Spideypool One shots

By DutchVanDer

277K 5.3K 1.4K

Spideypool oneshots art isn't mine star the chapters you like, you don't star = i cant tell what u like or wa... More

A/N and some spideypool photos
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (smut)
Requested Chap
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

unused chapter ideas/spideypool photos

2.1K 36 16
By DutchVanDer

"Are, uhhh... Are you reading my mind right now?" Webs inquired slightly leaning his head to the right confused at my staring. "One thousand percent, but just to be safe say everything on your mind."

A/N First line is from Halo

       I had a tendency to stare at Webs. Sometimes he'd stare back, other times he'd just glance and then look away ignoring it from then on. It was amusing to watch him, he was just the type of guy to be overly expressive.

Even with a full suit on you could tell what he was feeling or thinking. I don't know if he's realized, but it's entertaining to say the least.

Even now, from his intense gaze at his phone to his swinging feet that hung off the edge of the building. It was just obvious. "What're you looking at?" His head quickly turned as if overjoyed merely by me asking.

"Dude, look at this!"


"Ready to get to work?" I asked Wade as I shot him a determined look. "No, I just followed you all the way here for the exercise." The mocking tone was so evident it was practically oozing off his words.



        "Webs, I never knew you'd have such a cute face. I mean I had my fantasies, believe me, but this is way better." I felt the blood flow to my face as the heat followed with it. The hand on my chin felt ice cold compared.


I still couldn't believe it. I mean had my fantasies, believe me, but this is way better. Webs hair had that type of look to it, as if he'd constantly run his hand through it.

I mean even his eyes looked kind, made me a bit jealous. He was a saint, always found a solution without murder. Seems tedious, I mean for me murder = solution, y'know? Even so

I wish I could be like him.

"What? Is there something on my face?" Webs asked moving his hand to rub off whatever was there. "No, but there is a huge morality stick up your ass." Pointing at his ass caused him to reply with a glare.


My hair hung as I was on the ceiling continuing to frantically walk to the floor only to come back to the ceiling. "What's up your ass today?" The question went through one ear and out the other to be honest, "Yeah."

      "What?" 'Man, I'm getting hungry' I sat criss cross on the ceiling trying my hardest to remember. Apparently too engrossed in thinking to realize my Spider senses went off as I got a pickle to the face.

      This thing had ketchup on it an all, which was the only way you could tell it was there as it slid off my face. Eyes glaring at Wade as he began laughing and pointing. "Great, yeah, get your laughs out."

       "Oh I am!"

       Pushing myself up as I hung eyeing Wade. "What does 'One ticket, no door different exit.' mean?" I was stumped, i'd been thinking about it all day. "You fighting the Riddler?? Isn't this the wrong universe?" The who?

"You were Batman this entire time, huh? I should've known..." Wade shook his head crossing his arms. Was he insane? Well, yeah, but who is this dude talking about? "

idk something

My eyes widened, following was that oh so great sensation of a 'click', when you finally piece something together. "idk!"


"Webs, maybe you should leave." Peters eyes widened as his brows furrowed too confused to be hurt but too understanding to be at ease. "Before I get too mean, and take it out on you." An irritated chill in his tone, eyes only meeting Peters before snapping to the man beside him. "And your 'best friend' too."

"Okay." If that was how it was going to be so be it, Peter wasn't some dog who'd sit and beg whilst his tail swayed. Though, it'd be a lie to say he didn't want to interrogate Wade on what he had done.

It'd also be a lie to say Peter didn't look like a kicked puppy who'd been thrown onto the street, only further aggravating Wade at his hearts reaction to such a sight.


A loud gunshot rang through the air as Peter turned around quickly from the door as well as his friend. Wade was profusely bleeding from the left of his chest, he had no doubt shot his heart yet that sickening feeling remained. "Webs stay, and you. Get out. Before I shoot you right between the eyes." The raised gun that followed practically screamed it wasn't an empty threat.

"Wade, the hell is your problem?!" Peter attempted to turn to his friend who seemingly disappeared from his original spot. "Webs, I'm sorry. I can't have you away from me if this is what you're going to do!" This? What was "this"?!

Tap tap tap

The unwavering sound of the gun coming in and out of contact with Wade's head was the only noise in the room to be heard. Yet for Peter, he could hear his heart beating loud and clear, seemingly bursting out of his chest.

"Just chill, dude." Peters hands flew up to his rescue as Wade now pointed his gun at Peter. "Webs,

One day! 24 hours, 1440 minutes, 86,400 seconds however you put it, it's just a day.

'More like the hardest day of my life.' I groaned feeling Wade continually shove his finger into my back. "Spidey~ Are you annoyed? If you're annoyed you can say!" I turned my head to him attempting to hide my glare.

"Then what, lose the bet?" I'm not losing $300 and my dignity. What is he, insane? "Is that.." the exaggeration of his gasp was even more annoying than usual. "A glare! Are you glaring at me, Petey?"

Rules of the bet: Any signs of annoyance from me = Loss of $300 plus whatever Wade says for a day. Failure for Wade = Loss of $600 plus whatever I say for a day.

My eyes widened obviously not innocent, "Whatttt??" I questioned shocked as I quickly turned my head to look anywhere else.

'Don't count it, don't count it, don't count it.'

"That's what I thought." The sigh of relief that left me most likely didn't help my whole "it wasn't a glare, swear." situation. The fact that bastard said that in such a cocky tone annoyed me as well, the time i'm supposed to not be annoyed i'm extra annoyed!

"So nothing annoys you, huh?" The amused tone in his voice had me a bit worried, "Yup." Captain America seemed to not pay any attention, c'mon man i'm serious like you!

Captain began walking causing me to hurriedly follow before tripping on Wade's foot. "Whoops." Catching myself I decided against a glare, serious time. "Accidents happen." I mumbled continuing to follow after Cap.

The entire day was like that, Wade continued to torment me! He dumped water on me, made me slip on mud, even caused me to get hit mid battle! All I could do was say it was alright! I was at my breaking point I wanted so bad to just get him back for even just one, but this was my first time meeting Cap good impressions, y'know?

"Are you all right?" I quickly nodded as Cap seemed unamused at the fact "I" had gotten myself locked in a room.

       "Alrighty, Petey! My ears are ringing but I am listening!" I just stared back confused at the thumbs up that followed, I hadn't even said anything.

       "So about those Spidey photos," I shuffled slightly away from him as he moved closer. I'm not getting near the guy who nearly shot his head off checking if his gun was loaded. "500$ for 'em final offer." That was your only offer.

       "Ok-." He groaned putting his hand up to his face. "Fine, fine. 1000$, but I'm tired of your bargaining tricks!" What? I knew Wade was odd from hanging out with him as Spidey, but even to normal people?

       "O..." I prolonged the 'o' to test if I could actually finish my words this time. "-Kay." The slam on the counter rang as if he had just won the lotto causing me to "sneeze" to cover my smile.

I grabbed the photos from my backpack as he stared eagerly. "Here." The speed at which he grabbed them made me worry they'd rip, I mean it's not easy getting good photos of yourself.

Webs face looked slightly put-off, he didn't know I knew it was him. All it took was a hand over the top half of his face and hearing his voice to figure it out. "1000, plus you get to hang out with me." Webs seemed pretty calm- oh, never mind his eyes are huge now!

       "That wasn't apart of the deal." Webs had absolutely no idea how to hide his facial expressions, as if I didn't see him smile earlier. "It is now, you're welcome!"
       'Peter,' I held my side in a pitiful attempt to stop the blood from gushing out. I felt so defeated recalling MJs words. 'You're going to die doing this!' Tripping over my own footing, how pathetic. In all truth I wanted to cry.

       Not because I was hurt, nor because I fled a fight. 'You're going to die in that stupid costume!' I wanted to cry because... MJ was right.

      There was no denying it, it wasn't an uncommon occurrence i'd find myself in these situations, bloody, injured, defeated. I wasn't the strongest super-hero in the world, but I did all I could. It just never feels like enough.

       My head hung low, the only noise to accompany my labored breathing being the cars driving by. "It's Spider-Man!" I groaned in response to the little voice, if a kid sees me like this... "No, that's a fraud! Can you say fraud?"

      I pulled my head up slightly hearing the voice, just in time to see Wade holding his cut off hand using it as a pointer. My eyes widened hearing the scream of the kid, "what the hell." The kid fled after that Wade the opposite closing the distance between us.

      "What super-hero activity is this? Dying next to the street?" I laughed in response, still disheartened. "I don't know if I can do it anymore, dude." I felt like a moth to a flame, each time danger struck I was there. Each time somebody needed help I was there. Each time, each time... Who is there to help me?

      "So what? You got beat up, you're going to quit? Webs I know always gets up." That's what everyone expects, why can't I just stay down for once. What if I'm tired of getting up each time. "I don't think I want to die like this."


       i'll just be adding onto this every time i have an idea but don't feel like finishing the whole thing. usually i just delete it. I had two more but deleted them a while ago after they had been left in unpublished for a week or two. Now i have the idea of this

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