My Beautiful queen

By kk123230

1.7K 11 0

"My beautiful Queen." He whispered the last part against my lips. My glare never faltered as he let go of my... More

The letter
Diagon Alley
First day
I'm better.
End of year
The blood stained walls
Flipped switch
Sudden death?
The plan
Back again
The Hippogriff
The start
Standing shot

The Return

36 0 0
By kk123230

The number of books I need for DADA better mean that the class will be at least halfway interesting or I swear I will curse the teacher. Walking into a very overcrowded Flourish and Blotts with my cousins and Uncle Lucious as well as my father trailing behind us. Saying the store was packed would be the largest understatement of the year there was hardly any space to take two steps. "Ok, this is a bust and waste of time," I comment waving my hand while reading the names of the books we need, 3 copies of each floating towards us. That's when I spot the reason behind all the commotion Harry Potter was taking pictures with Gilderoy Lockhart. Harry begins to make his way towards the back when my cousins begin taunting him. "Bet you loved that didn't you Potter?" Draco sneers. I decided I would pipe in as I was still holding a grudge over the lost Quidditch game and house cup last year. "leave him alone." A tiny redheaded girl states walking in front of him. "My, my big bad Harry Potter needs his little girlfriend to save himself. Guess being a Gryfindor lost its touch." I taunt. The young girl went red clearly having a crush on the said boy. Granger and Weasley made their way over. "What are you doing here?" Weasley sneers glaring at me. "To get school books obviously." I gesture to the books that were still floating above our heads. They all stared up in awe. "Weasley the real question is what are you doing here? Do you even have enough money to pay for those books or will you be leaching off potter as you do for everything else?" Matteo states. Ron went red and dropped his books into Granger's arms stalking up to us. I moved in front of my cousins and sized up to Weasley who was a lot taller than me. "What's the matter, you sure talk a big game so hit me? Or are you too afraid to hit a girl?" I taunt my face in the air looking up at him with narrowed eyes. I was daring him the only question was whether he was going to take the bait. Like the stupid child, he is he takes it and goes to punch me before he can in a second Matteo has him lifted by his collar and Draco is yelling at him. Mr. Weasley makes it in time to see everything but my father and Lucious did as well. "Arthur, I suggest you teach your boy not to hit girls or there will be serious problems." Lucious sneers. "I'm not surprised as a family of your standing can't afford to teach every child how to be a decent human being you're too busy trying to find ways to support your overlarge family. Next time I'd suggest not having more kids than you can take care of." My father inputs as we all walk away to pay for the books. Matteo drops run and roughly bumps into him causing him to stumble into Draco's outstretched elbow. I smirk knowing that my family has my back and even if they weren't here I could take someone as pathetic as Weasley. The next stop on our list was to get new robes as all three of us had grown a considerable amount. After a very boring resizing my father and Uncle leave to go do a bit of 'business' leaving my cousins and me to go get ice cream. We were standing in line and I was talking to them about how I was so ready for tryouts and how sword fighting helped me gain so much muscle that the boys won't even stand a chance. Once we ordered I pull out my pouch of galleons to pay when Draco grabs it straight out of my hand. "What are you doing?" He questions with a scowl on his face. "Paying?" I said it like it was a question because I didn't know what the problem was with me doing it. "That's absurd who said you were allowed to?" Matteo asks rolling his eyes and handing the woman three galleons while he picks up his ice cream and Draco picks both his and mine up. "Honestly you two are so overdramatic, we're family I don't mind paying." "It's not about us being family it's about printable, a lady should never pay for herself especially is she the princess of the wizarding world." Draco's remarks sounding so much like his mother. I knew it was Narcissa's influence ever since we were kids it was drilled into my cousins to protect me, treat me to whatever my heart desires, and do the same for any lady. Their upbringing was taught properly and it was thanks to Narcissa. The whole overprotective part was uncle Lucious"s doing, I once walked in on him giving both of them a lecture on ways to protect me and which situations call for it. Sitting down on the small round table outside I enjoy eating my ice cream as I look around at the busy streets. "Nyx, what do you think of the Lockheart character because I heard he's to be our new DADA professor?" I stop picking at my ice cream and stare at Matteo. "Please tell me you're joking." When he doesn't reply I let out a groan. "For all those people that call Dumbledor a genius they really need to re-evaluate his choice in professors, that... man is the farthest thing to a capable wizard you could see. He probably can't even take care of pixies let alone teach us how to fight vampires and dark spells." I rant stabbing my spoon into my ice cream. Draco chuckles at my antics earning him a kick to the shin. "Ow, what was that for?" "Pissing me off." I huff slumping back in my chair. I wanted a competent professor why did Merlin have to confuse that as incompetent. Lucious and my father show up a few minutes later saying it's time to go home. I kiss my cousins on the cheek and hug them and my uncle goodbye as my father and I apparate home.

Platform 9 3/4 was as busy as ever as me and my parents walked towards the train. I was dressed in a black skirt with a dark green sweater and my mother was dressed in a figure-hugging dark green dress with black boots matching my own. "Do you have everything little one?" My mother asks again as we stop by the train. "Yes, mum," I respond. She cups my face smiling at me before she kisses my forehead. "Owl us if you forgot anything. Promise to write." I smile and give my mum a tight hug. "I promise mum." She kisses the top of my head before letting go. I turn to my dad he smiles down at me as well and gives me a hug. "Keep up the good work from last year Nisha, and make sure to write about how quidditch goes. I love you." I smile at his words. "I love you too father." Then a back away and grab my trunk as well as Storm-breaker's cage and got on the train turning around to blow a kiss to my parents before going to find a compartment. I spot Maven in one and walk-in knowing everyone else will arrive soon enough. Maven rolls his eyes when he sees me and I do the same taking a seat across from him. The compartment was dead silent before I feel his eyes on me. Looking at him I see him outright glaring at me. "What is it now?" I groan/whine. It hasn't been 5 minutes and already this child wants to act annoying. "My foot has a permanent scar from when you stabbed me with your heel." I 'try' to hold back my smile but ultimately it shows on my face. "Good, you deserved it." "And how exactly?" "Well in the winter ball you stepped on my already hurting feet and dropped me, and you dropped me again in the summer ball." I list off. "I don't think being stabbed is the same thing." "Oh, I disagree." "Well, you know what,-" He doesn't get to finish as the compartment door opens to show Daphne and Blaise who are both bickering. "Daphne!" I beam standing up and hugging my blood-haired friend. "Leave some love for me, Nyssa." I roll my eyes and move to give Blaise a hug as well. They both sit down and not moments later Draco and Matteo show up with the two boys Draco kept around last year. Greg and Vince were their names. "Hello, boys," I comment giving my cousins a hug and smiling at the two boys. All of us take our seats as Draco begins getting the two boys acquainted with Maven while I begin talking to Blaise about his trip to Itay. "There was a model there about a year older than us and we ended up snogging," Blaise recalls a smirk on his handsome features. It was no secret Blaise was a bit of a womanizer I mean he grew up in an atmosphere of everything scandalous just look at his mum. She's a model who specializes in clothing that is designed to leave little to the imagination. I nod along to Blaise's story as I look over at Daphne who was staring at Blaise. Sure it was normal for him to on occasion snog models, his first kiss was at 9, but this time he ended up snogging 3 different models and they found out that he snogged the others which turned into a huge thing. Once he was done I brought up the topic of Quidditch so we could move on.

Once we got to Hogwarts and were seated in the Great Hall Draco noticed that Potter and Weasley weren't at dinner so asking around he got the information that they had flown a magical car into the whomping willow tree. We knew that this was grounds for more than expelling them so all of us celebrated the fact that they were gone for good. We all began talking among ourselves when Marcus yelled at me from where he was sitting a little ways down the table. "Queenie, tryouts are on Saturday be ready!" I looked over to where he was rolling my eyes. "Marcus, I've been ready since the first year!" I shout back earning a smirk and a few chuckles from the older years. returning back to my food Draco begins talking. "I'm thinking of replacing Higgings this year." My jaw drops and I stare at him, before smiling widely. "You're trying out for seeker!" I exclaim earning looks from people around us. Draco smiles at me. "Yep," He responds puffing up his chest a bit. "that's great news Draco, at least we can have one experienced person joining the team this year." I was clearly talking about Maven and he noticed. "I'd say me breaking your ribs proves I have experience enough." "Oh please, it was one lucky shot let's see you bring up any other time than that, oh wait you can't because there is none." he rolls his eyes. "That's yet to be determined." "You know what's yet to be determined? when you're going to expand your vocabulary to new words." I retort. Matteo snorts almost spitting out his drink earning a smack upside the head from Maven.

The next morning I knew my day was going to be bad the second I saw Weasley and potter sitting at the Gryffindor table. "I swear if I did what they did I'd be expelled, disowned from my family, and probably thrown in Azkaban," I complain, stabbing my pancakes as I complain rather loudly to our group. "Can you hurry up and do that already my life would become ten times better." "Maven I swear I'm not in the mood right now, keep talking and I will pour syrup on your head." Once we got up we all made our way to DADA as all of us had that class together. On the way, we walk by Weasley and Potter and I glance at what he was holding. "Is that your wand Weasely?" I ask staring at it. "Piss off Pendragon." He pitifully says. "You need to get a new wand it won't work properly till you do." I chime. He glares at me. "Oh, that's right Nyx he can't he doesn't have money," Draco says draping his arm over my shoulder. "I'm sure that won't be too big of a problem he has Potter to pay for him." Matteo chimes. "Weasley if you're so starved for money I can always spare some you only need about 30 galleons." Daphne remarks taking out her purse with a small smirk on her face. Weasley was red with anger and looked like he was going to rip someone's head off. He begins walking towards me as I was the closest but Draco pushes me behind him. "I wouldn't recommend coming any closer unless you want a letter sent to the Queen of the wizarding world about how you like to try and hit girls." Weasley stops but continues to glare at us. I roll my eyes. "Let's go best we're not late to class," I tell them as we walk to class. Draco puts his arm around me again glancing back to make sure Weasley wasn't planning to do anything as we walk away. Walking into class we all take a seat near the back as this class was one I definitely wanted to get over with. He showed up and immediately many of the girls in our class began swooning over him. I was disgusted and didn't have a problem showing it as the teacher walked in like he was a King. I glanced to my right to see Daphne looking as equally disturbed and she gave me a look that screamed 'is he for real." I shrugged in response and watch as he begins the class. Walking around and looking at students a shrunk back in my seat praying he didn't notice me but obviously he did. Thankfully Maven became the center of attention first. "Maven Emrys, I think my eyes deceive me, the great Merlin's descendant!" He loudly chants as if he was a press interviewer. "And the beautiful Nisha Pendragon the living descendant of Morgana. I'm very pleased to have the young princess and prince in my class." I shifted away not at all liking the way he called me beautiful. "You both are living wonders! Top of your year last year, from what professors told me it was a very close call as to who would be first? I'm guessing some friendly rivalry must be taking place." Rivalry, yes, just not at all friendly. "Thank you, professor." Maven calls from behind me charmingly smiling at the professor. I knew what he was doing he was sucking up to the professor. I contemplate doing the same but decide against it as it will only make him be around me more. Seemingly pleased with getting a response from Maven he moves on. A test. On him. Not even the things in his books, but about his bloody favorite color. After a small lecture on how disappointed he was that only Granger, who seemed to be in love with him, got all the answers right. The actual lesson for the day was pixies. The 'professor' went as far as to have live pixies on hand in a birdcage that was draped and shoved in the corner prior to the 'lesson'. He opens the cage which was a big mistake as they all begin to cause all kinds of mischief. Everyone begins swatting at them while Greg and Vince both use their books to protect daphne. Having enough of the ruckus and the teacher not doing anything about it I wave my hand in the air and cast an Imobulas charm to freeze all the pixies. Lockheart who was hiding under his desk crawls out of it and peeks over the top. "Miss Pendragon, excellent work, 15 points to Slytherin." I roll my eyes at the pathetic excuse of a professor we had and cast another charm that stuck the pixies back in their cage. "Another 5 points," he calls standing up. I just scoff and grab my books walking out of class, many of the students had run out of the class once the pixies got loose, so it wasn't uncalled for, for me to leave.

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