Fixing the Future

By hollyb84

517K 16.2K 3.5K

Alyssa Granger lost a lot during the war and so when her and Luna Lovegood are thrown back in time, it may ju... More

War is Raging
Aren't you dead?
First Lesson
Patronus times three
Blacks Back Together
Sorting Memories
Detentions and gossip


4.1K 159 77
By hollyb84

Moaning Myrtle was shown moaning and crying, Lockhart, Ron, Alyssa, and Harry appearing in the bathroom. She noticed them in her bathroom.
'Oh, who's there? Oh, hello, Harry. What do you want?'
'To ask you how you died.'

'Well that was outright.' Regulus commented.

'Oh, it was dreadful. It happened right here in this very cubicle. I'd hidden because Olive Hornby was teasing me about my glasses. I was crying...and then I heard somebody come in.'
'Who was it, Myrtle?'
'I don't know. I was distraught! But they said something funny, a kind of made-up language, and I realized it was a boy speaking, so I unlocked the door to tell him to go away, and...I died.'
'Just like that?'

'That's horrible.' Alice frowned, 'poor Myrtle.'

'I just remember seeing a pair of great, big, yellow eyes...over there by that sink.'

Alice looked on in sympathy as the others looked uneasy.

She floated away and Harry checked out the sink. He twisted the faucet knob, no water coming out of it, he looked closer, finding and tracing an engraving of a snake.
'This is it. This is it, Ron, Lyss. I think this is the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets.'

'Finally!' Sirius exclaimed leaning forwards in anticipation. Evan frowned,
'I have a bad feeling about this.'
'Does anyone else find it kind of weird that Salazar Slytherin created the entrance to the chamber of secrets in the girls bathroom?' Lily asked with a slight frown.
'He was probably a pervert.' Marlene added in disgust.

'Say something. Harry, say something in Parseltongue.'

Harry focused on the sink, specifically the snake engraving, as he hissed.
'Open up.'

Peter shuddered,
'I'm still not used to that.'
'You and me both.' Frank nodded.

Rumbling was heard, the top of the sink cluster rising, the sinks separating and spreading out, the one special sink lowering to the ground, a grate sliding over it, revealing a giant hole.

Everyone watched memorized.
'I guess that explains why no one found it.' Remus commented, 'it's rather ingenious really, I mean, who would of noticed that tiny engraving, and even if they did, they wouldn't be able to get in without speaking parseltongue.'

Lockhart looked down the hole, breathing a sigh of some relief.
'Excellent, Harry. Ah, good work. Well, then, I'll just be... There's no need for me to stay.'
Lockhart tried to leave, but the three Gryffindors blocked him.

'Yes! Keep that lying bastard there!' James yelled.

'Oh, yes, there is. You first.'
'Now, boys, girl, what good will it do?'
'Better you than us.'
'Besides, if you leave now, I'll expose you as a fraud...actually, never mind, I'll do that regardless. Think of it this way, if you go down then you can write a book about an adventure you've actually been on- that or you'll get seriously hurt. But hey! Collateral damage.'
'Me getting fatally injured wouldn't be collateral damage!'
'Your right, it wouldn't be damage at all.'
'Why you little-'
'Lyss! Now go on Lockhart.'

Marlene high fived Alyssa with a grin.

Lockhart turned around, bracing his arms on the sides.
'Sure you don't want to test it first?'
Ron then jabbed Lockhart with his wand, pushing him in, Lockhart yelling all the way down.

James and Sirius laughed loudly.

'It's really quite filthy down here.'
'All right. Let's go.'
'Oh, Harry? If you die down there, you're welcome to share my toilet.'
'Uh... Thanks, Myrtle.'

'Aw! The ghost has a crush on him.'

Alyssa smirked at Harry who gave an annoyed look back. Harry jumped in, then Alyssa, then Ron. Harry and Ron screamed loudly whilst Alyssa laughed, all three of them having a rough landing on small animal skeletons. They pointed their wands at Lockhart, before looking down at their feet.

'That's disgusting!'
'Did you really just jump down a hole with no way to get back out again?' Lily asked in disbelief.
'This is why you need Hermione.' Remus added with a nod.

'Now, remember, any sign of movement, close your eyes straight away.'
'Go on.'

Harry and Alyssa walked through the opening first, Lockhart following them at wandpoint and Ron coming up the rear. Harry stopped, trying to figure out which direction they should go.
'This way.'

Harry rushed forward to examine a snake skin on the ground, Alyssa following him and wrinkling her noise up at the sight.
'What's this?'
'It looks like a...snake.'
'It's a snakeskin.'
'Bloody hell. Whatever shed this must be 60 feet long. Or more.'

'Great Merlin.' Andy breathed in shock.
'I think that's the sign to turn back.' Barty added.

Lockhart proceeded to "faint", the three Gryffindors exchanging exasperated looks.

There were lots of eye rolls.
'What a coward.'
'It's a literal snake skin, not a snake you wuss.' 

'Are you kidding me?'
'Heart of a lion, this one.'
Lockhart then jumped up, grabbing Ron's wand and pointing it at the three.

They all looked shocked and angry.
'How dare he!'

'The adventure ends here, boys and girl, but don't fret. The world will know our story. How I was too late to save the girl, how you three tragically lost your minds at the sight of her mangled body. So... You first, Mr. Potter. Say goodbye to your memories.'
'HARRY!' Ron yelled.

'Isn't Ron's wand broken?' Bella asked.

Lockhart was sent flying backwards, bumping harshly into the lower ceiling of the cave.


It started rumbling, rocks falling down.


Ron fell back with Lockhart, getting separated from Alyssa and Harry.
They ran and dived, Harry covering Alyssa's body with his to protect her, as Ron was forced to back up.

'Aw that was sweet of Harry!'
'Saved my skin. Get it? Because, snake skin!' Alyssa snickered.
'Yeah...Sweetie, that's not funny.' Marlene patted Alyssa on the back as she frowned at the insult.

He coughed from the dust and dirt flying through the air, looking at the pile of rocks nervously and fearfully.

The two of them got up and ran to the rock wall.

Everyone breathed sighs of relief at seeing that the two of them were alright.

'Harry, Alyssa?'
'Ron! Are you okay?'
'I'm fine.'
'Hey, I think over lost my wand.' Alyssa exclaimed in panic.
'Wait, I think I see it. Yep, got it Lyss.' Ron yelled back.
'Great, now I'm wandless.' She sighed.

'That's really not good.' Pandora frowned.

Lockhart sat up groaning.
'Hello. Who are you?'
'Um...Ron Weasley.'
'Really? And uh...who, who am I?'
'Lockhart's memory charm backfired! He hasn't got a clue who he is!'

'Karma's a bitch.' Marlene grinned.

'It's an odd sort of place, this, isn't it? Do you live here?'


Ron then used the rock he took from Lockhart and hit him on the back of his head, knocking him out.
'What do I do now?'
'You wait here and try and shift some of this rock so we can get back through. We'll go and find Ginny.'

'I really landed on the wrong side of the rocks.' Alyssa grumbled under her breath.

'Okay. Be careful guys.'
'Aren't we always. That's why we're in the sewers trying to find a murderous basilisk.'

Harry then took out his wands and stopped shortly after, visible was a round, metal door with seven metal snakes on it.

'What is that?'
'The entrance to the chamber of secrets I'm guessing.'
Evan said at Frank's comment.

Harry walked closer, standing right in front of the door.
Each snake head moved back with a clank, one whole snake slithering around the whole door making Alyssa jump back slightly.

'Okay you've gotta admit, that's cool' Barty exclaimed.

The door opened, Harry moved forward, wand in hand, followed shortly after by Alyssa. They climbed down a small ladder, walking forward and passing a great statue of a snakes head, they stood facing away, the whole chamber of secrets visible.

Everyone's jaws dropped in shock and awe.
'Dadah! The chamber of secrets folks!' Alyssa presented.

They walked down the Chamber, looking forward before stopping, eyes wide. Ginny was shown, laying unconscious.

'Great Salazar.' Cissa said in horror.
'Is she...' Evan trailed off, not wanted to finish his sentence although the end was implied.

'Oh my god.'

They rushed forwards, dropping next to Ginny, Harry dropping his wand.


'Ginny. Oh, Ginny, please don't be dead. Wake up, wake up.'
'Gin? Hey, come on Ginny.'

Tom Riddle walked out of the shadows.

'What's he doing here?' Lily frowned.
'Some one needs to tell me what moisturiser he's using cos he hasn't aged a day in 50 years.' Marlene added.

'I thought you said he glowed down? It looked more like he just didn't glow.' Sirius commented.

'Please wake up.'
'She won't wake.'

They both looked to him, Harry frowning and looking confused whilst Alyssa scowled. Tom Riddle began to walk toward them.
'Tom. Tom Riddle. What do you mean she won't wake? She's not...?'
'She's still alive, but only just.'

'And you haven't aged in 50 years. I want your secret.' Alyssa said, her voice suspicious, verging on sarcastic.
'Are you a ghost of something?'
'A memory preserved in a diary for 50 years.'

'How is that even possible?!' Regulus frowned, 'I don't trust him one bit.

'That's possible?'
'Never mind that! Harry, we need to get Ginny out of here.'

Everyone narrowed their eyes at seeing Tom pick up Harry's wand. 
'Suspicious.' James emphasised.
'Get out of there.' Andy urged.

'You've got to help us, Tom. There's a basilisk.'
'It won't come until it's called.'
'And you know this how?'

This caused everyone to look even more suspicious.

Harry looked up at him suspiciously and saw his wand in his hands.
'Give me my wand, Tom.'
'You won't be needing it.'
'Did you miss the memo about the basilisk, or...?'
'Tom...I said...Give. Me. My. Wand...Now.'
'Come on! We've got to go. We've got to save her.'
'I'm afraid I can't do that, Harry. You see, as poor Ginny grows weaker, I grow stronger. Yes, Harry, it was Ginny Weasley who opened the Chamber of Secrets.'

'WHAT?!' Evan yelled.
'Um okay, plot twist!' Sirius said in disbelief.
'But she looked so sweet and innocent.'
'I'm sorry, did no one else pick up on the fact that once again, he ignored me and only talked to Harry. Dick.' Alyssa scoffed.
'Ah yes, because that's the shocking thing right now.' Regulus said sarcastically.

'No. She couldn't. She wouldn't.'
'Your a liar. Why would we believe you?'
'It was Ginny who set the basilisk on the Mudbloods and Filch's cat. Ginny who wrote the threatening messages on the walls.'
'But why?'
'Because I told her to. You'll find I can be very persuasive.'

'Why'd he say that so weirdly.' James grimaced.

'Not that she knew what she was doing. She was, shall we say, in a kind of trance. Still, the power of the diary began to scare her, and she tried to dispose of it in the girls' bathroom, and then, who should find it but you? The very person I was most anxious to meet.'
'I found the diary too.' Alyssa said infuriated, 'are you even aware that I'm here?'

'Lyss, learn to shut your mouth.' Marlene sighed and Alyssa scowled.
'It's not my fault! It's that bastard who never pays me any attention. It's always "Harry, Harry, Harry"- why does everyone always want to kill Harry- I exist too y'know.'

'Why would he want to meet Harry?' Lily frowned, choosing to ignore Alyssa, 'this is really worrying me.'
Everyone looked on in suspense.

'And why did you want to meet me?'
'I knew I had to talk to you, meet you if I could, so I decided to show you my capture of that brainless oaf, Hagrid, to gain your trust.'
'Hagrid's my friend. And you framed him, didn't you?'
'Harry wouldn't trust some snitch just because they sold over our friend. None of us would.'
'It was my word against Hagrid's. Only Dumbledore seemed to think he was innocent.'
'I'll bet Dumbledore saw right through you.'
'He certainly kept an annoyingly close watch on me after that. I knew it wouldn't be safe to open the Chamber again while I was still at school, so I decided to leave behind a diary, preserving my 16-year-old self in its pages, so that one day, I would be able to lead another, to finish Salazar Slytherin's noble work.'

'I can't believe he's the heir of Slytherin.' Cissa shook her in shock.

'Well, you haven't finished it this time. In a few hours, the Mandrake draught will be ready, and everyone who was Petrified will be all right again.'
'Haven't I told you? Killing Mudbloods doesn't matter to me anymore.'

'Then what is?' James asked.

'For many months now, my new target has been you.'

'We'll that's not good.' Luna frowned.
'No shit.'

'How is it that a baby with no extraordinary magical talent was able to defeat the greatest wizard of all time? How did you escape with nothing but a scar on you while Lord Voldemort's powers were destroyed?'

'He's a little too curious for my liking.' Pandora muttered.
'And a little too obsessed with you-know-who.' Frank added.

'Why do you care how I escaped? Voldemort was after your time.'
'Voldemort is my past, present, and future.'

Tom then used Harry's wand to write in the air: Tom Marvolo Riddle. He waved the wand, the letters rearranging to spell: I am Lord Voldemort.

'Well shit.'
'I'm sorry WHAT?'
'That's you-know-who?!'
'How long d'ya think he sat rearranging the letters in his name in class to get that. I can only imagine how thrilled he was when he realise he could spell Lord.'
'Alyssa. What the hell is wrong with your head?' Barty asked.

'Okay but her points are valid.' James pointed out and Sirius nodded,
'I concede.'
'What?' Remus look in confusion.
'I concede.'
'That makes no sense.'
'Yes it does- I heard you say it one time Moony so if I am wrong then you were wrong first so it's your fault.'
'I've never said that Pads.'
'You said it the other day!'
'Lily said "I think I prefer the author Malorie something to Micheal something" and you said, "I concede."'
'Oh Merlin! I said "I concur" you idiot.'
'Yeah, no, that's what I just said.'
'Sure it was Pads, sure it was.'

'You were right about the glow down Lyss. Real shame.' Marlene sighed.

'You...You're the Heir of Slytherin. You're Voldemort.'
'You're Voldemort? The evil wizard guy?'
'Surely you didn't think I was going to keep my filthy Muggle father's name?'

'Did I hear that incorrectly or did he just say he's a half-blood?!' Evan gasped.
'The blood supremacist is a half-blood. What the-' Marlene scoffed.
'Are you actually kidding me right now?' Bella blinked in disbelief.
'What a hypocrite.' Lily rolled her eyes.

'Did I hear you wrong? The guy who preaches blood supremacy and killed people for not being pureblooded, is a half-blood himself. You hypocritical bastard.'

'I'm noticing a repetitive theme of you insulting him every time you meet.' Marlene laughed, 'and, might I add, I love it.'
'Just casually calling the most feared wizard of our time a "hypocritical bastard", okay then.' Regulus snorted in amusement.


'At least he finally acknowledged me,' Alyssa shrugged.

'No, I'd never use that name. Instead, I fashioned myself a new name...a name I knew wizards everywhere would one day fear to speak when I became the greatest sorcerer in the world.'

'Hence why we call him by his name. If you don't, your fuelling the fear and his ego.' Alyssa nodded.
'Huh. I never thought of it like that.' Xeno said.

'Albus Dumbledore is the greatest sorcerer in the world.'
'Dumbledore's been driven out of this castle by the mere memory of me.'
'He'll never be gone, not as long as those who remain are loyal to him.'

Most looked on in awe of his courage to stand up to him.

A bird's cry was heard, a red bird flying towards the three of them, carrying something in his talons.
Fawkes dropped what he was carrying to Harry, who caught it, and flew off. Harry unwrapped what he had to reveal the sorting hat.

'How is that going to help?' Alice asked.
'A hat? Are you kidding.' Severus stared in disbelief.
'Our of all the things? Why not a wand.' Lily scoffed in annoyance.

'So this is what Dumbledore sends his great defender and his little protégé? A songbird and an old hat.'
'Did he just- did you just call me Harry's protégé? Are you kidding me?'

Sirius and James laughed at her making her scowl in annoyance.

Riddle ignored her and turned to the statue of Salazar Slytherin, outstretching his hand.
'Speak to me, Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts four. Let's match the power of Lord Voldemort, Heir of Salazar Slytherin, against the famous Harry Potter.'

'We'll that doesn't sound good.' Peter gulped.
'And once again he ignored me.' Alyssa sighed under her breath.

Harry and Alyssa turned to look at the ever opening mouth of the Slytherin head statue. Shrieking and growling was heard, the very tip of the basilisk shown. Harry and Alyssa turned and ran as the basilisk continued to come out of the mouth of the statue, showing its size compared to Riddle.

Everyone's jaws dropped at its size and Sirius swore under his breath.
'You two had to go up against that thing?'
'Without looking?!' Lily added in horror.

'Kill them.'


'Parseltongue won't save you now, Potter. It only obeys me.'
The basilisk charged after them,
'Split up!' Harry yelled.
'No! That's how everyone gets killed in horror films! Harry? God I wish I could open my eyes right now.'

'DON'T OPEN YOUR EYES!' Remus yelled.

Harry ran down the length of the Chamber and Alyssa ran off to the side keeping her eyes squeezed shut.

'You're facing away from it, you can open your eyes!' Remus exclaimed.
'Make up your mind!' Alyssa yelled back.

The basilisk turned its head and went after Alyssa instead of Harry.

'Ah shit.' Regulus swore as Luna grabbed Alyssa's arm in worry and Marlene's and yes widened.

'Fine, kill the girl. But quickly, the Potter boy is your main target.' Riddle's voice cut through the chamber and Alyssa stopped dead.
'What? Is it chasing me? Don't chase me! I'm not the fucking chosen one.'

'I think in this situation, you should stay quiet.'
'You know what, Lupin. Where were you and your great advice when I was being chased by a bloody basilisk?'
'That's right! So zip it.'

Alyssa started running again and suddenly, she hit a stone pillar, causing her to fall to the floor with a groan.

'Shit that's not good.' Bella said with wide eyes.
'GET UP!' Remus yelled.
'I would of but, you see, my head got a little bit bumped, or didn't you notice?' Alyssa said in annoyance with a roll of her eyes.

She scrambled to her feet, clutching her head, her eyes still firmly shut. She froze at hearing hissing close to her. The basilisk slid to a stop a mere meter from her face. Alyssa gulped.

'Oh my god.' Lily gasped in horror.
'RUN!' Remus yelled.
'Why? So I can bang into another pillar? Or better yet, into the bloody serpent's mouth! Or did you forget that I can't see anything!' Alyssa yelled right back at him.

She raised her fists up in front of her as if to fight.

'Fat lot of good that's gonna do against a basilisk.'
'What was i meant to do?! I was panicking, okay.'

She started swinging punches, all of them missing wildly leaving the basilisk to pause and just stare at her.

'God I look like an idiot. Why did no one tell me how stupid I looked? And there I was thinking I looked amazing! What a let down.' Alyssa sighed. 'Even the basilisk is looking at me like I'm mad. What had my life come to?'

After many failed attempts, she swung another punch hitting him right on the nose.

'Pretty proud of that not gonna lie.' Alyssa shrugged in mock modesty.
'Uh and so you should be!' Marlene high fived her enthusiastically whilst Remus groaned.

'Wait! I felt scales! Did I hit you? Hah!'
The basilisk stopped dead at the punch and hissed violently before lurching forwards at her.

'We'll that not good.'
'No shit.'

Alyssa blocked it with another luckily aimed punch.

'Well that was lucky.' Sirius sighed.
'Lucky? Pu-lease, that was pure skill.' Alyssa retorted.

And the snake continued to attack her, Alyssa finally resorting to turning on her heels and running after realising her run of luck with her punches was over.

'Finally!' Remus yelled.
'Alright, let's stop with the attitude shall we.' Alyssa scoffed.

With her eyes still shut, she ran as fast as she could until she suddenly tripped on a loose stone, falling hard to the floor with a grunt of pain.

'Damn that looked painful.' Alice sighed and Alyssa nodded,
'It definitely was.'

She scrambled backwards until it was towering over her.

'Well that's not good.'
'Not good at all.'

Suddenly, a piece of rock hit it's head and it swivelled to face the direction it came from to see Harry standing there, another rock in hand and with his eyes shut, something which he hastily did once noticing the basilisk was turning towards him.

'YES SON!' James yelled supportively.

The basilisk flicked its tail, tripping Harry and sending him flying across the floor to land next to Alyssa.


'Harry? That you?'
'Yeah. Yeah it's me.'
'Really cutting a bit fine with the rescue, aren't we?'
'What? No "thank you" for stopping you getting eaten by a bloody snake?'
'Well you didn't really do much other than cause us both to be eaten. But thanks for prolonging my death i guess!'

'You're very pessimistic.' Lily said.
'I prefer realistic, but okay.' Alyssa shrugged.

'You don't know that!'
'God Harry, stop being such a "glass half full" sort of person.'
'Yeah well at least I'm not a "tip out the contents of the glass and smash it over someone's head" sort of person like you!'
'Well that was just uncalled for...'

'You are aware there's a snake inching closer and closer, right?' Regulus asked.

They froze at the sound of a violent hiss.
'That's why you don't shout Harry.'
'Oh dear Lord.'
'No, this is awful'
'Uh huh.'
'"Go to the chamber of secrets" they said, "it'll be fun" they said.'
'Um, who is this "they" you're referring to?'
'It's a metaphorical "they", duh.'
'Ah of course, I'm so stupid.'

'Once again. Giant basilisk.' Regulus continued.

'"Come on down to the chamber of secrets! We'll have a few laughs, get killed by a giant snake!"'
'No seriously they could come up with some great sales pitches for this place, "if the smell doesn't kill you, the basilisk will."'

'It really did stink down there.' Alyssa turned to the others, backing her former self up.
'If you don't shut up, the basilisk will definitely kill you.' Bella sighed.

'That's lovely, now back to the matter at hand, big snake, trying to kill us- ring any bells?'
'A few.'

They both turned to the basilisk, eyes still closed and gulped in sync. At the sound of another loud hiss, they put their hands up to cover their heads, accepting what was about to happen, when Fawkes flew out of nowhere and started attacking the basilisk's eyes.

'Go Fawkes!'

The two Gryffindors watched the shadows of the two, just to be safe.
'No! Your bird may have blinded the basilisk, but it can still hear you.'

Harry slowly got up, helping Alyssa to her feet after, cautiously walking backwards, when he stepped into a puddle, catching the basilisks attention.

Everyone watched closely, invested in what was happening. As Andy cursed silently at the noise.

'Split up?'
'Hard pass.'
'Thanks god.'
The Basilisk chased the two of them until they came upon a blocked route, the basilisk right in-front of them, it's giant fangs visible. Harry picked up a rock as big as his hand and passed it to Alyssa, miming for her to throw it and she nodded in understanding before she tossed it away, causing the basilisk to retreat and go down the pathway to the right.

Everyone sighed in relief as Evan asked,
'Why didn't he just throw the rock himself?'
'I guess Alyssa's the chaser so it would make sense if she had better aim.' Regulus replied, thinking logically.

They both ran through the left pathway, running straight to Ginny and ignoring Riddle.
'Yes, Potter. The process is nearly complete. In a few minutes, Ginny Weasley will be dead, and I will cease to be a memory. Lord Voldemort will return...very much alive.'

Right then, the basilisk shot out of the water, roaring.

'Well that's not good.' James gulped as Barty muttered.
'Oh, no!'

The basilisk flicked its tail, like it had done before, towards Harry but just before it hit him, Alyssa dived forwards, pushing him out the way and taking the blow. She was sent flying hard into the chamber wall and she fell to the floor unconscious.

'Shit.' Marlene swore loudly.
'Oh my God! We're you okay?' Lily asked.'
'I was a bit achey but okay.' Alyssa responded with a shrug.

'LYSS!' Harry yelled out in horror, he made to run to her before the basilisk slithered into his way, blocking his path.

A mystical sound was heard, drawing Harry's attention, a handle appearing in the sorting hat. He grabbed hold of it, pulling it out to reveal a short sword.

'Is that the sword of Gryffindor?' Peter asked in disbelief. Everyone's eyes widened at the realisation, not of them having noticed this small but key detail.
'Well spotted Pete.'
'I wonder how that happened.'
Peter flushed at the compliments from his fellow marauders, his face lighting up slightly.

He held it up, running and climbing up the statue, swinging the sword to fight off the basilisk. He continued to climb, hanging on as he kept his grip on the sword.

Everyone was silent with anticipation.

He pulled himself up and stood on top of the statue, both hands on the handle of the sword and he swung it back and forth trying to hit the basilisk. He was knocked down, rolling to the side, dropping the sword, which began to slide. He rushed forward, grabbed it, and jabbed it through the roof of its mouth, impaling the basilisk through its head. Harry then pulled out his arm, yelling in pain, taking a fang out of his arm.

'Merlin that's not good.'
'Basilisk fangs contain poison.'
Marlene, James and Lily all exclaimed in horror.

The basilisk swayed side to side before finally crashing to the floor dead, Riddle looking devastated and angry.

They all breathed sighs of relief, still, however, worried for Harry.

Harry walked back to Ginny, holding a fang and the sword. His face showed his grimace, grabbing his arm in pain.

'Oh God.'

He dropped the sword, stumbling to his knees, weak.
'Remarkable, isn't it, how quickly the venom of the basilisk penetrates the body? I'd guess you have little more than a minute to live. You'll be with your dear Mudblood mother soon, Harry.'

There was loud hisses of anger at this comment, most audibly from Marlene, Alice and James as Lily looked down.

Harry glared up at Riddle, reaching over and holding Ginny's hand.
'Funny...the damage a silly little book can do...especially in the hands of a silly, little girl.'

Harry took the book out of Ginny's grip, opening it.
'What are you doing?'
He grabbed the basilisk fang, looking at Riddle with the harshest glare as he lifted it up. Riddle looked shocked and frightened.
'Stop! No!'

'What's he doing?'
'And why's he doing it?'

Harry stabbed the book, ink sputtering out like blood. Riddle stopped as a hole formed in his chest. He raises the fang again and then stabbed the other side of the book, more ink flowing out, making a hole appear in Riddle's face as he screamed. He closed the book, as he held the fang up, one last time. Using all his strength, he stabbed the book, Riddle disintegrating into sparkles.

They all stared in horror, realising Harry was dying and shock at what just happened to Riddle.

Ginny immediately woke up and slowly sat up.
' was me. But I swear, I didn't mean to. Riddle made me, and...Harry, you're hurt.'
'Don't worry. Ginny, you need to get yourself out. Get Lyss, follow the Chamber, and you'll find Ron.'
'Alyssa? Alyssa's here?'
'She's hurt, you need to get her out of here too, okay?'

'He wants her to leave him?'
'Harry's too selfless for his own good.' Alyssa sighed, looking fondly at her best friend.

Fawkes cries were heard, the phoenix landing and walking up to Harry.
'You were brilliant, Fawkes. I just wasn't quick enough.'

Fawkes leant down to Harry's arm, letting its tears fall onto his wound, healing it right up.

They all sighed in relief, Lily and Alice wiping tearing from their faces and Evan doing the same but trying to hide it, Barty and Regulus grinning when they saw him.
'What? It was sad.'

Harry and Ginny got up and Harry gathered the hat, book, and reached for the sword, when it disappeared in the same manner of which it appeared. Harry looked confused as Ginny already started walking. Harry walked over to Alyssa, picking her up bridal style and carrying her with them.

They got to Ron, Ginny rushing to hug him, his face of relief at seeing his sister turning to one of horror at seeing Harry's cuts and bruises gracing his face and to one of even more intensified horror at seeing Alyssa's unconscious form in his arms.
'Lyss? What happened to her? Is she...'
'NO! No, god no.'
'Thank Merlin.'
'She, um, took a hit from the basilisk. To save me...' Harry's face turning to one of sorrow and guilt.
'Hey, it's not your fault. Once Lyss sets her mind on something, nothing can stop her. Plus, you saved Ginny. I don't know how I can ever thank you enough for that mate.'

The scene faded to show Fawkes carrying Lockhart, Ron holding onto his ankles with Ginny holding onto him, and Harry holding onto Ron's ankles with his arms wrapped around Alyssa's unconscious form, holding her to his chest so she wouldn't fall.
'Amazing! This is just like magic!'

They couldn't help but laugh at his comment.

The four students and memory wiped wizard were lifted higher and higher out of the Chamber, the top of the Hogwarts towers visible against the night sky.

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