Perseus Jackson the Wielder o...

By TheCreatorofReality

50.9K 631 278

Perseus Jackson son of Poseidon, Bane of Kronus, Bane of Gaia, and etc has been betrayed by Annabeth and a ne... More

Author's Note
The Gifts
The Visits
The Reality Stone
Learning about the Infinity Stones
The Trials of Apollo
A Trip to Hell
The Realm of the Faded
Time and Space
Mind and Power
A New Journey

A New Universe

1.8K 24 1
By TheCreatorofReality

Author's Note
There is nothing much for me to say at this point besides to make sure that you read the author's note at the end of the chapter. It has very important information regarding this story and my future stories.


Once the portal to the destination appears Perseus wastes no time and walks straight through the portal. He appears in what he thinks to be some sort of lab in a government facility of some sort. He comes to this conclusion when he looks around and sees a strange octopus symbol on just about everything. Instead of thinking much more about his current location he immediately looks to where the now invisible chain is leading him.

In all honesty, what he sees doesn't really surprise him. What he sees is some sort of scepter that has a yellow glow to it. Once he sees this he closes his eyes and imagines himself grabbing a hold of the invisible chain and pulling as hard as he can. In a few seconds he can feel that he has reached the end of the invisible chain so he opens his eyes and catches a yellow stone which he assumes to be an Infinity Stone.

Perseus then takes a few seconds to admire the stone and then he was going to place it into his Infinity Gauntlet until he is completely frozen in place by an unknown force. After a few seconds he hears someone approaching from behind him and then he hears them speak and it sounds as if the voice was coming from all directions.

"Well, it was nice of you to collect the stones for me." Says the unknown individual.


The unknown individual then proceeds to walk in front of Perseus while flashing a triumphant smirk. Perseus was slightly unnerved by the unknown individual's appearance. He was unnerved because the unknown individual looked extremely like Chaos.

The only big noticeable difference was that the individual was not wearing clothing and that they did not seem to have a gender judging by the fact that the individual only looked like a humanoid figure made out of galaxies. To put it simply the unknown individual looked like a humanoid figure made out of the Universe itself.

Perseus believed the appearance of the unknown individual could mean a few things. The first thing he thought it could mean was that the individual could be the celestial king known as "The One Above All." The second thing he thought it could mean was that a being with the appearance of being made up of the Universe itself was more common than he originally thought.

"Well, Perseus aren't you going to say anything?" Questions the unknown individual amused about Perseus being frozen in place.

Perseus wanted to shout that he couldn't move at all including his mouth until he felt whatever power was freezing him in place let up just the slightest bit and he found he could move his mouth.

"Who are you? Are you the Celestial King known as "The One Above All?" Questions Perseus trying to get some useful information on the being before him.

The unknown individual laughs before responding. "The One Above All? No, I am not such a pathetic being I am Eternity the living embodiment of the Universe!" Exclaims the now identified Eternity with more arrogance in his tone than anyone Perseus had ever heard.

Perseus wanted to laugh at his current situation. He had always thought that the Universe itself was against him even if he was just wanting something to blame for his problems but now his old thoughts were confirmed if what Eternity said was true.

He was also slightly worried here he was Perseus Jackson the Wielder of a practically completed Infinity Gauntlet: a device that grants the Weirder a form of omnipotence and yet he was almost completely frozen in place by Eternity's power.

"Why is it you want the Infinity Stones? You should have a form of Omnipotence or at least be the most powerful being in the Universe considering you are supposedly the Universe itself." Questions Perseus.

(A/N Omnipotence can be described as a great power or a power beyond the power of any other being in the Universe. Omnipotence can also just be unlimited power.)

"Well, I thought maybe you would know this by now. You see Perseus there are more aspects like myself that makeup existence. For example, there is Death the living embodiment of Death. We aspects sometimes have meetings in times of threats that could cause us problems along with having meetings to settle problems between us." States Eternity taking a pause to let the information sink in.

"A long time ago during one of these meetings, we discussed the Infinity Stones and decided that we would not go after the Infinity Stones in order to stop possible problems between us." States Eternity taking a pause sensing that Perseus was catching on.

Perseus quickly catches on to where this was going. "You didn't answer my question why do you want the Infinity Stones?" Questions Perseus in a tone that said he already knew the answer.

Eternity smirks, happy that Perseus wasn't as slow as he had led his previous opponents to believe. "Well, my fellow aspects I was just looking around my vast self when I saw a lowly immortal about to put the Mind Stone inside their Infinity Gauntlet with the five other stones already placed inside." States Eternity taking a pause as if to let the other aspects take in the information.

"I knew that this being would cause nothing but trouble so I quickly acted and froze the immortal before they could place the stone in the gauntlet. I then took the Infinity Gauntlet along with the stones to make sure no one else would find the stones and use their power to cause any trouble." States Eternity in a mocking voice showing that he was enjoying his plan's current success.

Perseus sighs "Well I guess the only thing that I want to know is why did you use me in order to get the stones?" Questions Perseus hoping that Eternity was not the being or force who created the invisible strings that lead him to the Infinity Stones.

"Well, I don't know how you have gotten so far as to have all six of the Infinity Stones although I do know that it's not every day you see an immortal flying around and then floating in the same spot until an Infinity Stone zooms through space to end up falling out of the sky and into the immortal's hand." States Eternity.

Perseus was honestly happy to hear that Eternity was not the one who lead him to the Infinity Stones after all he didn't like being used.

During this entire conversation, Perseus was using a technique he had learned while training. The technique he had learned was how to temporarily split his mind in two where one side of his mind would focus on something and the other side would focus on something else.

When he uses the technique his mind does not really split in two but it does make it where one part of his mind focuses on something and the other part focuses on something else. To put it simply the technique is a very advanced form of multitasking.

While he was having the conversation with Eternity he used this technique in order to have one part of his mind keep up with the conversation while having the other part of his mind think of how to get out of his current situation. The part of his mind thinking about how to get out of the situation comes up with what Perseus thinks is a good idea.

The part of his mind thinking about how to get out of the situation remembers that the Power Stone allows the user to access all power and energy that has ever or will exist. This leads to the part of the mind thinking coming up with a theory on if the user of the Power Stone could temporarily restrict the access of someone or something's power and or energy.

Once the part of the mind thinking got done creating a possible way for himself to get out of the situation Perseus stops using the technique and continues on with the conversation.

"Well, I think it's best if we stop with the chitchat." States Perseus who was willing the Power Stone to restrict Eternity's access to his power and energy.

Immediately after Perseus willed the Power Stone to restrict Eternity's access to his power and energy Eternity feels what Perseus has done and he is beyond horrified. "What have you done!" Shouts Eternity in complete anger, rage, hate, and fear.

Perseus glances at Eternity while he proceeds to place the yellow stone or the Mind Stone into his Infinity Gauntlet. As soon as the stone is placed inside the Infinity Gauntlet he feels a rush of power confirming that the stone is indeed an Infinity Stone.

"So what will you do now?" Questions Eternity already having a feeling as to what Perseus will do.

"What will I do? I'm sure you already know." States Perseus as he wills the Power Stone to create a blast powerful enough to destroy a powerless Eternity.

"I'll see you in the afterlife Eternity!" Exclaims Perseus as he releases the blast of power while aiming at Eternity.

There is a bright flash of purple light as the blast of power hits Eternity straight in the chest. After the blast Eternity's figure quickly turns to ash and in the next second there is a bright white light that makes Perseus close his eyes and the Universe itself starts to shake. As soon as the Universe starts to shake Perseus feels a pain like no other surge through his body.

In less than a second later the Universe stops shaking and the pain Perseus was going through disappears. After the pain disappears Perseus feels as if he has an unlimited supply of energy and power he feels amazing: as if he were power itself.
What happened was something extraordinary something that can only be described as an act of the highest power.

Normally if someone was to end the existence of an aspect of existence they would become the new aspect of what the previous aspect represented. For example, if someone was to somehow kill Death they would become the new living embodiment of Death.

When Perseus released the blast of power and ended Eternity's existence he became the new living embodiment of the Universe but something else also happened that changed his very being. When he ended Eternity's existence and became the new living embodiment of the Universe his very being merged with the Infinity Stones.

When this happened Perseus became a being who is the living embodiment of the Universe but also is a being with the full power of the Infinity Stones. If Perseus was to only become the living embodiment of the Universe he would have became one of two beings who share the spot of being second only to the Infinity Stones and then third to the Creator.

With Perseus becoming the living embodiment of the Universe and merging with the Infinity Stones he has complete and total control of the soul, the mind, time, space, reality, and power. With all of this power and being the Universe itself, he is Omnipresent, and with all of this power, he also has the ability to be Omniscient. In truth with all of the power of the Infinity Stones, he has a form of Omnipotence.

As soon as Perseus realizes what has happened he looks at his appearance and is not very shocked to see that his body has took on the appearance of being made out of the Universe itself. However, he was happy to see that his appearance was more similar to the appearance of Chaos than the appearance of Eternity.

Before Perseus could decide what his next decision would be he feels a presence. A presence that makes him feel at complete and utter peace a presence that he believed could only belong to one being the true Creator. Not a second later the presence was gone so Perseus creates a portal to the location he felt the presence.

He then quickly walks through the portal and appears in his cabin at Camp Half-Blood. He looks around and on his bed is a letter he assumes to be a letter from the Creator. Feeling more nervous than he believed a being with a form of Omnipotence should be he slowly walks to the letter, picks up the letter, and reads the letter.


Dear Perseus,

As you have assumed I am the being who lead you to the Infinity Stones and merged your very being with the Infinity Stones. I am also the being who created everything that exists. The Infinity Stones had a direct link to my power. Now that you have merged with the Infinity Stones you have a direct link to my power.

This means that you have a form of Omnipotence since I allow you to use my power. What you do now is completely up to you whether you play the role of God or the Devil I do not care but if you show me disrespect the game is over. After all, like the mortals say what the Creator gives the Creator can take. Now I must be going Universes to create and all.

The Creator

P.S. For classification I have the form of Omnipotence with truly unlimited power. When I said you have a form of Omnipotence I mean you technically have access to unlimited power but you are not truly Omnipotent since you can not use my own power against me and I can restrict your access to my power with a single thought.

Perseus was not sure where he was going to go from here but there was a few things he was sure of. There is now no possible threat that could really threaten him or his family if he ever had to save them again. He was also sure that at this time he could do basically anything considering he has a form of Omnipotence and he has the Creator on his side.

Author's Note
So at this time and point, this story is completed. The first thing I would like to mention to my readers who like the idea of this story (Percy Jackson acquiring the Infinity Stones) is that I am sorry that I did not include Perseus really using the Infinity Stones or doing much other than just acquiring the Infinity Stones.

I know some of you may be happy with the story some of you may think that the story is okay and some of you will be disappointed. This is why I want to let my readers who like my current form of writing (mainly writing in 3rd Person) know that I will be making a story with the same idea but the story being extremely different.
I plan on the story having more action or usage of the Infinity Stones and overall being a completely different story.

When I first started publishing this story I was not really prepared for how it would go I was really just doing it for fun because of this I will most likely not start the next story for a while. I plan on writing 5 to 10 chapters before releasing anything so I can stay on a schedule and have a better-written story overall.

I also want to let my readers who might want to read this future story know that I will update this story once more to allow the people interested in the future story know that it has been released. The second to last thing I would like to go over is that making this story may take me even longer than what you may think because I might make another story before the future story.

The last thing I would like to go ever is that I plan to make a few Percy Jackson fanfiction stories before I make anything for other fandoms so if you are a Percy Jackson fan you may want to look out for some of my future stories. As of right now, that is everything regarding this story and my future stories so now all I want to say is thank you for all the support on this story.

P.S. I have had this chapter done for about a week and a half. The reason I didn't publish it earlier was that I didn't want to go out of my schedule and I wanted time to think about what new story I would make. I have already decided and I have decided to make the story that is similar to this story before I create anything else.

For any of you interested in the next story I have had a bit of extra time lately and because of this I have managed to finish two full chapters and I am working on the third. Remember I will not upload the new story until I have made at least five to ten chapters. I am doing this in order to go back to my schedule of updating once a week on every Friday.

If I wait until I have five to ten chapters I will be able to have a break from writing during the weeks I not feeling it and I will be able to make the chapters without needing to rush. In other words, if you are a reader interested in my next story fear not for you should not have to wait too long for me to upload it.

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