The Girl with the Uninvited G...

Af CynthiaVarady

2K 358 250

A relics collector must uncover a family secret to solve a wizard's homicide before his apprentice's ghost dr... Mere

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 44

76 9 12
Af CynthiaVarady

"Ysabel was just a little kid when everything happened," Neema said. She, along with Mahogany and Evelina, sat around Tony's hospital bed. Guy stood near Tony's feet, his torso sprouting from the blankets where Mahogany's phone rested.

They had all made it out of the brownstone relatively unscathed. Ysabel had hit Tony with a marble rolling pin, knocking him unconscious. He'd sustained a concussion, but the doctors were optimistic there was no permanent damage.

Evelina's stint in the brownstone's bathroom had been uneventful yet claustrophobic. Ysabel had aimed a freezing spell at Evelina, but it had backfired onto the door, freezing it instead, trapping her inside. The ice had proved to be an excellent sound insulator, blocking her shouts from being heard by the rest of the house.

Fortunate for Tony and Evelina, they carried the vials of protection decoction Neema had given them. If they hadn't, Evelina would be a popsicle, and Tony wouldn't have survived the crack on the head.

The fall had broken Mahogany's coccyx, the treatment for which consisted of an inflatable donut and 800 milligrams of ibuprofen every six hours for the next two weeks. She knew her injuries would have been avoided if she'd worn her pentagram. Mahogany figured it was a small price to pay for Neema's safety, at least until she got the whole truth from the woman about her abduction, then Mahogany would decide whether to kill Neema herself.

After Guy's phone call had led to the capture and arrest of Ysabel, Neema had been released and ushered to the hospital.

"So, Aurora summoning a demon created a ripple her family never recovered from. That's so sad," Evelina said, brushing her golden hair behind her shoulders. "Imagine being so affected by the death of a loved one you brooded over it for two decades planning your revenge."

"How did she find you?" Tony asked. A massive bundle of white bandages encircled the crown of his head. Wires trailed out from under a blue hospital gown, where they attached to a series of beeping machines that measured his vital signs.

"Do you remember the article in Popular Potions that came out a couple of months ago?" Neema said. "It featured a picture of me in front of the Haughty Hemlock. Since it's a local publication, I didn't think anything of it at the time, but one made its way to Ohio where Magic Mike found it."

"He recognized you after all these years?" Mahogany said. She shifted on her donut, and her bruised tail bone gave a dull ache.

Evelina shook her head. "I've seen those magazines in airports, ferry terminals, and even train stations. If someone grabbed and read it as they traveled, who knows where it could have ended up."

Neema nodded. "Mike and Thaddeus had kept in touch for years under heavy magical encryption. When Mike found me, he told Thaddeus he needed to come clean. All the years of hiding had exhausted him. Thaddeus tried to dissuade him, but once Mike made up his mind, there was no changing it."

"After you were arrested, we spoke to Euryale across the street. She watched you leave the night of the murders. You were at the brownstone with me," Mahogany said.

Neema nodded. "I was supposed to meet Mike in the park at one o'clock, but he didn't show. I knew I got a bad feeling, so I went to the house. When I saw you go inside with Bazgul, I knew something horrible had happened."

"You knew he was dead because I was there," Mahogany said.

Neema nodded, raising her eyes to look at Mahogany.

"Why didn't you say something to me?" Mahogany asked, folding her arms over her chest.

"Say what? I was just out for a middle-of-the-night stroll?" Neema shook her head. "If I had known Magic Mike had been murdered and the culprit was still there, I would never have let you go inside. I saw you and Bazgul get out right before the police arrived, so I ran."

"Why were you meeting Magic Mike in the middle of the night?" Evelina said.

"It was about the binding he was placing on Guy. Mike needed another wizard to make it official," Neema said. "A witness."

"Who was Mike binding Guy to?" Mahogany asked, peering at Guy.

"He didn't tell me," Neema said. "He didn't say much about it at all. Typical Mike."

"Why not have Thaddeus be a witness?" Tony said.

"Thaddeus was against Mike engaging in any spells that could bring notice to him or us." Neema gestured to herself and Mahogany. "The Guild frowns on unsanctioned bindings."

"Stupid human question time again." Tony raised his hand. "Why would a binding do that?"

"Because it was a one-sided binding," Neema said. She pushed her hair back behind her ears. She'd dyed it the morning she was arrested, erasing the budding white streak from the front. "The person Guy was bound to didn't know about the binding."

Mahogany looked at the ceiling. Wizards were so irritating. She was glad she'd never met Mike. Mahogany sensed they wouldn't have gotten along.

"So Magic Mike bound Guy to someone without their permission or consent?" Mahogany said, still looking at the ceiling.

"Yes," Neema said.

"What does that mean, exactly?" Tony said.

Neema turned to him and spoke. "Usually, when a binding is performed, it is for the protection of the bindee. A binding works better if both parties are privy to the arrangement. However, it's not unheard of for someone to be bound to an infant, who can't consent if that infant is in magical danger."

"Like the princess in the Sleeping Beauty legend. The fairies grant her wishes in the fairytale version, but in reality, they bound themselves to protect her, and you can see how well that worked. She still pricked her finger and slept for 100 years. Their fatal flaw was having a prince's kiss wake her. I mean, how patriarchal," Evelina said, the disapproval tangible in her tone.

"But Mike performed the binding without a witness, which means he knew he was in danger and couldn't risk waiting," Mahogany said. She leveled her gaze at the ghost. "Guy, you're sure you don't remember anything about the binding? A name? Something?"

Guy shook his head. "As I said before, the binding had something to do with the woods or a forest. Or was it cold weather? Snow, or maybe it was sleet? Dying from blunt force trauma messes with memory. I remember Mike mentioning being afraid that we could be in danger if I knew the person's identity."

"Maybe that's why you're still here, Guy. The binding is keeping you from crossing over," Tony said, gesturing to Mahogany's phone, which lay at the foot of the hospital bed. She had called Evelina's and turned the speaker function on, which allowed everyone to hear Guy.

"That's a possibility," Guy's voice drifted out of Mahogany's phone.

"He should have crossed over right when his murder was solved," Evelina said.

"Do bindings last after death?" Mahogany frowned at Neema. "Shouldn't death break a binding?"

"It's rare," Neema said. "However, hauntings are rare unto themselves, yet, it's possible that a firm binding may have trapped Guy here until he completes his mission."

"But we don't know what his mission is," Evelina said.

Neema sat back in her chair and let out a long breath.

Mahogany eyed the older woman. "You just figured something out, didn't you."

"My last name is Frost, and I named you Mahogany as a form of protection," Neema started. "When I took you, I gave you my name. My true name."

"I thought you named me Mahogany because of the color of my skin," Mahogany said, holding up a dark arm for inspection.

"Please," Neema said, scoffing. "Did you believe that? I would never do something so insensitive."

Mahogany blinked at Neema. She had believed Neema's story. "But why protect me?" She fingered her pentagram.

"Maybe to keep you safe from Ysabel Kingsley?" Evelina said, shrugging her shoulders. "The woman was obliviously obsessed. Maybe she figured hurting you was as good as hurting Neema?"

Neema nodded. An expression of relief glided over her features for a brief moment, then vanished. "Mike didn't want any innocent people getting hurt."

"But you're safe now," Tony said. "Ysabel is behind bars, probably for the rest of her life. So why is Guy still here?"

The doctor walked in then, ending their speculative conversation.

"I'm sure he'll cross over soon," Neema said. She pushed her chair back and got to her feet. "We should let you rest, Tony. A knock on the head like yours shouldn't be taken lightly. Come on, ladies. You can come back tomorrow." She left the room and headed for the elevators.

"When are you going to tell her?" Thaddeus asked. His spectral form floated next to Neema as she exited Tony's hospital room.

"When I have to," Neema said.

"She'll find out on her own eventually. And when she does, she's going to be upset," Thaddeus said.

Neema nodded. "I'll tell her before that happens. But first, I must find out what other danger lurks out there."

"That mist that killed me. I've seen it before," Thaddeus said.

Neema nodded again. "Aurora."

"Is it possible Aurora's demon is still out there, trying to get revenge on us?" Thaddeus said. His ghost flickered and faded for a moment before solidifying.

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out," Neema said. "Your time is near. Please send my love to Mike, Kassandra, and James."

"I will," Thaddeus said, and he vanished.


Across town in her sparse apartment, Detective Sawyer clutched the phone in her hand. "Thank you for returning my call, Professor Hume. So, is the anelace authentic?"

"Yes, yes," came a deep male voice over the phone. "14th-century England, to be exact. It's a beautiful relic. Where did you say you found it?"

"It was used in a murder. So it's over 700 years old. Is it possible that whoever crafted the dagger left their fingerprint in the blade would still be visible today?" Detective Sawyer studied a photo of the anelace.

"Oh, uh, that's terrible," Hume sputtered. "Most castings took place in sand, and fingerprints don't last in that environment. It's possible with clay molds, but having it visible hundreds of years later is unlikely. It should have been polished off in the blacksmith's final sharpening or worn off through use.".

"Thank you, professor. I appreciate your time. Oh, one more thing," Detective Sawyer said, "Do you have any colleagues who might be able to help me with a chemistry issue? Freezing, to be exact?"

"Yes, I know someone who might be perfect. I'll get them in touch."

They hung up, and Sawyer brought the photo of the jeweled anlace close to her face.

She'd run the fingerprint from the blade through CODIS, but no match had returned until she ran the fingerprints found at the library after Priscilla Wembley's murder. A single print on the desk was precisely the one embedded in the anelace's blade. How could a fingerprint made in the 1300s match one left today? She'd run the print a dozen times, and the results had been the same.

The detective placed the photo in a folder labeled Pandemonium and then dropped it into a side drawer of her desk, locking it. Ever since she'd transferred to this odd little town in Oregon, something had been off, but she couldn't place her finger on precisely what it was.


"We'll see you tomorrow," Evelina said and squeezed Tony's hand. "Guy, say goodbye before I take my phone."

"Rest well," came Guy's voice over the phone's speaker.

"Thank you, Guy. If you haven't crossed over before I get out, I hope I get to see you one day."

"That would be nice," Guy said.

Evelina picked up her phone and turned to Mahogany. "When are you going to ask him out?" she said from the corner of her mouth.

Mahogany's cheeks colored. She peered past Evelina to Tony. The doctor had his full attention.

"What are you talking about?" Mahogany hissed. "I thought you two were a thing?"

Evelina snorted. "Not likely. I like my lovers with more breasts and less penis."

Mahogany gazed at Evelina, her mouth agape.

"I mean, I've made a few exceptions in the past, but he has to be magical if you know what I mean." Evelina shrugged.

"Thanks, doctor," Tony said, and the doctor headed to finish her rounds.

Evelina gave Tony a final wave and headed for the door.

"When will you tell them the mirror's spell worked?" Guy asked, now that only Mahogany could hear him.

Mahogany gave Guy a fleeting look and got to her feet with a groan. "I'll be walking for a while. I can't imagine riding the Vespa. Having a broken butt is the worst."

Tony laughed. "I beg to differ. Having a broken head is the worst." He pointed to the heavy bandages.

"Point taken," Mahogany said. "See you tomorrow." She grabbed her donut cushion and phone before starting for the door.

"Major rain check on the ice cream outing," Tony said. "When I get out of here, let's go for real. You still need to tell me about old Ralph Evens and your horrible dating experience."

Mahogany smiled. "It's a date."


A/N: You did it! You finished my book, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to hang out with Mahogany, Evelina, Guy, Tony, Bazgul, and Neema.

If you feel this ending is all too sudden, fear not, gentle reader. Our bumbling sleuths will be back in another book, The Girl and the Clock Tower Murder. 

Stay tuned for updates as I polish the manuscript with some well-placed edits. Here are some questions to ponder while you wait for the next book:

*Will Tony and Mahogany get together?

*What's up with Bazgul and his strange shifting?

*Did Mahogany, a human, actually do magic at the brownstone to reveal the murderer, or was it something else?

*What other secrets are Neema harboring about Mahogany's past?

I can't wait to share all the answers with you!

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