Encanto's fire

By What_lurks_in_mind

15.1K 505 33

(Y/n) is a 15 year old, who has suffered a lot throughout his life. So much, that the Universe felt he had de... More

A Vision
The Boy In The Vision
The Encanto
Chameleons And Confessions
A Phoenix's Past Life
A Lovley Night
Not A Morning Person
A Fiery Feeling
She Really Does Hear Everything
An Akward Lunch
Late Night Cuddles
A Braid Full Of Worry
Bittersweet Desert
A Family Apart
A Family Apart (II)

The Family Madrigal

1.3K 42 2
By What_lurks_in_mind

(Y/n) took a bite of his arepa, as his eyes widened again. His bruises, cuts, wounds and cracked bones healing before his eyes. He looked at julietta, who only chuckled at the stars seemingly forming in his eyes. "I thought I was the only one." He whispered loud enough for her to hear. "Espera un segundo, what do you mean 'You thought you where the only one'?" "I said that out loud?" He asked. Julietta just gave him a look that told him, if he didn't tell her what that meant she would bug him about it for eternety. "OK fine." He finally said. "I was given a 'gift' when I was, I dunno, five or six. I don't quite remember." He said, using air quotes when saying 'gift'. "Why do you say gift so mockingly?" She asked worried. "I don't really wanna talk about it." (Y/n) said looking in his lap. " It's okay, you don't have too." He gave her a thankful look, and smiled at her. "Hey, I know something that'll cheer you up." She said suddenly. "What is it?" "Well, I'm not the only one in this familia that has a gift!" (Y/n) looked up at her, stars returning into his eyes. "First of, I don't speak Spanish. Second of, really?!" He said standing up from the bed. Julietta only nodded, went to the door and motioned for him to come along.
He ran after her, as she opened the door and walked outside.
"Everybody, he's awake!" She yelled, making (Y/n) flinch a little. After a while, everybody came rushing in to see if he was ok. When they saw he was up and healthy they all took a collective breath of air, and started asking him questions. (Y/n) answered them as best as he could, until alma said something. "You know (Y/n), you are a very nice young man. If you want you can stay with us, until we can build you a house to live in." He could only stare at her kindness, and started nodding his head so hard he might as well have gotten a concussion. "Thank you so much Mrs Madrigal, you don't know how much this means to me." He smiled at her, and she could only smile back. "But I have a question..." he started, sheepishly looking off to the side. "Julietta said that you guys have gifts, and I wanted to ask if you could tell me what those are." Everybody looked around, silently agreeing on something, when alma spoke up again. "Of course we can show you our gifts." He smiled again, and patiently waited for them to start. "Well everybody, let's show him what we got!" Mirabel said excitedly as they started. "You already know my mom's gift, so tiá pepa can affect the weather with her emotions." She explained. "Is that why I heard thundering?" (Y/n) asked. "You heard that?" Pepa said now a little embarrassed. "Ah, yeah. But don't worry, it's fine." He said reassuringly. "My tió bruno, can look into the future. That's how we knew you where here in the first place." Bruno looked up at the mention of his name, now kind of flustered at the attention he was getting. "Well I guess I should thank you. Who knows where I would be if you weren't there." (Y/n) said thanking him. "Oh, no no. It's OK, you don't have to thank me." He said waving his hands. (Y/n) getting the hint, just nodded and motioned mirabel to move on. "Then there's my prima dolores, she can hear pretty much everything." Mirable said, putting an emphasis on 'everything' with a hand motion. "So you heard me fart, when I was walking out the door." (Y/n) asked embarrassed. "Yes I did. It was quit loud actually." Dolores added a little 'hm' at the end of her answer, making (Y/n) turn red from embarrassment. "Continuing!" Antonio chimed in, interrupting the awkward silence. "I can talk to animals." He said proudly. "Really, I've always kinda wanted to talk to animal. I often only had them as company." (Y/n) whispered the last part, aware that Dolores probably hear him. "And next we have, Camilo." Mirabel said pointing at him. "Hello, I'm camilo, and I." He paused, turning into a replica of (Y/n). "Can shapeshift!" He finished, turning back into himself. "Honestly, that's the coolest one." (Y/n) said, making camilo smile proudly. "If you want, 'the coolest one' can show you around town?" Camilo asked in a joking manner. "Sure, I'd love to." (Y/n) said, chuckling a little. Camilo only smiled wider, and if you looked hard enough, you could see the slight red brushing his cheeks.

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