Naruto: soldier of 141

By Kedarcriticalgod

114K 1.4K 431

Every since he was born our little blonde has been neglected by his parents for his sisters who are Naruko an... More

Chapter one: the night it all started
Chapter Two:Training Part One and Secrets Revealed
Chapter three: Training Part 2 and Flight
Chapter Four: Training Part 3
Chapter Five: Training Final Part: Weapons Training
Chapter six: First Mission
Chapter Seven: Time To Get Nuclear.
Chapter Eight: Promotion
Chapter Nine: Team Bonding.
Chapter Ten: Unexpected Occurrences
Chapter Eleven: Unexpected Occurrences Part 2
Chapter Twelve: After Match
Chapter Thirteen: Meeting The General.
Chapter Fourteen: Bounty
Chapter Fifteen: Arrival
Chapter Sixteen: A Brothers Love.
Chapter Seventeen: Test Run
Chapter Eighteen: Mother-son Time.
Chapter Nineteen: Capture.
Chapter Twenty: Recovery Part 1 of 2
Chapter Twenty-one: Recovery Part 2 of 2
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three: A-10's of fun
Chapter Twenty-four: Kushina
Chapter Twenty-five: Crazy?
Chapter Twenty-seven: Recovery
Chapter Twenty-eight: Limit reached.
Chapter Twenty-nine: Let's go hunt.
Chapter Thirty: Search and Rescue
Chapter Thirty-one: Naruto-Sensei
Chapter Thirty-two: Real Training And Warning ⚠️
Chapter Thirty-three.
Chapter Thirty-Four: Close Air Support.
Chapter Thirty-five: An echo in the wind (Part 1)
Chapter Thirty-Six: Echo in the wind (Pt 2 )
Chapter Thirty-seven: New Life
Chapter Thirty-eight: Tear a new one
Chapter Thirty-Nine- We love you too
Chapter Forty: Commander
Chapter Forty-One: Under Attack
Chapter Forty-two: Back From The Dead
Chapter Forty-Three: Back Home
Chapter Forty-Four: Meeting
Chapter Forty-Five: Team Test
Chapter Forty-Six: Being With Family again ❀
Chapter Forty-Seven: Why Should We
Chapter Forty-eight: Easy Day
Chapter Forty-nine: Bonding
Chapter Fifty: Arrival
Chapter Fifty-one: Why Stop?
Chapter Fifty-two: Two Man Team
Chapter Fifty-Three: Missing Sub Pt1
Chapter Fifty-Four: Missing Sub Pt2
Chapter Fifty-Five: Missing Sub Pt 3
Chapter Fifty-Six: Cigar Of Surprises
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Savior Or Not
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Movement On Hold
Chapter Fifty-Nine: What's My Type?
Chapter Sixty: One man Army
Chapter Sixty-one: Dear Kami Help!!
Chapter Sixty-Two: Screw it, Kami, Help me fuck these sluts
Chapther Sixty-Three: I want you Back
Chapter Sixty-Four: Air Demon
Chapter Sixty-Five: Final Mission
Chapter Sixty-Six: Road to Recovery.
Chapter Sixty-Seven: New Threat
Chapter Sixty-Eight: Leave No Alive
Chapter Sixty-Nine: No Messes with My Women
Chapter Seventy: My Son
Chapter Seventy-One: The Ghost Within
Chapter Seventy-Two: The Red Raven (Part 1)
Chapter Seventy-Three: The Red Raven (Part2)
Seventy-Four: The Red Raven (Part 3 )/The Beast
Chapter Seventy-five: Always the Bad Guy

Chapter Twenty-six: Under Attack

1.2K 14 1
By Kedarcriticalgod


Kushina: I-I-I I just w-w wanted to help.

Naruto just smiled sadly at her before talking again.

Naruto: You've helped enough, I understand I am still your son but I am not the baby or little boy anymore who would cry himself at night, alone all because he didn't get his mother's attention.

She got up and ran over to him as she hugged him from behind, wanting the pain in her heart to stop, she still didn't know what happened to him on a daily basis when he was younger and hearing that he cried himself to sleep when he was younger just made her heart break and all because of her.

Kushina: I am sorry, I didn't want to bring back any pain, I was.....

Naruto: You were trying to help, I understand, but you could have asked me how I felt first before ambushing me like this.

She looked down in shame at his words as it is true, she could of simply asked him and didn't need to get the other involved.


His phone and Sheila's, buzzed at the same time, making them take it out, they look at but didn't have anytime to explain as an explosion went off in the village, making them go on the alert as they all rushed out to see a lot of fires and rockets being fired from a helicopter above.


There was people running around screaming and begging for it to stop while the ninjas tried to defend their home and the civilians but were not successful in it.

Naruto: Kaa-chan go get my gun, it's on the counter in the kitchen!

He yelled and the woman instantly nodded as she went to the kitchen and back with his weapon, he took it away from her and out of the holster it was in as he checked the mag.

Naruto: Okay, this seems to be a invasion.

Mikoto: What, who is doing this?

She asked.

Naruto: My guess, Hades, he seems to want to show his power.

Sheila: Well he has done that, base said they are pin down by a lot of foot mobiles, we are the only ones able to fight.

Naruto: This seems to be getting better, three of us, three hand guns and four, full mags each. Let's go kick some ass.

He said with a smile as the two other women just laughed as they got their weapons ready.

Kushina: Naruko-chan and Narumi, my clone brought them to the academy, they could be hurt!!

She yelled totally freaking out about the thought of her girls being injured.

Santos: Seems like we have to take a detour before going to base than.

Naruto: Yeah we do, it's just kids and chunnin level ninjas there, let's move, you guys stay here.

Kurenai: What, why are we staying back, we can help, we are all Jonins here.

She and the other two ninja women nodded their heads in agreement, Naruto just sighed as he looked at his mother and Santos.

Naruto: Your the highest in command mom, this decision lays on you.

He told her and she nodded.

Sheila: Find you can follow but listen to every thing that we say, no questions asked.

Three: Hai!

Naruto: Good, Santos, take point, mom, bring up the rear, I take the middle, you three stay between me and mom.

He told them and they all nodded they head and followed the orders being given, Santos in front, Naruto behind her, Mikoto, Kushina and Kurenai between him and Sheila who was at the back.

Santos: I got contacted, 1 o' clock, three targets.

She said getting on her knees as she pointed her gun.

Naruto: Get down on your knee and stay behind me!

He told the three ninja who nodded and followed his instructions.

Naruto: I got the one in the middle.

Sheila: Target right mine

Santos: I got the one left.

Naruto: All targets confirmed, drop them.

He said.


The three emeny bodies dropped to the floor lifeless as blood pool around them. Naruto got up as he went over to the bodies and took the three AK's that they had with them.

Naruto: Guess we are going with AK's now.

He said, handing the Commander and the Sargent two of the three automatic weapons, they both took and holstered their hand guns.

Sheila: We are trained to adopt and overcome, not like I haven't used one before.

Naruto: Says the one who has years of experience.

He said sarcastically at her and Santos laughed a bit at his statement.

Santos: What about ammo, we only have pistol mags and last time I check, AK's uses 7.62 x 39mm.

Naruto: They do but I didn't find any mags on their bodies, we have to conserve, only shoot what you can hit, let's move.

Sheila&Santos: Roger.

They then went back into formation and to the academy with ease, once they reached the gates they saw the teachers lined up with their hands on their hands and on their knees turning to the wall while some of the emeny had guns pointed at them.

Santos: Is this...

Naruto: A execution, yes and in front of the kids too, let's move we don't have time to waste, I am not letting kids watch their teachers die.

They nodded as the three ninjas women were scared out of their minds at the scene in front of them.

Mikoto: This is..

Kushina: Horrifying.

Kurenai: scary.

They said, Naruto turned back to them and sighed, he knew what a scene like this could do to anyone.

Naruto: Here, take this.

He said, handing his hand gun to his mother, she looked at it and back at him, before taking it.

Naruto: We are going to trust you to stay here and watch our backs while we get the kids, think you can handle that?

Kushina: I can, go, go save them.

She said and he nodded as he checked his gun and nodded at the women in front.

Naruto: Breach on me, check your shots, remember we have kids here.

Santos: Got you.

Sheila: I understand.

Naruto: Good........... Santos knock.

She then kicked down the gate at the academy as they filed in and aimed their guns at the still stun emeny and shoot.


Five shots for five targets, but there was six, the sixth men had grabbed a woman out of the line and had his gun pointed at her hand as they all aimed their guns at him.

Santos: I don't got a shot.

Sheila: No shot here neither.

Naruto: Drop the weapon, you are out man and out gun, let's not do this man.

He tried to negotiate as he took a step forward but the man only held his gun firm and had the barrel at her head.

Man: Stay back or she dies.

He said frantical as his eyes were roaming all over the place trying to find a exit.

Naruto: Okay, calm down, miss what's your name?

He asked the hostage.

Hitomi: I am Hitomi Hyuga.

She said calmly but on the inside she was freaking out.

Naruto: Okay, I am Naruto Uzumaki, right now I am going to need you to stay calm, Okay.

Hitomi: Okay, I will try Uzumaki-San.

Naruto: Okay, now you drop the weapon and get on your knees now!

He yelled at the man who looked at the window to his left to see the kids looking out of it and smiled, he took the gun off Hitomi and point it at the kids.

Man: If you don't back off I am going to kill everyone of them.

He said and their eyes widen, Hitomi looking at where he pointed, saw her eldest daughter was at the window.

Hitomi: No!

She yelled as she stepped on his foot, making him yelp as he throw her on the gun but made the mistake as the three fired two rounds each into him, his lifeless body dropped to the floor with a thud while the gun feel with a clang.

Naruto went forward and kicked the gun away from his grip as he went to Hitomi.

Naruto: Are you okay ma'am?

He asked as he had his hand extended to help her up, she accepted it and got up as she dusts herself off.

Hitomi: I am fine Uzumaki-San, thank you for saving them.

Naruto: No problem ma'am, now let's get you check out for injuries, my partner will take you.

He said and handed the woman off to Santos as he and his mother freed the teachers as the kids ran out the building and to their teachers.

Kids: Sensei!!!!

They all yelled and piled on their classroom Sensei making Naruto chuckle before he and Sheila spotted his sisters who were running to them, turning the safeties on, on their gun, they went down a knee and open their hands as Naruko ran into Sheila's arms and Narumi into Naruto's.

Narumi&Naruko: Nii-san/Auntie!!

They yelled respectively at the person they were hugging.

Sheila: Hey you two, are you guys hurt anywhere?

She asked, like the Careful aunt she is, they both grin and shook their heads no.

Naruto: Good, now turn around, I think someone wants to see you.

He told them and they turned to see their mother and she dropped the gun in her hands as she ran to them and they did also.

Naruto got up and walked past the hugging mother and daughters as he picked up his gun and holstered it. He looked around and saw that Mikoto was also hugging a black haired boy, who he assumed was her son.


He heard as he went into his phone and saw a message from price.

Price:"where the hell are you, we are having a hard time fighting here and your father is here as well, he is helping with some others but it's not enough, get your ass over here, now!!!!"

The message said and he turned off the phone and pocketed it as he looked at his mother and Santos.

Naruto: We have to move, base is getting pin down.

He told them and went over to the dead bodies as he looted mags and grenades from them.

Naruto: Here, two mags each, make them count, we are going to get base out of their situation.

Sheila: Okay, let's move than.

She said and they nodded as they traveled to the gate but was stopped by Kushina.

Kushina: Wait, where are you going, you can't leave, you will die, don't you here that?

She asked, talking about the multiple gun shots and explosions happening.

Naruto: Got no choice, our base is under attack and our family is getting over run, if we have the change to help we are going to, they need us and we are not abandoning them, just stay here and used those chains of yours to keep the emeny at bay.

Kushina: But I haven't used them in a long while and I can't do that if I am worrying about you, I just got you back Naruto, I don't want to lose you now.

She said, coming up to him as she hugged him. He sighed and hugged back as he talked.

Naruto: You are not losing me Kaa-chan, I do this for a living, I am fine, I am able to protect myself, you don't need to worry, just stay here and protect them, here.

He said and handed her a radio, she took it and looked at him.

Naruto: I will keep in contact until this thing is over and you can hear what's happening with us, just keep it and protect them, you will always be my strong tomato that I love.

He said and hugged her as he got a kiss on the cheek for it.

Kushina: Stay alive and Don't die, you hear me?

Naruto: I hear you, now I have to go.

He said and broke the hug as he went to his three man team and they both nodded at him as they ran off to the direction of the base.

Kushina: Stay alive.

She whispered again as she gripped her green over all.


Gun shots after gun shots were what you can here from the base, as the emeny forces out numbered the base to two-to-one but the base wasn't going down without a fire as the Humvees machine guns weer working double time alone with the gun forces as they dropped any and everyone who had intentions on harming the base.

Minato and the shinobi council were there as well fighting along side them but with their own way as they fired jutsu after jutsu at them, Tsume and Choza were the only ones allowed to get up front and personal with them since they were fast with striking and they specialize in taijutsu, so it was easy for them while the others used their jutsu arsenal on them.

Price: Emlay, shift right, shift right!!!

He yelled at the machine gunner, who followed his order as he shifted his fire to the right side and light up the emeny pushing on the right side.

Price: Lenihan, take that chopper out already!!

Lenihan: Roger that sir, chopper coming down.

He said.


The lock on and fire of the the missile from it's launcher was what was heard as the next thing you knew was the helicopter was on fire, going down, creating a explosion where it landed.

Price: Nice work Lenihan, Roach shift front, shift front!!

He yelled at the second machine gunner who followed orders and shifted front and open fire on the emeny.

Price: Where the hell are they?

He asked and asked and you shall receive as Naruto, Sheila and Santos just walked into the base as they took the emeny from behind and opened fire on them, pushing them into a trap as they didn't know which they should fire at.

Naruto: Mom go right, Santos left, kill them all!,

They both nodded as they followed their orders and went on the offensive as they open up in them, Naruto took a grenade out, pulled the pin and throw it at a group of five as it went off and they were blasted up in the air screaming then dead when they laid, shrapnel from the grenade killing them.

Santos was on the left opening fire on the emeny in front her as she took out a grenade as well and pulled the pin as she throw it at a group of 5 and the same thing happened with Naruto, as she went back to firing.

Sheila was on her knees on the right behind cover as she had the hottest side but never the less was taking care of it, she wasn't a commander for anything, taking out two grenades, she pulled the pins and throw them, causing two explosion as bodies and body parts were thrown by the blast as she went out of cover and was shooting as well.

Minato was surprised to see his son here with his mother and girlfriend, he along with the council that was with him, were shocked as well as they saw what three people just did when they just came into the fight, a lot of the emeny had die and a lot more where going to as the teams were now on their best, going on the offensive now since the emeny was distracted.

By 5 minutes later, the last man fell with a bullet in his head, Curtis of Naruto.

Price: Cease fire!!!

He yelled and they stopped firing, holding up his weapon, he walked over to where Naruto and the rest were.

Price: boy, I am happy to see you kid.

He said, patting his head while Naruto just slap his hand off.

Naruto: No time for that, more people are in trouble, let's armor up and stock up and move out.

He said, giving out orders to his team and they nodded and went into the base as the rest followed, Naruto was going to go in behind them but was stopped by his father.

Minato: Nice job Naruto.

He said and Naruto just scoff as he went into the base.

Naruto: Are you guys not coming, whether you like it or not, you guys are apart of this team, you fought with us so let's fight again, follow me.

He told them as he looked back, they all looked at him and at each other as they nodded, this was their home too and they were going to defend it. They followed him in the armory as they were shown how to put on the armor and what weapons they were to use and how to use them.

Once they were fully ready they went into the mission room where they saw Sheila, with a screen behind her showing all the activities at the village.

Sheila: As you can all see, we are under attack and they are going full force, so are we. With the help of the council, we are going to take back this village and kill anyone who dares try and stop us, Understood?

Soliders: Yes ma'am.

Ninjas: Hai!

Sheila: good, now, since the council will be new to the weaponry they have, I want Demon squad to be partner with them, they know this village better than us and will be a great help.

Demon Dogs: Yes ma'am.

Ninjas: Hai!

Sheila: Okay, Naruto I want you and Minato to find a sniper position and provide cover fire and overwatch with a barret.

She said and Naruto's eyes widen, they did that in two things, one he was surprised and happy that he got used a barret one of his favorite snipers, and the other reason why cause he has to be with his father, but he suck it up as he had a job to do and he didn't want his personal feelings to get in the way.

Minato: I understand commander Sheila.

He said and she nodded.

Sheila: Okay move out, I will be here to direct you to were you go.

All: Yes ma'am!

They yelled and they walked out the room, Naruto went back into the armory as he took out the barret m82 (see picture of this chapter for reference) and some ammo, he went outside and meet with his team, who were with the council.

Naruto: You guys good?

He asked them and they nodded.

Naruto: Okay, move out and give it your best.

Demon Dogs: Yes boss!

They said and he walked away to his father who was smiling but he glared slightly at the man but stopped as he sighed.

Naruto: Let's go to the stone faces for a better position.

He told him and he nodded as he grabbed his shoulder and they disappeared in a yellow flash and reappeared back on top of the first hokage's head. He set up the gun on the edge of the head as he went on his stomach as he let the stock rest on his shoulder while the barrel was keeping up by bipod on the gun as he look down the scope.

Naruto: Go into my bag and get me a mag in it.

He told him and he nodded as he went into the bag and took out one of the mags in the bag and looked at the rounds in it, it is as big as his hand and as a red and silver tip, he handed it to him as Naruto put it into his gun.

Minato: What kind of rounds are does?

He asked, never seeing rounds like those.

Naruto: They are 50 cal, armor piercing incendiary tracer rounds or APIT for short.

He told him as he dragged the slider of the gun back and let it go as it slides forward, loading one of the rounds in.

Minato: What do they do?

He asked and Naruto just smiled.

Minato: Get on the floor like me and grab binoculars and call out some targets and I will show you.

He said with a deadly grin that made him realized that his son was really into this stuff, deciding to do what he was said to do, he got down on his stomach and look out threw the binoculars at the village.

Minato: I have a target.

He said, not knowing what to saw or do after that.

Naruto: Call out the range and what direction their are in, please man just do one thing right in your life.

He groaned while Minato put his head down in shame, was this what his son real things of him, as a failure of a father, it was enough to make him want to cry but he buried it and went back through the binoculars and used the numbers and coordinates it was giving him.

Minato: Target direction, east, 500 yards, two targets walking.

He said and Naruto found them with ease.

Naruto: Here, put them on, or you are going to be deaf the rest of your life, not that I care anymore.

He said handing him a ear muff, Minato had took it and also decided to let his last comment go, he deserves more than what he was getting right now, it just still hurts to hear his son saying it.

Naruto: Forget spotted, range 500 yards, preparing to fire.


Was all you hear from the monument as two .50cal APIT rounds flew from the barrel and down range to their targets, a thing Minato notice about the round was that when fired it gave off a red light, like it was a way to track it, he also notice the small explosion that came after it made contact with it's target, leaving one man headless and the other with a big hole in his chest.

Naruto: Next target, move fast.

He told him as Minato got over his shock and looked back down range and found the council members engaging in a fight with demon squad.

Minato: Direction north, Demon squad and the council members in contact, 700 yards.

Naruto followed his direction and indeed found his squad and the council members in contact, he saw they were handling themselves well but decided to help a bit.


Four rounds, for four targets, whose bodies dropped on the ground lifeless, it made the council members look confused as to what happened until they heard Naruto's voice.

Naruto(over radio): Decided to lend a hand, you guys are clear for about 400 yards, keep up the good work.

Santos(over radio): you know we always will, thanks for the hand, over.

Naruto(over radio): That's my girl, keep fighting.

He told her over the radio as she blushed a bit at that but still keep her straight face as she went on the radio.

Santos(over radio): You do know this is a public channel right?

Naruto(over radio): Of course I know, I just love it when you get flustered my princess.

He said, looking at her flustered face through his scope.

Price(over radio): Already love birds, focus on the mission.

Naruto(over radio): Roger that fun killer, going back to work now, oh, watch the alleyway.


Naruto(over radio): Never mind, all taken care of, you are clear, shift movement to the academy to your east, I got a mass of foot mobiles going their, remember, kids are there so check your shots.

Price(over radio): Roger that, moving now

Naruto then moved his scope to the academy where he sees his mother fighting off the emeny with her chains at a distance.

Naruto: That's my Tomato, keeping fighting, I'll help.

He said and found targets getting too close to them.


Five rounds down range as he watch them leave holes and severed bodies from the emeny, he took a mag out of his bag and reloaded his gun as he went back downrange and opened fire on the emeny, who dares tries to attack his mother, once he was finished he got on the radio.

Naruto(over radio): Saw you could use some help Kaa-chan, look to the monument.

He told her and she did just that and saw the glare from his scope and she smile and wave.

Naruto(over radio): Press the button on the side and you will talk.

She did as instructed and they could all hear her voice.

Kushina(over radio): Thanks for the save, do you see anymore coming?

Naruto(over radio): Nope pop's took out the last of them, he will be coming shortly to escort you to safety with the kids, how are the others holding up?

Kushina(over radio): find, they are protecting the kids from seeing me rip body parts off people

Naruto(over radio): Sounds interesting, but I have to get back to work or grumpy will have my ass.

Price(over radio): Heard that

Naruto(over radio): You are supposed to, take a left and go 300 yards and then a right and you will be there, I am trusting you to get them to safety old man.

Price(over radio): I am not old yet and stop talking and shoot, I can still hear shoots at the northern entrance.

He said and naruto directed his scope to there and saw a lot of emeny moving in, but also saw his Baa-chan and uncles fighting them off.

Naruto: Seems like Baa-chan could used some help, let's go.

He said and got up as he did a few handsigns, handsigns that Minato knows all too well.

Naruto: Kuchiyose no Jutsu

A 50 feet tall slug appeared under him as the smoke was blown away to reveal Katsuyu.

Katsuyu: Naruto-sama, what's going on?

She asked, her question was answered when she heard the multiple gun shots, from her time when Naruto summoned her in the field, she could tell when he is in trouble from when he is not and what is what.

Naruto: Katsuyu-chan, I want you to split up and do a search and rescue, get anyone out and to the hospital.

Katsuyu nodded her head as she split into multiple pieces and slither off to go find and rescue anyone who is alive or needs help.

Tsunade was enjoying herself as she ripped another head off a man's body and let it fall out her hands, these bastards don't stand a chance against her and her teammates. A tiny slug appeared on her shoulder making her stop as she re-grouped with Jariyia and Orachimaru.

Katsuyu: Tsunade-sama, Naruto-sama has started a search and rescue with me a few seconds ago, I think the hospital might need your help, my fragments are picking up a lot of injured civilians and ninjas alike.

She said to the woman who just tch, at this rate she might have to leave and go help, she knew Naruto couldn't since he is busy with all this.

Tsunade: How severe are the wounds?

Katsuyu: A few are life threatening and a few are non life threatening, along with some minor scratches and open wounds, my fragments are doing the best they can to stabilize them, it is going good but I don't want to take a lot of Naruto-sama's chakra.

She explained and Tsunade nodded, getting a little bit of what is happening, seems her nephew was getting good with Katsuyu, even better than her.

Tsunade: Well just ask him Katsuyu and use it, I can't leave here or I might have more troops moving in.

She told the slug as they both looked forward to see three emeny rushing their position with their guns up and aiming at them.


All three fell lifeless on the floor with giant holes in their chest, it was almost shocking with how big the hole was, you could fit your whole head in it.

Katsuyu: That is Naruto-sama, he is looking at you guys from the monument with Minato-sama, he's been giving support for the teams on the ground and eliminating emeny foot mobiles in the village.

Tsunade: That's reassuring, thank him for me.

Katsuyu: already did, he said a few more targets are left and he will deal with them, said you should go to the hospital and he will meet you there.

The slug fragment said to her and disappeared, Tsunade just smiled before looking at her teammates.

Tsunade: Heard that boys, Naru-chan is giving orders now, let's move, I can use your help at the hospital.

She said to the two of the and they nodded and followed her, all the while heard few gun shots from the hokage monument, figuring it was Naruto, cleaning up the place, which it was.


The End of this chapter

Hope you like it 👍

See you soon and sorry if this was late, a lot of things have been happening lately and I don't have the time to be here. ✌🚶‍♂️✌🚶‍♂️

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