Giant Girlfriend

By Zycoptl

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Mark Robinson has a girlfriend but she is not just any girl, she is a giant. More

Chapter 1. The Arrival.
Chapter 2. To the foothills.
Chapter 3. The chase.
Chapter 4. The lesson.
Chapter 5. Deception
Chapter 7. The truth come out.
Chapter 8. Time to Humuliate.
Chapter 9. Meeting the family.
Chapter 10. Giantesscon
Chapter 11. Learning a lesson.
Chapter 12. To the forest.
Chapter 13. Betrayal
Chapter 14. Kayla helps.
Chapter 15. Makenna takes care of business.
Chapter 16. Kayla crushes them.

Chapter 6. Taking action in Wellington.

228 1 0
By Zycoptl

Dereck was quite excited as he sat there on Kayla Kirk's left shoulder as she was walking across the countryside on her way to Wellington. Dereck looked around and he then looked up the left side of Kayla's face. Looking around there was enough room for at least anouther two people there beside him. Dereck was also excited as to what would happen to Lacey Barton a girl who had rejected him. Dereck being very proud did not tolerate being rejected. Dereck then said, "Kayla, what are you going to do to Lacey Barton?" Kayla replied, "For what she did to you Mark, I'm going to treat her like garbage. She won't get away with what she did to my boyfriend." Dereck smiled and he chuckled to himself.

Chuck dropped off Leah and Tiffany at a coffee shop downtown and Leah and Tiffany got out and went into the coffee shop. Ordering something both girls sat down and Leah took out her cell and checked her social media. "Oh gosh, look at this. My friend Joyce posted this. She lives about 15 miles outside of Wellington on a farm." Leah showed Tiffany the video footage Joyce had posted, it showed Kayla walking past her farm. Tiffany said, "Kayla is coming to Wellington." Leah replied, "Yeah. I'm wondering if that is Dereck disguised as Mark or if that is really Mark on her left shoulder." Tiffany replied, "That's a good question. Hey, I will text Dereck and ask him." Tiffany took out her cell and sent a text to Dereck.

Dereck replied in a minute saying, 'It's me. I'm on Kayla's shoulder and we are heading to Wellington. Boy oh, boy will Lacey get it. Kayla will roll her up like used garbage. haha ha.' Both Leah and Tiffany read the text. Leah said, "We have to warn Lacey. I don't care how much Dereck hates her. Who knows what lies he told Kayla, and who knows what Kayla will do to Lacey." Tiffany replied, "I know. She is 87 feet tall and at that size, she can easily hurt or crush Lacey. I'm calling Lacey and telling her what is happening." Tiffany called up Lacey and Lacey answered and Tiffany got up and headed outside to talk to her. Leah sat there drinking her coffee. A couple of minutes later Tiffany returned and said, "I told Lacey. She is going to leave the city. Her dad's friend is a train engineer and the train is set to leave in 20 minutes so she is catching a ride. I doubt Kayla will be looking for her on a train." Both girls then went outside.

Kayla Kirk was coming upon the city of Wellington. She was walking along the right side of the highway and as she entered the city limits she slowed down her walk a bit and she entered the city of Wellington. Kayla continued her walk into the city and down below several cars had turned around and were heading away from her.

   Kayla was walking more into the city and just up ahead to her right she saw a long Condo complex that was 6 stories high. She headed to it to her it was only a few steps and as she arrived she looked over the roof into the front courtyard of the Condo Complex. The top of the Condo Complex reached the cusp of her breasts. Kayla looking over the building and into the courtyard saw several people. Some people who saw her screamed and began to run. As the people in the courtyard looked up over the roof of their Condo they saw a giant girl. Kayla looking around spoke and her thunderous voice just thundered, "Lacey Barton. Come out. I want to talk to you. You are probably inside." Kayla took a step back and as she did she heard a loud shout.

She looked into the courtyard saw a girl standing there. The girl shouted up. "IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR LACEY BARTON, SHE IS NOT HERE. SHE LEFT ABOUT AN HOUR AGO." Kayla replied, "Where did she go? I need to talk to her about something. Can you tell me where she is?" The girl shouted up. "YES, I CAN. HER DAD'S FRIEND IS A TRAIN ENGINEER AND A TRAIN IS LEAVING SOON. THEY ARE HAULING GRAIN EAST OF HERE." Kayla smiled and thanked her. She headed away from the area. "Alright, my tiny Mark hold on cause we are about to catch a train." Kayla then headed across the city towards the east side of the city which where the large industrial side was where the trains came in.

Tiffany and Leah were outside and they could see Kayla in the distance as she was walking through the city. Kayla towered over most of the buildings as all the tall buildings were in the downtown part of the city. Leah said, "Look there she is. Hey looks like she is heading towards the east side." Tiffany replied, "Yeah you are right, hold on I just got a text." Tiffany read the text, "Oh no. Heck no." "What is it," replied Leah. Tiffany continued, "That was my older brother. He lives in that Condo on the south side the same Condo that Lacey lives in. Brittany the loud mouth girl told Kayla where Lacey is. I have to call her." Tiffany called up Lacey..."Hey Lacey, it's Tiff. Hey, are you guys heading out of the city?..... Good, cause Kayla knows where you are, if you can step on it do so, or if you can get off the train do so and hide.....Alright, talk to you later." Tiffany said, "I talked to her they just are heading out of the city, and her dad's friend said that he is going to take the train past full speed. She said that they are pulling 35 boxcars."

  Kayla arrived at the grain elevator area and as she looked down the track she saw the train in the distance. Lacey looking out and back saw Kayla standing there and she said, "She is back there." Her dad's friend Lanny said, "Hold on Lacey, we have left the city limits. I'm going to take the train up to as fast as it will go." Lanny pushed the lever and the train began to accelerate speed. Lacey saw the gauge and it was going up 40 miles per hour then it was 45 mph then it was up to 50 mph and increasing. Kayla then headed after the train and she began to run after the train and Dereck held on. Kayla Kirk was running after the train and even though the train had a head start Kayla was catching up. Lacey ran outside onto the balcony and looking back she saw Kayla catching up and she shouted, "LANNY SHE IS COMING UPON US." Lanny had put the train into full gear and the train was now up to 80mph.    

    The train headed away from Wellington at 80 mph and Kayla Kirk was running after it and she was coming upon it quite fast considering her running speed was 150 mph. Kayla came upon the train and she passed the last boxcar. Kayla reached down and she grabbed the top of the second last boxcar and she grabbed it and held on. The train screeched as she held onto the boxcar and the train began to decrease speed real fast. In the locomotive, both Lanny and Lacey went forwards as Kayla Kirk slowed the train right down and she brought the train to a stop.  Lanny hit the gear the locomotive's engines spun, the wheels on the track spun and the train was going nowhere. Lanny stopped the train and got out of his seat and he went to Lacey who was getting up. Kayla then headed up along the side of the train and she reached the locomotive.

Lanny looking out saw Kayla's left foot land then her right foot and Lacey had gotten up. Lanny taking Lacey by the hand went across the train and Kayla got down on her right knee she leaned down and she looked in and saw the two of them. "There you are you bitch." When Lacey saw Kayla's gigantic angry face and heard her speak her heart just began to beat faster. Kayla straightened up a bit and she grabbed the train and she lifted it. As she lifted the locomotive Lanny and Lacey had gone out the other end and they jumped down as Kayla lifted the locomotive into the air. As she lifted the locomotive the boxcars attached to the locomotive were lifted too and the lead box car's attachment snapped and the boxcars fell to the ground. Lanny and Lacey both watched as Kayla lifted the locomotive into the air. Lanny grabbed Lacey by the arm and said, "Run run as fast as you can." Lacey began to run as fast as she could and Lanny was following her. Dereck looking down from Kayla's left shoulder saw Lacey down below running away and also the train engineer said, "Look Kayla there she is there is Lacey." Kayla too saw Lacey and still holding the locomotive at chest level Kayla spoke, "Lacey. I'm going to get you for what you did to my boyfriend Mark Robinson." Lacey hearing Kayla's thunderous voice sure got scared.

Kayla then just tossed the locomotive aside and as it hit the ground the ground trembled. Kayla then headed after Lacey. Lacey could feel the trembling of the ground under her feet and Lacey's knees and legs began to tremble and she fell over. Kayla's right foot landed next to her. Kayla reached down and she grabbed Lacey wrapping her fingers around her completely. Kayla lifted Lacey into the air up to her face. Lacey screamed as she looked into Kayla's angry face as Kayla looked at her with an angry look.   As Lacey looked into Kayla's giant angry face a look that almost caused Lacey to faint. Kalya bared her teeth and she exhaled and as she did Lacey's hair was blown back. Kayla spoke and as she did her thunderous voice sure hurt Lacey's ears. "How dare you hurt my boyfriend? Who the hell do you think you are? I can easily end your life here once and for all." Lacey had to clasp her ears as Kayla spoke.

Lacey shouted, "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? I DON'T KNOW YOUR BOYFRIEND." Kayla then began to blow onto Lacey and as she did Lacey's hair was blown straight back and Lacey was unable to breathe as Kayla was blowing onto her. Kayla stopped blowing and she lowered Lacey down to her side and she headed back into Wellington. As Kayla headed back into the city she was holding Lacey at her side and Lacey was looking at Kayla's right thigh. As Lacey turned her head to her left she was looking up at Kayla's right side and as she looked to her left she was looking towards the ground. Lacey let out a scream and Kayla ignored her as she entered Wellington and began to walk through the city. 

  Dereck was enjoying what was happening. He stood up on Kayla's left shoulder and he decided to take advantage of the situation. Dereck disguised as Mark shouted as he was standing there on Kayla's left shoulder. "RUN RUN YOU TINY MICE RUN. THIS IS MY GIRLFRIEND KAYLA KIRK A 87 FOOT TALL GIANT WOMAN. KAYLA KIRK WILL CRUSH ANYONE WHO HAS HURT ME OR MY FAMILY." Kayla as she was walking through the city her massive 87-foot form towered over most of the buildings. Dereck then decided to take action as he was all rilled up. "Kayla I would like you to do something for me." Kayla replied, "Sure thing Mark. What is it?"   "There are two girls, the ones you met earlier. Leah and Tiffany. They are at a coffee shop this morning at Greater Cups Coffee shop. Can you head there and just loudly say their name and that you are coming." Kayla replied, "I guess I can." Kayla stopped and she looked in the direction of the coffee shop.

Lean and Tiffany were out watching Kayla, they watched as Kayla stopped and she was looking in their direction. Then they heard Kayla's voice. "LEAH AND TIFFANY, I KNOW WHERE YOU ARE. I AM COMING FOR YOU." Even though Kayla was a good 3 blocks away both girls heard her voice, Kayla, then headed towards the coffee shop and as she did both Leah and Tiffany took off running. Kayla then said, "So Mark what do you have in mind next. What do you want me to do with Leah and Tiffany, want me to scare them." Dereck disguised as Mark was now so excited that he was unable to contain himself. Dereck said, "I want you to rip off Lacey's right arm and do it slowly. Then I want you to break both Leah's and Tiffany's legs and make sure that they will never walk again YEAH YEAH." Kayla slowed down a bit and she wondered what was going on with Mark.

Kayla stopped and said, "Mark. You are acting strange. What's going on? You would never ask me to do something like that, you would not even think of doing something like that. Mark, I'm not going to hurt or cripple anyone for you, I am not like that. I will scare anyone but hurt or maim or cripple no." Kayla then put Lacey onto the roof of a 5 story building and she let her go. Dereck shouted, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU BITCH? I TOLD YOU TO RIP OFF HER RIGHT ARM." Kayla then grabbed Dereck and she brought him before her face and said, "What the hell is wrong with you? What's going on Mark? Are you on drugs? Well, I think it's time to head back to your place, but before we head there I'm going to stop at your parent's place and get your parents to talk sense into you." Dereck shouted as Kayla was speaking.

Kayla lowered Dereck disguised as Mark and she put him into a lower pocket she had on her blouse as she put Dereck in there he slid down into the pocket. Kayla then headed across Wellington and as she left Wellington she picked up her walking speed. Dereck disguised as Mark realized that if she does stop at Mark's parents' place she will find out for sure what he had done. Dereck disguised as Mark shouted up but Kayla ignored him.

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