The Other Side // Z.M.

By AllCanChange

590 16 0

"How are you feeling today, Alexis ?" "Better." More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 13

18 1 0
By AllCanChange

2 months later...

Well, Thanksgiving was farther away than I had thought. I mean, I never celebrated it or anything. So I was kind of surprised when I learned it was at the of November. Almost two months after my Mom told me that we would be in Bradford for that day. 

My Mom woke me up fucking way too early that morning. Louis swore from across the bed and I slapped him with a pillow before putting my face back on the mattress. 

"Alexis ! A naked boy in you bed ! I..." She screamed. And I pictured her with her hands in front of her mouth. "Join me downstairs in fifteen minutes." Then I heard the door shutting, meaning she had left my room. I put the cover over my head and groaned.

"Your old lady sucks." Louis said, his voice still raspy from his sleepiness state. And all the alcohol he had the night before. I threw him an other pillow before getting up. And I looked over my best friend. Damn, I understand why my Mom thought that it was an naked guy in my bed. Louis had the cover up to his waist and he wasn't wearing a shirt. A smile made its way up to my lips as I pulled the blankets to the floor. 

"FUCKING HELL ALEXIS !" Effectively, he was naked. I slapped his ass, before moving to my bathroom. 

"Get your ass up, you dork." Louis mumbled something after that, but I didn't hear him because the shower was now on. I jumped under the water and really thought about staying there for hours. But Louis' pounding on the doors were a good breaking peace. So I got out, wrapped myself in a towel and walked back in my room. He smiled and grabbed the end of the towel, resulting at it falling on the floor. There we were, totally naked in front of each other. Our eyes were locked, my arms were crossed over my chest and I was waiting. 

"Alexis, just... OH MY DEAR GOD !" Yeap, that was my Mom, barging ONCE AGAIN into my room. And she got out as quickly as she entered. I couldn't help but laughed, so did my best friend.

"I'm so turned on right now." Louis said, biting his lips. I swapped his arm before walking up to my wardrobe.

"Just go take a damn shower !" I heard his laugh back, then the door closing. Yeap, that was usual after-party mornings with Louis and I. I had saw the guy naked too many times to count them, it was no big deal between the two of us. I put a pair of ripped skinny jeans and an oversized sweater before lacing my boots. Did I talk to you about those boots ? They are just awesome. And they were the only reason why I like winter. They were hot, comfortable and giving me the bad ass girl look. I let my hair fall on my shoulder before grabbing my cellphone and putting it in my back pocket. Then I knocked on the bathroom door. Multiply times. 

"Louis ! I'm leaving, don't forget to lock the door when you'll go !" The only thing I heard back, was his high pitched voice, singing Katy Perry's song, I kissed a girl. I looked up to the sky, grabbed my bag for the week-end, and joined my Mom downstairs. 


"What was that, in your bedroom ?" My Mom asked while entering the highway. I didn't answer, I just turned to volume of my music up and pointed to my earphones. She seemed really mad, but I was smiling. Yeah, making her mad was kind of my whole point in living. I sent a message to Zayn, telling him that I was on my way. He answered back and we talked for a few moments. Zayn... Not much happened in the last two months. I mean... He was a hard guy to talk to. We texted a few times, we spent one night on the phone. Yeah, that night was great, though.


I was in my room, bored as fuck. Louis was out somewhere with Hannah, so I was left alone. I tried to play at angry birds on my phone for a while, but I was stuck on a level, so I just gave up. Then I started to read back old conversations on my phone, which didn't occupied me for long. Until I fell on Zayn's conversation. Why the fuck was my heart beating like this at the sigh of just some old texts we exchanged ? And I typed some words and sent it to him. I asked him when Thanksgiving was. Why that ? I don't know. And, when he answered me that it was in a long time, I felt disappointed. Why did I wanted to see the guy so much ? I had no answer to that. I just told myself that it was going to pass. The conversation was fading away and I did the most stupid thing ever. I dialed his number. 

"Hey !" I said happily and I smiled. Fuck, why was I smiling like a damn idiot ? 

"Hey." My heart beat faster just by hearing his voice. I was becoming such a girl, I wanted to punch myself. We started to talk about the most random things ever and I laughed a lot. Even when Louis came into my room, unannounced and just felt on the bed, telling me to shut the fuck up, because I was making too much noise for him. He clearly was wasted,once again. By the end of the night, I had dragged him out of my room, because he was snoring like crazy. I let him rest on the floor in front on my bedroom door, before getting back to Zayn. We talked for so long, falling asleep over the phone.

The next morning, I couldn't help but laugh when I saw that I still had my phone in my hand. I didn't even had to think about it, the laugh was natural. And, when we hung up, I felt like it was going to be a good day. Until I heard Louis throwing up on the other side of the door. 

End of throwback

Yeah, that night was great. Just thinking about it made me smile. And the phone buzzing in my hand just made that smile even bigger. God, how I wanted to throw my face on a wall right now.


Is it humanly possible to be that boring ? I mean... I just wanted to go out and smoke some shit to entertain myself, but... The yard was just as much clouded as the living room. My cousin - yeah, she was a girl - was looking just as bored as I was. But there was no way in hell that I was going to talk to her. She was a total brat. There was an other guy around my age, I think it was the other side of the family. But he didn't stay for long, he went out not long after I had arrive. Which was quite bad, because he was kind of cute. Other than me and that brat of a cousin, there was a bunch of kids and adults. The house was crowded, I was already tired of being there. 

For the hundredth time, a woman asked me if I wanted anything to drink or to eat. At first, I was acting nice and everything, but now... I was just tired of her, so I kept silence. Phone in my hands, fingers typing on the keyboard, I was trying to find something that would entertain me a bit. So I texted Zayn. 

"Hey ! :)"

"Hey, how's your cousin ?"

"Boring. Can we meet now ?"

"Of course, where ?"

"Don't know, there's a park near my cousin's house. Maybe there ?" We had passed in front of it before getting here. I told Zayn on which street it was and he said that it was okay with him. Finally, I had something to do other than just be sitting on that couch - that wasn't even comfortable, I need to say - and dogging that weird woman's food. I was just about to leave, I had my hand on the doorknob, when I heard a man yelling at me from the kitchen !

"Hey, Alexis ! Take Elizabeth with you, she needs some fresh air too !" With that, he winked at both of us and I gave him a weird look. That Elizabeth girl stood up and gave the man - I think it's her father or something - a dark look. A woman came next to him, holding him by the waist. Old couples suck. In fact, couple in general suck.

"That's a good idea, love. It's going to give you some time to bound with each other. To learn what you've missed with all these years apart." As the girl was lacing her shoes, I knew that she didn't wanted that, just as much as me. I looked up to the sky and made the fakest smile ever to them. 

"Damn it." I typed to Zayn. "Need to bring my cousin. Parents are saying that we need to catch up the time we spent apart."

"It's still going to be great :)" He answered. I looked over the brat. Yeah, no. She was already getting on my nerves by the way she was standing. There was no way in hell that the afternoon was going to be "great".


Hey guyyys ! I'm just back from New York, omg, I totally fell in love with this cityyy ! Anyway, there's your chapter for this week !

I need to say that I love Louis. Like... Really much.

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