in front of me.

“Why did you shoot me!” I questioned.

“Why, to stall you of course. That shipment needs to get to the Joker. If not, he will have my head.” Dark Shadow said.

He was stalling me! I need to give them to signal now! I discreetly pulled out another Bata range aiming it towards the location of Robin.

“I wouldn’t do that” Dark Shadow warned. It was now or never. I threw the Bata rang, only to see it get knocked out of its path by a bullet. I looked over towards Dark Shadow to see him holding a gun.

“I warned you.”

And with that we began to fight. Well, more like I began to fight, he was just using his stupid gun. He fired bullet after bullet, but I managed to doge them as well as I could with one of my hands. “That’s it, I have had enough! The shipment would have surely made it by now!” Dark Shadow yelled. He fired a couple more bullets, me dodging all of them, except one. The one bullet hit me in my collar bone. I fell to the ground in pain putting pressure on the wound.

 “Ahhh!” I cried out in pain.

“That one bullet isn’t going to keep to down for long, so might as well do some more damage”

He walked over to me with his gun while I tried to move on of the way only using my legs, because one of my hands was losing a lot of blood, while my other one was putting pressure on my wound. I back up against a tree, my head slightly resting on it while my body was positioned on the cold snow.

“What to do with you? I can’t kill you, but I can sure hurt you.” Dark Shadow said.

He raised his gun up and shot me in the stomach. Pain shot through me, but I couldn’t show any sign of hurt. Any sign of hurt was the enemy’s advantage.

“Still not going to show any signs of hurting yet Boy Wonder?” Dark Shadow questioned.

 He cocked his gun once more and shot two more bullets into my legs, one on each calf.

I held back a groan gritting my teeth together. He looked at me surprised that I didn’t have a reaction to what he did. He forcefully picked my good wrist off the wound on my wounded collar bone and place it on the ground. I attempted to place back on my hand wound to stop the blood flow but he placed his big fat boot on my wrist so I wouldn’t be able to move it. He leant down and picked up my wrist examining it.

“Such a delicate wrist, I would hate to brake it.”

 He grabbed my wrist harder and twisted it in some off position.

“Arg! Please! Stop! It hurts too much!” I pleaded as tears threatened to fall down my face.

I could keep the pain it. It hurt too much. He twisted it in another direction making a cracking noise happen.

 “Very well, my job here is done.” Dark Shadow said, and walked off into the snowy mountains.

I looked over towards my wrist and saw that it was placed in an inhuman position. Yep it was defiantly broken. I was starting to get a little dizzy. I looked over towards my other injured wrist and saw that it was still bleeding at a slow pace, the snow around it turning a dark shade of red. I lifted the bleeding hand and placed I gently on my collar bone, to feel it was wet, I lifted my glove up to find that it was covered in blood.

I was really starting to get dizzy right now. I needed to get some help quick, or else I would die. I mean, not that dyeing is a bad thing, but it wouldn’t matter if I died because no one like me anyway, I had no friends and I would finally be with my parents again. I lifted up the bleeding wrist and with a small gentle press to the com link in my ear, I dialled up the rest of the team. My world was becoming blurry and I could feel my eyes threatening to close.

“Hello. Robin! Where’s the signal! The truck drove by here half an hour ago!” Everyone yelled.

 And with my possibly last breath I whispered-


And then I black out.

Shocking Love (Dick Grayson) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now