I'm Better Alone. (OUAT Capta...


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There is a town in Maine, where all the storybook characters you have ever know are stuck between two worlds... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Author: Sequel?

Chapter Seven

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Hook and I followed Leroy out of Granny's towards David, who was standing in front of his faded red truck with his hand resting on his sword. "What's happened?" I asked looking from David to Leroy. But David didn't answer, he glaring at Hook who was smiling back at him, deliberately baiting David. "David," I said, waving to get his attention. His eyes flicked to mine. "Right," he said, "There is some trouble by the town border, I think it's Elsa, so I need you because you are a somewhat familiar face." I nodded at David, then turned to Hook.
"You can't come."
"What, Swa-"
"No." I said stopping his objections, "You saw how she reacted to you the other day, I can't have anyone else getting hurt because of you." The words slipped out before I could stop them and Hook stepped back from me, hurt by my comment.
"No," I said stepping towards him, "I meant I can't have you getting hurt, okay?" I smiled at his and tugged on the front of his leather jacket to get him to look at me. "Ahem." David coughed. I'd completely forgotten he was there, I quickly stepped away from Hook but I knew it was too late. David was staring daggers at Hook. "Come on David, we better get going." I said quickly ushering him into the car before a fight broke out.
"We don't need the pirate anyway." David said scathingly. I rolled my eyes at him,
"See you later, Hook," I said as I opened the truck door, "Go and get a drink or something." I said smiling. Hook raised his hook in a mock salute and watched the car as David drove away.
"Are you in a relationship with the pirate?" David asked calmly, but I knew he was angry as his knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel. I rolled my eyes again.
"No. It's just a thing." I said with a shrug.
"But he a pirate," David said gesturing wildly with one hand, "You shouldn't have anything with him."
"Why not, it's a free country." I said getting irritated now, I'm a grown women now, he can't start acting like I'm a child just because he missed that part of my life.
"Because you're a princess." He said exasperatedly, "And he's a pirate."
"And you're a shepherd." I shot back at him. He sat there dumbfounded, trying to think of something to say. I looked out the windshield, trying to hide my smugness.
"He hasn't done-" David started.
"Look!" I grabbed his arm and he slammed on the brakes causing us to be flung against our seat belts.
"Are you alright." David looked across at me, but I was fixated on the ice wall just inches from the bonnet of the truck. I slowly got out of the truck and stood to stare at the twenty foot wall that had appeared just moment before. I looked at David and raised my eyebrows. "Elsa is more powerful than we first thought, huh."
"Where is she? We can't have her making walls like this all over town"
"AAAAACHOOOO!!!!" We both spun around to find who had sneezed only to be confronted by icicles, sharp as knives, pointing straight at us. I looked at David in disbelief, "I guess we found Elsa then." He said with a grim smile.
We walked carefully around the icicles and found Elsa standing just beyond the edge of the forest, hugging her arms to her body.
"Hey," I said smiling to show that I wasn't a threat, she still spun around with her hand outstretched, ready to attack.
"Woah," David said with his hands out in front doing the universal 'calm down' gesture. "We're not here to hurt you." He said with a charming smile. Elsa relaxed a little and almost smiled before lowing her hands and hugging her arms again.
"Are you alright?" I asked, "I thought the cold didn't bother you."
"Oh, it doesn't, I just feel terrible." Before either of us could say anything else Elsa sneezed again and ice seemed to explode from her body causing another ice wall the form between us.
"Elsa!" I yelled behind the wall, "Are you alright?"
"Yeah." I walked towards the edge of the wall and saw that it almost completely enclosed Elsa in a square, it was just missing a couple of meters in one side, which I could easily fit through.
"Hey Elsa, you've got a cold, and well, it's quite dangerous," I said gesturing to the ice walls.
"But I don't get colds," she said.
"Well,you have one, so let's take you back to town and get you better." I said with a smile. But Elsa was transfixed on something out said the ice walls.
I groaned. "No! No! It's him!" And with that Elsa panicked and covered the only gap, and so way out, with ice locking us inside.
"Swan!" Hook yelled from outside, I'd told him not to come! He just makes everything worse. I turned to Elsa, who was pacing on the far side of this ice prison. "What did he do to you?" I asked.
"He's bad, and evil, and twisted!"
"Maybe you need to get to know him a little better."
"No, I know him well enough to know that no one should have anything to do with him. It would be better if he was dead!"
I stepped away from Elsa in shock. I was speechless, this was Elsa, innocent little, unable to control her powers, Elsa. What had Hook done to her?
"Ahhhhh, ahhhhhh, ahhhhh."
"No Elsa!" But it was too late, Elsa sneezed and the ice around us split and I saw the ice cracking around us I tried to get to Elsa but the ice had already started falling. There was a white hot pain on the back of my head, and then...

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